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Real Estate Registration

No: 44081439 Date(g): 14/5/2023 | Date(h): 24/10/1444 Status: In-Force

Translated Document


In reference to the letter received from His Excellency the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Real Estate, under number (244382) dated 19/09/1444H, which refers to the Law of Real Estate Registration issued by the Royal Decree No. (M/91) dated 19/09/1443H. and as stipulated in Article 7, Paragraph (1) of the law, which states: "The real estate area shall be determined by a decision issued by the competent authority, including a precise and clear delineation of the area and the specified period for receiving initial land registration requests, and it shall be announced by any appropriate means determined by the decision." It also refers to Article 9, Paragraph (3) of the implementing regulations of the same law, which states: "The decision designate the real estate area shall be communicated to all relevant entities concerning the initial land registration immediately upon issuance."

Since His Excellency's letter includes the announcement that the area of (Al-Falah District) in Riyadh is the first area to benefit from the "Real Estate Registry" according to its updated mechanism, financing entities with rights related to the aforementioned announced area must accept the property registration certificates issued by the General Authority for Real Estate as the official document of ownership for that area.

Please take note and act accordingly. Note that financing entities are responsible for following up on announcements issued by the General Authority for Real Estate in this regard.