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Instructions for the New Mechanism for Seizing and Lifting Seizure of Banking Relations
No: 361000102851 | Date(g): 12/5/2015 | Date(h): 24/7/1436 |
Translated Document
In reference to the meeting held at the headquarters of SAMA on 26/5/1436 H regarding several topics related to banking procedures, including the developed mechanism to seize and lift the seizure of banking relations sent through the SAMANet system within the category of "judicial banking procedures", through which automatic updates appear to banks through the SAMANet system stating the completion of the claimed amount executed against him or part of it in one or more banks, on which bank representatives were trained at the headquarters of SAMA during the period from 13/6/1436 H to 16/6/1436 H. They were allowed to work on its mechanisms through the experimental environment of the SAMANet system.
I inform you about the imminent operation of the mechanism and you will be notified by the Bank Execution Department of its date. Based on SAMA's keenness on the importance of it and banks completing all executive judicial orders in a timely manner and in the form specified in compliance with the provisions of the Enforcement Law, and in view of the sensitivity and importance of such requests and their direct impact on bank customers, and in accordance with ensuring the protection of banks and their employees from exposure to the procedures or penalties stipulated in the Enforcement Law and its Implementing Regulations, banks must comply with the following requirements:
- Processing requests received from SAMA through the SAMANet system regarding the category of "judicial banking procedures" as soon as they are received.
- Dealing with each application separately, and implementing the content of the application on the bank's law immediately upon receipt.
- Fill in the fields in the application in accordance with the required.
- In the event that the Bank receives a request to seize banking relations for a customer whose accounts are previously seized, the available balance in the customer's account must be filled in in the "Seized Amount" field for the specified order after deducting the balances reserved for another application or requests, so that the full balances are indicated in the "Balance" field and the reference or other references for the reservation on the customer's banking relations are indicated in the notes field. In the event that the remaining amount of the total amount of debt to be reserved is available in the customer's account, it will be reserved on the remaining amount only, and enables the customer to transact.
SAMA confirms that the responsibility lies with the banks towards the judicial authority, towards SAMA and towards the customer in the event of a delay in reviewing the SAMANet system and the updated notifications in the application and implementing their content, and SAMA will periodically follow up to verify the bank's compliance with these instructions through direct reports through which the time it takes for banks to process each request separately is measured, and other reports that measure the bank's performance level in processing applications during a specific period, and the regulatory procedures will be applied in the event of delaying the processing of the application and failure to follow up on its updates, and providing inaccurate information including the required information in all application fields.
To review and act accordingly, and to provide adequate human resources and the necessary technical systems.