Book traversal links for 1. Overview of the Reporting Format and Contents
1. Overview of the Reporting Format and Contents
No: 581 | Date(g): 22/9/2008 | Date(h): 23/9/1429 | Status: Modified |
Effective from Jan 31 2009 - Jan 30 2009
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The ultimate end product of the ICAAP process is the ICAAP document. This section on reporting format and contents is to provide guidance to banks to describe in a logical format the main assumptions and results of the ICAAP process. Consequently, the ICAAP document should bring into one place an assessment of the capital requirements in relation to a bank's risk profile, strategies, business plans, major risks, acquisitions, governance and internal risk management systems, etc. It also must establish the capital required for economic, regulatory and accounting purposes and help identify planned sources of capital to meet its objectives. Further, all relevant assessments and information should be covered and documented in the ICAAP.
Specifically, the objectives of the ICAAP and the related entities of the bank that are included by it should be specified. The main results of the ICAAP effort may be presented in a tabular format indicating the major components of capital requirements, capital available, capital buffers and proposed funding plans. Furthermore, the adequacy of the governance and bank's internal control and risk management processes should be included.
It is also important to document the strategic position of the bank, its balance sheet strength, planned growth in the major assets based on its Business plans for the next 12 to 18 months indicating the likely consumption in capital for this growth by major category.
Further, the results of major stress tests on capital requirements and capital supply for additional risks deterioration in the economic environment, recessionary periods, or other economic/political downturns are important aspects to be covered.