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10. Exclusion of Losses from the Loss Component

No: 44047144 Date(g): 27/12/2022 | Date(h): 4/6/1444 Status: In-Force
10.1Banks must obtain SAMA’s approval to exclude certain operational loss events when they are no longer relevant to the bank’s operational risk profile. The exclusion of internal loss events should be rare and supported by strong justification. In evaluating the relevance of operational loss events to the bank’s risk profile, SAMA will consider whether the cause of the loss event could occur in other areas of the bank’s operations. Taking settled legal exposures and divested businesses as examples, SAMA expects the bank’s analysis to demonstrate that there is no similar or residual legal exposure and that the excluded loss experience has no relevance to other continuing activities or products.
10.2The total loss amount and number of exclusions must be disclosed under Pillar 3 with appropriate narratives, including total loss amount and number of exclusions.
10.3The Banks will exclude losses where a loss event should be greater than 5% of the bank’s average losses. In addition, losses can only be excluded after being included in a bank’s operational risk loss database for a minimum period of three years. Losses related to divested activities will not be subject to a minimum operational risk loss database retention period.