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Article Seventy-One

No: 596/1

The Company shall maintain separate registers for each class of insurance as follows:

1.Policy Register: such register shall include the following particulars: 
 a.Policy number and issuance date. 
 b.Policy period (effective and expiration date) 
 c.Insured’s name and address. 
 d.Property or activity to be insured. 
 e.Type of risk. 
 f.Insurance premium. 
 g.Paid premium. 
 h.Endorsements, riders, warranties, and amendments made to the policy. 
 i.Other particulars deemed necessary by the Company. 
2.Claims Register: such register shall include the following particulars: 
 a.Claims number and date reported. 
 b.Policy number and period of insurance. 
 c.Insured’s name. 
 d.Date and place of the loss and the type of claim. 
 e.Technical reserves estimated and any other changes. 
 f.Claims payments date and amount. 
 g.Closed claims and the reasons for such closure. 
 h.Unpaid (outstanding) claims. 
 i.Disputed claims and any action taken in respect thereof. 
 j.Subrogation recoveries, salvage return, or any other recoveries excluding reinsurance. 
 k.Other particulars deemed necessary by the Company. 
3.Reinsurance Register: such register shall include the following particulars: 
 a.Reinsurance treaties and agreements given that; the period for each agreement and the changes made thereto shall be stated separately with the capacity and type of each agreement, the names and ceded percentage or amount for each reinsurer and the company’s retention percentage or amount for each class of insurance, and summary of all reinsurance agreements and other particulars deem necessary by the company. 
 b.Reinsurance ceding statements. 
 c.Claims register for reinsurance paid and outstanding claims. 
4.The Company shall maintain an underwriting register for each class of insurance. 
5.Insurance Professions Register: It shall include names of any Person engaged in insurance activities that the company is dealing with, their commercial registration, period of contacts, and the nature of the agreement and any other particulars deemed necessary by the Company.