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  • Chapter IV: Anti-Fraud Standards

    • Fraud Detection

      19- The Finance Company shall develop indicators of fraud and update them regularly to ensure their effectiveness and suitability to detect fraud at an early stage. The General Indicators set forth in Chapter VI may, without limitation, be used in detecting internal fraud committed by individuals inside the Company and external fraud committed by external parties.


    • Fraud Prevention

      20- The Finance Company shall apply KYC and CDD measures to consumers.

      21- The Finance Company shall draft finance contracts based on fraud reports issued by the audit committee and in a way that would minimize, to the extent possible, fraud occurrences.

      22- When developing a new product, the Finance Company shall assess its associated fraud risks.

      23- The Finance Company shall notify consumers and any third party of the consequences of providing the Company with misleading information.

      24- The Finance Company shall, prior to hiring permanent or temporary personnel or contracting with external service providers, perform due diligence and check applicant information to ensure the integrity and proper ethics of potential recruits. Standards of scrutiny shall be increased for positions most likely to encounter or commit fraud.

      25- The Finance Company shall develop and apply information security rules to prevent access to and tighten control over its information, and shall also review user accounts regularly.

      26- The Finance Company shall develop job descriptions for positions across the Company and detail responsibilities of management and employees. Functions that might be susceptible to conflict of interest shall be separated. Job rotations and vacations for employees in sensitive positions shall be mandatory.