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Under the IRB Approach, banks should categorize exposures in the banking book into broad classes of assets with different underlying risk characteristics, subject to the definitions set out below.
The classes of assets are: (i) corporate; (ii) sovereign; (iii) bank; (iv) retail; and (v) equity. Within the corporate asset class, four sub-classes of specialized lending (see paragraph 2.2.4 below) are separately identified. Within the retail asset class, three sub-classes (see paragraph 2.5.2 below) are separately identified.
The classification of exposures mentioned above is broadly consistent with established banking practice. However, some banks may use different definitions in their internal risk management and measurement systems. While it is not the intention of SAMA to require banks to change the way they manage their business and risks, banks are required to apply the appropriate treatment to each exposure for the purpose of deriving their minimum capital requirements. Banks should demonstrate to SAMA that their methodology for assigning exposures to different asset classes is appropriate and consistent over time.
The size or exposure limits used for defining some corporate or retail exposures are denominated in local currency (see paragraphs 2.2.2, and 2.5.4 below). Banks are generally expected to re-classify such exposures when the exposures are no longer within or above the limits, as the case may be. However, SAMA will be flexible if the need for re-classification arises solely from short-term exchange fluctuations for exposures denominated in foreign currencies. Banks should have appropriate policies in place for determining the circumstances for re-classifying the exposures. For example, these may include situations in which the changes are more permanent in nature, having been caused by a major currency revaluation or a natural growth or reduction in size or exposure. Re-classification of an exposure will not be required if its outstanding balance falls below the relevant limit mainly as a result of repayments or write-offs.
Book traversal links for 2.1 Categorization of Exposures