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Independent Assessment

Date(g): 24/2/2020 | Date(h): 1/7/1441 Status: In-Force
SAMA may require the applicant to appoint a qualified and experienced third-party entity (“assessor”) to perform assessments on the specific technical areas such as the technology/cybersecurity and AML/CFT arrangements at the expense of the applicant. Such assessment will be performed over following phases: 
a)The design phase – After submission of the application to SAMA, the assessor should perform an assessment of the adequacy of the governance, proposed processes and systems of the proposed design. SAMA requires the applicant to submit a report on the proposed design phase assessment along with a plan on the closure of observations/issues (if any). The applicant should remediate all key observations / issues to the satisfaction of SAMA.
b)The implementation phase – Prior to commencement of operations, the assessor should perform a detailed assessment of the implementation of paragraph (a) above. SAMA requires the applicant to submit a report on the implementation phase assessment in accordance with the approved design along with a plan on the closure of observations/issues (if any). The applicant must remediate all key observations / issues to the satisfaction of SAMA prior to obtaining SAMA's approval to go-live.