Book traversal links for اعتماد التاريخ الهجري في جميع أعمال الشركات والمؤسسات والبنوك وغيرها من الأجهزة
The Adoption of the Hijri Calendar in all Operations of Companies, Institutions, Banks and other Entities
No: 14225/BC/518 | Date(g): 29/7/1989 | Date(h): 26/12/1409 |
SAMA has received the letter of HE the Minister of Finance and National Economy No. 3/8047 dated 1-12-1409H, referring to Royal Order No. 2191/M dated 25-11-1409H, regarding the requirement to use the Hejira Calendar by all companies, establishments and other institutions, noting that the Gregorian date may be added to the Hejira date in correspondences and communications.
Please be informed and act accordingly.