Collecting Donations Using Bank Accounts Without Obtaining Official Approval
No: 331000025760 | Date(g): 10/11/2012 | Date(h): 26/12/1433 |
Translated Document
Reference to the telegram of the Ministry of Interior No. 73142 dated 02/11/1432 H regarding the collection of donations by individuals and entities using mobile messaging technology or the Internet or through advertising in various visual and print media without obtaining the approval of the official authorities and directing the competent authorities in the Ministry of Interior to take the necessary measures to inflict precautionary seizure on the accounts announced in mobile messages or various media in order to collect donations and apply what was stated in the order of His Highness the Minister of Interior No. 1/7/3/57993/S dated 24-25/10/142 H. In view of the receipt of numerous letters from banks to SAMA stating that some customers' accounts have received deposits in various ways for the purpose of collecting donations and requesting guidance on them.
SAMA would like to emphasize that all licensed banks in the Kingdom abide by the above instructions issued to monitor abnormal or suspicious transactions, including fundraising operations through bank accounts without obtaining prior approvals from the relevant official authorities, and the obligation to report these transactions after studying them to the Financial Intelligence Unit at the Ministry of Interior in accordance with Article Nine of the Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/31 dated 11/05/1433 H, and not to seize these accounts until a directive is received from SAMA.