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  • Responsibilities of the Board of Directors Regarding Compliance.

    • Principle (1): Oversight of Non-Compliance Risk Management

      The responsibility for effective oversight of non-compliance risk management lies with the Board of Directors in local banks and with the CEO/Branch Manager in foreign bank branches. To fulfill this responsibility, the following must be done:

      Approve an effective compliance policy and oversee it, which includes at a minimum:

      1. 1. Establishing a permanent and effective compliance unit and updating its organization from time to time.

      2. 2. Promoting a culture of compliance, employee responsibilities, and penalties for neglect and the levels that must be achieved.

      3. 3. Supporting and promoting values of integrity and honesty throughout the bank.

      4. 4. Comprehensive and total commitment in all of the bank's policies to comply with regulations and instructions.

      5. 5. The necessary requirements for managing non-compliance risk matters.

      6. 6. Supervising the implementation of the policy, including ensuring that compliance-related issues are addressed by senior management quickly and effectively with the help of the compliance unit.

      7. 7. Committing to providing adequate resources to the compliance unit on a continuous basis.

      8. 8. Granting the compliance unit the necessary independency as per Principle (5).

      9. 9. Precisely defining the responsibilities of the compliance unit.

      10. 10. Having the internal audit unit review the activities of the compliance unit and compliance risks periodically.

      11. 11. Continuously overseeing efforts towards implementing the compliance policy, the performance level achieved through periodic reports, assessing the compliance unit's activities, identifying weaknesses, and efforts in training and awareness.
      33-The board or a committee delegated by it must evaluate the effectiveness of non-compliance risk management in the bank at least once a year.
      34-Approve updates to the compliance policy from time to time to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of compliance, in line with instructions from SAMA regarding policy updates.
      35-Approve the annual compliance report and provide SAMA with a copy.