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  • Licensing Provisions

    • Types of Licenses

      1. Micro payment institution.

      2. Major payment institution.

      3. Micro-electronic money institution (e-wallets). 

      4. Major electronic money institution (e-wallets.

    • Licensing Guidelines

      • Guidelines to Apply for Payment Services Providers License

        Status: In-Force

        Translated Document

        The payment services providers regulations stipulate the articles governing the license and the requirements necessary to practice the provision of payment activities and services, and SAMA has prepared the form for applying for a license and has been published on the payments page on SAMA's website.

        • 2. Definitions

          For the purpose of applying the provisions of these guidelines, the following words and phrases—wherever mentioned in these guidelines—shall have the meanings assigned thereto, unless the context requires otherwise:

          Central Bank: The Saudi Central Bank "SAMA."

          Rules: The Payment Services Providers Regulations.

          Guidelines: The guidelines for applying for a license to provide payment services.

          Company: The licensed payment services company authorized to conduct payment services in accordance with the Payment Services Providers Regulations.

        • 3. Purpose of application

          The guidelines aim to clarify the regulatory procedures and requirements that must be met when applying for a license to provide payment services by companies. The company may apply for one of the following types of licenses as specified in the Payment Services Providers Regulations:

          •  Micro Electronic Money Institution "E-Wallet" (Micro EMI).
          •  Major Electronic Money Institution "E-Wallet" (Major EMI).
          •  Micro Payment Institution (Micro PI).
          •  Major Payment Institution (Micro PI).

          The stages of issuing the license vary according to the classification of companies as follows:

               -Issuance of License for New Companies:

          Obtaining the required license for both: new companies (under establishment) and existing companies whose activities do not include the provision of payment services, involves going through two phases:

          • Initial Approval Stage: The company must submit all regulatory requirements in accordance with Article 6.6 of the Payment Services Providers Regulations, and all the required basic documents as outlined in Appendix (A) of these guidelines. These documents must be signed and officially certified to support the company's request for preliminary approval. This approval is necessary to complete the basic licensing requirements and procedures, including the issuance of the commercial registration and notarization of the memorandum of association with the Ministry of Commerce, in preparation for the final license to be issued by SAMA.
          • Licensing Stage: The company must submit all the required basic documents as outlined in Appendix (B) after fulfilling the necessary signatures and obtaining regulatory approval, to support the company's request for the required license to begin providing payment services.

            -Issuance of License for Existing Companies:

            Obtaining the required license for existing companies that provide payment services in the Kingdom involves going through only one stage:

            Licensing Stage: The company must submit all regulatory requirements in accordance with Article 6.6 of the Payment Services Providers Regulations, and all required basic documents as outlined in Appendix (B. after fulfilling the necessary signature and obtaining regulatory approval to support the company's request for the required license to begin providing payment services.

        • 4. Scope of Application

          These guidelines apply to all types of payment service companies.

        • 5. Guidelines for Applying for a License to Provide Payment Services

          1. The company must read the Payment Services Providers Regulations carefully to understand the basic requirements, as they can be accessed through SAMA’s website.
          2. The company must fill out the License Application Form and submit all required documents, regulatory requirements and, basic documents as specified in the licensing stages.
          3. The company must ensure that the electronic attachments and the required basic documents are verified and submitted in (PDF) format, with clear names for the files and avoid using file format and large sizes.
          4. The company must provide accurate, clear, and complete information as required in the License Application Form and disclose any additional relevant information. The applicant is also responsible for ensuring that no misleading information is provided in any form, as this could reduce the chances of obtaining the license.
          5. If the questions in the License Application Form include information that is not related to the company’s activities, the company should state "Not Applicable" and explain the reasons in an attached file as failure to complete the License Application Form may result in the rejection of the application.
          6. SAMA will notify the company upon receipt of the application and notify them of any deficiencies (if any).
          7. If there are any deficiencies, the company must complete them within 5 working days from the date of notification by the SAMA.
          8. SAMA will notify the company whether the deficiencies in the application have been completed or not upon receipt.
          9. If the deficiencies are not completed within the specified period mentioned in item (7) above, the application will be considered closed, and SAMA will notify the company of the closure. The company may then submit a new application after meeting all the basic requirements for obtaining the required license.
          10. SAMA may request additional information or evidence from the company at any stage of the licensing process. The company must provide this information or evidence upon request within 30 calendar days from the date of the request, unless otherwise specified by SAMA. SAMA reserves the right to reject the license application if the company fails to provide the requested information or evidence within the specified period.
          11.   After the completion of the application, SAMA will notify the company in writing of its decision within 90 days. SAMA may extend this 90-day period if deemed necessary. The company will be informed of the revised timeline.
          12. After completing the review of the application, SAMA may grant the company either an initial approval to enable it finalize the procedures for establishing the company and registering it in accordance with the Companies Law at the Ministry of Commerce, followed by completing the basic licensing requirements, or it may grant the required license to provide payment services.
          13. SAMA has the right to conduct a field assessment visit to the company's workplace as an additional evaluation step for granting the required license.
        • 6. Submission of the Application and Required Documents

          The company must submit a completed License application Form along with the basic documents and attachments in both hard and soft copies, so that the hard copy should be sent to the following postal address:


          Payment Systems and Companies Control Department

          King Saud Road

          Riyadh 11169

          P.O. Box 2992

          The electronic copy should be sent to the following email address:


        • Appendix (A) Basic Documents Required for Obtaining Initial Approval


          Document Required to be Submitted via LICPayments@SAMA.GOV.SA

          Type of Company


          A letter from the company requesting initial approval, signed by the owner, the Chairman of the Board, or the CEO.

          Under Establishment


          A decision from the owners or the Board of Directors supporting the request for initial approval, specifying the authorized person to submit and follow up the request.

          Under Establishment


          License Application Form after completion and signature by the applicant.

          Under Establishment


          Draft of the memorandum of association showing the names of the owners and their ownership percentages.

          Under Establishment


          Draft of the articles of association.

          Under Establishment (Joint Stock Companies)


          Fit and Proper Form and its attachments for all major shareholders.

          Under Establishment


          Fit and Proper Form and its attachments for the CEO and Compliance Officer.

          Under Establishment


          Proof of the minimum required capital.

          Under Establishment


          A business plan that includes sufficient explanations of the regulatory and operational aspects.

          Under Establishment


          A chart of the company's ownership structure.

          Under Establishment


          An Organizational Structure Chart, including details of the Board of Directors structure and senior positions.

          Under Establishment


          Proof of reservation of the trade name with the Ministry of Commerce.

          Under Establishment

        • Appendix (B) Basic Documents Required for Obtaining the License



          Document Required to be Submitted via LICPayments@SAMA.GOV.SA

          Type of Company


          The License Application Form approved by SAMA after being completed and signed by the applicant.

          All Companies


          The company's letter requesting the license must be signed by the owner of the company, the chairman of the board, or the CEO.

          All Companies


          The decision of the owners or the board of directors supporting the license application, specifying the authorized person to submit and follow up on the application.

          All Companies


          A copy of the memorandum of association signed by the owners, showing their names and ownership percentages.

          All Companies


          Draft Articles of Association for the company.

          All Companies


          A chart of the company's ownership structure.

          All Companies


          An organizational structure chart, including details of the board of directors' structure and senior positions.

          All Companies


          Proof of the commercial registration from the Ministry of Commerce.

          All Companies


          A copy of the required technical agreements and licenses.

          All Companies


          Approvals and licenses issued to the company by other authorities.

          All Companies


          Proof of the minimum required capital.

          All Companies


          A copy of the existing policies, controls, and measures for company management (approved by the Board of Directors), as follows:

          All Companies

          A.Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing

          All Companies

          B.Business continuity
          C.Data Confidentiality Protection.
          E.Consumer Protection.
          F.Protection of Clients' Funds (including the agreement with the bank fully responsible for clients' funds).
          G.Fraud Detection.
          H.Settlement of Clients' Funds.
          I.Account Opening
          J.Risk-Based Client Limits.
          13IT infrastructure plans and system architecture, including, but not limited to, applications, systems, data centers, servers, and networks.

          All Companies

          14A business plan that includes a sufficient explanation of the regulatory and operational aspects.

          All Companies

          15The audited annual financial statements by a certified public accountant for the last three financial years. If the applicant has been in operation for less than three financial years, the applicant must provide the financial statements for the period they have been in operation since the start date.

          Existing companies

          16Investment license from the Ministry of Investment.

          Existing companies

          17The company's compliance plan for the other required documents.

          All Companies

          Document Required to be Submitted via FPPayments@SAMA.GOV.SA

          After reviewing the requirements of the second edition of the requirements for appointment to senior positions

          Type of Company 

          1Fit and Proper Form and its attachments (National ID, Resume) for all major shareholders

          All Companies

          2Fit and Proper Form and its attachments (candidate's identification and resume) for the board of directors and senior positions

          All Companies

          3Completion of staffing positions within the organizational structure, with adherence to the required localization ratios at the leadership and hierarchical levels.

          All Companies

    • Application Process

      The applicant shall submit an application to SAMA using the License Request Form, complete with all information including prerequisite documents and files, and then submit it via email: (LICPayments@SAMA.GOV.SA).

      If any changes occur to the given information by license applicant prior to SAMA's decision on the application, the license applicant shall notify SAMA as soon as possible.

    • Prohibited Activities

    • Withdrawal of a License