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3.4.1 Loss Severity and Frequency

Status: In-Force

Finite risk works best in situations where a severe loss is possible. A typical finite risk prospect is an organization which has a high severity/low frequency loss situation (i.e an "upstream" professional liability loss from overseas derivative trading) for which inadequate insurance coverage is available in the conventional market or the cost of the coverage is prohibitive.

Frequently, a bank will use a single-parent captive to front a finite program to fill the middle layer of operational risk - above the self-insurance used for smaller recurring losses and below commercial insurance used for catastrophe cover - although some insurers have used finite insurance on top of self insurance and handled the upper layer of risk through a captive.

An example of how a finite risk program can handle a high severity/low frequency situation might be that of an investment banking firm which has developed a new series of global derivative trading products. To fully exploit the potential market the firm wishes to spin off this function as a separate operating subsidiary through an Initial Public Offering (IPO). However, investors are concerned that, given current liability issues involving derivative trading products, the proposed firms professional liability exposures are inadequately covered, since they fear that a professional liability loss in the first year of the IPO would drive insurance premiums to a prohibitive level and/or severely deplete capital. To address this issue, a program is structured utilizing both finite and conventional insurance. The finite portion consists of a five year program with a guaranteed premium for the underlying primary finite layer. For coverage in excess of this primary finite layer, commercial insurance is used since premium rates in the excess layers are less than using the finite market. This program gives the firm precisely what it needs during the critical IPO phase - maximum transfer of risk with a guaranteed premium level for five years. In addition, if there are no significant losses over the period of the finite contract, the firm will receive a return of premium at the end of that time.