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Urging Technical Connectivity with Musanid Platform
No: 000045075872 | Date(g): 24/6/2024 | Date(h): 18/12/1445 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Referring to the decision of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development No. (149944) dated 04/11/1445 H, which stipulates the implementation of the wage protection program for domestic workers by paying monthly wages through the payment channels approved on the Musanid platform starting from 25/12/1445 H, and to SAMA's receipt of a request from the Ministry to urge banks to link with the Musanid platform.
Accordingly, SAMA urges banks operating in the Kingdom to link technically with the Musanid platform to enable them to provide the necessary services to all employers. SAMA confirms compliance with all relevant instructions and regulations in this regard, including conducting assessments of technical and cyber risks resulting from the technical linking process and ensuring the implementation of effective controls to limit and prevent potential fraudulent risks.