Working Hours of Feeding and Maintaining ATMs and Transferring Funds during the Holy Month of Ramadan for the year 1445 H
No: 000045051438 | Date(g): 18/2/2024 | Date(h): 9/8/1445 | Status: No longer applicable |
Translated Document
Referring to the powers of SAMA in issuing instructions related to financial institutions and their business, in accordance with the provisions of its law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/4/1442 H. SAMA confirms to all banks and exchange centers to adhere to the working hours shown below throughout the days of the Holy month of Ramadan, as follows:
First: The working hours of transferring money to branches, cash centers, transfer centers, exchange centers, and the retail sector shall be from nine in the morning until ten in the evening.
Second: The working hours of feeding and maintaining ATMs are throughout the week, including official holidays and weekends, and 24 hours a day for the main cities (Makkah, Madinah, Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam Al-Khair), commercial centers, airports, and train stations. As for the rest of the cities of the Kingdom, it is from (seven) in the morning until (ten) in the evening, except for what is determined by the security authorities.
We also stress the need for banks and exchange centers to abide by the security precautions stipulated in the Law on Transporting Money, Precious Metals, and Negotiable Instruments promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/81) dated 18/10/1428H. and its implementing regulation issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (4814) dated 9/10/1433 H. and circulars issued by SAMA in this regard.