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  • Financial Market Activities

    • Banks Investment Rules

      No: 43083108 Date(g): 25/4/2022 | Date(h): 24/9/1443Status: In-Force

      Based on the Saudi Central Bank Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/36 dated 11/04/1442H and the Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/02/1386H, and based on the Central Bank's supervisory and regulatory role, and to ensure that banks establish an integrated internal framework to organize their investments, govern their procedures, effectively manage the resulting risks, and maintain the quality and safety of these investments, you will find attached the first version of the Banks' Investment Rules.

      For your information and action accordingly as of October 1, 2022G.

      • 2. Objectives

        The objectives of these Rules are as follows: 
        2.1Ensure banks put in place a comprehensive internal investment framework, with proper risk management in accordance with SAMA regulatory requirements.
        2.2Provide guidance for bank investment activities to ensure the alignment with sound risk management and governance practices.
      • 3. Scope of Application

        These Rules are applicable to banks’ investments that are reported as net investments in the balance sheet for all banks licensed under the Banking Control Law.

      • 4. Definitions

        The following terms and phrases, where used in these Rules, should have the corresponding meanings, unless the context implies otherwise: 
        Banks Investment Rules.
        Local Investment
        Any investment in both trading and banking book that takes place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regardless of the currency and the residency of the issuer.
        International Investment
        Any investment in both trading and banking book that takes place outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regardless of the currency and the residency of the issuer.
      • 5. General Requirements

        5.1Banks should be prudent in managing their investments, and ensure the safety of their capital and liquidity taking into consideration the following:
         Properly managing investment concentration to avoid the potential loss of one investment negatively affecting the whole investment portfolio.
         Properly managing the liquidity of their investment portfolio to meet cash requirements and any liabilities as they fall due.
        5.2Banks should review and monitor their investment portfolio and make sure that their decisions and portfolio management practices comply with SAMA’s regulations and the bank’s policies and procedures.
        5.3Banks’ investment decisions must be associated with a proper documented rationale taking into consideration the economic environment, investment maturity, price volatility, market behavior, credit risk, concentration risk, legal risk and all other applicable risks. In addition, banks should focus on understanding the investment structures including any associated risks and potential payoffs.
      • 6. Governance

        6.1Banks should have clear governance structure in terms of the role of the Board of Directors and Senior Management. In addition, banks should have a clear internal controls and audit procedures in terms of protecting the interests of depositors and other stakeholders.
        6.2The Board of Directors of a bank is ultimately responsible for the oversight of the bank’s investments. The Board or its delegated authority is responsible for approving the internal Investment Policy and Strategy. For Foreign Banks Branches (FBB), the responsibilities of the Board of Directors lies with the authority responsible for overseeing the business and operations of the FBB at Head Office/Regional Office.
        6.3Banks should have a committee at management level that will be held responsible and accountable for investment decisions including the approval and allocation of funds, risk assessment, setting investment limits and insuring that the bank’s investments are in-line with its Investment Policy.
        6.4Banks’ Investment Policy should include, but not limited to, the following:
         Governance requirements including setting controls, responsibilities, and delegation of authority.
         Investment eligibility criteria.
         Prudential exposure limits taking into consideration minimum capital, liquidity and reserve requirements set by SAMA.
         Terms regulating the bank’s local and international investments by setting investment limits in-line with the bank’s core business activity, strategy, risk tolerance, risk profile, market and macroeconomic conditions which include but not limited to setting the following limits:
          -International investments (Local/foreign currency) to total investments
          -International investments (Local/foreign currency) to total regulatory capital (Tier 1 + Tier2)
          -Total investments / Total Assets
         Guidelines to handle active/passive breaches to an investment limit or any fraudulent activity.
         Criteria on eligible counterparties for dealing/trading as well as the proper counterparty limits.
         Guidelines that include valuation of the portfolio, waterfall-pricing system and consistent portfolio calculation performance and reporting systems.
         Systems for management of various risks and internal controls.
         Data keeping requirements.
        6.5Banks should develop a clear, robust and demonstrable set of procedures, monitoring tools, governance and contingency plans to enable them to proactively identify any potential difficulties and risks, investigate the drivers and act in a timely manner to mitigate potential investment losses and report to the bank’s senior management and SAMA if needed.
        6.6Banks Investment Policy and procedures should be reviewed at least every three years or more frequently if the bank deems it necessary based on the changes in the relevant regulatory requirements or business practices.
        6.7Banks Investment Policy and procedures should adhere to the investment requirements in the Banking Control Law and all relevant regulations.
        6.8Banks should have a strategy for their investments that articulates in a clear and concise manner the bank’s approach and objectives, including establishing quantitative investment targets /goals and how to achieve them over a realistic timeframe.
        6.9Banks Investment Strategy should take into consideration the credit risk (Sectoral, Geographical, Settlement, etc.), market risk (volatility, interest rate including Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB), FX, etc.), Operational risk (errors, frauds), liquidity risks, concentration risk and any other applicable risks.
        6.10Banks should oversee the implementation of the Investment Strategy and ensure that it remains appropriate in relation to the bank’s size, complexity, geographical footprint, business strategy, markets and regulatory requirements.
        6.11Banks should have an operational guidelines detailing how the investment strategy will be implemented. This should include clearly defining and documenting the roles, responsibilities, formal reporting lines and individual (or team) goals and incentives geared towards reaching the targets in the Investment Strategy.
        6.12Banks should put in place mechanisms to monitor the operational guidelines effectiveness and its integration into the bank’s risk management framework.
      • 7. Risk Management and Monitoring

        7.1Banks should analyze and assess current and prospective investments, taking into consideration all risks that may arise from such investment. The results and any risks identified in the assessment should be reported to the relevant committee responsible for the bank’s investment activities.
        7.2Banks investments should be in-line with their risk management framework. Banks should have an adequate risk management system to identify, measure, and manage the risks generated from investment activities.
        7.3Before engaging in any investments, Banks should comply with all relevant Anti Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing requirements issued by SAMA.
        7.4The investment portfolio should be in-line with the bank’s investment objectives as specified in their Investment Strategy. Banks should monitor the performance of their investment portfolio on continuous basis and establish benchmark for monitoring purposes where applicable.
        7.5Banks should diversify their investment portfolio to avoid concentration risk; also, they should determine their diversification strategy based on their risk tolerance.
        7.6Banks should perform an annual portfolio level stress-testing taking into consideration macro-economic circumstances to identify the bank’s risk-bearing ability and verify how potential risks are covered, and provide the results of the assessment to SAMA upon request.
        7.7Banks should have adequate resources to manage their investment portfolio including strong managerial /investment capabilities, knowledgeable staff with relevant professional experience.
      • 8. Approval Requirements and Controls

        8.1Banks should obtain SAMA non-objection on investments that require regulatory approval based on the Banking Control Law and Ministerial Decree No. 3/2149, such investments will be approved on a portfolio level. Any changes in these investments’ structure or limits (increase or introduce new limits) will require prior non-objection from SAMA.
        8.2Banks should clarify in their policies the investment channels and approval requirement for each investment product, including that investing in Money Market Funds (MMFs) must be through entities that are licensed by the relevant authority (i.e. the Capital Market Authority “CMA”) and must comply with its Regulations. Such investment must also comply with the following conditions:
         Saudi riyal-denominated funds must be invested exclusively in the onshore Saudi market.
         The minimum credit rating requirement for any MMF set by SAMA.
         The custodian of the MMF must be licensed and regulated.
         The lending or placement of Saudi riyal-denominated funds, directly or indirectly, is restricted to banks and financial institutions regulated by SAMA or CMA, respectively. Doing otherwise requires SAMA’s prior approval.
        8.3The request for obtaining SAMA non objection must at least include the following:
         Confirmation of the Board of Directors or its delegated authority approval of the Bank’s Investment Strategy, including investment limits, risk tolerance and allocations for hedging and trading purposes.
         SAMA’s last non-objection on investment limits.
         Existing approved limits and utilization amount.
         Detailed description of each asset class of the outstanding and proposed investments, which includes the followings:
          -Strategy for each asset class.
          -Ratings (Country issuer instrument) as applicable.
          -Book value.
          -Market value.
          -Expected annual growth rate.
          -Projected exposure amount for 3 years (Year-end).
          -IFRS9 ECL staging classification, if applicable.
          -Asset category in terms of fair value measurements (level 1, level 2, and level 3) as described in IFRS13.
          -Asset category in terms of liquidity (High quality liquid assets (HQLA) level 1, level 2a or 2b).
          -Revised investment limit.
          -Economic sector of security issuer.
          -Geographical distribution.
          -Currency of denomination.
          -Risk Weighted Asset for Credit Risk, Market Risk or Operational Risk.
         Impact assessment on SAMA regulatory ratios including (Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), SAMA Liquidity Ratio (LR), Leverage Ratio) if limits are fully utilized.
         List and copy of all relevant approved policies and procedures, in particular for monitoring the portfolio performance.
         Risk assessment for the proposed investment portfolio.
         Details on the mechanism currently in place for reporting portfolio related to risks/developments to senior management and Board of Directors.
         The escalation process for any breach of the approved limits.
         Any other information SAMA may deem necessary for determining SAMA non-objection.
        8.4Banks should review the approved limits (no change/increase/decrease) to be in -line with the bank’s risk tolerance and market position at a minimum every three years.
      • 9. Implementation and Effective Date

        9.1These Rules shall come into force starting from 1 October 2022. All Banks should develop/update their current Investment Policy, procedures and Strategy to be in -line with the requirements prescribed in these Rules.
        9.2Any violation or circumvention of these Rules may warrant the appropriate regulatory action by SAMA.
    • Guidelines on Repurchase Agreements

      No: 43013189 Date(g): 19/9/2021 | Date(h): 12/2/1443Status: In-Force

      Based on the Central Bank's supervisory and regulatory role and its keenness to develop and strengthen the financial sector by adopting the best international practices, and based on the powers granted to the Central Bank under the Saudi Central Bank Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/36 dated 11/04/1442 H and the Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/02/1386 H.

      We inform you that it has been decided to introduce the accompanying Guidelines on Repurchase Agreements, which aim to ensure that repurchase agreements are concluded in accordance with policies and procedures consistent with the Central Bank's regulatory requirements, as well as adopting standardized legal documents for these transactions and ensuring the integrity and comprehensiveness of the risk management of practitioners of repurchase activities.

      For your Information and action accordingly as of today.


      • Part A: Overview

        1. Introduction

           1.1. The market for repurchase agreements (repo) is an important source of secured short-term funding, complementing other sources of funding in the banking system. A well-developed repo market would also enhance the breadth and depth of Saudi Arabia's bonds and sukuk markets.

           1.2. To develop an orderly Saudi repo market, it is important that the Saudi repo market operates with standard market practices in line with global best practices and underpinned by professional conduct as well as prudent and sound risk management practices.

        2. Objectives

           2.1. These guidelines issued by Saudi Central Bank (SAMA)'s set out policy requirements for repo transactions to:

                 2.1.1. Ensure that repo transactions are conducted in a manner that is consistent with SAMA's regulatory requirements and the objectives of developing an orderly repo market; and

                 2.1.2. Ensure that repo market participants practice sound and comprehensive risk management, including the adoption of standard legal documentation.

        3. Legal Provisions

           3.1. These guidelines are issued by SAMA in exercise of the powers vested upon it under its Charter issued by the Royal Decree No.36 on 11-04-1442H (26 November 2020G) and the Banking Control Law issued by the Royal Decree No. M/5 on 22-02-1386H (11 June 1966G) and the rules for Enforcing its Provisions issued by Ministerial Decision No 3/2149 on 14/10/1406AH

           3.2. All policy requirements in these guidelines are binding on participants in the Saudi repo market. 

           3.3. These guidelines shall be read together with:

                 3.3.1. Relevant rules and regulations issued by SAMA;

                 3.3.2. Saudi Capital Market Law and the relevant rules and regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) of Saudi Arabia;

                 3.3.3. Saudi Bankruptcy Law issued by the Ministry of Commerce (MOC);

                 3.3.4. Rules and regulations issued by the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia (MISA);

        4. Effective Date

           4.1. This guideline will come into effect as of the date of issuance.

        5. Applicability

        Market participants

           5.1. These guidelines shall apply to all repo market participants, defined as eligible counterparties in Section 9.

        Types of repo transactions

           5.2. These guidelines are applicable to any Saudi Riyal (SAR) denominated, outright sale or purchase of eligible securities with an agreement to repurchase or resell the same or equivalent eligible securities at an agreed specified future date or on demand, subject to mutual agreement.

           5.3. For avoidance of doubt, there is no prohibition on bank's existing repo transaction entered into with a domestic or foreign counterparty, where the securities or cash leg is denominated in foreign currency and the transaction is governed by the GMRA, subject to compliance to the relevant and applicable rules and regulations in Saudi Arabia.

        6. Terms and Definitions

           6.1. In these Guidelines, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

                 6.1.1. Custodian: It is a third party that provides services in relation to collateral of a repo transaction, which may include providing custody of the collateral, collateral management, collateral account segregation and other ancillary operations during the life of the transaction;

                 6.1.2. Eligible Security: an eligible security (or referred to as collateral) that the repo seller provides to the repo buyer to secure funding and meet the requirements in Section 10;

                 6.1.3. GMRA: Global Master Repurchase Agreements;

                 6.1.4. Held-in-Custody: It is an arrangement in a repo transaction, where the repo seller retains or a third party is appointed, to retain the collateral security in a segregated account;

                 6.1.5. HNWI: High Net Worth Individual

                 6.1.6. ICMA: International Capital Market Association;

                 6.1.7. Master Repo Agreement (MRA): It is a standardized contract approved by SAMA, that provides all terms and conditions of a repo agreement between a repo buyer and a repo seller;

                 6.1.8. Repurchase Agreement (Repo): It is an agreement where a seller sells securities to a buyer with a simultaneous promise arrangement for the buyer to resell or for the seller to repurchase the same or equivalent securities for an agreed price at a specified future date or on demand. In addition, repo term will be used commonly in this guideline referring to repo and reverse repo equivalently unless otherwise is specified.

                 6.1.9. Reverse Repurchase Agreement (Reverse Repo): It is an agreement where a buyer buys financial securities from a seller with a simultaneous promise arrangement for the seller to repurchase or for the buyer to resell the same or equivalent securities for an agreed price at a specified future date or on demand;

                 6.1.10. Repo Buyer: A market participant who is a cash provider at the repo transaction start date;

                 6.1.11. Repo Seller: A market participant who is a securities provider at the repo transaction start date

                 6.1.12. Repo market participants: Eligible counterparties referred to in Section 9;

                 6.1.13. SOCPA: Saudi Authority of Auditors and Accountants

                 6.1.14. SARIE: The Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express or any other future instant payments system;

                 6.1.15. Saudi Repo Market: It is a part of the financial markets in which financial securities are exchanged through an agreement for cash and vice versa in Saudi Arabia;

                 6.1.16. Tadawul: Saudi Exchange.

      • Part B: Policy Requirements

        7. Legal Agreement

            7.1. All repo market participants shall ensure that their repo transactions in Saudi Arabia must be governed by the standard Master Repurchase Agreement (MRA) for the Sale and Purchase of Securities (2020 version) as attached in Appendix A, approved by SAMA.

            7.2. Any amendments to the MRA must be incorporated in the Annexures to the agreement and must be mutually agreed by both parties. It should be made clear in trade confirmations or in other alternative agreed forms (e.g. supplementary letter) that the parties mutually agree to a variation of the standard terms and conditions. Parties to the agreement should note that amendments to the MRA may impact the ability of parties to rely on industry legal opinions on the enforceability of the MRA

            7.3. At a minimum, the repo agreement shall consist of:

                7.3.1. Absolute transfer of ownership of the eligible securities;

                7.3.2. Marking-to-market of the repo, unless the eligible security is held by a custodian;

                7.3.3. Use of the haircut and margin call, where necessary;

                7.3.4. Substitution of the eligible securities where necessary; and

                7.3.5. Event of default.

            7.4. The MRA shall be subject to and governed by Saudi law.

        8. Risk Management Requirements

        Risk management policies and procedures

            8.1. Banks, including other repo market participants are required to put in place policies and procedures to govern their repo activities. The policies should cover governance, authorization, risk management, internal controls and reporting requirements.

            8.2. The risk management policies and procedures must be sufficiently comprehensive covering credit, counterparty, market, legal and operational risks arising from the repo market participant's repo activities.

            8.3. Depending on the scale of its repo activities, repo market participants shall ensure effective coordination between the related functional areas (e.g. treasury, back-office, risk management, compliance and IT functions), as well as readiness of the relevant systems and infrastructure to support effective risk management and their repo activities. Such systems may include systems for securities valuation and management, credit control, custody, risk management, record keeping and regulatory reporting purposes.

            8.4. Repo market participants shall ensure compliance with the relevant accounting standards for repo transactions as endorsed by SOCPA. Counterparty and credit risks

            8.5. Repo market participants must establish exposure limits based on different risk measures, including limits for counterparties and issuers of the underlying collateral securities. These limits must be reviewed on a periodic basis or on a more frequent basis, as market circumstances change.

            8.6. Repo market participants shall also take into account the quality of the securities used in the transaction and apply valuation haircut accordingly. Repo market participants shall manage the associated credit risk of collateral securities issued by non-sovereign and corporate and adjust the terms and conditions accordingly such as in terms of repo rates and haircut.

            Conduct risk

            8.7. The conduct of repo agreements by repo market participants must be in line with the principles of market professionalism and integrity. All repo market participants are prohibited from entering into repo transactions with the intent of manipulating Saudi financial markets.

            8.8. Repo market participants shall ensure the confidentiality of the identity of parties to a repo transaction, at all times, except as otherwise required for regulatory reporting to SAMA.

            Legal risk

            8.9. The ownership of the eligible securities must be fully transferred from the seller to the buyer, even if a custodial arrangement is used to hold the eligible security for parties to the transaction.

            8.10. There must be adequate documentation to cover the type of repo that are intended to be undertaken. Any deviation from the normal repo type as described in this document or any other arrangements, shall be mutually agreed between counterparties and properly documented in the legal agreement.

            8.11. Repo market participants shall ensure that all the relevant legal and regulatory requirements are fully complied with at all times.

        9. Eligible Counterparties

            9.1. The following counterparties are eligible to partake in repos transactions, subject to the requirement that at least one principal to the repo transaction must be a bank licensed by SAMA:

                9.1.1. Financial institutions, which include banks, insurers and finance companies licensed by SAMA;

                9.1.2. Capital market institutions, approved by the CMA;

                9.1.3. Corporates, including financial and non-financial corporates incorporated in Saudi Arabia. Corporates should be assessed of their knowledge, sophistication and understanding of risks in the repo market;

                9.1.4. Financial and non-financial corporates not domiciled in Saudi Arabia shall not transact repos where the securities have time to maturity of less than one year. For foreign financial corporates, the maturity of securities provided as collateral shall have tenors at least three months longer than the maturity of the repo transaction; and

                9.1.5. Non-foreign high net worth individual, subject to suitability assessment that they have the knowledge and understand the risks of the repo market.

        10. Eligible Securities

            10.1. Eligible SAR denominated instruments shall include:

                10.1.1. Bonds/Sukuk issued or guaranteed by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;

                10.1.2. Securities issued by SAMA;

                10.1.3. Bonds’/Sukuk issuances listed in Saudi Exchange; and

                10.1.4. Any other eligible securities as may be specified by SAMA.

        10.2. The legal maturity (i.e. excluding any optionality) of a security must be at least equal to or longer than the maturity of the repo transaction.

        10.3. Securities are not eligible as collateral if they are issued or guaranteed by the repo seller.

        11. Price Sources and Valuation

            11.1. Counterparties must agree on the price sources to be used to value collateral to minimize disputes between counterparties.

            11.2. The market value of the securities should be calculated using dirty prices, in line with the market practice for the accrued interest/profit which is calculated from the last coupon date up to but excluding the margin delivery date. In the event of a dispute about the price used by the margin caller, both parties should agree on an alternative price source, negotiate promptly, reasonably and act in good faith.

            11.3. The selection of the price sources should follow a waterfall-based approach to account for any possible failure or unavailability of prices from any single source.

        12. Custody

            12.1. Prior to engaging in any repo agreements with custodial arrangements, each repo market participant must fully understand the terms and conditions of the custody agreement, including their right and obligations.

            12.2. A licensed bank shall have in place custody arrangement and processes for eligible securities held-in-custody on behalf of the repo participants, including comprehensive systems and processes to monitor and segregate the held-in-custody securities to mitigate the risk of duplicative use of securities.

        13.Reporting and Settlement Requirements

            13.1. A bank repo participant shall report all repo transactions involving eligible securities in Section 10 to SAMA on a daily basis. A bank repo participant is not required to report if there are no repo transactions of eligible securities for that day.

            13.2. Other repo market participants shall submit weekly returns on daily positions to SAMA. Weekly reports will cover Sunday to Thursday and should reach SAMA by close of business the following Sunday. Banks are not required to send the weekly returns if there are no repo transactions of eligible securities for that week.

            13.3. The Weekly Reports shall include the following:

                13.3.1. Name both counterparties (buyer and seller)

                13.3.2. Transaction date or deal date

                13.3.3. Value date

                13.3.4. Currency

                13.3.5. Tenor

                13.3.6. Due date

                13.3.7. Cash amount

                13.3.8. Description of securities (i.e. obligor of risk)

                13.3.9. Amortized adjusted notional value of securities

                13.3.10. Haircut

                13.3.11. Initial margin/margin ratio 

                13.3.12. Profit rate

                13.3.13. Profit payment frequency

                13.3.14. Profit amount

                13.3.15. Total amount due

                13.3.16. Market segment for the buyer/seller

                13.3.17. First exercisable option date (if applicable)

                13.3.18. Any substitution for the securities (if applicable)

            13.4. All reports should be sent to email:

            13.5. The delivery and fund transfer of non-SAMA issued eligible securities with cash must be done through Tadawul and SARIE, respectively in the case where both the counterparties being licensed agents and currency of transaction is SAR.

            13.6. The exchange of SAMA issued securities with cash must be done through SAMA and SARIE respectively in the case where both the counterparties being licensed agents and currency of transaction is in SAR.

            13.7. The exchange of eligible securities with cash must be done through any agreed systems between the counterparties in the case where one of the counterparties being non-licensed agents or transaction currency is not SAR.

        * For the avoidance of doubt, repo market participants are allowed to transact in repos involving perpetual debt with embedded options that could be triggered in less than two years, however the tenor of the repo transaction shall be at least three months shorter than the first exercise date.

      • Appendix A

        • Master Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Securities

          Dated as of ____________________________________


          _____________________________________________________________________________________(“Party A”)


          _____________________________________________________________________________________(“Party B")

          • 1. Applicability

            (a) From time to time the parties hereto may enter into transactions in which:

            (i) one party, acting through a Designated Office, ("Seller") agrees to sell to the other, acting through a Designated Office, (“Buyer”) Securities against the payment of the purchase price by Buyer to Seller;

            (ii) Seller grants a Wa’ad (undertaking) to Buyer to purchase Securities from Buyer on a future specified date, subject to a specified condition being satisfied; and 

            (iii) Buyer grants a Wa'ad (undertaking) to Seller to sell Securities to Seller on a future specified date, subject to a specified condition being satisfied.

            (b) Each such transaction shall be referred to herein as a “Transaction" and shall be governed by this Agreement, including any supplemental terms or conditions contained in Annex1, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

          • 2. Definitions

            (a) "Act of Insolvency" shall occur with respect to any party hereto upon -

            (i) its making a general assignment for the benefit of, or entering into a reorganisation, arrangement, or composition with, creditors; or

            (ii)  all or substantially all assets of such party, provided the relevant process is not dismissed, discharged, stayed or restrained within 15 days; or

            (iii) its becoming insolvent or becoming unable to pay its debts as they become due or failing or admitting in writing its inability generally to pay its debts as they become due; or

            (iv) its seeking, consenting to or acquiescing in the appointment of any trustee, administrator, receiver or liquidator or analogous officer of it or any material part of its property; or

            (v) the presentation or filing of a petition in respect of it (other than by the other party to this Agreement in respect of any obligation under this Agreement) in any court or before any agency or the commencement of any proceeding by any Competent Authority alleging or for the bankruptcy, winding-up or insolvency of such party (or any analogous proceeding) or seeking any reorganisation, arrangement, composition, re-adjustment, administration, liquidation, dissolution or similar relief under any present or future statute, law or regulation, such petition not having been stayed or dismissed within 15 days of its filing (except in the case of a petition presented by a Competent Authority or for winding-up or any analogous proceeding, in respect of which no such 15 day period shall apply); or

            (vi) the appointment of a receiver, administrator, liquidator, conservator, custodian or trustee or analogous officer of such party or over all or any material part of such party’s property; or

            (vii) the filing of any application for the commencement of any protective settlement or any financial restructuring procedure or any liquidation (including any such procedure in respect of small debtors) under the Saudi Arabian Bankruptcy Law (issued pursuant to Royal Decree no. M/50 dated 28/5/1439H (corresponding to 13 February 2018));

            (b) "Applicable Rate", in relation to any sum in any currency, the rate selected in a commercially reasonable manner by the Affected Party;

            (c) "Appropriate Market", the meaning specified in paragraph 12;

            (d) "Base Currency", the currency indicated in Annex1;

            (e) "Business Day" means -

            (i) in relation to the settlement of a Transaction or delivery of Securities under this Agreement through a settlement system, a day on which that settlement system is open for business;

            (ii) in relation to the settlement of a Transaction or delivery of Securities under this Agreement otherwise than through a settlement system, a day on which banks are open for business in the place where the relevant Securities are to be delivered and, if different, the place in which the relevant payment is to be made; and

            (iii) in relation to the payment of any amount under this Agreement not falling within (i) or (ii) above, a day other than a Friday, Saturday or Sunday on which banks are open for business in the principal financial centre of the country of which the currency in which the payment is denominated is the official currency and, if different, in the place where any account designated by the parties for the making or receipt of the payment is situated.

            (f) “Buyer Exercise Condition”, the meaning specified in paragraph 4(b)(ii);

            (g) “Cash Equivalent Amount” has the meaning given in paragraph 6(h);

            (h) “Cash Margin”, a cash sum paid or to be paid to Buyer or Seller in accordance with paragraph 4;

            (i) "Cash Settlement Amount", the meaning specified in paragraph 12(e)(iii);

            (j) "Cash Settlement Payment Date”, the meaning specified in paragraph 12(e)(iii);

            (k) "Competent Authority”, a regulator, supervisor or any similar official with primary insolvency, rehabilitative or regulatory jurisdiction over a party in the jurisdiction of its incorporation or establishment or the jurisdiction of its head office;

            (l) “Confirmation”, the meaning specified in paragraph 3(b);

            (m) "Contractual Currency”, the meaning specified in paragraph 9(a);

            (n) "Defaulting Party", the meaning specified in paragraph 12;

            (o) "Default Market Value”, the meaning specified in paragraph 12;

            (p) “Default Notice", a written notice served by the non-Defaulting Party on the Defaulting Party under paragraph 12(b) designating a day as an Early Termination Date;

            (q) “Deliverable Securities”, the meaning specified in paragraph 12;

            (r) “Designated Office”, a branch or office which is specified as such in Annex1 or such other branch or office as may be agreed in writing by the parties;

            (s) "Distribution(s)”, the meaning specified in sub-paragraph (gg) below;

            (t) “Early Termination Date”, the date designated as such in a Default Notice or as otherwise determined in accordance with paragraph 12(b);

            (u) “Electronic Messaging System”, an electronic system for communication capable of reproducing communication in hard copy form, including email;

            (v) "Equivalent Margin Securities”, Securities equivalent to Securities previously transferred as Margin Securities;

            (w) “Equivalent Securities”, with respect to a Transaction, Securities equivalent to the First purchased Securities under that Transaction. If and to the extent that such First Purchased Securities have been redeemed, the expression shall mean a sum of money equivalent to the proceeds of the redemption (other than Distributions);

            (x) Securities are “equivalent to” other Securities for the purposes of this Agreement if they are: (i) of the same issuer; (ii) part of the same issue; and (iii) of an identical type, nominal value, description and (except where otherwise stated) amount as those other Securities, provided that -

            (A) Securities will be equivalent to other Securities notwithstanding that those Securities have been redenominated into Saudi Riyal or that the nominal value of those Securities has changed in connection with such redenomination; and

            (B) where Securities have been converted, subdivided or consolidated or have become the subject of a takeover or the holders of Securities have become entitled to receive or acquire other Securities or other property or the Securities have become subject to any similar event other than a Distribution, the expression “equivalent to” shall mean Securities equivalent to (as defined in the provisions of this definition preceding the proviso) the original Securities together with or replaced by a sum of money or Securities or other property equivalent to (as so defined) that receivable by holders of such original Securities resulting from such event;

            (y) "Event of Default”, the meaning specified in paragraph 12;

            (z) “Exercise Date”, in respect of a Transaction, the earlier of (i) the date specified in the Confirmation for that Transaction and (ii) the Early Termination Date;

            (aa) "Exercise Notice”, a notice substantially in the form set out in Annex III of this Agreement;

            (bb) “Exercised Transaction”, in respect of an Early Termination Date, each Transaction in respect of which the Exercising Party has delivered an Exercise Notice to the Undertaking Party in accordance with paragraph 5(a) prior to the occurrence of that Early Termination Date;

            (cc) "Exercising Party”, in respect of any Exercise Date:

            (i) if such Exercise Date is not an Early Termination Date, if the Seller Exercise Condition with respect to that Exercise Date is satisfied, Buyer, and if the Buyer Exercise Condition with respect to that Exercise Date is satisfied, Seller; or

            (ii) if such Exercise Date is an Early Termination Date, if the Cash Settlement Amount is payable to Seller, Seller, and if the Cash Settlement Amount is payable to Buyer, Buyer;

            (dd) “First Purchase Date”, with respect to any Transaction, the date on which First Purchased Securities are to be sold by Seller to Buyer in relation to that Transaction;

            (ee) “First Purchased Securities”, with respect to any Transaction, the Securities sold or to be sold by Seller to Buyer under that Transaction, and any New Purchased Securities transferred by Seller to Buyer under paragraph 10 in respect of that Transaction;

            (ff) “First Purchase Price”, on the First Purchase Date, the price at which the First Purchased Securities are sold or are to be sold by Seller to Buyer;

            (gg) “Income”, with respect to any Security at any time, all profit by way of distribution, dividends or other distributions thereon, including distributions which are a payment or repayment of principal in respect of the relevant securities ("Distribution(s)”);

            (hh) “Income Payment Date”, with respect to any Securities, the date on which Income is paid in respect of such Securities or, in the case of registered Securities, the date by reference to which particular registered holders are identified as being entitled to payment of Income;

            (ii) “Margin Percentage”, with respect to any Margin Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities, the percentage, if any, agreed by the parties acting in a commercially reasonable manner;

            (jj) “Margin Securities”, in relation to a Margin Transfer, Securities of the type and value (having applied Margin Percentage, if any) reasonably acceptable to the party calling for such Margin Transfer;

            (kk) "Margin Transfer", any, or any combination of, the payment or repayment of Cash Margin and the transfer of Margin Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities;

            (ll) “Market Value”, with respect to any Securities as of any time on any date, the price for such Securities (after having applied the Margin Percentage, if any, in the case of Margin Securities) at such time on such date obtained from a generally recognised source agreed by the parties or as otherwise agreed by the parties (and where different prices are obtained for different delivery dates, the price so obtainable for the earliest available such delivery date) having regard to market practice for valuing Securities of the type in question plus the aggregate amount of Income which, as at such date, has accrued but not yet been paid in respect of the Securities to the extent not included in such price as of such date, and for these purposes any sum in a currency other than the Contractual Currency for the Transaction in question shall be converted into such Contractual Currency at the Spot Rate prevailing at the time of the determination;

            (mm) “Net Exposure”, the meaning specified in paragraph 6(c);

            (nn) the “Net Margin” provided to a party at any time, the excess (if any) at that time of (i) the sum of the amount of Cash Margin paid to that party and the Market Value of Margin Securities transferred to that party under paragraph 6(a) (excluding any Cash Margin which has been repaid to the other party and any Margin Securities in respect of which Equivalent Margin Securities have been transferred or a Cash Equivalent Amount has been paid to the other party) over (ii) the sum of the amount of Cash Margin paid to the other party and the Market Value of Margin Securities transferred to the other party under paragraph 6(a) (excluding any Cash Margin which has been repaid by the other party and any Margin Securities in respect of which Equivalent Margin Securities have been transferred or a Cash Equivalent Amount has been paid by the other party) and for this purpose any amounts not denominated in the Base Currency shall be converted into the Base Currency at the Spot Rate prevailing at the time of the determination;

            (oo) “Net Value”, the meaning specified in paragraph 12;

            (pp) “New Purchased Securities", the meaning specified in paragraph 10(a);

            (qq) “Non-Exercised Transaction”, in respect of an Early Termination Date, each Transaction that is not an Exercised Transaction;

            (rr) "Price Differential”, with respect to any Transaction as of any date, the aggregate amount obtained by daily application of the Pricing Rate for such Transaction to the First Purchase Price for such Transaction (on a 360 day, 365 day or other day basis in accordance with the applicable market convention, unless otherwise agreed between the parties for the Transaction) for the actual number of days during the period commencing on (and including) the First Purchase Date for such Transaction and ending on (but excluding) the date of calculation or, if earlier, the Second Purchase Date;

            (ss) “Pricing Rate”, with respect to any Transaction, the per annum percentage rate for calculation of the Price Differential agreed to by Buyer and Seller in relation to that Transaction;

            (tt) “Receivable Securities”, the meaning specified in paragraph 12;

            (uu) “Second Purchase Date", with respect to any Transaction, the date on which Buyer is to sell the Second Purchased Securities to Seller in relation to that Transaction, pursuant to the exercise by the Exercising Party of the undertaking given to it by the Undertaking Party;

            (vv) “Second Purchased Securities”, with respect to any Transaction, Equivalent Securities or such other Securities as agreed between Seller and Buyer.

            (ww) “Second Purchase Price”, with respect to any Transaction and as of any date, the sum of the First Purchase Price and the Price Differential as of such date;

            (xx) "Securities", Shari'ah-compliant securities or financial instruments, or such other securities or financial instruments as specified in Annex 1;

            (yy) “Seller Exercise Condition", the meaning specified in paragraph 4(b)(i);

            (zz) “Spot Rate”, where an amount in one currency is to be converted into a second currency on any date, unless the parties otherwise agree:

            (i) for the purposes of paragraph 12, the spot rate of exchange obtained by reference to a pricing source or quoted by a bank, in each case specified by the non-Defaulting Party, in the Saudi Arabia inter-bank market for the purchase of the second currency with the first currency at such dates and times determined by the non-Defaulting Party; and

            (ii) for any other purpose, the latest available spot rate of exchange obtained by reference to a pricing source or quoted by a bank, in each case agreed by the parties (or in the absence of such agreement, specified by Buyer), in the Saudi Arabia inter-bank market for the purchase of the second currency with the first currency on the day on which the calculation is to be made or, if that day is not a day on which banks are open for business in Saudi Arabia, the spot rate of exchange quoted at close of business in Saudi Arabia on the immediately preceding day in Saudi Arabia on which such a quotation was available;

            (aaa) “Term”, with respect to any Transaction, the interval of time commencing with the First Purchase Date and ending with the Second Purchase Date;

            (bbb) "Termination”, with respect to any Transaction, refers to the requirement with respect to such Transaction for Buyer to sell the Second Purchased Securities against payment by Seller of the Second Purchase Price, pursuant to the exercise by the Exercising Party of the undertaking given to it by the Undertaking Party;

            (ccc) “Transaction Costs”, the meaning specified in paragraph 12;

            (ddd) “Transaction Exposure”, with respect to any Transaction at any time during the period from the First Purchase Date to the Second Purchase Date (or, if later, the date on which the Second Purchased Securities are delivered to Seller or the Transaction is terminated under paragraph 12(i) or 12(j)) the amount “E” determined as the result of the formula E = R - V, where:

            R=the Second Purchase Price at such time; and

            V=the Adjusted Value of the Second Purchased Securities at such time

            or, where a Transaction relates to Securities of more than one description or to which different haircuts apply, the sum of the Adjusted Values of the Securities of each such description.

            For this purpose the “Adjusted Value” of any Securities is their value determined on the basis of the formula, (MV(1 - H)), where:

            MV= the Market Value of the Second Purchased Securities at such time

            H= the “haircut” for the relevant Securities, if any, as agreed by

            the parties from time to time, being a discount from the Market Value of the Securities.

            If E is greater than zero, Buyer has a Transaction Exposure equal to E and if E is less than zero, Seller has a Transaction Exposure equal to the absolute value of E;

            (eee) "Undertaking Party", in respect of any Exercise Date, the party that is not the Exercising Party; and

            (fff) except in paragraphs 16(b)(i) and 20, references in this Agreement to “written” communications and communications "in writing” include communications made through any Electronic Messaging System agreed between the parties.

          • 3. Initiation; Confirmation; Termination

            (a) A Transaction may be entered into orally or in writing at the initiation of either Buyer or Seller.

            (b) Upon agreeing to enter into a Transaction hereunder Buyer or Seller (or both), as shall have been agreed, shall promptly deliver to the other party written confirmation of such Transaction (a “Confirmation”).

            The Confirmation shall describe the First Purchased Securities (including CUSIP or ISIN or other identifying number or numbers, if any), identify Buyer and Seller and set forth -

            (i) the First Purchase Date;

            (ii) the First Purchase Price;

            (iii) the Second Purchase Date;

            (iv) the Pricing Rate applicable to the Transaction;

            (v) in respect of each party the details of the bank account(s) to which payments to be made hereunder are to be credited; and

            (vi) any additional terms or conditions of the Transaction;

            and may be in the form of Annex II or may be in any other form to which the parties agree.

            The Confirmation relating to a Transaction shall, together with this Agreement, constitute prima facie evidence of the terms agreed between Buyer and Seller for that Transaction, unless objection is made with respect to the Confirmation promptly after receipt thereof. In the event of any conflict between the terms of such Confirmation and this Agreement, the Confirmation shall prevail in respect of that Transaction and those terms only.

            (c) On the First Purchase Date for a Transaction, Seller shall transfer the First Purchased Securities to Buyer or its agent against the payment of the First Purchase Price by Buyer in accordance with paragraph 8(c).

            (d) Termination of a Transaction will be effected on the date fixed for Termination

          • 4. Undertakings

            (a) In respect of each Transaction and subject to paragraph 12:

            (i) Seller unilaterally hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertakes to Buyer that if:

            (A) the Seller Exercise Condition with respect to an Exercise Date is satisfied; and

            (B) Buyer delivers to Seller an Exercise Notice on, and with respect to, that Exercise Date,

            Seller will purchase from Buyer for delivery on the Second Purchase Date the Second Purchased Securities for an amount equal to the Second Purchase Price; and

            (2) Buyer unilaterally hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertakes to Seller that if:

            (A) the Buyer Exercise Condition with respect to an Exercise Date is satisfied; and

            (B) Seller delivers to Buyer an Exercise Notice on, and with respect to, that Exercise Date,

            Buyer will sell to Seller for delivery on the Second Purchase Date the Second Purchased Securities for an amount equal to the Second Purchase Price.

            (b) The:

            (i) “Seller Exercise Condition” is satisfied in respect of an Exercise Date if the Market Value (or, if an Early Termination Date has occurred, the Default Market Value) of the Second Purchased Securities on such date is lower than the Second Purchase Price on such date; and

            (ii) “Buyer Exercise Condition" is satisfied in respect of an Exercise Date if the Market Value (or, if an Early Termination Date has occurred, the Default Market Value) of the Second Purchased Securities on such date is equal to or higher than the Second Purchase Price on such date.

          • 5. Exercise of Undertakings

            In respect of each Transaction and subject to paragraph 12:

            (a) the Exercising Party, as the recipient of the Undertaking Party’s undertaking, will be entitled to deliver to the Undertaking Party, on each Exercise Date, an Exercise Notice with respect to that Exercise Date; and

            (b) following the delivery to the Undertaking Party of an Exercise Notice with respect to an Exercise Date, such delivery constituting an offer by the Exercising Party to the Undertaking Party to enter into the relevant sale and purchase:

            (i) the Undertaking Party shall accept such offer orally by telephone or in writing via email, provided that, if the Undertaking Party has not responded to such offer within 5 hours of delivery of the Exercise Notice in accordance with the details specified in Annex I, the Undertaking Party will be deemed to have accepted such offer;

            (ii) the Undertaking Party hereby further agrees that not responding to the offer is tantamount to acceptance of the offer;

            (iii) Buyer shall deliver to Seller the Second Purchased Securities on the Second Purchase Date; and

            (iv) Seller shall pay to Buyer the Second Purchase Price on the Second Purchase Date.

            (c) If the Exercising Party has not delivered an Exercise Notice in accordance with paragraph 5(a) above on the Exercise Date:

            (i) the Undertaking Party shall be entitled to deliver an offer to enter into the relevant sale and purchase to the Exercising Party, on or prior to the Second Purchase Date;

            (ii) if the Exercising Party has not responded to such offer within 5 hours of delivery of the offer in accordance with the details specified in Annex I then the Exercising Party shall be deemed to have accepted such offer;

            (iii) the Exercising Party hereby further agrees that not responding to the offer is tantamount to acceptance of the offer;

            (iv) Buyer shall deliver to Seller the Second Purchased Securities on the Second Purchase Date; and

            (v) Seller shall pay to Buyer the Second Purchase Price on the Second Purchase Date.

          • 6. Margin Maintenance

            (a) If at any time either party has a Net Exposure in respect of the other party it may by notice to the other party require the other party to make a Margin Transfer to it of an aggregate amount or value at least equal to that Net Exposure.

            (b) A notice under sub-paragraph (a) above may be given orally or in writing.

            (c) For the purposes of this Agreement a party has a Net Exposure in respect of the other party if the aggregate of all the first party's Transaction Exposures plus any amount payable to the first party under paragraph 7 but unpaid less the amount of any Net Margin provided to the first party exceeds the aggregate of all the other party's Transaction Exposures plus any amount payable to the other party under paragraph 7 but unpaid less the amount of any Net Margin provided to the other party; and the amount of the Net Exposure is the amount of the excess. For this purpose any amounts not denominated in the Base Currency shall be converted into the Base Currency at the Spot Rate prevailing at the relevant time.

            (d) To the extent that a party calling for a Margin Transfer has previously paid Cash Margin which has not been repaid or delivered Margin Securities in respect of which Equivalent Margin Securities have not been delivered to it or a Cash Equivalent Amount has not been paid, that party shall be entitled to require that such Margin Transfer be satisfied first by the repayment of such Cash Margin or the delivery of Equivalent Margin Securities but, subject to this, the composition of a Margin Transfer shall be at the option of the party making such Margin Transfer.

            (e) Any Cash Margin transferred shall be in the Base Currency or such other currency as the parties may agree.

            (f) A payment of Cash Margin shall give rise to a debt owing from the party receiving such payment to the party making such payment.

            (g) Where Seller or Buyer becomes obliged under sub-paragraph (a) above to make a Margin Transfer, it shall transfer Cash Margin or Margin Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities within the minimum period specified in Annex I. or, if no period is there specified, such minimum period as is customarily required for the settlement or delivery of money, Margin Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities of the relevant kind.

            (h) Where a party (the “Transferor”) becomes obliged to transfer Equivalent Margin Securities and, having made all reasonable efforts to do so, is, for any reason relating to the Securities or the clearing system through which the Securities are to be transferred, unable to transfer Equivalent Margin Securities then

            (i) the Transferor shall immediately pay to the other party Cash Margin at least equal to the Market Value of such Equivalent Margin Securities; and

            (ii) if the failure is continuing for two Business Days or more the other party may by notice to the Transferor require the Transferor to pay an amount (the “Cash Equivalent Amount") equal to the Default Market Value of the Equivalent Margin Securities determined by the other party in accordance with paragraph 12(g) which shall apply on the basis that references to the non-Defaulting Party were to the other party and references to the Early Termination Date were to the date on which notice under this paragraph is effective.


            (i) The parties may agree that, with respect to any Transaction, the provisions of subparagraphs (a) to (h) above shall not apply but instead that margin may be provided separately in respect of that Transaction in which case -

            (i) that Transaction shall not be taken into account when calculating whether either party has a Net Exposure;

            (ii) margin shall be provided in respect of that Transaction in such manner as the parties may agree; and

            (iii) margin provided in respect of that Transaction shall not be taken into account for the purposes of sub-paragraphs (a) to (h) above.

            (j) The parties shall agree and specify in Annex 1 whether Cash Margin shall be held in a manner that results in the accrual of an investment return and if so the basis on which that investment return shall be determined. In the absence of any such agreement between the parties, there shall be no investment return payable by a party in respect of Cash Margin held by it.

          • 7. Income Payments

            Unless otherwise agreed -

            (a) where: (i) the Term of a particular Transaction extends over an Income Payment Date in respect of any Securities subject to that Transaction; or (ii) an Income Payment Date in respect of any such Securities occurs after the Second Purchase Date but before the Second Purchased Securities have been delivered to Seller or, if earlier, the occurrence of an Early Termination Date or the termination of the Transaction under paragraph 12(j) then Buyer shall on the date such Income is paid by the issuer transfer to or credit to the account of Seller an amount equal to (and in the same currency as) the amount paid by the issuer;

            (b) where Margin Securities are transferred from one party ("the first party”) to the other party ("the second party”) and an Income Payment Date in respect of such Securities occurs before Equivalent Margin Securities are transferred or a Cash Equivalent Amount is paid by the second party to the first party, the second party shall on the date such Income is paid by the issuer transfer to or credit to the account of the first party an amount equal to (and in the same currency as) the amount paid by the issuer;

            and for the avoidance of doubt references in this paragraph to the amount of any Income paid by the issuer of any Securities shall be to an amount paid without any withholding or deduction for or on account of taxes or duties notwithstanding that a payment of such Income made in certain circumstances may be subject to such a withholding or deduction.

          • 8. Payment and Transfer

            (a) Unless otherwise agreed, all money paid hereunder shall be in immediately available freely convertible funds of the relevant currency. All Securities to be transferred hereunder (i) shall be in suitable form for transfer and shall be accompanied by duly executed instruments of transfer or assignment in blank (where required for transfer) and such other documentation as the transferee may reasonably request, or (ii) shall be transferred through any agreed book entry or other securities clearance system or (iii) shall be transferred by any other method mutually acceptable to Seller and Buyer.

            (b) Unless otherwise agreed, all money payable by one party to the other in respect of any Transaction shall be paid free and clear of, and without withholding or deduction for, any taxes or duties of whatsoever nature imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed by any authority having power to tax, unless the withholding or deduction of such taxes or duties is required by law. In that event, unless otherwise agreed, the paying party shall pay such additional amounts as will result in the net amounts receivable by the other party (after taking account of such withholding or deduction) being equal to such amounts as would have been received by it had no such taxes or duties been required to be withheld or deducted.

            (c) Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, under each Transaction transfer of the First Purchased Securities by Seller and payment of the First Purchase Price by Buyer against the transfer of such First Purchased Securities shall be made simultaneously and transfer of the Second Purchased Securities by Buyer and payment of the Second Purchase Price payable by Seller against the transfer of such Second Purchased Securities shall be made simultaneously.

            (d) Subject to and without prejudice to the provisions of sub-paragraph 8(c), either party may from time to time in accordance with market practice and in recognition of the practical difficulties in arranging simultaneous delivery of Securities and money waive in relation to any Transaction its rights under this Agreement to receive simultaneous transfer and/or payment provided that transfer and/or payment shall, notwithstanding such waiver, be made on the same day and provided also that no such waiver in respect of one Transaction shall affect or bind it in respect of any other Transaction.

            (e) Without prejudice to paragraph 7, the parties shall execute and deliver all necessary documents and take all necessary steps to procure that all right, title and interest in any First Purchased Securities, any Second Purchased Securities, any Margin Securities and any Equivalent Margin Securities shall pass to the party to which transfer is being made upon transfer of the same in accordance with this Agreement, free from all liens (other than a lien granted to the operator of the clearance system through which the Securities are transferred), claims, charges and encumbrances.

            (f) Notwithstanding the use of expressions such as “margin”, “Net Margin” and “substitution”, which are used to reflect terminology used in the market for transactions of the kind provided for in this Agreement, all right, title and interest in and to Securities and money transferred or paid under this Agreement shall pass to the transferee upon transfer or payment (and, in respect of transfers of margin, the obligation of the party receiving Margin Securities being an obligation to transfer Equivalent Margin Securities).

            (g) Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement.

            (h) Subject to paragraph 12, all amounts in the same currency payable by each party to the other under any Transaction or otherwise under this Agreement on the same date shall be combined in a single calculation of a net sum payable by one party to the other and the obligation to pay that sum shall be the only obligation of either party in respect of those amounts.

            (i) Subject to paragraph 12, all Securities of the same issue, denomination, currency and series, transferable by each party to the other under any Transaction or hereunder on the same date shall be combined in a single calculation of a net quantity of Securities transferable by one party to the other and the obligation to transfer the net quantity of Securities shall be the only obligation of either party in respect of the Securities so transferable and receivable.


            (j) If the parties have specified in Annex I that this paragraph 8(j) shall apply, each obligation of a party under this Agreement (the "first party”) (other than an obligation arising under paragraph 12) is subject to the condition precedent that none of the events specified in paragraph 12(a) (Events of Default) shall have occurred and be continuing with respect to the other party.

          • 9. Contractual Currency

            (a) All the payments made in respect of the First Purchase Price or the Second Purchase Price of any Transaction shall be made in the currency of the First Purchase Price (the “Contractual Currency”) save as provided in paragraph 12(e)(ii). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the payee of any money may, at its option, accept tender thereof in any other currency, provided, however, that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the obligation of the payer to pay such money will be discharged only to the extent of the amount of the Contractual Currency that such payee may, consistent with normal banking procedures, purchase with such other currency (after deduction of any premium and costs of exchange) for delivery within the customary delivery period for spot transactions in respect of the relevant currency.

            (b) If for any reason the amount in the Contractual Currency received by a party, including amounts received after conversion of any recovery under any judgment or order expressed in a currency other than the Contractual Currency, falls short of the amount in the Contractual Currency due and payable, the party required to make the payment will, as a separate and independent obligation, to the extent permitted by applicable law, immediately transfer such additional amount in the Contractual Currency as may be necessary to compensate for the shortfall.

            (c) If for any reason the amount in the Contractual Currency received by a party exceeds the amount of the Contractual Currency due and payable, the party receiving the transfer will refund promptly the amount of such excess.

          • 10. Substitution

            (a) A Transaction may at any time between the First Purchase Date and the Second Purchase Date, if Seller so requests and Buyer so agrees, be varied by the transfer by Buyer to Seller of Securities equivalent to the First Purchased Securities, or to such of the First Purchased Securities as shall be agreed, in exchange for the transfer by Seller to Buyer of other Securities of such amount and description as shall be agreed (“New Purchased Securities”) (being Securities having a Market Value at the date of the variation at least equal to the Market Value of the Equivalent Securities transferred to Seller).

            (b) Any variation under sub-paragraph (a) above shall be effected, subject to paragraph 8(d), by the simultaneous transfer of the Equivalent Securities and New Purchased Securities concerned.

            (c) A Transaction which is varied under sub-paragraph (a) above shall thereafter continue in effect as though the First Purchased Securities under that Transaction consisted of or included the New Purchased Securities instead of the Securities in respect of which Equivalent Securities have been transferred to Seller.

            (d) Where either party has transferred Margin Securities to the other party it may at any time before Equivalent Margin Securities are transferred to it under paragraph 4 request the other party to transfer Equivalent Margin Securities to it in exchange for the transfer to the other party of new Margin Securities having a Market Value at the time at which the exchange is agreed at least equal to that of such Equivalent Margin Securities. If the other party agrees to the request, the exchange shall be effected, subject to paragraph 8(d), by the simultaneous transfer of the Equivalent Margin Securities and new Margin Securities concerned. Where either or both of such transfers is or are effected through a settlement system in circumstances which under the rules and procedures of that settlement system give rise to a payment by or for the account of one party to or for the account of the other party, the parties shall cause such payment or payments to be made outside that settlement system, for value the same day as the payments made through that settlement system, as shall ensure that the exchange of Equivalent Margin Securities and new Margin Securities effected under this sub-paragraph does not give rise to any net payment of cash by either party to the other.

          • 11. Representations

            Each party represents and warrants to the other that -

            (a) it is duly authorised to execute and deliver this Agreement, to enter into the Transactions contemplated hereunder and to perform its obligations hereunder and thereunder and has taken all necessary action to authorise such execution, delivery and performance;

            (b) it will engage in this Agreement and the Transactions contemplated hereunder as principal;

            (c) the person signing this Agreement on its behalf is, and any person representing it in entering into a Transaction will be, duly authorised to do so on its behalf;

            (d) it has obtained all authorisations of any governmental or regulatory body required in connection with this Agreement and the Transactions contemplated hereunder and such authorisations are in full force and effect;

            (e) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Transactions contemplated hereunder will not violate any law, ordinance, charter, by-law or rule applicable to it or any agreement by which it is bound or by which any of its assets are affected;

            (f) it has satisfied itself and will continue to satisfy itself as to the tax Implications of the Transactions contemplated hereunder;

            (g) in connection with this Agreement and each Transaction -

            (i) unless there is a written agreement with the other party to the contrary, it is not relying on any advice (whether written or oral) of the other party, other than the representations expressly set out in this Agreement;

            (ii) it has made and will make its own decisions regarding the entering into of any Transaction based upon its own judgment and upon advice from such professional advisers as it has deemed it necessary to consult;

            (iii) it understands the terms, conditions and risks of each Transaction and is willing to assume (financially and otherwise) those risks;

            (h) at the time of transfer to the other party of any Securities it will have the full and unqualified right to make such transfer and that upon such transfer of Securities the other party will receive all right, title and interest in and to those Securities free of any lien (other than a lien granted to the operator of the clearance system through which the Securities are transferred), claim, charge or encumbrance; and

            (i) insofar as it wishes or is required for any reason to enter into only transactions which comply or are consistent with the principles of Shari’ah ("Shari'ah Compliant" or "Shari'ah Compliance"), it has made its own investigation into and satisfied itself as to the Shari'ah Compliance of this Agreement, each document entered into pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement and the Transactions entered into hereunder, and all necessary action to confirm that this Agreement, each document entered into pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement and the Transactions contemplated hereunder are Shari'ah Compliant has been taken (including the obtaining of a fatwa where required) and it will not claim any dispute on the grounds of Shari'ah Compliance of this Agreement, any document entered into pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement or any Transactions contemplated hereunder;

            (j) it has not relied on the other party or any written declaration, fatwa, opinion or other documents prepared by, on behalf of or at the request of the other party for the purposes of a determination or confirmation that this Agreement, each document entered into pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement and the Transactions contemplated hereunder are Shari'ah compliant; and

            (k) it is entering into this Agreement in the ordinary course of its business, and not for speculative purposes.

            On the date on which any Transaction is entered into pursuant hereto, and on each day on which Securities, Margin Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities are to be transferred under any Transaction, Buyer and Seller shall each be deemed to repeat all the foregoing representations. For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding any arrangements which Seller or Buyer may have with any third party, each party will be liable as a principal for its obligations under this Agreement and each Transaction.

          • 12. Events of Default

            (a) If any of the following events (each an “Event of Default”) occurs in relation to either party (the "Defaulting Party”, the other party being the “non-Defaulting Party”) whether acting as Seller or Buyer -

            (i) Buyer fails to pay the First Purchase Price upon the applicable First Purchase Date or Seller fails to pay the Second Purchase Price upon the applicable Second Purchase Date; or

            (ii) if the parties have specified in Annex I that this sub-paragraph shall apply, Seller fails to deliver the First Purchased Securities on the First Purchase Date or Buyer fails to deliver the Second Purchased Securities on the Second Purchase Date, in either case within the standard settlement time for delivery of the Securities concerned; or

            (iii) Seller or Buyer fails to pay when due any sum payable under sub-paragraph (i) or (j) below; or

            (iv) Seller or Buyer fails to:

            (A) make a Margin Transfer within the minimum period in accordance with paragraph 6(g) or, in the case of an obligation to deliver Equivalent Margin Securities, either to deliver the relevant Equivalent Margin Securities or to pay Cash Margin in accordance with paragraph 6(h)(i) or to pay the Cash Equivalent Amount in accordance with paragraph 6(h)(ii); or

            (B) where paragraph 6(i) applies, to provide margin in accordance with that paragraph; or

            (v) Seller or Buyer fails to comply with paragraph 7; or

            (vi) an Act of Insolvency occurs with respect to Seller or Buyer; or

            (vii) any representations made by Seller or Buyer are incorrect or untrue in any material respect when made or repeated or deemed to have been made or repeated; or

            (viii) Seller or Buyer admits to the other that it is unable to, or intends not to, perform any of its obligations hereunder or in respect of any Transaction; or

            (ix) Seller or Buyer being declared in default or being suspended or expelled from membership of or participation in, any securities exchange or suspended or prohibited from dealing in securities by any Competent Authority, in each case on the grounds that it has failed to meet any requirements relating to financial resources or credit rating; or

            (x) Seller or Buyer fails to perform any other of its obligations hereunder and does not remedy such failure within 30 days after notice is given by the non-Defaulting Party requiring it to do so,

            then sub-paragraphs (b) to (h) below shall apply.

            (b) If at any time an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing the non-Defaulting Party may, by not more than 20 days’ notice to the Defaulting Party specifying the relevant Event of Default, designate a day not earlier than the day such notice is effective as an Early Termination Date in respect of all outstanding Transactions. If, however, “Automatic Early Termination” is specified in Annex I with respect to the Defaulting Party, then an Early Termination Date in respect of all outstanding Transactions will occur at the time immediately preceding the occurrence with respect to the Defaulting Party of an Act of Insolvency which is the presentation of a petition for winding-up or any analogous proceeding or the appointment of a liquidator or analogous officer of the Defaulting Party.

            (c) If an Early Termination Date occurs, subject to sub-paragraph (d) below, the Exercise Date for each Transaction hereunder shall occur on the Early Termination Date and the parties acknowledge and agree that the Exercising Party shall have the right to exercise the undertaking(s) of the Undertaking Party in respect of all (but not some only) of the Non-Exercised Transactions (for which purpose, the Seller Exercise Conditions and the Buyer Exercise Conditions shall be disregarded), by delivering an Exercise Notice to the Undertaking Party (and, for the avoidance of doubt, the same Exercise Notice may cover any number of Transactions), on any day in the period from (and including) the date that the statement under sub-paragraph (e)(iii) below is effective to (but excluding) the day falling 30 calendar days after such date (the “Termination Long Stop Date"); provided that, if the Exercising Party has not delivered an Exercise Notice in accordance with paragraph 5 and this sub-paragraph (c) on or prior to the Termination Long Stop Date, such Exercise Notice will be deemed to have been delivered on the Termination Long Stop Date.

            (d) If the Exercising Party exercises the undertaking(s) of the Undertaking Party in accordance with paragraph 5 and sub-paragraph (c) above, subject to the following provisions in respect of each Transaction: (i) all Cash Margin shall be repayable and Equivalent Margin Securities shall be deliverable and Cash Equivalent Amounts shall be payable, in each case on the Cash Settlement Payment Date; and (ii) performance of the respective obligations of the parties with respect to the delivery of Securities, the payment of the Second Purchase Price for any Second Purchased Securities, the repayment of any Cash Margin and the payment of Cash Equivalent Amounts shall be deemed to be discharged and replaced with an obligation on the Undertaking Party to pay the Cash Settlement Amount to the Exercising Party in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph (e) below.

            (e)    (i) The Default Market Values of the Second Purchased Securities and any equivalent Margin Securities to be transferred, the amount of any Cash Margin to be transferred and the Second Purchase Prices and Cash Equivalent Amounts to be paid by each party shall be established by the non-Defaulting Party for all Transactions as at the Early Termination Date, provided that, if the parties have specified in Annex I that "Zero Price Differential on Default” shall apply, then, for the purpose of determining the Second Purchase Price in respect of each Non-Exercised Transaction, the Price Differential shall be deemed to be zero;

                    (ii) on the basis of the sums so established, an account shall be taken (as at the Early Termination Date) of what is due from each party to the other under this Agreement (on the basis that each party's claim against the other in respect of the transfer to it of Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities under this Agreement equals the Default Market Value therefor and including amounts payable under paragraphs 12(h) and 14 (if applicable)) and the sums due from one party shall be set off against the sums due from the other and only the balance of the account shall be payable (by the party having the claim valued at the lower amount pursuant to the foregoing). For the purposes of this calculation, all Transactions shall be deemed to be Exercised Transactions and all sums not denominated in the Base Currency shall be converted into the Base Currency at the Spot Rate; and

                   (iii) as soon as reasonably practicable after effecting the calculation above, the non-Defaulting Party shall provide to the Defaulting Party a statement showing in reasonable detail such calculations and specifying the balance payable by one party to the other (such balance, the "Cash Settlement Amount”) and such balance shall be due and payable on the later of the Business Day following (A) the date of such statement and (B) the date on which the Exercising Party exercises the undertaking(s) of the Undertaking Party (the later of such dates, the “Cash Settlement Payment Date”).

            (f) For the purposes of this Agreement, the "Default Market Value” of any Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities shall be determined by the non-Defaulting Party on or as soon as reasonably practicable after the Early Termination Date in accordance with sub-paragraph (g) below, and for this purpose - 

            (i) the "Appropriate Market” means, in relation to Securities of any description, the market which is the most appropriate market for Securities of that description, as determined by the non-Defaulting Party;

            (ii) "Deliverable Securities” means Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities to be delivered by the Defaulting Party (in the case of Second purchased Securities, following the exercise by the Exercising Party of the Undertaking Party’s undertaking(s));

            (iii) "Net Value” means at any time, in relation to any Deliverable Securities or Receivable Securities, the amount which, in the reasonable opinion of the non-Defaulting Party, represents their fair market value, having regard to such pricing sources (including trading prices) and methods (which may include, without limitation, available prices for Securities with similar maturities, terms and credit characteristics as the relevant Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities) as the non-Defaulting Party considers appropriate, less, in the case of Receivable Securities, or plus, in the case of Deliverable Securities, all Transaction Costs which would be incurred or reasonably anticipated in connection with the purchase or sale of such Securities;

            (iv) "Receivable Securities” means Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities to be delivered to the Defaulting Party (in the case of Second Purchased Securities, following the exercise by the Exercising Party of the Undertaking Party’s undertaking(s)); and

            (v) "Transaction Costs” in relation to any transaction contemplated in paragraph 12(f) or (g) means the reasonable costs, commissions, fees and expenses (including any mark-up or mark-down or premium paid for guaranteed delivery) incurred or reasonably anticipated in connection with the purchase of Deliverable Securities or sale of Receivable Securities, calculated on the assumption that the aggregate thereof is the least that could reasonably be expected to be paid in order to carry out the transaction.

            (g) If-

            (i) on or about the Early Termination Date the non-Defaulting Party has sold, in the case of Receivable Securities, or purchased, in the case of Deliverable Securities, Securities which form part of the same issue and are of an identical type and description as those Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities (regardless as to whether or not such sales or purchases have settled), the non-Defaulting Party may elect to treat as the Default Market Value -

            (A) in the case of Receivable Securities, the net proceeds of such sale after deducting all reasonable costs, commissions, fees and expenses incurred in connection therewith (provided that, where the Securities sold are not identical in amount to the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities, the non-Defaulting Party may, acting in good faith, either (x) elect to treat such net proceeds of sale divided by the amount of Securities sold and multiplied by the amount of the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities as the Default Market Value or (y) elect to treat such net proceeds of sale of the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities actually sold as the Default Market Value of that proportion of the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities, and, in the case of (y), the Default Market Value of the balance of the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities shall be determined separately in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 12(g)); or


            (B) in the case of Deliverable Securities, the aggregate cost of such purchase, including all reasonable costs, commissions, fees and expenses incurred in connection therewith (provided that, where the Securities purchased are not identical in amount to the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities, the non-Defaulting Party may, acting in good faith, either (x) elect to treat such aggregate cost divided by the amount of Securities sold and multiplied by the amount of the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities as the Default Market Value or (y) elect to treat the aggregate cost of purchasing the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities actually purchased as the Default Market Value of that proportion of the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities, and, in the case of (y), the Default Market Value of the balance of the Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities shall be determined separately in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 12(g));

            (ii) on or about the Early Termination Date the non-Defaulting Party has received, in the case of Deliverable Securities, offer quotations or, in the case of Receivable Securities, bid quotations in respect of Securities of the relevant description from two or more market makers or regular dealers in the Appropriate Market in a commercially reasonable size, using pricing methodology which is customary for the relevant type of security (as determined by the non-Defaulting Party) the non-Defaulting Party may elect to treat as the Default Market Value of such Securities -

            (A) the price quoted (or where a price is quoted by two or more market makers, the arithmetic mean of such prices) by each of them for, in the case of Deliverable Securities, the sale by the relevant market maker or dealer of such Securities or, in the case of Receivable Securities, the purchase by the relevant market maker or dealer of such Securities provided that such price or prices quoted may be adjusted in a commercially reasonable manner by the non-Defaulting Party (x) to reflect accrued but unpaid coupons not reflected in the price or prices quoted in respect of such securities and (y) in respect of any Pool Factor Affected Security, to reflect the realisable value of such Security, taking into consideration the Pool Factor Distortion (and for this purpose, “Pool Factor Affected Security” means a security other than an equity security in respect of which the decimal value of the outstanding principal divided by the original principal balance of such Security is less than one (as indicated by any pool factor applicable to such security), such circumstance a “Pool Factor Distortion”);

            (B) after deducting, in the case of Receivable Securities, or adding, in the case of Deliverable Securities the Transaction Costs which would be incurred or reasonably anticipated in connection with such a transaction; or

            (iii) if, acting in good faith the non-Defaulting Party either -

            (A) has endeavoured but been unable to sell or purchase Securities in accordance with sub-paragraph (i) above or to obtain quotations in accordance with sub-paragraph (ii) above (or both); or


            (B) has determined that it would not be commercially reasonable to sell or purchase Securities at the prices bid or offered or to obtain such quotations, or that it would not be commercially reasonable to use any quotations which it has obtained under sub-paragraph (ii) above, the non-Defaulting Party may determine the Net Value of the relevant Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities (which shall be specified) and may treat such Net Value as the Default Market Value of the relevant Second Purchased Securities or Equivalent Margin Securities.

            (h) The Defaulting Party shall be liable to the non-Defaulting Party for the amount of all reasonable and legal and other professional expenses incurred by the non-Defaulting Party in connection with or as a consequence of an Event of Default.

            (i) If Seller fails to deliver the First Purchased Securities to Buyer on the applicable First Purchase Date, Buyer may -

            (i) if it has paid the First Purchase Price to Seller, require Seller immediately to repay the sum so paid;

            (ii) if Buyer has a Transaction Exposure to Seller in respect of the relevant Transaction, require Seller from time to time to pay Cash Margin at least equal to such Transaction Exposure;

            (iii) at any time while such failure continues, terminate the Transaction by giving written notice to Seller. On such termination the obligations of Seller and Buyer with respect to delivery of the First Purchased Securities, and their respective undertakings, shall terminate and, unless "Zero Price Differential on Default" is specified as applicable in Annex I and the Transaction is a Non-Exercised Transaction, Seller shall pay to Buyer an amount equal to the excess of the Second Purchase Price at the date of Termination over the First Purchase Price.

            (j) If Buyer fails to deliver some or all of the Second Purchased Securities to Seller on the applicable Second Purchase Date, Seller may -

            (i) if it has paid the Second Purchase Price to Buyer, require Buyer immediately to repay the sum so paid;

            (ii) if Seller has a Transaction Exposure to Buyer in respect of the relevant Transaction, require Buyer from time to time to pay Cash Margin at least equal to such Transaction Exposure;

            (iii) at any time while such failure continues, by written notice to Buyer declare that that Transaction or part of that Transaction corresponding to the Second Purchased Securities that have not been delivered (but only that Transaction or part of Transaction) shall be terminated immediately in accordance with sub-paragraph (d) above (disregarding for this purpose references in that sub-paragraph to transfer of Cash Margin, delivery of Equivalent Margin Securities and payment of Cash Equivalent Amount and as if references to the Second Purchase Date were to the date on which notice was given under this sub-paragraph).

            (k) The provisions of this Agreement constitute a complete statement of the remedies available to each party in respect of any Event of Default.

            (l) Subject to paragraph 12(m), neither party may claim any sum by way of consequential loss or damage in the event of a failure by the other party to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement.

            (m)(i) Subject to sub-paragraph (ii) below, if as a result of a Transaction terminating before the scheduled Second Purchase Date under paragraphs 12(b), 12(i)(iii) or 12(j)(iii), the non-Defaulting Party, in the case of paragraph 12(b), Buyer, in the case of paragraph 12(i)(iii), or Seller, in the case of paragraph 12(j)(iii), (in each case the "first party”) incurs any loss or expense in entering into replacement transactions or in otherwise hedging its exposure arising in connection with a Transaction so terminating, the other party shall be required to pay to the first party the amount determined by the first party in good faith and without double counting to be equal to the loss or expense incurred in connection with such replacement transactions or hedging (including all fees, costs and other expenses) less the amount of any profit or gain made by that party in connection with such replacement transactions or hedging; provided that if that calculation results in a negative number, an amount equal to that number shall be payable by the first party to the other party.

            (ii) If the first party reasonably decides, instead of entering into such replacement transactions, to replace or unwind any hedging transactions which the first party entered into in connection with the Transaction so terminating, or to enter into any replacement hedging transactions, the other party shall be required to pay to the first party the amount determined by the first party in good faith to be equal to the loss or expense incurred in connection with entering into such replacement or unwinding (including all fees, costs and other expenses) less the amount of any profit or gain made by that party in connection with such replacement or unwinding; provided that if that calculation results in a negative number, an amount equal to that number shall be payable by the first party to the other party.

            (n) Each party shall immediately notify the other if an Event of Default, or an event which, upon the service of a notice or the lapse of time, or both, would be an Event of Default, occurs in relation to it.

            (o) Any amount payable to one party (the Payee) by the other party (the Payer) under paragraph 12(e) may, at the option of the non-Defaulting Party, be reduced by its set off against any amount payable (whether at such time or in the future or upon the occurrence of a contingency) by the Payee to the Payer (irrespective of the currency, place of payment or booking office of the obligation) under any other agreement between the Payee and the Payer or instrument or undertaking issued or executed by one party to, or in favour of, the other party. If an obligation is unascertained, the non-Defaulting Party may in good faith estimate that obligation and set off in respect of the estimate, subject to accounting to the other party when the obligation is ascertained. Nothing in this paragraph shall be effective to create a charge or other security interest. This paragraph shall be without prejudice and in addition to any right of set off, combination of accounts, lien or other right to which any party is at any time otherwise entitled (whether by operation of law, contract or otherwise).

          • 13. Tax Event

            (a) This paragraph shall apply if either party notifies the other that -

            (i) any action taken by a taxing authority or brought in a court of competent jurisdiction (regardless of whether such action is taken or brought with respect to a party to this Agreement); or

            (ii) a change in the fiscal or regulatory regime (including, but not limited to, a change in law or in the general interpretation of law but excluding any change in any rate of tax),

             has or will, in the notifying party's reasonable opinion, have a material adverse effect on that party in the context of a Transaction.

            (b) If so requested by the other party, the notifying party will furnish the other with an opinion of a suitably qualified adviser that an event referred to in sub-paragraph (a)(i) or (ii) above has occurred and affects the notifying party.

            (c) Where this paragraph applies, the party giving the notice referred to in sub-paragraph (a) may, subject to sub-paragraph (d) below, terminate the Transaction with effect from a date specified in the notice, not being earlier (unless so agreed by the other party) than 30 days after the date of the notice, by nominating that date as the Exercise Date and the Second Purchase Date, and the provisions of paragraph 5(b) shall apply accordingly.

            (d) If the party receiving the notice referred to in sub-paragraph (a) so elects, it may override that notice by giving a counter-notice to the other party. If a counter-notice is given, the party which gives the counter-notice will be deemed to have agreed to indemnify the other party against the adverse effect referred to in sub-paragraph (a) so far as relates to the relevant Transaction and the original Second Purchase Date will continue to apply.

            (e) Where a Transaction is terminated as described in this paragraph, the party which has given the notice to terminate shall indemnify the other party against any reasonable legal and other professional expenses incurred by the other party by reason of the termination, but the other party may not claim any sum by way of consequential loss or damage in respect of a termination in accordance with this paragraph.

            (f) This paragraph is without prejudice to paragraph 8(b) (obligation to pay additional amounts if withholding or deduction required); but an obligation to pay such additional amounts may, where appropriate, be a circumstance which causes this paragraph to apply.

          • 14. Late Payment Amount

            • (a) Late Payment Amount

              If the parties have specified in Annex I that this paragraph 14 shall apply, if all or any part of any sum due and payable by a Party (the "Paying Party") under the terms of this Agreement is not paid to the other Party (the “Affected Party") on the due date (the "Due Date”), a late payment amount (the “Late Payment Amount") shall be payable on such amount as calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) below.

              (i) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (b) below, the unpaid amount due from the Paying Party shall be called the “Unpaid Sum”; and

              (ii) the period beginning on (and including) the Due Date and ending on (but excluding) the date upon which the obligation of the Paying Party to pay the Unpaid Sum is discharged in full shall be called the “Applicable Period".

            • (b) Calculation of Late Payment Amount

              (i) The Late Payment Amount shall be:

              (x) an amount equal to the Unpaid Sum multiplied by the Applicable Rate, multiplied further by the number of days in such Applicable Period and divided by 360 or 365 in accordance with the applicable market convention (or as otherwise agreed between the parties); or

              (y) such other amount as may be agreed between the parties at the relevant time.

              (ii) If the Applicable Period exceeds one week it shall be deemed to be divided into successive sub-periods, each of which (other than the first, which shall be for a period of seven (7) days commencing on the Due Date) shall start on (and include) the last day of the preceding such period and the duration of which shall be selected by the Affected Party (acting reasonably). The Late Payment Amount shall be calculated for each such sub-period as if the references to Applicable Period above were references to such sub-period and shall be payable at the end of each such sub-period.

            • (c) Payment of Late Payment Amount

              Any Late Payment Amount received by the Affected Party shall be used to pay any actual costs (not to include any opportunity cost) incurred by it as a result of the late payment of the Unpaid Sum and the remaining amount (if any) shall be donated by the Affected Party (on behalf of the Paying Party) to such registered charitable foundations as the Affected Party may select under the supervision of its Shari'ah board. The Affected Party shall, as soon as reasonably practicable following the request of the Paying Party, provide the Paying Party with documentation evidencing any such donation.

          • 15. Single Agreement

            Each party acknowledges that, and has entered into this Agreement and will enter into each Transaction hereunder in consideration of and in reliance upon the fact that all Transactions hereunder constitute a single business and contractual relationship and are made in consideration of each other. Accordingly, each party agrees (i) to perform all of its obligations in respect of each Transaction hereunder, and that a default in the performance of any such obligations shall constitute a default by it in respect of all Transactions hereunder, and (ii) that payments, deliveries and other transfers made by either of them in respect of any Transaction shall be deemed to have been made in consideration of payments, deliveries and other transfers in respect of any other Transactions hereunder.

          • 16. Notices and Other Communications

            (a) Any notice or other communication to be given under this Agreement -

            (i) shall be in the English language, and except where expressly otherwise provided in this Agreement, shall be in writing;

            (ii) may be given in any manner described in sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) below,

            (iii) shall be sent to the party to whom it is to be given at the address or number, or in accordance with the electronic messaging details, set out in Annex I

            (b) Subject to sub-paragraph (c) below, any such notice or other communication shall be effective -

            (i) if in writing and delivered in person or by courier, on the date when it is delivered;

            (ii) if sent by facsimile transmission, on the date when the transmission is received by a responsible employee of the recipient in legible form (it being agreed that the burden of proving receipt will be on the sender and will not be met by a transmission report generated by the sender's facsimile machine);

            (iii) if sent by certified or registered mail (airmail, if overseas) or the equivalent (return receipt requested), on the date that mail is delivered or its delivery is attempted; or

            (iv) if sent by Electronic Messaging System, on the date that electronic message is received;

            except that any notice or communication which is received, or delivery of which is attempted, after close of business on the date of receipt or attempted delivery or on a day which is not a day on which commercial banks are open for business in the place where that notice or other communication is to be given shall be treated as given at the opening of business on the next following day which is such a day.

            (c) lf-

            (i) there occurs in relation to either party an Event of Default; and

            (ii) the non-Defaulting Party, having made all practicable efforts to do so, including having attempted to use at least two of the methods specified in sub-paragraph (b)(ii), (iii) or (iv) above, has been unable to serve a Default Notice by one of the methods specified in those sub-paragraphs (or such of those methods as are normally used by the non-Defaulting Party when communicating with the Defaulting Party),

            the non-Defaulting Party may sign a written notice (a “Special Default Notice”) which -

            (A) specifies the relevant event referred to in paragraph 12(a) which has occurred in relation to the Defaulting Party;

            (B) specifies the Early Termination Date designated in the Default Notice;

            (C) states that the non-Defaulting Party, having made all practicable efforts to do so, including having attempted to use at least two of the methods specified in sub-paragraph (b)(ii), (iii) or (iv) above, has been unable to serve a Default Notice by one of the methods specified in those sub- paragraphs (or such of those methods as are normally used by the non-Defaulting Party when communicating with the Defaulting Party); and

            (D) specifies the date on which, and the time at which, the Special Default Notice is signed by the non-Defaulting Party.

            On the signature of a Special Default Notice the Early Termination Date shall occur as designated in the Default Notice. A Special Default Notice shall be given to the Defaulting Party as soon as practicable after it is signed.

            (d) Either party may by notice to the other change the address or facsimile number or Electronic Messaging System details at which notices or other communications are to be given to it.

          • 17. Entire Agreement; Severability

            This Agreement shall supersede any existing agreements between the parties containing general terms and conditions for Transactions. Each provision and agreement herein shall be treated as separate from any other provision or agreement herein and shall be enforceable notwithstanding the unenforceability of any such other provision or agreement.

          • 18. Non-assignability; Termination

            (a) Subject to sub-paragraph (b) below, neither party may assign, charge or otherwise deal with (including without limitation any dealing with any interest in or the creation of any interest in) its rights or obligations under this Agreement or under any Transaction without the prior written consent of the other party. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement and any Transactions shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

            (b) Sub-paragraph (a) above shall not preclude a party from assigning, charging or otherwise dealing with all or any part of its interest in any sum payable to it under paragraph 12(c) or (h) above.

            (c)Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other, except that this Agreement shall, notwithstanding such notice, remain applicable to any Transactions then outstanding.

            (d) All remedies hereunder shall survive Termination in respect of the relevant Transaction and termination of this Agreement.

          • 19. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

            This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Each party submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Banking Disputes Committee established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pursuant to High Order No. 729/8 dated 10/7/1407H (corresponding to 10/3/1987) and operating under the aegis of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority, as reconstituted pursuant to Royal Order No. 37441 dated 11/8/1433H (corresponding to 1/7/2012) and its appellate committee and any successor forum thereto.

          • 20. No Waivers, etc.

            No express or implied waiver of any Event of Default by either party shall constitute a waiver of any other Event of Default and no exercise of any remedy hereunder by any party shall constitute a waiver of its right to exercise any other remedy hereunder. No modification or waiver of any provision of this Agreement and no consent by any party to a departure herefrom shall be effective unless and until such modification, waiver or consent shall be in writing and duly executed by both of the parties hereto. Without limitation on any of the foregoing, the failure to give a notice pursuant to paragraph 6(a) hereof will not constitute a waiver of any right to do so at a later date.

          • 21. Waiver of Immunity

            Each party hereto hereby waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, all immunity (whether on the basis of sovereignty or otherwise) from jurisdiction, attachment (both before and after judgment) and execution to which it might otherwise be entitled in any action or proceeding in the Courts of England or of any other country or jurisdiction, relating in any way to this Agreement or any Transaction, and agrees that it will not raise, claim or cause to be pleaded any such immunity at or in respect of any such action or proceeding.

          • 22. No Interest Payable

            The parties intend and agree that no interest will be payable or receivable under or in connection with this Agreement, and in the event that as a result of any arbitral or judicial award or by operation of any applicable law or otherwise it is determined that any interest is payable in connection with this Agreement, each party agrees to waive any rights it may have to claim or receive such interest and agrees that if any such interest is actually received by it, it shall donate the same to a registered, or otherwise officially recognised, charitable organisation selected by it and whose name shall be disclosed by it to the other party.

          • 23. Recording

            The parties agree that each may electronically record all telephone conversations between them.


            (Name of Party](Name of Party]
            By________________________ By________________________ 
            Title ______________________ Title ______________________ 
        • ANNEX 1 Supplemental Terms or Conditions

          Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Agreement.

          1. The following elections shall apply -

          (a) paragraph 2(d). The Base Currency shall be:____________________________.

          (b) paragraph 2(r). [list Buyer's and Seller s Designated Offices]



          (c) paragraph 2(xx). Securities shall be: [Shari'ah-compliant securities or financial instruments],

          (d) paragraph 3(b). [Seller/Buyer/both Seller and Buyer]* to deliver Confirmation.

          (e) paragraph 6(g). Delivery period for margin calls to be:______________________________________.

          (f) paragraph 6(j). Details agreed between the parties regarding the accrual of any investment return in respect of Cash Margin transferred to a party:_________________________________________.

          [(g) paragraph 8(j). Paragraph 8(j) shall apply.]'

          [(h) paragraph 12(a)(ii). Paragraph 12(a)(ii) shall apply.]*

          (i) paragraph 12(b). Automatic Early Termination shall apply with respect to [Party A] [Party B]]‘

          (j) paragraph 12(e)(1) and 12(i)(iii). Zero Price Differential on Default shall [apply][not apply].

          (k) paragraph 14. Paragraph 14 shall [apply][not apply].

          (l) paragraph 16. For the purposes of paragraph 16 of this Agreement -

          (i) Address for notices and other communications for Party A -


          Attention:_______________________________________________________ .



          Electronic Messaging System:_______________________________________________________



          (ii) Address for notices and other communications for Party B -




          Facsimile: _______________________________________________________

          Electronic Messaging System: _______________________________________________________ 

          Answerback: _______________________________________________________


          2. The following supplemental terms and conditions shall apply -

          [Negative rate transactions

          In the case of Transactions in which the Pricing Rate will be negative, the parties agree that if Seller fails to deliver the First Purchased Securities on the First Purchase Date then -

          (i) Buyer may by notice to Seller terminate the Transaction (and may continue to do so for every day that Seller fails to deliver the First Purchased Securities); and

          (ii) for every day that Seller fails to deliver the First Purchased Securities the Pricing Rate shall be zero.]*

        • ANNEX II Form of Confirmation




          Subject:       Securities Sale Transaction

          (Reference Number:_________________________________)

          Dear Sirs,

          The purpose of this letter, a “Confirmation" for the purposes of the Agreement, is to set forth the terms and conditions of the above repurchase transaction entered into between us on the Contract Date referred to below.

          This Confirmation supplements and forms part of, and is subject to, the Master Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Securities as entered into between us as of_________________________________ as the same may be amended from time to time (the “Agreement”). All provisions contained in the Agreement govern this Confirmation except as expressly modified below. Words and phrases defined in the Agreement and used in this Confirmation shall have the same meaning herein as in the Agreement.

          In accordance with paragraph 4 (Undertakings) of the Agreement, in respect of the Transaction documented by this Confirmation and subject to paragraph 12 (Events of Default) of the Agreement:

          (i) Seller unilaterally hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertakes to Buyer that if:

          (A) the Seller Exercise Condition with respect to an Exercise Date is satisfied; and

          (B) Buyer delivers to Seller an Exercise Notice on, and with respect to, that Exercise Date,

          Seller will purchase from Buyer for delivery on the Second Purchase Date the Second Purchased Securities for an amount equal to the Second Purchase Price; and

          (ii) Buyer unilaterally hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertakes to Seller that if:

          (A) the Buyer Exercise Condition with respect to an Exercise Date is satisfied; and

          (B) Seller delivers to Buyer an Exercise Notice on, and with respect to, that Exercise Date,

          Buyer will sell to Seller for delivery on the Second Purchase Date the Second Purchased Securities for an amount equal to the Second Purchase Price.

          1. Contract Date:
          2. Purchased Securities [state type[s] and nominal value[s]]:


          1. CUSIP, ISIN or other identifying numbers]:_________________________________________
          2. Buyer:_______________________________________________________________________________
          3. Seller:_______________________________________________________________________________
          4. First Purchase Date:_________________________________________________________________
          5. First Purchase Price:_________________________________________________________________
          6. Contractual Currency:_______________________________________________________________
          7. Exercise Date:______________________________________________________________________
          8. Second Purchase Date:_____________________________________________________________
          9. Pricing Rate:_________________________________________________________________________
          10. Buyer's Bank Account[s] Details:
          11. Seller's Bank Account[s] Details:
          12. [   Additional Terms]:*

          Yours faithfully,




          Acknowledged and agreed:




          • ANNEX III Form Of Exercise Notice [Letterhead of the Exercising Party]

            To:     [   ] (the "Undertaking Party”)

            Date: [   ]


            [We refer to the Confirmation entered into by you and us dated [date] (the "Confirmation”) which supplements, forms part of and is subject to the Master Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Securities dated [date], as amended and supplemented from time to time, between you and us (the “Agreement").

            Unless the context requires otherwise, capitalised terms used in this Exercise Notice and not defined herein will have the same meaning as in the Confirmation.

            The Exercising Party hereby confirms to the Undertaking Party that:

            1. the undersigned is duly authorised to execute and deliver this Exercise Notice on behalf of the Exercising Party;
            2. the Exercising Party is hereby exercising the Undertaking Party’s undertaking in respect of the Exercise Date specified below and accordingly the Undertaking Party is hereby required to [purchase from][sell to] the Exercising Party the following Securities on the following terms:

              a. Exercise Date:                        [   ]

              b. Securities:                             [   ]

              c. Second Purchase Date:         [   ]

              d. Second Purchase Price:        [   ]]+

            [We refer to the Master Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Securities dated [date], as amended and supplemented from time to time, between you and us (the “Agreement ').

            Unless the context requires otherwise, capitalised terms used in this Exercise Notice and not defined herein will have the same meaning as in the Agreement.

            The Exercising Party hereby confirms to the Undertaking Party that:

            1. the undersigned is duly authorised to execute and deliver this Exercise Notice on behalf of the Exercising Party;
            2. the Exercising Party is hereby exercising the Undertaking Party's undertaking(s) in respect of each Non-Exercised Transaction under the Agreement, and in respect of



            + To be used prior to the occurrence of an Early Termination Dare.

    • Margin Requirements for Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives

      No: 000042008998 Date(g): 5/10/2020 | Date(h): 18/2/1442Status: In-Force
      • Objectives

        4.Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives have two main benefits:
         Reduction of systemic risk: Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives would be expected to reduce contagion and spillover effects by ensuring that collateral is available to offset losses caused by the default of a derivatives counterparty. Margin requirements can also have broader macroprudential benefits, by reducing the financial system’s vulnerability to potentially destabilising procyclicality and limiting the build-up of uncollateralised exposures within the financial system.
         Promotion of central clearing: Margin requirements are expected to promote central clearing, making the G20’s 2009 reform programme more effective. This could, in turn, contribute to the reduction of systemic risk.
      • Key Principles and Requirements

        • Element 1: Scope of Coverage – Instruments Subject to the Requirements

          Appropriate margining practices should be in place with respect to all derivatives transactions that are not cleared by Central Counterparties (CCPs)1. 
          5.Except for physically settled foreign exchange (FX) forwards and swaps, these margin requirements apply to all non-centrally cleared derivatives. These margin requirements do not apply to physically settled FX forwards and swaps.2
          6.Initial margin requirements for cross-currency swaps do not apply to the fixed physically settled FX transactions associated with the exchange of principal of crosscurrency swaps. In practice, the margin requirements for cross-currency swaps may be computed in one of two ways. Initial margin may be computed by reference to the “interest rate” portion of the standardised initial margin schedule that is described in Element 3 below and presented in the Appendix A. Alternatively, if initial margin is being calculated pursuant to an approved initial margin model, the initial margin model need not incorporate the risk associated with the fixed physically settled FX transactions associated with the exchange of principal. All other risks that affect crosscurrency swaps, however, must be considered in the calculation of the initial margin amount3. The variation margin requirements that are described below apply to all components of cross-currency swaps.

          1 These margining practices only apply to derivatives transactions that are not cleared by CCPs and do not apply to other transactions, such as repurchase agreements and security lending transactions that are not themselves derivatives but share some attributes with derivatives. In addition, indirectly cleared derivatives transactions that are intermediated through a clearing member on behalf of a non-member customer are not subject to these requirements as long as (a) the non-member customer is subject to the margin requirements of the clearing house or (b) the non-member customer provides margin consistent with the relevant corresponding clearing house’s margin requirements.
          2 Banks should, however, adhere to Supervisory Guidance for Managing Risks Associated with the Settlement of Foreign Exchange Transactions (as published by BCBS
          3 The only payments to be excluded from initial margin requirements for a cross-currency swap are the fixed physically settled FX transactions associated with the exchange of principal (which have the same characteristics as FX forward contracts). All other payments or cash flows that occur during the life of the swap must be subject to initial margin requirements.

        • Element 2: Scope of Coverage – Scope of Applicability

          All covered entities (ie financial firms and systemically important non-financial entities) that engage in non-centrally cleared derivatives must exchange initial and variation margin as appropriate to the counterparty risks posed by such transactions4. 
          7.For the purpose of this element, Systemically Important Non-financial Entities will be entities whose aggregate month-end average national amount of non-centrally cleared derivatives for the preceding March, April and May exceeds SAR 30 billion, at a consolidated group wide basis.
          8.For purposes of determining whether a group’s non-centrally cleared derivatives notional amount exceeds SAR 30 billion, the following shall apply:
           Inter-affiliates trades should not be counted.
           All other non-centrally cleared derivatives must be counted.
          9.Covered entities include all financial firms, and systemically important non-financial firms as defined in paragraph 7 above. Central banks, sovereigns5, multilateral development banks, the Bank for International Settlements, and non-systemic, nonfinancial firms are not covered entities6.
          10.Only non-centrally cleared derivatives transactions between two covered entities are governed by these requirements. A transaction between a covered entity and one of the aforementioned entities is not covered by these requirements.
          11.All covered entities that engage in non-centrally cleared derivatives must calculate, balance and exchange, on a bilateral basis, the full amount of variation margin (ie a zero threshold) on a daily basis. In case of any delay or exception, SAMA should be pre-notified.
          12.All covered entities must exchange, on a bilateral basis, initial margin with a threshold not to exceed €50 million. The threshold is applied at the level of the consolidated group to which the threshold is being extended and is based on all non-centrally cleared derivatives between the two consolidated groups7.
          13.All margin transfers between parties may be subject to a de-minimis minimum transfer amount not to exceed €500,000.

          4 Different treatment is applied with respect to transactions between affiliated entities, as described under Element 6 below.
          5 Public sector entities (PSEs) may be treated as sovereigns for the purpose of determining the applicability of these margin requirements.
          6 Multilateral development banks (MDBs) exempted from this requirement are those that are eligible for a zero risk-weight under the Basel capital framework (as prescribed in the document published by the BCBS and IOSCO.)
          7 Investment funds that are managed by an investment advisor are considered distinct entities that are treated separately when applying the threshold as long as the funds are distinct legal entities that are not collateralised by or are otherwise guaranteed or supported by other investment funds or the investment advisor in the event of fund insolvency or bankruptcy.

        • Element 3: Baseline Minimum Amounts and Methodologies for Initial and Variation Margin

          The methodologies for calculating initial and variation margin that serve as the baseline for margin collected from a counterparty should (i) be consistent across entities covered by these requirements and reflect the potential future exposure (initial margin) and current exposure (variation margin) associated with the particular portfolio of noncentrally cleared derivatives at issue and (ii) ensure that all counterparty risk exposures are covered fully with a high degree of confidence.

          14.The applicable netting agreements in these requirements are not allowed in Saudi Arabia until relevant laws are enacted and netting is allowed by SAMA. If netting is enforceable in any jurisdiction, positive and negative mark to market exposures in that jurisdiction will be allowed to net.
          Initial Margin
          15.For the purpose of informing the initial margin baseline, the potential future exposure of a non-centrally cleared derivatives should reflect an extreme but plausible estimate of an increase in the value of the instrument that is consistent with a one-tailed 99 per cent confidence interval over a 10-day horizon,8 based on historical data that incorporates a period of significant financial stress. The initial margin amount must be calibrated to a period that includes financial stress to ensure that sufficient margin will be available when it is most needed and to limit the extent to which the margin can be procyclical.
          16.The required amount of initial margin may be calculated by reference to either a quantitative portfolio margin model, or a standardised margin schedule. Banks should use the standardised schedule for initial margin. If a bank wishes to use advanced models, it should be subject to internal governance process, validation, testing and approval by SAMA. Models that have not been granted explicit approval may not be used for initial margin purposes.
          17.When initial margin is calculated by reference to an initial margin model, the period of financial stress used for calibration should be identified and applied separately for each broad asset class for which portfolio margining is allowed, as set out below. In addition, the identified period must include a period of financial stress and should cover a historical period not to exceed five years. Additionally, the data within the identified period should be equally weighted for calibration purposes.
          18.Quantitative initial margin models must be subject to an internal governance process that continuously assesses the value of the model’s risk assessments, tests the model’s assessments against realised data and experience, and validates the applicability of the model to the derivatives for which it is being used. The process must take into account the complexity of the products covered.
          19.Quantitative initial margin models may account for risk on a portfolio basis. More specifically, the initial margin model may consider all of the derivatives that are approved for model use that are subject to a single legally enforceable netting agreement. Derivatives between counterparties that are not subject to the same legally enforceable netting agreement must not be considered in the same initial margin model calculation.
          20.Derivative portfolios are often exposed to a number of offsetting risks that can and should be reliably quantified for the purposes of calculating initial margin requirements. At the same time, a distinction must be made between offsetting risks that can be reliably quantified and those that are more difficult to quantify. Accordingly, initial margin models may account for diversification, hedging and risk offsets within well defined asset classes such as currency/rates,9,10 equity, credit, or commodities, but not across such asset classes and provided these instruments are covered by the same legally enforceable netting agreement. However, any such incorporation of diversification, hedging and risk offsets by an initial margin model will require approval by SAMA. Initial margin calculations for derivatives in distinct asset classes must be performed without regard to derivatives in other asset classes.
          21.For entities using standardised margin schedule, the required initial margin should be computed by referencing the standardised margin rates in Appendix A, and by adjusting the gross initial margin amount by an amount that relates to the net-to-gross ratio (NGR) pertaining to all derivatives in the legally enforceable netting set.
          22.The required initial margin amount should be calculated in two steps. First, the margin rate in the provided schedule would be multiplied by the gross notional size of the derivatives contract, and then this calculation would be repeated for each derivatives contract. This amount may be referred to as the gross standardised initial margin. Second, the gross initial margin amount is adjusted by the ratio of the net current replacement cost to gross current replacement cost (NGR). This is expressed through the following formula:
           Net standardised initial margin = 0.4 * Gross initial margin + 0.6 * NGR * Gross initial margin 
          23.Where NGR is defined as the level of net replacement cost over the level of gross replacement cost for transactions subject to legally enforceable netting agreements. The total amount of initial margin required on a portfolio according to the standardised margin schedule would be the net standardised initial margin amount.
          24.Derivatives transactions between covered entities with zero counterparty risk require no initial margin to be collected and may be excluded from the initial margin calculation.
          25.In a case where bank is allowed by SAMA to use an approved quantitative portfolio margin model, it will not be allowed to switch between model- and schedule- based margin calculations in an effort to “cherry pick” the most favourable initial margin terms. Accordingly, the choice between model- and schedule-based initial margin calculations should be made consistently over time for all transactions within the same well defined asset class and, it should comply with any other requirements imposed by SAMA. However, a bank may be allowed –upon SAMA’s approval- to use a model-based initial margin calculation for one class of derivatives in which it commonly deals and a schedule-based initial margin in the case of some derivatives that are less routinely employed in its trading activities.
          26.Initial margin should be collected at the outset of a transaction, and collected thereafter on a routine and consistent basis upon changes in measured potential future exposure, such as when trades are added to or subtracted from the portfolio.
          27.The build-up of additional initial margin should be gradual so that it can be managed over time. Moreover, margin levels should be sufficiently conservative, even during periods of low market volatility, to avoid procyclicality. The specific requirement that initial margin be set consistent with a period that includes stress is meant to limit procyclical changes in the amount of initial margin required.
          28.Parties to derivatives contracts should have rigorous and robust dispute resolution procedures in place with their counterparty before the onset of a transaction. In particular, the amount of initial margin to be collected from one party by another will be the result of either an approved model calculation or the standardised schedule. The specific method and parameters that will be used by each party to calculate initial margin should be agreed and recorded at the onset of the transaction to reduce potential disputes. Moreover, parties may agree to use a single model for the purposes of such margin model calculations subject to bilateral agreement and appropriate approval by SAMA. In the event that a margin dispute arises, both parties should make all necessary and appropriate efforts, including timely initiation of dispute resolution protocols, to resolve the dispute and exchange the required amount of initial margin in a timely fashion.
          Variation Margin
          29.For variation margin, the full amount necessary to fully collateralise the mark-to- market exposure of the non-centrally cleared derivatives must be exchanged.
          30.To reduce adverse liquidity shocks and in order to effectively mitigate counterparty credit risk, variation margin should be calculated and exchanged for non-centrally cleared derivatives subject to a single, legally enforceable netting agreement with sufficient frequency.
          31.Parties to derivatives contracts should have rigorous and robust dispute resolution procedures in place with their counterparty before the onset of a transaction. In the event that a margin dispute arises, both parties should make all necessary and appropriate efforts, including timely initiation of dispute resolution protocols, to resolve the dispute and exchange the required amount of variation margin in a timely fashion.

          8 The 10-day requirement should apply in the case that variation margin is exchanged daily. If variation margin is exchanged – at exceptional cases approved by SAMA as prescribed in paragraph 11 of these requirements- at less than daily frequency then the minimum horizon should be set equal to 10 days plus the number of days in between variation margin exchanges; the threshold calculation set out in paragraph 12 should nonetheless be made irrespective of the frequency with which variation margin is exchanged.
          9 Currency and interest rate derivatives may be portfolio margined together for the purposes of these requirements. As an example, an interest rate swap and a currency option may be margined on a portfolio basis as part of a single asset class.
          10 Inflation swaps, which transfer inflation risk between counterparties, may be considered as part of the currency/rates asset class for the purpose of computing model-based initial margin requirements, and as part of the interest rate asset class for the purposes of computing standardised initial margin requirements.

        • Element 4: Eligible Collateral for Margin

          To ensure that assets collected as collateral for initial and variation margin purposes can be liquidated in a reasonable amount of time to generate proceeds that could sufficiently protect collecting entities covered by the requirements from losses on non-centrally cleared derivatives in the event of a counterparty default, these assets should be highly liquid and should, after accounting for an appropriate haircut, be able to hold their value in a time of financial stress. The set of eligible collateral should take into account that assets which are liquid in normal market conditions may rapidly become illiquid in times of financial stress. In addition to having good liquidity, eligible collateral should not be exposed to excessive credit, market and FX risk (including through differences between the currency of the collateral asset and the currency of settlement). To the extent that the value of the collateral is exposed to these risks, appropriately risk-sensitive haircuts should be applied. More importantly, the value of the collateral should not exhibit a significant correlation with the creditworthiness of the counterparty or the value of the underlying non-centrally cleared derivatives portfolio in such a way that would undermine the effectiveness of the protection offered by the margin collected (ie the so- called “wrong way risk”). Accordingly, securities issued by the counterparty or its related parties should not be accepted as collateral. Accepted collateral should also be reasonably diversified. 
          32.SAMA only considers eligible collaterals, which are allowed under the standardised approach for credit risk under the Risk-based Capital Framework adopted by SAMA, subject to appropriate haircuts described below.
          33.Potential methods for determining appropriate haircuts include either internal or third- party quantitative model-based haircuts or schedule-based haircuts. Banks should apply standardised schedule-based haircuts as defined in Appendix B. If higher haircuts are proposed by different regulators in international jurisdictions, the higher haircut should be applied.
          34.Risk-sensitive quantitative models, both internal or third-party, could be used to establish haircuts provided that the model is approved by SAMA and subject to appropriate internal governance standards.
          35.Banks should not selectively apply the method for determining appropriate haircuts that would produce a lower haircut, banks should consistently adopt either the standardised tables approach or the internal/third-party models approach for all the collateral assets within the same well defined asset class.
          36.In addition to haircuts, other risk mitigants should be considered when accepting noncash collateral. In particular, banks should ensure that the collateral collected is not overly concentrated in terms of an individual issuer, issuer type and asset type.
          37.In the event that a dispute arises over the value of eligible collateral, both parties should make all necessary and appropriate efforts, including timely initiation of dispute resolution protocols, to resolve the dispute and exchange any required margin in a timely fashion.
          38.Collateral that is posted by a counterparty to satisfy margin requirements may, at some point in time before the end of the derivatives contract, be needed by the counterparty for some particular reason or purpose. Alternative collateral may be substituted or exchanged for the collateral that was originally posted provided that both parties agree to the substitution and that the substitution or exchange is made on the terms applicable to their agreement. When collateral is substituted, the alternative collateral must meet all the requirements outlined above. Further, the value of the alternative collateral, after the application of haircuts, must be sufficient to meet the margin requirement.
        • Element 5: Treatment of Provided Initial Margin

          Because the exchange of initial margin on a net basis may be insufficient to protect two market participants with large gross derivatives exposures to each other in the case of one firm’s failure, the gross initial margin between such firms should be exchanged. Initial margin collected should be held in such a way as to ensure that (i) the margin collected is immediately available to the collecting party in the event of the counterparty’s default, and (ii) the collected margin must be subject to arrangements that protect the posting party to the extent possible under applicable law in the event that the collecting party enters bankruptcy. 
          39.Initial margin should be exchanged on a gross basis and held in a manner consistent with the principle above.
          40.The collateral arrangements should be effective under relevant laws and supported by periodically updated legal opinions.
          41.Cash and non-cash collateral collected as variation margin may be re-hypothecated, re-pledged or re-used.
          42.Except where re-hypothecated, re-pledged or re-used in accordance with paragraph 43 below, cash and non-cash collateral collected as initial margin should not be rehypothecated, re-pledged or re-used.
          43.Cash and non-cash collateral collected as initial margin from a customer may be rehypothecated, re-pledged or re-used (henceforth re-hypothecated) to a third party only for purposes of hedging the initial margin collector’s derivatives position arising out of transactions with customers for which initial margin was collected and it must be subject to conditions that protect the customer’s rights in the collateral, where applicable. In any event, and upon approval from SAMA on a case by case basis, the customer’s collateral may be re-hypothecated only if the conditions described below are met:
           The customer, as part of its contractual agreement with the initial margin collector and after disclosure by the initial margin collector of (i) its right not to permit rehypothecation and (ii) the risks associated with the nature of the customer’s claim to the re-hypothecated collateral in the event of the insolvency of the initial margin collector or the third party, gives express consent in writing to the re-hypothecation of its collateral. In addition, the initial margin collector must give the customer the option to individually segregate the collateral that it posts.
           The initial margin collector is subject to regulation of liquidity risk.
           Collateral collected as initial margin from the customer is treated as a customer asset, and is segregated from the initial margin collector’s proprietary assets until re-hypothecated. Once re-hypothecated, the third party must treat the collateral as a customer asset, and must segregate it from the third party’s proprietary assets. Assets returned to the initial margin collector after re-hypothecation must also be treated as customer assets and must be segregated from the initial margin collector’s proprietary assets.
           The collateral of customers that have consented to the re-hypothecation of their collateral must be segregated from that of customers that have not so consented.
           Where initial margin has been individually segregated, the collateral must only be re-hypothecated for the purpose of hedging the initial margin collector’s derivatives position arising out of transactions with the customer in relation to which the collateral was provided.
           Where initial margin has been individually segregated and subsequently rehypothecated, the initial margin collector must require the third party similarly to segregate the collateral from the assets of the third party’s other customers, counterparties and its proprietary assets.
           Protection is given to the customer from the risk of loss of initial margin in circumstances where either the initial margin collector or the third party becomes insolvent and where both the initial margin collector and the third party become insolvent.
           Where the initial margin collector re-hypothecates initial margin, the agreement with the recipient of the collateral (ie the third party) must prohibit the third party from further re-hypothecating the collateral.
           Where collateral is re-hypothecated, the initial margin collector must notify the customer of that fact. Upon request by the customer and where the customer has opted for individual segregation, the initial margin collector must notify the customer of the amount of cash collateral and the value of non-cash collateral that has been re-hypothecated.
           Collateral must only be re-hypothecated to, and held by, an entity that is regulated in a jurisdiction that meets all of the specific conditions contained in this section and in which the specific conditions can be enforced by the initial margin collector.
           The customer and the third party may not be within the same group.
           The initial margin collector and the third party must keep appropriate records to show that all the above conditions have been met.
          44.Banks should disclose the level and volume of re-hypothecation as required in section “Reporting to SAMA” below.
        • Element 6: Treatment of Transactions with Affiliates

          Transactions between a firm and its affiliates should be subject to these initial and variation margin requirements. 
          45.Banks should apply standardised schedule-based haircuts as defined in Appendix B for transactions between the bank and its affiliates.
        • Element 7: Interaction of National Regimes in Cross-Border Transactions

          Regulatory regimes would interact so as to result in sufficiently consistent and non- duplicative regulatory margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives across jurisdictions. 
          46.These margin requirements are applicable to legal entities established in Saudi Arabia, which includes locally established subsidiaries of foreign entities, in relation to the initial and variation margins that they collect. SAMA may permit a bank to comply with the margin requirements of a host-country margin regime with respect to its derivatives activities, provided that SAMA considers the host-country margin regime to be consistent with the margin requirements described in this framework.
          47.For subsidiaries of Saudi banks in host jurisdictions, they should follow the requirements of the host country.
          48.A branch is part of the same legal entity as the headquarters; it may be subject to either the margin requirements of the jurisdiction where the headquarters is established or the requirements of the host country. Foreign Bank Branches (FBB) operating in the Saudi Arabia should be deemed compliant with these requirements if:
           The FBB is required to comply with, and has complied with, the margin requirements of that foreign jurisdiction (home regulator) that have been implemented through Published laws, rules or regulations; and
           The FBB has documentary evidence that the margin requirements of the foreign jurisdiction (home regulator) are comparable to SAMA’s or BCBS-IOSCO’s margin requirements for non-central cleared derivatives.
        • Element 8: Phase-in of the Requirements

          These requirements are phased in so that the systemic risk reductions and incentive benefits are appropriately balanced against the liquidity, operational and transition costs associated with implementing the requirements. 
          49.These requirements are applicable in a phased manner from 1 September 2016 as described in Margin requirements for Non-centrally Cleared Derivatives paper issued by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)11.
          50.The remaining phases –at the time of issuance of this document- to apply the requirement to exchange two-way initial margin with a threshold of up to €50 million are staged as follows:
           From 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022, any covered entity belonging to a group whose aggregate month-end average notional amount of non-centrally cleared derivatives for March, April, and May of 2021 exceeds €50 billion will be subject to the requirements when transacting with another covered entity (provided that it also meets that condition).
           On a permanent basis (ie from 1 September 2022), any covered entity belonging to a group whose aggregate month-end average notional amount of non-centrally cleared derivatives for March, April, and May of the year exceeds €8 billion will be subject to the requirements described in this document during the one-year period from 1 September of that year to 31 August of the following year when transacting with another covered entity (provided that it also meets that condition). Any covered entity belonging to a group whose aggregate month-end average notional amount of non-centrally cleared derivatives for March, April, and May of the year is less than €8 billion will not be subject to the initial margin requirements described in this document.
          51.For the purposes of calculating the group aggregate month-end average notional amount for determining whether a covered entity will be subject to the initial margin requirements described in this document, all of the group’s non-centrally cleared derivatives, including physically settled FX forwards and swaps, should be included.
          52.Initial margin requirements should apply to all new contracts entered into during the periods described above. Applying the initial margin requirements to existing derivatives contracts is not required.12

          11 Margin Requirements for Non-centrally Cleared Derivatives.
          12 Genuine amendments to existing derivatives contracts do not qualify as a new derivatives contract. Any amendment that is intended to extend an existing derivatives contract for the purpose of avoiding margin requirements will be considered a new derivatives contract.

      • Reporting to SAMA

        53.All Banks should report relevant initial and variation margin details as prescribed in these requirements in SAMA Q17 returns.
      • Appendix A

        Standardised initial margin schedule

        Asset classInitial margin requirement
        (% of notional exposure)
        Credit: 0–2 year duration2
        Credit: 2–5 year duration5
        Credit: 5+ year duration10
        Foreign exchange6
        Interest rate: 0–2 year duration1
        Interest rate: 2–5 year duration2
        Interest rate: 5+ year duration4
      • Appendix B

        Standardised haircut schedule

        Asset classHaircut
        (% of market value)
        Cash in same currency0
        High-quality government and central bank securities: residual maturity less than one year0.5
        High-quality government and central bank securities: residual maturity between one and five years2
        High-quality government and central bank securities: residual maturity greater than five years4
        High-quality corporate\covered bonds: residual maturity less than one year1
        High-quality corporate\covered bonds: residual maturity greater than one year and less than five years4
        High-quality corporate\covered bonds: residual maturity greater than five years8
        Equities included in major stock indices15
        Additional (additive) haircut on asset in which the currency of the derivatives obligation differs from that of the collateral asset8
    • Primary Dealer in the Government Securities Market

      No: 449950000067 Date(g): 23/3/2019 | Date(h): 17/7/1440Status: In-Force


      Further to the Circular No. 32234/67 issued by the Central Bank on 23/05/1440 H. related to the guidelines and operational principles for Bank Primary Dealers (Bank-PDs) in Government Securities.

      Attached are the operational guidelines for Bank Primary Dealers in Government Securities Market in English, which revoke and replace the principles issued under the aforementioned circular.

      For your information and action effective from its date.

      • 1. Eligibility conditions for banks proposing to undertake PD business

        The following categories of banks would be eligible to undertake PD activities:

        A. Banks which meet the minimum capital adequacy ratio as set by SAMA during the ICAAP process.

        B. Strong managerial /trading capabilities with treasury operations that is fully computerized, with competent and knowledgeable staff, and with relevant professional experience in main treasury /front and back offices.

        C. Adequate risk management systems to measure,manage and provide for the risks emanating from the PD activity. Banks should have a trading desk that has the capacity to hedge risks arising from the PD activities.

        D. Adequate physical infrastructure and skilled manpower for efficient participation in primary issues, trading in the secondary market, and to advise and educate investors.

        E. SAMA no-objection to undertake Primary Dealership business.

      • 2. General Guidelines and Applicability

        A. The bank-PDs' role and obligations in terms of supporting the primary market auctions for issue of Government dated securities, underwriting of Dated Government Securities, market-making in Government securities and secondary market turnover of Government Securities must not contravene any of the prudential rules currently in place for banks.

        B. Bank-PDs are required to form a Primary Dealers' Committee and abide by a code of conduct that should be framed by such a committee and such other actions initiated by them in the interests of the securities markets.

        C. The investment policy of the bank should be suitably amended to also include PD activities. Within the overall framework of the investment policy, the PD business undertaken by the bank will be limited to dealing, underwriting and market-making in Saudi Government Securities. Investments in Corporate bonds, Commercial Papers, Certificate of deposits and other fixed income securities will not be deemed to be part of the PD business.

        D. Bank-PDs should update their investment policy and/or framework and implement a Board approved investment policy and operational guidelines on securities transactions. The policy/framework should include (but not limited to) the following:

        - The broad objectives to be followed while undertaking transactions in securities on their own account and on behalf of clients;

        - Clearly define the authority to put through deals, and lay down procedure to be followed while putting through deals;

        - Various prudential exposure limits;

        - Policy regarding dealings through brokers;

        - Systems for management of various risks;

        - Guidelines for valuation of the portfolio and the reporting systems;

        - Operational procedures and controls in relation to the day-to-day business operations to ensure that operations in securities are conducted in accordance with sound and acceptable business practices.

        - The effectiveness of the policy and operational guidelines should be periodically evaluated 

        E. The classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio guidelines as applicable to banks in regard to "Held for Trading" portfolio will also apply to the portfolio of Government Dated Securities earmarked for PD market-making business.

        F. The Government Dated Securities under Bank-PD business will count for SAMA Liquidity Ratios.

        G. Bank-PDs should report to SAMA any violations of the terms and conditions of undertaking agreement they sign with the Debt Management Office (DMO).

      • 3. Maintenance of Books, Accounts and Reporting

        A. Bank-PDs will have to maintain separate books of accounts for transactions relating to PD business (distinct from transactions in securities on their own account) with necessary audit trails. It should be ensured that, at any point in time, Bank PDs observe the minimum DMO balance of Government Securities earmarked for PD market-making business.

        B. Bank-PDs shall submit to their SAMA Team Leaders , an Annual Report on PD activities (with at least information on subscription activities, underwriting activities, primary and secondary markets turnover of the bank) by 15th of February the following year.

        C. Bank-PDs should subject the PD transactions and any regulatory returns submitted to the DMO and SAMA to concurrent annual audit. An internal auditors' review report for having maintained the minimum stipulated balance of Government Securities in the PD-book on an ongoing basis and having adhered to these guidelines/ instructions issued by SAMA, should be undertaken and provided to SAMA upon request.

      • 4. Capital Adequacy and Risk Management

        A. The capital adequacy requirement and risk management guidelines will be as per the existing guidelines applicable to banks. For the purpose of assessing the bank's capital adequacy requirement and coverage under risk management framework, the PD activity should also be taken into account.

        B. The bank undertaking PD activity should put in place adequate risk management systems to measure and provide for the risks emanating from the PD activity.

      • 5. Implementation and Effective Date

        A. All Bank-PDs are required to develop and implement the requisite policies and procedures to ensure compliance with these Rules. Any violation or circumvention of these Rules may warrant the appropriate regulatory action by SAMA.

        B. Requirement 1(E) (SAMA no-objection) above shall not apply to banks already appointed by the DMO before the effective date of these regulations.

        C. These Rules supersede the previous rules issued under SAMA circular 32234 /67 dated 23/05/1440 and shall come into force effective immediately.