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“Free Look” Clause (Protection & Savings Insurance Products)

26.Every policy for protection and savings insurance should provide at least a twenty-one (21) day Free Look period from the date of delivery of the insurance contract for the policyholder to review the contract to assess its suitability and whether it provides the benefits described by the agent or broker. The policy will be deemed to be fully in force and this provision will be deemed to be waived by the policyholder, if the policyholder does not inform the insurance company within the period that the policy will be returned. If the policyholder deems the policy unsuitable, the insurance company must be notified in writing within the Free Look period and a refund of premiums paid to the customer subject only to the following: 
 a)Deduction of the expenses incurred by the insurance company on medical examination of the customer. 
 b)Deduction of a proportionate risk premium for the period of cover. 
 c)In respect of a unit linked plan, the insurance company shall also be entitled to make an appropriate adjustment to take account of changes in the unit price.