The Comprehensive National Campaign to Track Down and Arrest Violators of Residence, Work and Border Security Systems
No: 391000031319 | Date(g): 6/12/2017 | Date(h): 18/3/1439 |
Translated Document
Referring to SAMA Circular No. 381000075863 dated 16/07/1438 H regarding the comprehensive national campaign to track down and arrest violators of residency and labor regulations and border security, SAMA wishes to emphasize the contents of this circular and the full commitment to the following:
First: Raising the level of compliance with residency and labor regulations and border security.
Second: Not employing or sheltering violators of residency and labor regulations and border security.
Third: Taking further effective measures to prevent the provision of services to any violator, whether for themselves or their family members.
Fourth: Promptly contacting the phone number (999) if any information is available regarding dealings with violators, concealing them, transporting them, or employing them.
Furthermore, SAMA confirms its continued field visits to all financial sectors under its supervision to verify compliance with all residency and labor regulations and border security.