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1.1 Introduction

No: 42022533 Date(g): 23/11/2020 | Date(h): 8/4/1442
SAMA issued these rules in exercise of the powers vested upon it under Finance Companies Control Law promulgated by the Royal Decree No. (M/51) on 13/08/1433H and in pursuance of the Implementing Regulation of Finance Companies Control Law promulgated by the resolution of the Governor No (2/M U T) dated 14/04/1434H
In reference to Article no. 13 of Finance Companies Control Law "The finance company shall allocate a provision for contingent operation losses in accordance with the criteria specified under the Regulations," and Article 62 of the Implementing Regulation of the Finance Companies Control Law "The finance company must set provisions for contingent losses and risks in accordance with international accounting standards. SAMA may require the finance company to make one or more additional provisions for such losses and risks." 
These Rules set out the minimum requirements on Credit Risk Exposure Classification and Provisioning. A finance company's credit risk exposure classification and provisioning are components of its credit risk management framework. Credit Risk Management must be performed by finance companies through the use of appropriate policies, procedures, and controls that identify, measure, monitor, control and report the actual credit risk of the finance company. Finance companies will not be able to achieve compliance with these Rules unless there is an effective and robust Credit Risk Management Framework that is commensurate with the nature, size, complexity and level of their credit risk exposure. As a result, finance companies must first conduct an analysis of current risk management framework to determine what adjustments are necessary as a result of these Rules, and implement the necessary remediating actions to ensure full compliance by the effective date. 
It should be noted that the Board of Directors and Management of the finance company are responsible to set adequate policies and procedures, maintaining sound asset quality, having an adequate level of provisions and general reserve for credit losses at all times, and having effective exposure approval management and classification procedures, as well as an appropriate framework for dealing with problem exposures.