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All banks are required to ensure compliance of the following exposure limits:
Single Counterparty: The sum of all exposures values a bank has to a single nonbank counterparty (excluding individuals, sole proprietorships and commercial undertakings majority owned by Saudi government) must not be higher than 15% of the banks available eligible capital base at all times.
Group of Connected Counterparties: The sum of all exposures values a bank has to a group of connected non-bank counterparties must not be higher than 15% of the bank's available eligible capital base at all times. Subject to the following:
Where an individual/sole proprietorship/partnership is included within a Group of Connected Counterparties, the exposure limit specified under Section 4.1 ,iii below shall also be applicable, in addition to the overall group exposure limit,
The sum of all exposures values a bank has to the group of connected counterparties where a commercial undertakings majority owned by Saudi government is included can be higher than 15% of the bank's eligible capital base subject to the limit specified in 4.1 .v.
Furthermore, the sum of a bank’s exposures to the entities included within a group of connected counterparties will also be subject to the regulatory reporting requirements as specified under Section 7 of these Rules.
Individual/Sole proprietor: The sum of all the exposures values a bank has to an individual or a sole proprietorship or a partnership must not be higher than 5% of the banks available eligible capital base at all times.
Banks: The sum of all the exposures values a bank has to another bank must not be higher than 25% of the lending bank's available eligible capital base at all times. However. If the lending bank and/or the counterparty bank are/is Domestically - Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs), or Globally - Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs) as defined in Appendix VI, then the sum of all exposures of the lending Bank to its counterparty bank cannot exceed 15% of the lending bank’s available eligible capital base at all times.
Commercial Undertakings Majority Owned by Saudi Government: The sum of all exposures values a bank has to a commercial undertakings majority owned by Saudi Government must not be higher than 25% of the bank’s available eligible capital base at all times;
Aggregate Large Exposures: The aggregate of all Large Exposures shall not exceed 6 times of the bank’s eligible capital.