Article (13)
Board members and senior managements of companies must enjoy suitable competencies and experiences that qualify them for their jobs.
Article (14)
SAMA's fit and proper standards and criteria shall apply to all company founders, chairman and members of the board of directors and executive management. They shall complete the fit and proper questionnaire issued by SAMA and provide all forms and requirements specified in the criteria to obtain SAMA "Non Objection" for their appointment.
Article (15)
The nominee for membership in the company’s board of directors shall:
1. not be a board member of any other credit information company inside or outside Saudi Arabia; 2. not be convicted by any court with regard to any crime impinging on honor or integrity, unless rehabilitated; 3. never declared bankruptcy or insolvency; 4. not be an employee at any other credit information company or an auditor of its accounts; 5. never been terminated from employment over a disciplinary action; 6. not pose any conflict of interest due to membership in the company's board of directors or the board of any other company that conducts a different activity; and 7. have a credit record that is free of any negative information.