Section Eight Dispute Resolution
Article 85
Card Issuers must have a comprehensive dispute resolution policy and procedures (also known as complaint handling policy and procedures) and comply with Saudi Central Bank Regulations for complaint handling departments A copy of the Card Issuer's complaint handling policy and procedures must clearly be on display in all of their branches and on their websites and they must provide a hard copy to a Cardholder if requested.
Article 86
The Card Issuer must mail or deliver a response to the Cardholder within 30 Calendar Days of receiving the notice of account statement error/dispute advising the Cardholder of the likely timeframe of resolution of the error/dispute and requesting any additional available information or documentation.
Article 87
The Credit or Charge Card Issuer shall conduct necessary investigation and comply with the appropriate dispute resolution procedures (as advised to Cardholder) within two complete account statement cycles, but in no case shall be later than 90 Calendar Days as of the date of receiving the notice of “account statement error/disputed transaction. However, on an exceptional basis the Card Issuer is allowed to extend the resolution date up to 180 Calendar Days from the date of receiving notice of “account statement error/disputed transaction” if the Card Issuer confirms and can prove that the account statement error/disputed transaction falls under the purview of and is being pursued in accordance with the rules and Regulations of the relevant 'Card Association' for the Card.
Article 88
If the account statement error/disputed transaction has not been Satisfactorily Resolved, the Cardholder shall not be obliged to pay the portion of the required payment that the Cardholder believes is related to the disputed amount, including term Cost or fees. The Card Issuer may not try to collect any amount, term cost or fees related to the account statement error/disputed transaction until the dispute is resolved, in accordance with the rules and regulations.
Article 89
The Card Issuer shall not make an improper report about the Cardholder’s Credit standing, or report that an amount or account is delinquent prior to the error/disputed being Satisfactorily Resolved. The Cardholder is not required to pay the disputed amount or term cost or fees during the error/disputed resolution process in any event, not earlier than 90 calendar days (180 days for exceptions cases) from the date of the notice of account statement error/disputed.
Article 90
If the Credit or Charge Card Issuer determines that an account statement error has occurred as stated by the Cardholder, it shall correct the error and pay back any disputed amount and relevant Term Cost and fees debited on the Cardholder’s account and deliver a correction notice to the Cardholder.
Article 91
If the Credit or Charge Card Issuer determines that a different account statement error other than the one identified in the Cardholder’s notice has occurred, the Card Issuer shall mail or deliver to the Cardholder the card issuer’s reasons for believing that a different account statement error has occurred and the reasons for the belief that the error alleged by the Cardholder is incorrect. The issuer shall correct the error and credit the Cardholder’s account with the correct amount and relevant term cost and fees in accordance with procedures in force.
Article 92
If the Card Issuer determines that no account statement error has occurred, it shall mail or deliver an explanation of the reasons of believing that the error alleged by the Cardholder is incorrect and provide the Cardholder with copies of any documented evidence.
Article 93
If the Credit or Charge Card Issuer deems that a Cardholder is liable for all or part of the disputed amount and relevant term cost and fees, it must:
a. Notify the Cardholder of the date when payment is due and the portion of the disputed amount and relevant term cost and fees that the Cardholder is liable for.
b. Report to a Licensed Credit Information Bureau that an account or amount is delinquent because the amount due has remained unpaid after the due date given by the Credit or Charge Card Issuer as defined in the terms and conditions of the Cardholder agreement in force, except for any extension or Grace Period provided by the Card Issuer to the Cardholder.