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Annex 4: Illustrative Summary of the LCR

(percentages are factors to be multiplied by the total amount of each item)

Stock of HQLA
A. Level 1 assets: 
Coins and bank notes100%
Qualifying marketable securities from sovereigns, central banks, PSEs, and multilateral development banks
Qualifying central bank reserves
Domestic sovereign or central bank debt for non-0% risk-weighted sovereigns
B. Level 2 assets (maximum of 40% of HQLA): 
Level 2A assets 
Sovereign, central bank, multilateral development banks, and PSE assets qualifying for 20% risk weighting85%
Qualifying corporate debt securities rated AA- or higher
Qualifying covered bonds rated AA- or higher
Level 2B assets (maximum of 15% of HQLA)
Qualifying RMBS75%
Qualifying corporate debt securities rated between A+ and BBB-50%
Qualifying common equity shares50%
Total value of stock of HQLA 
Cash Outflows
A. Retail deposits: 
Demand deposits and term deposits (less than 30 days maturity) 
Stable deposits (deposit insurance scheme meets additional criteria)3%
Stable deposits5%
Less stable retail deposits10%
Term deposits with residual maturity greater than 30 days0%
B. Unsecured wholesale funding: 
Demand and term deposits (less than 30 days maturity) provided by small business customers:
Stable deposits5%
Less stable deposits10%
Operational deposits generated by clearing, custody and cash management activities25%
Portion covered by deposit insurance5%
Cooperative banks in an institutional network (qualifying deposits with the centralised institution)25%
Non-financial corporates, sovereigns, central banks, multilateral development banks, and PSEs40%
If the entire amount fully covered by deposit insurance scheme20%
Other legal entity customers100%
C. Secured funding: 
Secured funding transactions with a central bank counterparty or backed by Level 1 assets with any counterparty.0%
Secured funding transactions backed by Level 2A assets, with any counterparty15%
Secured funding transactions backed by non-Level 1 or non-Level 2A assets, with domestic sovereigns, multilateral development banks, or domestic PSEs as a counterparty25%
Backed by RMBS eligible for inclusion in Level 2B25%
Backed by other Level 2B assets50%
All other secured funding transactions100%
D. Additional requirements: 
Liquidity needs (eg collateral calls) related to financing transactions, derivatives and other contracts3 notch downgrade
Market valuation changes on derivatives transactions (largest absolute net 30-day collateral flows realised during the preceding 24 months)Look back approach
Valuation changes on non-Level 1 posted collateral securing derivatives20%
Excess collateral held by a bank related to derivative transactions that could contractually be called at any time by its counterparty100%
Liquidity needs related to collateral contractually due from the reporting bank on derivatives transactions100%
Increased liquidity needs related to derivative transactions that allow collateral substitution to non-HQLA assets100%
ABCP, SIVs, conduits, SPVs, etc: 
Liabilities from maturing ABCP, SIVs, SPVs, etc (applied to maturing amounts and returnable assets)100%
Asset Backed Securities (including covered bonds) applied to maturing amounts.100%
Currently undrawn committed credit and liquidity facilities provided to: 
retail and small business clients5%
non-financial corporates, sovereigns and central banks, multilateral development banks, and PSEs10% for credit
30% for liquidity
banks subject to prudential supervision40%
other financial institutions (include securities firms, insurance companies)40% for credit
100% for liquidity
other legal entity customers, credit and liquidity facilities100%
Other contingent funding liabilities (such as guarantees, letters of credit, revocable credit and liquidity facilities, etc)National discretion
Trade finance0-5%
Customer short positions covered by other customers’ collateral50%
Any additional contractual outflows100%
Net derivative cash outflows100%
Any other contractual cash outflows100%
Total cash outflows 
Cash Inflows
Maturing secured lending transactions backed by the following collateral: 
Level 1 assets0%
Level 2A assets15%
Level 2B assets 
Eligible RMBS25%
Other assets50%
Margin lending backed by all other collateral50%
All other assets100%
Credit or liquidity facilities provided to the reporting bank0%
Operational deposits held at other financial institutions (include deposits held at centralised institution of network of co-operative banks)0%
Other inflows by counterparty: 
Amounts to be received from retail counterparties50%
Amounts to be received from non-financial wholesale counterparties, from transactions other than those listed in above inflow categories50%
Amounts to be received from financial institutions and central banks, from transactions other than those listed in above inflow categories.100%
Net derivative cash inflows100%
Other contractual cash inflowsNational discretion
Total cash inflows 
Total net cash outflows = Total cash outflows minus min [total cash inflows, 75% of gross outflows] 
LCR = Stock of HQLA / Total net cash outflows