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  • Additional Requirements on Capital Adequacy for Shari’ah Compliant Banking

    No: 45021335 Date(g): 14/10/2023 | Date(h): 30/3/1445Status: In-Force

    Based on the powers vested to SAMA under its law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442H, and the relevant laws. And referring to ongoing efforts to establish a supervisory framework for banks conducting Shari’ah compliance banking, SAMA is committed to strengthening the current prudential capital adequacy requirements.

    Therefore, Attached are the Additional Requirements on Capital Adequacy for Shari’ah Compliance Banking. These requirements address the risks associated with products and contracts that comply with Shari’ah principles, with the aim of reinforcing the existing current prudential capital adequacy requirements for credit and market risks, in addition to SAMA's Basel standards framework.

    For your information, and action accordingly as of  01/01/2024.


    • 2. Objective

      The objective of this document is to introduce additional set of prudential requirements on the Capital Requirements for Credit Risk and Market Risk for Shari’ah Compliant banking, which are to be read alongside the applicable SAMA’s Basel framework issued via circular no. 44047144 dated 04/06/1444H (28 December 2022) and any subsequent updates. These additional requirements are issued to ensure risks associated with Islamic banking products and contracts are appropriately captured through the capital adequacy framework.

    • 3. Scope of Application

      These additional requirements are applicable to all domestic banks that conduct Shari’ah compliant banking licensed by SAMA under the Banking Control Law. Where a locally incorporated bank has a majority owned subsidiary(ies) licensed and operating outside Saudi Arabia and/or has branch operations in any foreign jurisdiction that conduct Shari’ah compliant banking shall follow these requirements.

    • 4. Definitions

      The following words and phrases, wherever mentioned in these requirements will have the meanings assigned to them unless the context implies otherwise:

      SAMA: The Saudi Central Bank

      Bank: Any domestic bank that is licensed to carry out banking business in Saudi Arabia in accordance with the provisions of the Banking Control Law and that conduct Shari’ah compliant banking either as a full-fledged Islamic bank or through an Islamic Window.

      Islamic Window: That part of a conventional bank (which may be a branch or a dedicated unit of that bank) that conducts Shari’ah compliant banking, finance and investment activities.

      Murabahah: A sale contract whereby the bank sells to a customer a specified asset, whereby the selling price is the sum of the cost price and an agreed profit margin. The Murabahah contract can be preceded by a promise to purchase from the customer.

      Murabahah for Purchase Orderer (MPO): a murabahah with an agreement to purchase that is binding where the bank acquires and receives an asset expecting that the obligor will purchase it. The contract will, therefore, include terms for the obligor to pay the price to the bank after taking delivery of the asset.

      Tawarruq or Commodity Murabahah Transaction (CMT): A murabahah transaction based on the purchase of a commodity from a seller or a broker and its resale to the customer on the basis of deferred murabahah, followed by the sale of the commodity by the customer for a spot price to a third party for the purpose of obtaining liquidity, provided that there are no links between the two contracts.

      Salam: The sale of a specified commodity that is of a known type, quantity and attributes for a known price paid at the time of signing the contract for its delivery in the future in one or several batches.

      Parallel Salam: A second Salam contract with a third party to acquire for a specified price a commodity of known type, quantity and attributes, which corresponds to the specifications of the commodity in the first Salam contract without the presence of any links between the two contracts.

      Istisna: The sale of a specified asset, with an obligation on the part of the seller to manufacture/construct it using seller’s own materials and to deliver it on a specific date in return for a specific price to be paid in one lump sum or instalments.

      Parallel Istisna: A second Istisna contract whereby a third party commits to manufacture/construct a specified asset, which corresponds to the specifications of the asset in the first Istisna contract without the presence of any links between the two contracts.

      Ijarah: A contract made to lease the usufruct of a specified asset for an agreed period against a specified rental. It could be preceded by a unilateral binding promise from one of the contracting parties. As for the Ijarah contract, it is binding on both contracting parties.

      Ijarah Muntahia Bi Al Tamlik: A lease contract combined with a separate promise from the lessor giving the lessee a binding promise to own the asset at the end of the lease period either by purchase of the asset through a token consideration, or by the payment of an agreed-upon price or the payment of its market value. This can be done through a promise to sell, a promise to donate, or a contract of conditional donation.

      Musharakah: A partnership contract in which the partners agree to contribute capital to an enterprise, whether existing or new. Profits generated by that enterprise are shared in accordance with the percentage specified in the Musharakah contract, while losses are shared in proportion to each partner’s share of capital.

      Musharakah with Ijarah: Partners that jointly own an asset or real estate may lease it to a third party or to one of the partners under an ijarah contract and thus generate rental income for the partnership.

      Musharakah with Murabahah: As a joint owner of the underlying asset, a bank is entitled to a share of the revenue generated from the sale of the asset under a Murabahah contract.

      Mudarabah: A partnership contract between the capital provider (rabb al-mal) and an entrepreneur (Mudarib) whereby the capital provider would contribute capital to an enterprise or activity that is to be managed by the entrepreneur. Profits generated by that enterprise or activity are shared in accordance with the percentage specified in the contract, while losses are to be borne solely by the capital provider unless the losses are due to misconduct, negligence or breach of contracted terms.

      Qard Hassan: A loan for a fixed period for which no profit rate is charged.

      Wakalah: An agency contract where the customer (principal) appoints an institution as agent (wakil) to carry out the business on his/her behalf. The contract can be for a fee or without a fee.

    • 6. Equity Exposures

      Banks are required to calculate risk weights assets for equity exposure (i.e. Musharakah/Mudarabah/Wakalah) in accordance to the treatment of equity and transition arrangements in SAMA’s Basel framework.

    • 7. Effective Date

      These additional requirements shall be effective on 01 January 2024.