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Banks should comply with the following in completing the report related to Assets and Liabilities interest rates:
Assets and Liabilities Weighted Average (W.A) rates and balances should be submitted as following:
Template (1) - by Product:
Categorization based on product type for example: loans, investments, placement with SAMA, bonds and deposits.
Template (2) - by Sector:
Categorization based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC4).
Template (3) - by Type Sharia-compliant or Conventional:
Categorization based on the bank’s classification of each product Sharia- compliant or conventional.
Assets and liabilities W.A Rates , Balances and Maturity should be reported as follows:
W.A Rates:
Include annual contractual rates on Assets and Liabilities outstanding at the end of the quarter.
Current Quarter Balance: Includes balance sheet exposure amount booked during the quarter and still outstanding at the quarter end.
Outstanding Balance: Includes total outstanding balances at the end of the quarter including the current quarter balance.
Includes contractual maturity used to populate the Current Quarter W.A rates and Outstanding W.A rates columns. The movement between buckets is not allowed.
Banks should calculate the W.A rate as described in Annexure -1.
All classifications of Assets and Liabilities are mutually exclusive.
Benchmark rates must be included in the rate calculation based on booking value.
For example: SAIBOR rate on booking date + 3% per annum.
Local and Foreign Currency Balance amount should be reported/calculated in SAR 000's and W.A rates in percentage terms.
All data for calculating the W.A rate should be related to M1 Domestic (Resident by Local and Foreign Currency) as described in Annexure- 2.