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4. Standardized Approach to Credit Risk
No: BCS 290 Date(g): 12/6/2006 | Date(h): 16/5/1427 Status: No longer applicable Section 4 and its sub-sections have been updated by Basel Framework, issued by SAMA circular No (44047144), dated 04/06/1444 H, Corresponding To 27/12/2022 G. Refer to sections (7 to 9) of minimum capital requirements for Credit Risk Framework.Terminology
Abbreviations and other terms used in this document have the following meanings:
• “CRM” means credit risk mitigation, which refers to techniques bank use to reduce the credit risk of their exposures;
• “Principal Amount”1 means the amount of any outstanding claim including accrued commission on, or contingent liability subject to CCF in respect of, the relevant counterparty;
• “Weighted Amount” means the credit risk-weighted amount in terms of which the capital requirement for the credit risk of an exposure is measured;
• “CCF” means credit conversion factor, by which the principal amount of an off- balance sheet exposure is multiplied to derive the credit equivalent amount;
• “ECAI” means an external credit assessment institution recognized by SAMA for capital adequacy purposes;
• “Sovereign” means the central government or the central bank of an economy, or a specified international organization “Specified international organizations” include;
• The bank for International Settlements;
• The International Monetary Fund;
• The European Central Bank;
• The European Community; and
• Other entities as may be specified by SAMA from time to time.
• “Domestic Currency Claim” means any claim which is denominated and funded in the currency used domestically in the place in which the obligor is incorporated;
• “PSE” means a public sector entity which is specified as such either by SAMA. (“domestic PSE”) or by an overseas banking supervisory authority (“foreign PSE”). It principally include regional governments and local authorities. Domestic PSEs are included in the list specified in SAMA’s Guidance Notes on Basel-I the 1988 Accord. For PSES to be considered commercial organizations also refer to this list; Other entities as may be specified by SAMA from time to time.
• “MDB” means a multilateral development bank, which refers to any bank or lending or development body established by agreement between, or guaranteed by, two or more countries, territories or international organizations other than for purely commercial purposes, as specified by SAMA. These include;
• World Bank
• The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
• The International Finance Corporation;
• The Asian Development Bank;
• The African Development Bank;
• The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
• The Inter-American Development Bank;
• The European Investment Bank;
• The European Investment Fund;
• The Nordic Investment Bank;
• The Caribbean Development Bank;
• The Islamic Development Bank;
• The Council of Europe Development Bank; and
• Other entities as may be specified by SAMA from time to time.
• Also refer to SAMA’s Guidance Notes for the Basel I – 1988 Accord.
• “Licensed Banks” mean those that licensed by SAMA.
• “Securities firm” licensed and supervised by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) or by a relevant overseas supervisory authority.
• “Corporate” refers to any proprietorship, partnership or limited company that is neither a PSE, bank, securities firm nor borrower within the definition of regulatory retail exposures.
• “Past due” is a term used to described any exposure that is overdue for more than 90 days or rescheduled. For the definition of rescheduled loans refer to SAMA’s Definition through its circular BCS # 312 of 19.1.2004
• “Small Business Enterprises” that may be included in the definition of a retail claims should not exceed SR 5 million.
4.1 External Credit Assessment Institutions (ECAI's)
In general, risk-weighting of claims is done on the basis of credit assessments provided by external credit assessment institutions (ECAI’s). Currently these include Moody's, S&P, Fitch and Capital Intelligence.
4.1.1. Claims on Sovereigns
Claims on sovereigns and their central banks will be risk weighted as follows;
Credit Assessment AAA to AA- A+ to A- BBB+ to BBB- BB+ to B- Below B- Unrated Risk Weight 0% 20% 50% 100% 150% 100% “Under the Standardized Approach, the applicable risk weight for claims on sovereigns is based on the rating assigned to the sovereign by a recognized external credit assessment institution (ECAI) such as a rating agency. A national supervisory authority may apply a lower risk weight to its banks’ exposures to their own sovereign when the exposures are denominated in the local currency and funded in the local currency. Other national supervisory authorities may also permit their banks to apply the same risk weight to domestic currency exposures to this sovereign. In these instances, there is no trans-border risk”.
SAMA requires that banks operating in Saudi Arabia, with exposures to other sovereigns meeting the above criteria, to use the preferential risk weight assigned to the sovereign by the relevant national supervisory authority.
“Risk weights for claims on sovereigns can also be determined using the country risk scores assigned by Export Credit Agencies (ECAs).
SAMA will not allow the use of ECAs’ of other countries to provide credit rating for sovereigns.
4.1.2. Claims on Banks and Securities Firms
The new Basel framework allows national supervisory authorities to implement one of two options for risk-weighting claims on banks and securities firms.
Credit Assessment of Sovereign AAA to AA- A+to A- BBB+ to BBB- BB+ to B- Below B- Unrated Risk Weight under Option- 1 20% 50% 100% 100% 150% 100% Under option 1, the risk weight is one category less favorable than that assigned to claims on the Sovereign of the country of incorporation. However, for claims on Banks in countries with sovereign rated BB+ to B- and on banks in unrated countries the risk weight will be capped at 100%.
Credit Assessment of Banks AAA to AA- A+ to A- BBB+ to BBB- BB+ to B- Below B- Unrated Risk Weight under Option- 2 20% 50% 50% 100% 150% 50% Risk weight for short-term claims under Option - 2 20% 20% 20% 50% 150% 20% Under option 2, the risk weight is based on the external rating a bank by a recognized ECAI.
SAMA requires banks operating in Saudi Arabia to use Option 2
National supervisory authorities, who choose to allow preferential treatment for claims on sovereigns may also allow preferential treatment for certain short term claims on banks. To be eligible for this treatment, these exposures must be denominated and funded in the local currency and have an original maturity of three months or less. These exposures may receive a risk weight that is one category less favourable than that assigned to claims on the Sovereign, subject to a floor of 20 percent. However, this preferential treatment is not available for banks risk weighted at 150%.
SAMA will allow banks to adopt the preferential treatment option
4.1.3. Multilateral Development Banks (MDB’s)
A “0” risk weight may be given to those MDB’s that meet qualifying criteria under Basel-II. Alternatively, MDBS will be risk weighted in accordance with their individual ratings as per banks option 2 without any preferential treatments for short-term exposures.
SAMA intends to adopt a 0% risk weight for qualifying MDB’s and in general the risk weights to be determined on the basis of individual MDB rating as for option # 2 for banks.
4.1.4. Claims on Public Sector Entities (PSEs)
SAMA proposes to continue with the current definition of PSEs as specified in its Capital Adequacy Requirements (CAR) guidelines in ERMs-Q-14.
The new Basel framework allows claims on (PSEs) to be risk weighted using either option 1 or option 2 for claims on Banks.
SAMA requires banks operating in Saudi Arabia to use Option -2.
4.1.5. Claims on Corporates
Credit Assessment AAA to AA- A+ to A- BBB+ to BB- Below BB- Unrated Risk Weight 20% 50% 100% 150% 100% Under the new Basel framework, the risk weight for corporate exposures is determined using the rating assigned by a recognized ECAI’s. However, national supervisory authorities may allow banks to use the 100 percent risk weight for all corporate exposures in lieu of using external ratings.
SAMA requires the risk weight for all corporate exposures to be in accordance with their external ratings. Unrated corporate exposures to be at 100%.
4.1.6. Claims Included in the Regulatory Non-Mortgage Retail Portfolios
There are qualifying requirement based on product type, and the size of the exposure itself. These exposure include loans to individuals, leases, small business facilities, or car loans and other consumer loans, etc. In specific the new Basel framework attaches small business facilities enterprises (SBFE) qualifying criteria for claims that may be treated as retail claims for regulatory capital purposes and included in a regulatory retail portfolio. These criteria include a granularity criterion, which requires that the portfolio be sufficiently diversified to reduce the risk to a level warranting the 75 percent risk weight.
Specifically, with respect to exposure size, national supervisory authorities have the option of setting a numerical limits on the amount of gross exposure before taking into account credit risk mitigation to one counterparty1. For example, this limit could be set at 0.2 percent of the total retail portfolio as proposed in the framework.
To meet the 75% RW criteria SAMA requires the non-mortgage retail portfolio claims to meet the above criteria and should not exceed SR. 5 million.
National supervisory authorities should evaluate whether the risk weights in Para 69 are considered to be too low based on default experience for these types of exposures in their jurisdictions. Supervisors therefore may require higher weights. SAMA does not require higher risk weights for such exposures.
1 Aggregate exposure means gross amount subject to the above conditions in para
4.1.7. Claims Secured by Residential Mortgages
“The new Basel framework allows claims secured by residential mortgages to receive a risk weight of 35 percent. Investments in hotel properties and time-share properties would be excluded from the definition of residential mortgage property. However, this reduced risk weight would only be applicable if there is a substantial security margin. Further, the loan default experience should also be considered”.
SAMA will continue to apply a 100 percent retail risk weight to such claims and continue to monitor the default experience of this asset class for future consideration.
4.1.8. Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate
“Under the new Basel framework, mortgages on commercial real estate are risk weighted at 100 percent. However, national supervisory authorities may apply a preferential risk weight of 50 percent to parts of commercial real estate loans under exceptional circumstances”.
SAMA will continue to apply 100% risk weight.
4.1.9 Past Due Loans
“The new Basel framework proposes the following subject to national discretion.
RW Level of Provisioning 1 % % 150 up to 20% 100 20% to 50% 50 50% and above SAMA requires the above treatment with exception if the level of provisioning is more than 50%; the RW is reduced to 50%. In such cases the RW will be at 100%.
1 On outstanding loans balance
4.1.10 Other Assets
Other Assets
The standard risk weight for all other assets will be 100%.
At national discretion, gold bullion held in own vaults or on an allocated basis to the extent backed by bullion, liabilities can be treated as cash and therefore risk- weighted at 0%.
SAMA requires that the treatment of gold bullion to be equivalent to cash.
4.1.11 Off Balance Sheet Items
Off-balance-sheet items under the Standardized Approach will be converted into credit exposure equivalents through the use of credit conversion factors (CCF).
Commitments with an original maturity of up to one year and commitments with an original maturity over one year will receive a CCF of 20% and 50%, respectively. However, any commitments that are unconditionally cancelable at any time by the bank without prior notice, or that effectively provide for automatic cancellation due to deterioration in a borrower’s creditworthiness, will receive a 0% CCF.
For short-term self-liquidating trade letters of credit arising from the movement of goods (e.g. documentary credits collateralized by the underlying shipment), a 20% CCF will be applied to both issuing and confirming banks.
Where there is an undertaking to provide a commitment on an off-balance sheet item, banks are to apply the lower of the two applicable CCFs.
CCFs not specified above remain as defined in the 1988 Accord.
The credit equivalent amount of OTC derivatives and SFTs that expose a bank to counterparty credit risk is to be calculated under the rules set forth in Annex 4 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, 2006.
(Refer to Paragraph 87 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006).
With regard to unsettled securities, commodities, and foreign exchange transaction, SAMA requires that bank’s prepares its Prudential return submission based on trade date rather than settlement date as per the accounting convention. Banks are encouraged to develop, implement and improve systems for tracking and monitoring the credit risk exposure arising from unsettled transactions as appropriate for producing management information that facilitates action on a timely basis. Furthermore, when such transactions are not processed through a delivery-versus-payment (DvP) or payment-versus-payment (PvP) mechanism, banks must calculate a capital charge as set forth in Annex 3 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006
(Refer to Paragraph 89 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006)
4.2 Domestic and Foreign Currency Assessments
Under the new Basel framework, where unrated exposures are risk-weighted based on the rating of an equivalent exposure to the borrower, generally foreign currency ratings would be used for exposures denominated in foreign currency and domestic currency ratings would only be used for exposures denominated in the domestic currency. However, national supervisory authorities may permit the use of a borrower’s domestic currency rating for exposures denominated in a foreign currency where (i) the bank participated in a loan extended by a qualifying multilateral development bank (MDB) or (ii) the trans-border risk of a loan extended by the bank is guaranteed by a qualifying MDB.
SAMA will allow this treatment.
4.3. Qualifying External Credit Assessments
4.3.1. Eligible ECAIs and the Mapping Process
National supervisory authorities are responsible for determining whether an ECAI’s meets the qualifying criteria specified in the new Basel framework. National supervisory authorities must also assign eligible ECAI assessments to the applicable risk weights available under the Standardized Approach.
SAMA proposes to develop a self-assessment questionnaire incorporating the eligibility criteria, which would be completed by identified rating agencies.
These criteria include:
• Objectivity,
• Independence.
• Transparency.
• Disclosures.
• Resources.
• Credibility
SAMA will work with eligible rating agencies to develop a mapping process for mapping their agency grades to the risk weights of the Standardized Approach.
4.3.2. Use of Unsolicited Ratings
As a general rule, Banks should use solicited ratings from eligible ECAIs. However, the new Basel framework allows national supervisory authorities to permit the use of unsolicited ratings.
SAMA will not allow Banks to use unsolicited ratings.
4.4 National Discretion Items
(Refer to Attached)
National Discretion – The Standardized Approach
Reference to Basel II Document Areas of National Discretion SAMA's Position 54 Lower RW to claims on sovereign (or Central Bank) in domestic currency if funded in that currency. Yes 55 Recognition of ECA's assessments. No 57 Claims on domestic PSEs as if banks. Yes 58 Claims on domestic PSEs as if sovereigns. Listed 60-64 Claims on banks: Opt. 1, RW one category less than sovereign: Opt.2, RW based on the bank's external credit assessment. Option -2 64 Preferential RW treatment for claims on banks with an original maturity of 3 months or less and denominated and funded in the domestic currency. Yes 67 Increase standard RW for unrated claims when a higher RW is warranted by the default experience in their jurisdiction. No 68 To risk weight all corporate claims at 100% without regard to external ratings. No 69 Definition of claims included in regulatory retail portfolio. Yes 70 Granularity criterion for the retail portfolio, limit of 0.2% of the overall retail portfolio. Yes 71 To increase RWs for regulatory retail exposures. No 72 Definition of claims secured by residential mortgages. Yes 72-73 To increase preferential RWs for claims secured by residential properties Yes 74 (FN25) Commercial real estate 50% RW only if strict conditions are met. No 75 & 78 RW for the unsecured portion of a loan past due, net of specific provisions are more than 50%. No 75 (FN26) Past due treatment for non-past due loans to counterparties subject to a 150%RW. No 76 (FN26) Transitional period of three years for recognition of a wider range of collateral for higher risk categories (past due assets). No 77 If a past due loan is fully secured by other forms of collateral, 100% RW may apply when provisions reach 15% of the outstanding amount. Yes 80 150% or higher RW to other assets. No 81 (FN28) RW gold bullion at 0%. Yes 92 Mapping ECAI's assessments to RWs. Yes 102 (FN31) Use a borrower's domestic currency rating for exposure in foreign exchange transactions when loan extended by an MDB. Yes 108 Use of unsolicited ratings. No 201 Lower RW to claims guaranteed by the sovereign (or central bank), when dominated and funded in domestic currency. Yes