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Emergency Evacuation for People with Disabilities

No: 43069533 Date(g): 14/3/2022 | Date(h): 11/8/1443 Status: In-Force

Translated Document

Further to SAMA's instructions issued under No. (41039051) dated 03/06/1441H regarding the services provided for persons with disabilities in financial institutions, and referring to the letter from the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Authority for the Care of people with Disabilities, No. (138474) dated 19/07/1443H, which includes the emergency evacuation guide for persons with disabilities.

In order to enhance safety and security procedures for financial institutions, contributing to providing safe evacuation routes for people with disabilities in the event of accidents, God forbid.

SAMA confirms that all financial institutions must adhere to and comply with the emergency evacuation standards for people with disabilities according to the accompanying guide.