Chapter I: Definitions, General Provisions and Scope of Application
1. Definitions
For the purpose of applying the provisions of these Principles, the following terms and phrases, wherever mentioned herein, shall have the meanings assigned thereto unless the context otherwise requires:
Term Definition SAMA The Saudi Central Bank.
Compliance Principles for Finance and Real Estate Refinance Companies.
Company Finance Company and Real Estate Refinance Company licensed by SAMA.
Board Company's Board of Directors.
ManagementIndividuals who run the Company's day-to-day business and propose and implement strategic decisions. The Executive Management is considered the senior management.
Unit The Company's compliance function/department, which reports directly to the Audit Committee.
OfficerCompliance Unit's officer/manager in the Company.
Unit Staff All Compliance Unit's staff who perform compliance-related duties and responsibilities.
Laws The laws that apply to the Company and its Staff.
Instructions All binding regulations, rules, principles, frameworks, guidelines and circulars issued by SAMA, in exercise of its role as a regulatory and supervisory authority, and other competent entities.
Non-Compliance Risk Risks that result in the application of penalties or regulatory measures against the Company, or lead to it incurring financial losses or harming its reputation as a result of non-compliance with laws and instructions.
2. General Provisions
3. Scope of Application
a. The provisions of these Principles shall apply to finance and real estate refinance companies.
b. These Principles shall serve as a guide to finance support companies and finance lease contract registration companies. SAMA may, at any time, enforce all or some of these Principles.