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  • Appendix 1 - Monthly Statistical Return

    • Part A: SAR Outgoing Instructions

      Insert name of the Settlement AgentMonthly Indirect Participants SAR Outgoing InstructionsMonth, YYYY
      DateIndirect Participant’s Name 1Indirect Participant’s Name 2Total Indirect Participants InstructionsTotal Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express Instructions processed by Settlement AgentPercentage of Indirect Participant Instructions over Total Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express Instructions
      VolumeValueVolumeValueVolumeValueVolumeValueVolume (%)Value (%)
      abcdef = b + dg = c + eijk = f/i x 100l = g/j x 100
      In case of a bulk instruction - take volume of individual instructions within the bulk instruction
    • Part B: SAR Incoming Instructions

      Insert name of the Settlement AgentMonthly Indirect Participants SAR Incoming InstructionsMonth, YYYY
      DateIndirect Participant’s Name 1Indirect Participant’s Name 2Total Indirect Participants InstructionsTotal Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express Instructions processed by Settlement AgentPercentage of Indirect Participant Instructions over Total Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express Instructions
      VolumeValueVolumeValueVolumeValueVolumeValueVolume (%)Value (%)
      abcdef = b + dg = c + eijk = f/i x 100l = g/j x 100
      In case of a bulk instruction - take volume of individual instructions within the bulk instruction
    • Part C: Credit Lines and Collateral

      Insert name of the Settlement AgentCredit Lines and Collateral HeldAs of DD/MM/YYYYSAR' mn
      Indirect Participant’s NameCredit LinesValue of Collateral Held
       TotalUnutilizedUtilizedCommittedUncommittedTotalCashNon- Cash
      Indirect Participant’s Name 1        
      Indirect Participant’s Name 2        
      Indirect Participant’s Name 3        

      ** a = b + c = d + e 
      *** g = h + 1