Book traversal links for وجوب الحصول على عدم ممانعة البنك المركزي قبل تزويد الجهات الحكومية وغير الحكومية بالمعلومات والبيانات والإحصاءات
Ensuring SAMA’s NOC is Received before Sharing Information, Data, and Statistics with Various Entities
No: 150410000067 | Date(g): 15/11/2018 | Date(h): 7/3/1440 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Referring to the Credit Information Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/37) dated 5/7/1429H and its Implementing Regulations, and the importance and sensitivity of the information and data obtained by credit information companies under their mandates.
SAMA emphasizes the necessity of obtaining SAMA's non- objection before sharing any data or statistics to governmental or non-governmental entities, except for what is included in the agreements signed with members based on the Credit Information Law and its Implementing Regulations.