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  • Implementation Rules And Procedures for Transferring Civil Servants Salaries by SARIE

    • Introduction

      Pursuant to the Ministry of Finance and National Economy circular No. 12/1936 dated 16-6-1405 H, which included implementation rules for the payment of civil servants salaries through national banks, most Government Agencies and public institutions have followed this method of paying the salaries of their employees by checks drawn on these banks.

      In view of the constant increase in the number of civil servants and the huge burdens carried by national banks, as a result, and the time and efforts involved in the direct cost of printing checks and the rush suffered by the banks during the salary payment period; and

      In the light of  SAMA's development and approval of the SARIE system, which is a developed procedure that facilitates the process of making financial transfers and payments between the banks and their clients electronically, and is considered ideal for transferring the salaries of employees to their accounts at the banks they deal with, in addition to other advantages provided by the Saudi Payment Network (SPAN), as regards the facility of obtaining cash and information about their balances through ATM and the buying of goods and services through Points of Sale spread throughout the Kingdom; and

      After studying the subject by the Bureau of General Audit and SAMA, it was decided to use the SARIE system for transferring the salaries of employees to their accounts with various local banks, with no prejudice to general rules and the documentary payment cycle which aims at controlling the salary transfer process and verifying the receipt of the salaries by the employees.

      Herebelow are the rules of transferring salaries by SARIE and the procedures to be followed. The Ministry hopes that the application of this system will facilitate the process of paying the salaries of employees, help the employee in making good use of the technological services rendered by the Saudi Payment Services Network, supporting the banking sector at the same time and promoting banking and saving awareness of the employees.

      • I.Rules for Transferring Employees Salaries by SARIE:

        1. Each ministry or government authority must open two current accounts with one of the Saudi local banks as follows:

          First account in the name of employees salaries of (name of government agency / city)

          Second account in the name of other benefits of the employees of ___________(name of government agency / city), to be used for paying the salaries and other benefits of its employees, which are paid through the bank they deal with by transferring the net salaries and benefits of the employees to their accounts with the same bank or with other local banks.

        2. Dealing with bank through which the salaries of employees are presently paid by check shall continue when these rules are applied. The bank shall be changed or designated, in case of government agencies not presently dealing with any bank, by SAMA after coordinating with the Ministry of Finance and National Economy.
        3. Each employee shall name the bank through which he desires to have his salary transferred to his account therewith by signing a statement to this effect at the Personnel Department of the government agency he works for as per attached form. This statement amounts to an acknowledgement that his salary and other benefits shall be automatically transferred to his account with that bank (the employee has the full liberty to choose the bank he wishes to deal with and transfer his benefits thereto, and it does not have necessarily to be the same bank with which the government agency deals).
        4. Banks have to accept the opening of current accounts for the employees of government agencies for the transfer of their salaries thereto, without requiring a minimum balance in these accounts. The employee whose salary is transferred to his current account at a bank shall enjoy all the banking services available to the holders of other current accounts, such as ATM and Points of Sale offered by the Saudi Payment Network. Representatives of the various banks may be sent to the Government Agencies and public institutions at their head offices and branches for opening current accounts for their employees in coordination with the Personnel Department.
        5. Banks have to effect the transfer of salaries free of charge for government agencies and employees.
        6. The Personnel Department shall prepare notices to employees whose salaries have been subject to deductions, indicating the amounts of deduction and the reasons therefor.
        7. The system shall not be limited to the transfer of employees salaries but shall include the transfer of all benefits. The transfer process is done through separate current accounts opened with the banks as mentioned in paragraph (1).
        8. The salaries and benefits of employees who do not desire to have their salaries and benefits transferred to a bank current account, as well as the employees of government agencies that have no branch of the local banks, shall be paid in accordance with the circular of the Ministry of Finance and National Economy No. 1936/12 dated 16-6-1405, which included the implementation rules for paying the salaries of employees as per a separate payroll.
      • II.Procedures of Salary Transfer by SARIE


        1.The government agency shall prepare payment orders of salaries and send them to the Ministry of Finance and National Economy on the 12th day of the Hajira month. The name of the beneficiary in the payment order shall be written as follows:

        Pay to the order of: employees salaries (….. name of the government agency/city) account No. ….. (account number for salaries or benefits in full) with …… (name of the bank)

        2. The Ministry of Finance and National Economy shall treat payment orders in accordance with presently practiced procedures and the issued check shall state the full name and number of the account and the bank.

        3. The check shall be delivered to SAMA to transfer its value to the bank in which the account of the government agency is opened. This process shall continue until electronic systems are connected, the tests are made, and the procedures are amended by the Ministry of Finance and National Economy and SAMA and the transfers are made directly, instead of checks, to the benefit of the government agency with the bank.

        4. The bank shall enter the amount in the account of the government agency, which shall be notified accordingly to effect its own entries.

        5. All government agencies shall send their employees data to the banks on diskette in the middle of the Hejira month. The diskette must contain the details of all employees data, such as the name of the employee, his account No., the name of the bank, the net salary and benefits. Such data may be sent through an electronic transmission line between the government agency and the bank to expedite the arrival and processing of the data by the bank.

        6. With regard to government agencies that do not use the computer in preparing the data and payrolls of their employees, they should coordinate with the banks about the method of sending such data. The government agency may amend the data sent to the bank 2 days before the maturity dale. The bank shall make the required amendments and notify the government agency accordingly to make the necessary accounting entries. It is preferable to have a standard method for transmitting the data of employees, as per SAMA instructions, to avoid amendments during the transmission process..


        7. Regarding the salary of employees benefiting from the installment services of banks and whose salaries are now paid by checks c/o such banks, their salaries shall be transferred electronically to current accounts in their own name opened with the same banks, provided they notify the bank about the change in the method of paying their salaries, as per the Ministry of Finance and National Economy circular No. 12/162 dated 2-12-1413 H.

        8. Payrolls of salary transfer shall be prepared electronically in the Personnel Department, and sent, with attachments, to the Financial Department to be reviewed and recorded, as per financial instructions on the basis of the payment order as follows: From expense account (relevant items)


        Payment orders account (in the name of the Retirement Salaries Authority or GOSI or Credit Bank to pay their benefits)

        Revenues account (amounts that may be added to revenues such as penalties)

        Imprest account (amounts that may involve imprests for any reason)

        Payment orders account (net value of salaries as per payment order)

        9. The bank shall deposit the net due salaries in the current accounts of employees therewith and transfer the salaries of employees who have their accounts with other banks to be electronically added to their accounts, so as to have all the salaries of employees transferred electronically and credited to the accounts of employees with all banks by the 25th day of the Hejira month. The banks shall, by the 5th day of the Hejira month, provide their client government agency with notices, indicating that the salaries of their employees for the previous month have been credited to their accounts therewith and with other banks. The government agencies shall, after reviewing the notices and attaching the payrolls of the relevant month, send same to the Bureau of General Audit within their monthly documentation.

        10. The benefits of employees that are not credited for any reason and notified by the bank shall be paid to beneficiaries by check drawn on the gross account of the government agency.

        11. If the government agency discovers any error in calculating the salary and benefits of the employee transmitted to the bank, it should notify the bank immediately 2 days before maturity date. If the error is discovered by the government agency after this deadline, it shall treat it as follows:

        From :Imprest under collection from

        employee account

        To :Reimbursed expenses account.

        Deduction from the employee benefits shall be made in the following month or the amount shall be collected from him in cash and reimbursed to the imprest account.

        12. Government agencies shall make sure that all employees listed in the tables sent to the bank are still on the job, and adopt procedures and controls to cut down on the transfer of salaries and benefits of employees that are no longer on the job. The monthly payrolls must be accompanied by attestations from the officials of the main and branch departments certifying that the data in the payrolls is accurate and that all those listed therein are still on the job. Such attestations should be approved by the Director of Personnel and Accounts and the Director General of Financial and Administrative Affairs, who shall be jointly responsible for any funds transferred by error or without entitlement.

        13. The Financial Department of government agencies and public institutions must keep a copy of monthly payrolls and detailed reports on executed operations issued by the banks, kept in special files for reference, if and when needed.


        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form for Transferring Salary to Al-Rajhi Banking Investment Corporation

        Dated: __/_/

        HE The Director of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with Al-Rajhi Investment Corp.,__________branch in (city) as per account number set forth below.



        A/c NumberCurrency and A/c CodeBranch Code


        (please fill out all blanks and contact the bank for any inquiry)

        As of the salary and entitlements for the

        (month) year



        File No. 
        ID No 
        Phone No. 






        SAMA/ Banking Technology

        Form For Transferring Salary To The Saudi Hollandi Bank


        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the Saudi Hollandi Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).


        Serial No.A/c No.Branch Code


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of

        () year



        ID No 
        Phone No. 




        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form For Transferring Salary To The Saudi British Bank


        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the Saudi British Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).

        Type of A/c


        Signal Code

        Client A/c CodeBranch Code


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of

        () year


        ID No 
        Phone No. 



        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form for Transferring Salary to The Saudi American Bank

        Date:___/___ /

        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the Saudi American Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).




        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of () year_______



        ID No 
        Phone No. 




        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form for Transferring Salary to The Riyad Bank


        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the Riyad Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).

        Type of A/cCurrency CodeA/c No.Branch Code


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of

        () year



        ID No 
        Phone No. 



        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form For Transferring Salary To The Arab National Bank

        Date: __/__/__

        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the Arab National Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).

        BranchClient A/c No.Ledger Code.Currency Code.


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of () year______


        ID No 
        Phone No. 


        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form for Transferring Salary to The Saudi French Bank

        Date: __/__/

        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the Saudi French Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).


        Control signSerial No. of A/cBasic code for A/c No.


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of () year______



        ID No 
        Phone No. 



        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form for Transferring Salary to The Saudi Investment Bank


        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the Saudi Investment Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).




        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of () year______



        ID No 
        Phone No. 



        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form For Transferring Salary To The National Commercial Bank

        Date: __/__/__

        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the National Commercial Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).


        Supplement CodeA/c No.Type of A/cClient A/c No.Branch Code


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of () year_______



        ID No 
        Phone No. 



        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form for Transferring Salary to The United Saudi Commercial Bank


        HE The Manager of Personnel


        1 wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the United Saudi Commercial Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).


        Signal ScaleSerial No.A/c No.Type of A/cCurrency CodeBranch Code


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of () year_______



        ID No 
        Phone No. 





        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form for Transferring Salary to The Al Jazira Bank


        HE The Manager of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to transfer my salary and other financial entitlements to my account with the Al Jazira Bank as per details below (please fill out all blanks and contact the Bank for any inquiry).


        Supplement CodeClient A/c NoBranch Code


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of () year______



        ID No 
        Phone No. 



        SAMA/Banking Technology

        Form for Transfer of Salary to A Bank

        Date: __/__/__

        HE The Director of Personnel


        I wish to inform you that this form was signed by me in the desire to have my salary and other entitlements transferred directly to my account with the Bank as per details set forth below.


        A/c No. 


        As of the salary and entitlements for the month of () year______



        ID No 
        Job Title 
        Phone No. 