Frequently Asked Questions on Basel III Leverage Ratio- BCBS
No: 371000086852 | Date(g): 10/5/2016 | Date(h): 4/8/1437 |
Versions (4 versions) |
In January 2014, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published the Basel III leverage ratio framework* and disclosure requirements together with the public disclosure requirements applicable as of 1 January 2015. To promote consistent global implementation of those requirements, the Committee has agreed to periodically review frequently asked questions (FAQs) and publish answers along with any technical elaboration of the standards text and interpretative guidance that may be necessary.
This document sets out the third set of FAQs that relate to the Basel III leverage ratio framework. The questions and answers, combined with those published earlier in the first and second sets of FAQs, are grouped according to the following themes:
(i) on-balance sheet exposures;
(ii) derivative exposures;
(iii) specific treatment for written credit derivatives;
(iv) securities financing transaction (SFT) exposures;
(v) cross-product netting agreements for derivative exposures and SFTs;
(vi) treatment of long settlement transactions and failed trades;
(vii) off-balance sheet items; and
(viii) scope of consolidation and disclosure.
*The Leverage Ratio Framework, issued by SAMA circular No. (44047144), dated 04/06/1444 H, Corresponding To 27/12/2022 G, supersedes the Basel III Leverage Ratio Framework issued via SAMA circular No. (351000133367), dated 25 August 2014.