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  • Supervisory Review

    • ICAAP

      • SAMA'S Guideline Document on the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Plan (ICAAP)

        No: 291000000581 Date(g): 22/9/2008 | Date(h): 23/9/1429Status: Modified
        This document should be read in conjunction with SAMA's Circular No. 321000027835 entitled "Enhancements to the ICAAP", dated 10/11/2011 G.
        • I. Process of Constructing an ICAAP

          • 1. Introduction and Overview

            Basel II's structure is built upon three pillars. Under Pillar 1, minimum capital requirements are calculated based on explicit calculation rules in respect of credit, market and operational risks. However, in Pillar 2, other risks are to be identified and risk management processes and mitigation assessed from a wider perspective, to supplement the capital requirements calculated within the scope of Pillar 1. Pillar 2 involves a proactive assessment of unexpected losses and a methodology to set aside sufficient capital. Effectively, Pillar 2 is the creation of a wider, flexible and risk-sensitive system, and this imposes a major challenge on banks in meeting such requirements. In many respects it involves a new approach to risk assessment and risk management.

            One of the cornerstones of the Basel II framework, which very specifically and tangibly affect banks, is the requirement that, within the scope of Pillar 2, they develop their own Internal Credit Adequacy Assessment Plan – ICAAP. This is a tool which ensures that the banks must possess risk capital which is commensurate with their selected risk profile and risk appetite, as well as appropriate governance and control functions, and business strategies. Essentially, an ICAAP is derived from a formal internal process whereby a bank estimates its capital requirements in relation to its risk profile, strategy, business plans, governance structures, internal risk management systems, dividend policies, etc. Consequently, the ICAAP process includes a strategic review of a bank's capital needs and as to how these capital requirements are to be funded, i.e. through internal profits, IPOS, Sukuks, right issues, other debt issues, etc.

            It is essential that the ICAAP process involves an assessment of a bank capital needs beyond its minimum capital requirements. Accordingly, it assesses risk beyond the Pillar I risks and, therefore, addresses both additional Pillar I and Pillar II risks. Pillar 2 risks include financial and nonfinancial risks such as strategic, reputational, liquidity, concentrations, interest rate, etc. Consequently, ICAAP allows a bank to attribute and measure capital to cover the economic effects of all risk taking activities by aggregating Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 risks.

            While SAMA has formulated these guidelines with which banks must comply within the scope of their internal capital adequacy assessment process, it is the banks themselves that are to select and design the manner in which these requirements are met. Consequently, SAMA will not prescribe any standard methodology but a set of minimum requirements with respect to the process and disclosure requirements.

          • 2. Objective

            The main purpose of the ICAAP is for the Bank's senior managers to proactively make a strategic assessment of its capital requirements considering its strategies, business plans, all risks, acquisitions, dividend policies. Further, the ICAAP also establishes the capital required for economic, regulatory and accounting purposes and helps identify planned sources of capital to meet these objectives. Also, an ICAAP benefits include greater corporate governance and improved risk assessment in banks, and thereby increases the stability of the financial system. It also help to maintain regulatory capital levels in accordance with its strategy, economic capital, risk profile, governance structures and internal risk management systems.

            Another important purpose of the ICAAP document is for senior management to inform the Board of Directors and subsequently SAMA on the ongoing assessment of the bank's risk profile, risk appetite, strategic plan and capital adequacy. It also includes the documentation as to how the bank intends to manage these risks, and how much current and future capital is necessary for its future plan.

          • 3. Major Building Blocs of the ICAAP

            • 3.1 Bank's Role and Responsibility for the ICAAP

              Banks have to convince SAMA that their ICAAP process is comprehensive, rigorous and includes capital commensurate with their risk profile as well as strategic and operational planning. The banks must compose and assemble the specific ICAAP process and methodology based on the objective and requirements imposed by SAMA and on the specific strategic and operational plans set by their Board of Directors. Consequently, banks must have a clear understanding on SAMA's expectations in terms of the definitions, concepts and benchmarks in order for an effective assessment and follow-up by it. An important and obvious example is the manner in which both the risks and the capital are defined.

            • 3.2 SAMA's Role and Responsibility in the ICAAP Process

              SAMA is responsible for establishing the frequency and nature of the review, while the Banks are to establish their actual implementation processes and methodology as per SAMA's guidelines.

              Thus, while the two processes involved are closely integrated through the Supervisory Review Process, at the same time there is an express division of responsibilities. SAMA's role has the final word in this process as it makes its risk assessment of the banks and, where reason exists, imposes additional requirements on the banks or requires enhanced risk management systems, additional stress testing, etc.

              One of the alternative courses of action available to SAMA is to establish a higher capital requirement than that calculated by the bank itself. The level of capital needed is based on the calculation of the capital requirement with respect to credit, market and operational risks based on the explicitly established calculation rules which are laid down within the scope of Pillar 1. However, a supplement could be required as additional capital which, in light of other types of risks (Pillar 2), which may arise within the scope of the internal capital adequacy assessment process. Consequently, this is not the only tool (to set a higher capital requirement) and it will not necessarily be the first choice, in that capital should not be a substitute for adequate risk management. On the other hand, a demand for more capital may be justified even for those banks with high, but well-managed risk exposures.

            • 3.3 ICAAP as a Part of Pillar 2

              The basic idea is that banks shall, within the framework of Pillar 2, identify all of the risks to which they are exposed. This involves a wider spectrum of risks than those that form the basis for the minimum capital adequacy calculation within Pillar 1, i.e. These include any additional Pillar 1 risks, i.e. credit risks, market risks and operational risks. It involves, among other things, at least the following*
              Strategic risk - arising from a bank's strategies and changes in fundamental market conditions which may occur;
              Reputational risk - the risk of adverse perception of image in the market or the media, etc.
              Liquidity risk - the risks of difficulties in raising liquidity or capital in certain situations;
              Concentration risk - exposures concentrated on a limited number of customers, industries, certain sectors or geographic area, etc. entailing vulnerability; and
              Macro Economic and Business cycle risk - through lending or otherwise a bank may be vulnerable to business cycle risks or environmental changes
              Interest Rate risk - relevant to the banking book.
              These risks, as well as the risks that are addressed within the scope of Pillar 1 are, of course, to a certain degree inter-dependent and to a certain extent, capture various aspects of the same risk classification. For example, a bank, which incurs major credit losses, is probably more exposed to the risk of damage to its reputation and, can be also more easily affected by problems in raising capital. 
              Consequently, there can be no doubt that Pillar 2 is one of the most important new features in Basel II, and within its scope, banks and SAMA must work together to achieve a comprehensive assessment of risks, risk management, and capital requirements. 

              Interest rate risk in the banking book:

              The measurement process should include all material interest rate positions of the bank and consider all relevant repricing and maturity data. Such information will generally include current balance and contractual rate of interest associated with the instruments and portfolios, principal payments, interest reset dates, maturities, the rate index used for repricing, and contractual interest rate ceilings or floors for adjustable-rate items. The system should also have well-documented assumptions and techniques.

              Regardless of the type and level of complexity of the measurement system used, bank management should ensure the adequacy and completeness of the system. Because the quality and reliability of the measurement system is largely dependent on the quality of the data and various assumptions used in the model, management should give particular attention to these items.

              (Refer to Paragraph 739-740 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006)

              Liquidity risk: Liquidity is crucial to the ongoing viability of any banking organization. Banks’ capital positions can have an effect on their ability to obtain liquidity, especially in a crisis. Each bank must have adequate systems for measuring, monitoring and controlling liquidity risk. Banks should evaluate the adequacy of capital given their own liquidity profile and the liquidity of the markets in which they operate.

              (Refer to Paragraph 741 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006)

              * Other risks not specifically covered here are described in component 2 of the Document under item #4.3.

          • 4. Major Challenges in Building an ICAAP

            The major challenge in the internal capital adequacy assessment is to identify and accurately assess the significance of all of the risks faced by a bank and which may have consequences as regards to its financial situation. Subsequently, the risks identified, must be quantified by translating these into a capital requirement. 
            In all of these stages there are both conceptual difficulties and measurement problems. These include: 
            1.What constitutes a relevant risk?
            2.What is the reasonable possibility that such a risk will actually happen?
            3.If such a risk occurs, how large is the damage that it might lead to?
            4.Do various risks arise independently or are they co-related with each other?
            5.How is the assessed risk to be priced in terms of capital requirements?
            While there have been developments for analyzing and measuring risks, assessment and risk management are not an exact science in which models and systems automatically provide quantified answers. Analysis, assumptions, methods and models are important tools in order to obtain reasonable answers. However, ultimately, a comprehensive and prudent assessment is required which includes experiences, expert judgment and views other than those that can be formulated in figures. Sound common sense can never be replaced by statistics and model calculations. 
            There is also a strong linkage between the degree of sophistication with respect to risk measurement and management and the scope and nature of the bank's operations. For example, an international banking group with a large number of business areas and thus a complex risk structure has a need and the resources for a more advanced risk measurement methodology. However, for a small bank this may not be the case. Also, from a systemic risk perspective, more stringent requirements are obviously imposed on a large financial group since deficient risk management in such a bank may have detrimental impact on the entire financial system. 
            Given that banks are different is an important reason why SAMA will not prescribe any standard arrangement as to how the internal capital adequacy assessment process is to be carried out. It is up to each bank, based on its own operations, its scope of business and risks to formulate an internal capital adequacy assessment process which is suitably adapted and which meets the requirements of SAMA. This means also that the size of the operations is not the sole criterion; rather, it is the complexity and risk level of the operations which should be the main driver. 
          • 5. The ICAAP Process

            • 5.1 Board Responsibility in the ICAAP Process

              It is important that an internal capital adequacy assessment process, as an activity, remains the responsibility of senior management and the Board.

              In this regard, the board of directors and senior management must be clearly involved in its development, the process itself, and its integration into the ongoing operations and planning. The Board should ensure that the ICAAP is embedded in the bank's business and organizational processes. The Board's responsibility in the ICAAP process must be documented and clarified throughout the organisation.

            • 5.2 Strategic and Capital Planning in the ICAAP Process

              As a part of the ICAAP process, the board of directors and senior management must also establish clear goals with respect to the long-term level and composition of capital and integrate it as an element in the bank's strategic planning. There must also be a preparedness to handle unforeseen events that may detrimentally affect the capital adequacy situation. 
              Consequently, bank's senior management as a significant responsibility must have a process for assessing its capital adequacy relative to its risk profile. In this regard, the ICAAP’s design should be in congruence with a bank's capital policy and strategy. Further, it should be fully documented. 
              The initial point for a bank's capital requirement and strategic plans must be to identify all of the risks to which it is exposed and which may be of significance. Also, the object is that a well thought-out and a clear decision emerges as to how these risks are to be managed. This requires an approach which includes an assessment of the following: 
              The various markets in which the bank operates;
              The products it offers;
              The organizational structure;
              Its financial position;
              Its experience from various disruptions and problems previously experienced, and assessments of what might happen to the banks if risk materializes;
              Strategies, plans and ideas about entering new markets or product areas must also be considered.
              Reviews and analyses of data as well as qualitative assessments.
              For the complex banks, this entails extensive reviews of the risks to which it is exposed on a continuing basis. Stress tests/sensitivity analyses are required in order to be able to measure the effects of a particular disruption. Regular analysis and assessments are required of the manner in which risks are managed, controlled and quantified and how they should be managed in the future. It is also important to identify the connections and links such as co-relations, which may exist between various types of risks. This should lead to a bank's capital requirements including any additional control measures.
              For a bank with more straight forward operations, the analysis work is obviously simpler as there are fewer and less significant factors. On the other hand, this does not mean that a more limited operation with respect to breadth or range or the total turnover of the business is automatically less risky.
              A complex operation with many branches of business may involve difficulties in achieving a comprehensive grasp of the total risk structure, as well as of all the factors that affect it. In a more limited operation, the negative aspect is the risks arise from being more dependent on one or a small number of products, perhaps on a limited number of customers and perhaps within a limited geographical area. For such operations, it may also be more difficult to raise capital rapidly at a reasonable cost. 
            • 5.3 Documentation and Corporate Governance in the ICAAP Process

              The requirement regarding documentation is very significant. This is because in order to be able to evaluate the process it must be verifiable and it is possible for both the banks and SAMA to do a follow-up. Further, the manner in which the process is conducted as well as the decisions to which it leads to must be set forth in business plans, the board's rules of procedure, the minutes, as well as in various strategy and policy documents.

            • 5.4 Frequency of ICAAP Review

              The ICAAP should form an integral part of the management process and of a decision-making culture, and it should be reviewed regularly by a bank's board or the board's executive committee. SAMA requires that this must take place at least once a year. Additionally, the internal capital adequacy assessment process must be reviewed and a document submitted when significant changes have taken place, whether in relation to the bank's own decisions or external changes. The fist formal ICAAP should be for the year 31.12.2008 and should be submitted to SAMA by 31 January 2009.

              Also, in this regard, for a bank which operates in a number of financial sectors and perhaps also in various national markets, it may require a review of the ICAAP more frequently than once a year. SAMA will inform these Banks where a submission other than the annual submission is required. Consequently, for banks that operate within a single and simpler market segments, and where no dramatic changes take place in the market structure, a yearly review may represent an acceptable frequency.

            • 5.5 Risk Based and Comprehensive

              The ICAAP should be risk based, comprehensive, forward-looking and take into consideration a bank's strategic plans and external changes. Further, it should also be based on an adequate measurement and assessment processes.

              The basis of the internal capital adequacy assessment process lies in the measurement of a bank's minimum capital requirements which is the product of the calculated assessment of credit risks, market risks and operational risks which take place within the scope of Pillar 1 and all relevant Pillar 2 risks. Additional capital may also be required as a result of stress testing results, additional infrastructure expenditures and human resource, i.e. hiring of senior level executives. The internal capital adequacy assessment process challenges banks that they must take a broader approach and perspective of assessing other risks. Also, included are circumstances which affect the bank's total risk profile and which the management must analyze and form conclusions on their effects on the total capital requirements.

              In this respect materiality is an aspect, i.e. large risk exposure - large risk management requirement - large capital requirement, and vice versa. However, it is important to understand that all banks - large as well as small, complex and non-complex - must comply with SAMA requirements.

            • 5.6 Models and Stress Testing

              Assessments of risks may be made both by using very sophisticated methods, models and also using perhaps simpler measures, and methods. What is appropriate and relevant is determined by the banks operations in question. In case of a large bank, it might be natural to use extensive stress tests which provide quantitative measurements of the impact due to a specified disruption. Generally, larger banks have external analyses with respect to economic and business cycles and financial market trends, including the use of economic capital models and measurements. This type of approach can constitute an important element of the internal capital adequacy assessment process. However, it is limited by the fact that generally it only deals with risks that are quantifiable.

              It follows, therefore, it is not necessary for a bank with less complex operations to employ complicated model involving advanced analysis leading to economic capital requirements. However, for a small bank, the most important issue is to assess the effect of, for example, loosing its three largest customers, or an economic sector where the bank has considerable exposure having major problems, as well as consequence of the closure of a large customer.

              Should a Bank utilize models relevant and appropriate disclosure of the model such as its generic name, application or use within the risk management process, validation results, internal logic, should be provided.

            • 5.7 Reasonable Results

              The ICAAP should produce a reasonable outcome vis-à-vis capital requirements. The process involves weighing together the importance of the risks which a bank encounters, the extent to which it exposes itself to these risks, and how it organizes itself and works in order to address them. This "bottom line" can crystallize into a minimum amount of capital after discussion with SAMA, as well as additional control systems necessary to cover the risks the bank is exposed to.

              While capital requirements constitute a minimum requirement, banks in their interest operate above this minimum level as a consequence of their strategic objectives. The reason for this includes higher rating and thereby lower funding costs. It also provides a freedom of action in connection with corporate acquisitions, as well as in the event of losses which may arise due to a rapid and serious downturn in the economy. Consequently, banks, as well as SAMA, expect that bank capital stays above the minimum level.

              Generally, if a bank's internal capital adequacy assessment process result in an assessed level of required capital which is the same, or below, the minimum as determined under the Pillar 1, this is an indication that the internal capital adequacy assessment process has not functioned in a satisfactory manner.

        • II. Reporting Format and Contents

          • 1. Overview of the Reporting Format and Contents

            The ultimate end product of the ICAAP process is the ICAAP document. This section on reporting format and contents is to provide guidance to banks to describe in a logical format the main assumptions and results of the ICAAP process. Consequently, the ICAAP document should bring into one place an assessment of the capital requirements in relation to a bank's risk profile, strategies, business plans, major risks, acquisitions, governance and internal risk management systems, etc. It also must establish the capital required for economic, regulatory and accounting purposes and help identify planned sources of capital to meet its objectives. Further, all relevant assessments and information should be covered and documented in the ICAAP.

            Specifically, the objectives of the ICAAP and the related entities of the bank that are included by it should be specified. The main results of the ICAAP effort may be presented in a tabular format indicating the major components of capital requirements, capital available, capital buffers and proposed funding plans. Furthermore, the adequacy of the governance and bank's internal control and risk management processes should be included.

            It is also important to document the strategic position of the bank, its balance sheet strength, planned growth in the major assets based on its Business plans for the next 12 to 18 months indicating the likely consumption in capital for this growth by major category.

            Further, the results of major stress tests on capital requirements and capital supply for additional risks deterioration in the economic environment, recessionary periods, or other economic/political downturns are important aspects to be covered.

          • 2. Executive Summary

            The major purpose of the Executive Summary is to describe in a summary form the main results of the ICAAP effort which is to bring into one place objectives of the ICAAP, the assessment of the capital requirements for strategies, business plans, all risks, acquisitions, etc. Also presented and described should be the capital required for economic, regulatory and accounting purposes and identification of planned sources of capital to meet these objectives. The following information should be briefly described and where appropriate, relevant amounts are quantified and presented in a tabular format: 
            A.1. Capital Required
              Pillar 1 Capital Requirements
              Pillar 2 Capital Requirements
              Business Plans (Summarized)
               Growth Rate and amounts by business lines
               Capital requirements by business lines
              Strategic Initiatives
              Capital Expenses
              Stress testing
              Other capital requirements
              Total capital requirements
             2.Capital Available
              Current Availability
              Qualifying Sukuks
              Qualifying Debt issues
              Rights issue
              Other capital sources
              Total capital sources
             3.Buffer Available (1-2)
            B.Dividends Proposed
            C.Funding plans over the Time Horizon
            D.Capital requirement for each subsidiary or affiliate
            Other information that may be included in the Executive Summary are comments on significant matters on any of the items above. 
          • 3. Objective of an ICAAP

            A description of the bank's specific objectives is desirable. In this regard, the differing purposes that capital serves: shareholder returns, rating objectives for the bank as a whole or for certain securities being issued, avoidance of regulatory intervention, protection against uncertain events, depositor protection, working capital, capital held for strategic acquisitions, etc.

          • 4. Summary of Bank's Strategies Including its Current and Projected Financial and Capital Positions

            This section would be the major elements of a bank's strategic and operational plans. It would include the present financial position of the bank and expected changes to the current business profile, the environment in which it expects to operate, its projected business plans (by appropriate lines of business), projected financial position, and future planned sources of capital.

            Major aspects to be considered is formulating a business plan and the bank's strategies and initiative including aspects such as the political, economic, legal, components, etc. of the environment their likely profile and impact over the planning period of the Bank. This may consider aspects such as oil prices, legislation related to the Bank, i.e. foreign investments, consumer banking, capital markets, mortgages, leasing and installment companies, etc.

            The starting balance sheet and the date over which the assessment is carried out should be disclosed.

            The projected balance sheet should clearly indicate the major lines of business which are going to be inspected by the Bank's strategic initiatives, environmental changes and assumption over the planning period and the impact on capital requirements by major lines of business.

            Also included would be the projected financial position, the projected capital available and projected capital resource requirements based on expected plans. These might then provide a baseline against which adverse scenarios might be compared.

          • 5. Capital Adequacy and ICAAP

            This section should include the following:

            Disclosure of various types of Capital

            An ICAAP establishes a framework for economic, legal, regulatory and accounting capital purposes and helps identify planned sources of capital to meet these needs. Consequently, this section should provide a distinction from the bank's perspective of the following capital classification indicating their purpose, minimum requirements and other attributes. 
             1.Regulatory Capital
             2.Accounting Capital
             3.Legal Capital
             4.Economic Capital (if relevant)
            Additionally, a bank will need to describe its position with respect to its definition, assimilation and usage within the bank's risk and performance assessment framework. 
            Consequently, this section should elaborate on the bank's view of the amount of capital it requires to meet its minimum regulatory needs and disclosure requirements under International Accounting Standards, or whether what is being presented is the amount of capital that a bank believes it needs to meet its strategic business objectives, external ratings, and a support for a dividend policy from a shareholders perspective, etc. For example, whether the capital required is based on a particular desired credit rating or includes buffers for strategic purposes or to minimize the charge for breaching regulatory requirements. Where economic capital models are used this would include the time horizon, economic description, scenario analyses, etc. including a description of how the severity of scenarios have been chosen. 

            Timing of the ICAAP

            Generally, the ICAAP is prepared on an annual basis as at the end of each calendar year, i.e. 31 December 2008 (and is due in SAMA as at 31 January of the following year). However, should there be any variation to this timing, additional details will need to be provided. This will include the reasons for the effective date of the ICAAP. Other information to be provided will also include an analysis and consideration for any events between the effective date and the date of submission which could materially impact the ICAAP and the rationale for the time period over which ICAAP has been assessed.

            Risk Covered in the ICAAP

            An identification and appropriate description of the major risks faced in each of the following categories: 
            Credit Risk (Additional to Pillar 1)
            Market Risk (Additional to Pillar 1)
            Operational Risk (Additional to Pillar 1)
            Liquidity Risk
            Concentration Risk
            Securitization Risk
            Strategic Risk
            Interest Rate Risk

            SAMA recognizes banks’ internal systems as the principal tool for the measurement of interest rate risk in the banking book and the supervisory response. To facilitate SAMA’s monitoring of interest rate risk exposures across institutions, banks would have to provide the results of their internal measurement systems, expressed in terms of economic value relative to capital, using a standardized interest rate shock. 


            Further to the above, as per SAMA circular dated 10 November 2011, banks need to provide the following details:

            1. Provisions: The Bank should enhance the section on this topic by providing the following end of year information, for the past five years (including the current year).
            • Specific, general and total provisions
            • Provision expense charged to the income statement (net of recoveries)
            • Default rates by major portfolios (Retail, Credit Card, Corporate, SME's, etc.)
            • Total Non-performing Loans
            • Coverage Ratio

              2. Concentration Risk: The Banks should under the section on concentration risk include the following information for the past 3 years (including the current year).

            • On and Off Balance Sheet Credit exposure to top ten customers as a percentage of total on and off balance sheet credit.
            • On and Off Balance Sheet Credit exposure to top ten customers as a percentage of Bank's regulatory capital.
            • Number of loans extended to connected parties and the total value of such loans as a percentage of total credit.
            • Total value of loans to connected parties as a percentage of total regulatory capital.
            • The banks could add comments on the concentration risk and how it affects their assessment of additional capital requirements, if any.

            3. Liquidity Risk: The Banks should provide the following information as at the end of year.

            • Liquidity Coverage Ratio
            • Net Stable Funding Ratio
            • In addition, the following information should be provided for the past three years (as at end of the year):
            • Deposits from top (10) ten customer as a percentage of total customer deposits.
            • Deposits from Wholesale markets (interbank, others) as a percentage of total liabilities.

            4. Off Balance Sheet Activities: The following year-end information on Derivatives Activity should be provided for past 3 years with breakdown in Saudi Riyal, USD and other currencies.

            • Interest rate Derivatives
            • FX Derivatives

            5.Capital Leverage Ratio: Banks should include information on the following:

            • Basle Capital Leverage Ratio (current year)
            • Legal Leverage Ratio under the Banking Control Law (for past 3 years)

            (Refer to Paragraph 763 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006
            Macro Economic and Business Cycle Risk
            Reputational Risk
            Global Risk
            Any other Risks identified
            An explanation of how each of the risk has been identified, assessed, measured and the methodology and or models currently or to be employed in the future, and the quantitative results of that assessment;
            where relevant, a comparison of that assessment with the results of the pillar 1 calculations;
            a clear articulation of the bank's risk appetite by risk category; and
            where relevant, an explanation of method used to mitigate these risks.
          • 6. Approach and Methodology

            Current Methodology

            A description of how models and assessments for each of the major risks have been approached and the main assumptions made.

            For instance, banks may choose to base their ICAAP on the results of Pillar 1 risks calculation with additional risks (e.g. concentration risk, interest rate risk in the banking book, etc.) assessed separately and added to Pillar 1. Alternatively, a bank may decide to base their ICAAP on internal models for all risks, including those covered under Pillar 1 (i.e. Credit, Market and Operational Risks) as additional risks.

            The description would make clear which risks are covered by which modeling calculation or approach. This would include details of the models, methodology and process used to calculate risks in each of the categories identified and reason for choosing the models and method used in each case.

            Future Approach and Methodology

            Banks may provide a summary on the future models and methodologies being considered and developed including their strengths and weaknesses.

            Internal Models: Pillar 1 and ICAAP comparisons

            Should the internal models vary from any regulatory models approved for pillar 1 purposes, this section would provide a detailed comparison explaining both the methodological and parameterization differences between the internal models and the regulatory models and how those affect the capital measures for ICAAP purposes.

          • 7. Details on Models Employed

            A list of models utilized in the formulation of the ICAAP should be provided giving relevant and appropriate details as given below: 
            The key assumptions and parameters within the capital modeling work and background information on the derivation of any key assumptions.
            How parameters have been chosen including the historical period used and the calibration process.
            The limitations of the model.
            The sensitivity of the model to changes in the key assumptions or parameters chosen.
            The validation work undertaken to ensure the continuing adequacy of the model.
            Whether the model is internally or externally developed. If externally acquired its generic name and details on the model developer.
            Details should also be provided as to the extent of its acceptance by other regulatory bodies, users in the international financial community, overall reputation and market acceptance.
            Specific details on the applications within the Bank, i.e. measurement of risks such as credit, liquidity, market, concentration, etc. or for the purpose of establishing internal credit risk classification ratings, risk estimates, PDs, LGDs, EADs, etc.
            Major merits and demerits of the chosen models.
            Results of the model validation obtained through
             Back testing / Scenario testing
             Analysis of the internal logic
            Major methodologies or statistical technique used, i.e. value at risk models employing methods such as variance/co-variance; historical simulation, Monte Carlo method, etc.
            Confidence levels embedded for regulatory capital, economic capital, or for external rating purposes.
            Further, the explanation of the differences between results of the internal model for Pillar 1 would be set out at the level at which the ICAAP is applied. Therefore, if the firm's ICAAP document breaks downs the calculation by major legal regulated entities, an explanation for each of those individual entities would be appropriate. 
            SAMA would expect the explanation to be sufficiently granular to show the differences at the level of each of the Pillar 1 risks. 
            Data definition, i.e. whether the source is external or internal and if any data, manipulation of external data has been done for it to conform with internal data. 
          • 8. Stress and Scenario Tests Applied

            Where stress tests or scenario analyses have been used to validate the results of modeling approaches, the following should be provided: 
            information on the quantitative results of stress tests and scenario analyses the bank carried out and the confidence levels and key assumptions behind those analyses, including, the distribution of outcomes;
            information on the range of adverse scenarios which have been applied, how these were derived and the resulting capital requirements; and
            where applicable, details of any additional business-unit specific or business plan specific stress tests selected.
            Details on Stress and Scenario Testing:
            This section should explain how a bank would be affected by an economic recession or downswings in the business or market relevant to its activities. SAMA is interested in how a bank would manage its business and capital so as to survive for example a recession whilst meeting minimum regulatory standards. The analysis would include financial projections for two to three years based on business plans and solvency calculations. 
            The severity of recession may typically be one that occurs only once in a 15 year period. The time horizon would be from the present day to at least the deepest part of the recession. 
            Typical scenarios would include: 
            how an economic downturn would affect
             the bank's capital resources and future earnings; and
             the bank's strategy takes into account future changes in its projected balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, impact on its financial assets, etc.
            In both cases, it would be helpful if these projections showed separately the effects of management actions to changes in a bank's business strategy and the implementation of any contingency plans.
            an assessment by the bank of any other capital planning actions to enable it to continue to meet its regulatory capital requirements through a recession. These actions may include new capital injections from related companies, new share issues through existing shareholders, IPO's, floatation of long term debt, Sukuks, etc.
            For further details, refer to Attachment 1.
          • 9. Capital Transferability Between Legal Entities

            Details of any restrictions on the management's ability to transfer capital during stressed conditions into or out of the business(es) covered. These restrictions, for example, may include contractual, commercial, regulatory or statutory nature. A statutory restriction could be, for example, a restriction on the maximum dividend that could be declared and paid. A regulatory restriction could be the minimum regulatory capital ratio acceptable to SAMA.

          • 10. Aggregation and Diversification

            This section would describe how the results of the various risk assessments are brought together and an overall view taken on capital adequacy. This requires an acceptable methodology to combine risks using quantitative techniques. At the general level, the overall reasonableness or the detailed quantification approaches might be compared with the results of an analysis of capital planning and a view taken by senior management as to the overall level of capital that is appropriate. 
            Dealing with the technical aggregation, the following may be described:
             i.any allowance made for diversification, including any assumed correlations within risks and between risks and how such correlations have been assessed including in stressed conditions;
             ii.the justification for diversification benefits between and within legal entities, and the justification for the free movement of capital between legal entities in times of financial stress.
          • 11. Challenge and Adoption of the ICAAP

            This section would describe the extent of challenge and testing of the ICAAP. Accordingly, it would include the testing and control processes applied to the ICAAP models or calculations, and the senior management or board review and sign off procedures. 
            In making an overall assessment of a bank's capital needs, matters described below should be addressed: 
            i.the inherent uncertainty in any modeling approach;
            ii.weaknesses in bank's risk management procedures, systems or controls;
            iii.the differences between regulatory capital and available capital;
            iv.the reliance placed on external consultants.
            v.An assessment made by an external reviewer or internal audit.
            Internal control review
            The bank should conduct periodic reviews of its risk management process to ensure its integrity, accuracy, and reasonableness. Areas that should be reviewed include: 
             Appropriateness of the bank’s capital assessment process given the nature, scope and complexity of its activities;
             Identification of large exposures and risk concentrations;
             Accuracy and completeness of data inputs into the bank’s assessment process;
             Reasonableness and validity of scenarios used in the assessment process; and
             Stress testing and analysis of assumptions and inputs.
             (Refer to Paragraph 745 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006)
          • 12. Use of the ICAAP within the Bank

            This area should demonstrate the extent to which capital management is embedded within the bank's operational and strategic planning. This would include the extent and use of ICAAP results and recommendation in the strategic, operational and capital planning process. Important elements of ICAAP including growth and profitability targets, scenario analysis, and stress testing may be used in setting of business plans, management policy, dividend policy and in pricing decisions.

            This could also include a statement of the actual operating philosophy and strategy on capital management and how this links to the ICAAP submitted.

          • 13. Future Refinements of ICAAP

            A bank should detail any anticipated future refinements within the ICAAP (highlighting those aspects which are work-in-progress) and provide any other information that will help SAMA review a bank's ICAAP.

        • Attachment 1 Details on Stress Testing

          Please Refer to SAMA's Rules on stress testing for the updated requirements on stress testing.


          Stress Testing is a generic term for the assessment of vulnerability of individual financial institutions and the financial system to internal and external shocks. Typically, it applies ‘What if’ scenarios and attempts to estimate expected losses from shocks, including capturing the impact of ‘large, but plausible events’. Stress testing methods include scenario tests based on historical events and information on hypothetical future events. They may also include sensitivity tests. A good stress test should have attributes of plausibility and consistency and ease of reporting for managerial decisions. 
          *Stress Testing Under Pillar 1
          *The Basel II document has several references for banks to develop and use stress testing methodology to support their work on credit, market and operational risks. There are several reference to stress testing under Pillar 1 which are summarized hereunder: 
          Para 434An IRB Bank must have in place sound stress testing processes for use in the assessment of capital adequacy. Examples of scenarios that could be used are (i) economic or industry downturn (b) market-risk events (c) liquidity conditions.**
          Para 435The bank must perform a credit risk stress test to assess the effect of certain specific conditions on its IRB regulatory capital requirements. The bank’s stress test in this context should consider at least the effect of a mild recession scenario e.g. two consecutive quarters of zero growth to assess the impact on its PD’s, LGD’s and EAD’s.**
          Para 436The bank’s method should consider the following sources of information: bank’s own data should allow estimation of the ratings migration; impact of a small deterioration in credit environment on a bank’s rating; evaluate evidence of rating migration in external ratings.**
          Para 437National discretion with supervisors to issue guidance on design of stress tests.**
          Additional Pillar 1 Guidance on Stress Testing:  
          Para 527(j)For calculation of capital charge for equity exposures where internal models are used there are some minimum quantitative standards to be applied. One of these standards requires that a rigorous and comprehensive stress testing program must be in place.**
          In addition, under *the Basel Market Risk Amendment document of 1996 there are stress testing requirements for banks using the internal models. These are contained in Section B.5 of the (1996) Amendment and are as follows: 
          Among more qualitative criteria that banks would have to meet before they are permitted to use a models based approach are the following:
           Rigorous and comprehensive stress testing program should be in place.
           Cover a range of factors that can create extraordinary losses or gains in trading portfolios.
           Major goals of stress testing are to evaluate the capacity of the bank’s capital to absorb potential large losses and to identify steps the bank can take to reduce its risk and conserve capital.
           Results of stress testing should be routinely communicated to senior management and periodically, to the bank’s board of directors.
           Results of stress tests should be reflected in the policies and limits set by the management.
          Prompt steps are expected for managing revealed risks appropriately, e.g.
           Reducing size of exposures
          Scenarios to be employed:
           Historical without simulation (largest losses experienced)
           Historical with simulation (assessing effects of crisis scenarios or changes in underlying parameters on current portfolios)
           Mostly for adverse events, based on individual portfolio characteristics of institutions
          Stress testing under Pillar 2:
          Under the Supervisory Review Process SAMA will initially review the Pillar 1 stress testing requirement for credit and market risks. How-ever, the Basle II document also covers stress testing under Pillar 2 and the relevant references are included in the following paragraphs:.  
          Para 726In assessing capital adequacy, bank management needs to be mindful of the particular stage of the business cycle in which the bank is operating. Rigorous, forward looking stress testing that identifies possible events or changes in market conditions that could adversely impact the bank should be performed. Bank management clearly bears primary responsibility for ensuring that the bank has adequate capital to support its risks.**
          Para 738For market risk this assessment is based largely on the bank’s own measure of value-at-risk or the standardised approach for market risk. Emphasis should also be placed on the institution performing stress testing in evaluating the adequacy of capital to support the trading function.**
          Para 775For credit concentration risk a bank’s management should conduct periodic stress tests of its major credit risk concentrations and review the results of those tests to identify and respond to potential changes in market conditions that could adversely impact the bank’s performance.**
          Para 777In the course of their activities, supervisors should assess the extent of a bank’s credit risk concentrations, how they are managed, and the extent to which the bank considers them in its internal assessment of capital adequacy under Pillar 2. Such assessments should include reviews of the results of a bank’s stress tests.**
          Para 804Under Securitization banks should use techniques such as static pool cash collections analyses and stress tests to better understand pool performance. These techniques can highlight adverse trends or potential adverse impacts. Banks should have policies in place to respond promptly to adverse or unanticipated changes. Supervisors will take appropriate action where they do not consider these policies adequate. Such action may include, but is not limited to, directing a bank to obtain a dedicated liquidity line or raising the early amortisation credit conversion factor, thus, increasing the bank’s capital requirements.**
          Other aspects related to stress testing
          There are no specific or explicit requirements in the Basel II document on stress testing for liquidity risk although some banks may wish to develop ‘What if’ scenarios for liquidity under stress conditions.
          SAMA expects all banks to closely review the above Basel III recommendations on stress testing and develop specific strategies and methodologies to implement those that are relevant and appropriate for their operations. SAMA in its evaluation of banks method and systems under Pillar I will examine the implementation of these stress test requirements. It will also review the stress test methodologies and systems as part of its Supervisory Review Process.
          As a minimum bank should carryout stress tests at least on an annual basis.

          *SAMA 3 reforms supersedes any conflicting requirements in that section. Refer to the following sections to read the last updated requirements:

          1- Credit Risk Capital Requirements - 16.50 until 16.52 (Stress tests used in assessment of capital adequacy)

          2- Market Risk Capital Requirements - 10.19 until 10.23 (Stress Testing)

          3- Capital Requirements for CCR and CVA - 7.45 until 7.46 (Stress Testing)


      • Enhancements to the ICAAP Document

        This refers to the ICAAP document issued by Saudi Central Bank on 22 September 2008 which documents the ICAAP Process and provides guidance to the Banks on the form and contents of the ICAAP Report to be submitted to SAMA.
        In the past years, the ICAAP submissions by the Banks have continued to improve both in terms of contents and form and as a result they have become an increasingly important supervisory tool for meaningful discussions related to Banks' risk profiles, their business plans and their projected levels of capital adequacy.
        The Saudi Central Bank would like the 2011 ICAAP document to be further strengthened in the following areas:
         1.Provisions: The Bank should enhance the section on this topic by providing the following end of year information, for the past five years (including the current year).
          Specific, general and total provisions
          Provision expense charged to the income statement (net of recoveries)
          Default rates by major portfolios (Retail, Credit Card, Corporate, SME's, etc.)
          Total Non-performing Loans
          Coverage Ratio
         2.Concentration Risk: The Banks should under the section on concentration risk include the following information for the past 3 years (including the current year).
          On and Off Balance Sheet Credit exposure to top ten customers as a percentage of total on and off balance sheet credit.
          On and Off Balance Sheet Credit exposure to top ten customers as a percentage of Bank's regulatory capital.
          Number of loans extended to connected parties and the total value of such loans as a percentage of total credit.
          Total value of loans to connected parties as a percentage of total regulatory capital.
          The banks could add comments on the concentration risk and how it affects their assessment of additional capital requirements, if any.
         3.Liquidity Risk: The Banks should provide the following information as at the end of year 2011.
          Liquidity Coverage Ratio
          Net Stable Funding Ratio
          In addition, the following information should be provided for the past three years (as at end of the year):
          Deposits from top (10) ten customer as a percentage of total customer deposits.
          Deposits from Wholesale markets (interbank, others) as a percentage of total liabilities.
         4.Off Balance Sheet Activities: The following year-end information on Derivatives Activity should be provided for past 3 years with breakdown in Saudi Riyal, USD and other currencies.
          Interest rate Derivatives
          FX Derivatives
         5.Capital Leverage Ratio: Banks should include information on the following:
          Basle Capital Leverage Ratio (current year)
          Legal Leverage Ratio under the Banking Control Law (for past 3 years)
        The Saudi Central Bank will continue to enhance the ICAAP process to make it more comprehensive and meaningful. 
        Suggest removing this whole section and incorporate it within ICAAP.
    • ILAAP

      • Guidelines on the Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Plan (ILAAP)

        No: 42012157 Date(g): 17/10/2020 | Date(h): 1/3/1442Status: In-Force
        • B. ILAAP Construction

          • 1. General Definition of the ILAAP

            The Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP) is defined as “the processes for the identification, measurement, management and monitoring of liquidity implemented by the bank pursuant to SAMA liquidity risk management regulations”. It thus contains all the qualitative and quantitative information necessary to underpin the risk appetite, including the description of the systems, processes and methodology to measure and manage liquidity and funding risks.

            These ILAAP guidelines shall only serve as a starting point in supervisory dialogues with banks. Therefore, they should not be understood as comprehensively covering all aspects necessary to implement a sound, effective and comprehensive ILAAP. It is the responsibility of the bank to ensure that its ILAAP is sound, effective and comprehensive duly taking into account the nature, scale and complexity of its activities.

          • 2. Objectives of the ILAAP

            The main objectives of the ILAAP are as follows: 
            i.Enhances corporate governance and risk management processes in banks and the financial system in general.
            ii.Establishes the minimum liquidity required for regulatory purposes and helps identify planned sources of liquidity to meet these objectives.
            iii.For a bank's Board of Directors to proactively assess its liquidity requirements in line with its strategies, business plans and risks.
            In additions, the ILAAP document should be for Senior Management to inform the Board of Directors and SAMA on the ongoing assessment of the bank's liquidity risk profile, liquidity risk appetite, strategic plan and liquidity adequacy. It also documents how the bank intends to manage these risks, and how much liquidity is necessary for its future plans. 
          • 3. Scope and Proportionality

            i.These guidelines shall be applicable to all locally incorporated banks licensed and operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
            ii.The ILAAP is, above all, an internal process, and it remains the responsibility of individual banks to implement it in a proportionate and credible manner. The bank’s ILAAPs has to be proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of the activities of the bank.
          • 4. Major Building Blocks of the ILAAP

            • 4.1 Banks’ Roles and Responsibilities for the ILAAP

              i.A Bank should produce, at least once per year, an ILAAP approved and signed by the Board of Directors.
              ii.A bank is required to demonstrate to SAMA that its ILAAP processes are comprehensive, rigorous and ensures that it has liquidity that is commensurate with its risk profile.
              iii.A bank is required to put in place ILAAP processes and methodologies based on SAMA requirements and on its strategic and operational plans as set by its Board of Directors.
            • 4.2 ILAAP as Part of Pillar 2

              The Pillar 2 liquidity framework should focus on liquidity risks not captured, or not fully captured, under Pillar 1 requirements. It is incumbent on banks to undertake their own assessment of liquidity risks, including Pillar 2 risks, and take appropriate measures to reduce or manage these risks.

          • 5. The ILAAP Process

            • 5.1 ILAAP Governance

              The ILAAP process should remain the responsibility of the Board of Directors and Senior Management of the bank. The ILAAP should be well integrated into the bank’s processes and decision-making culture. In this regard, banks are required to ensure the following: 
              i.The Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for the implementation of the ILAAP, and the Board of Directors or its delegated authority is required to approve an ILAAP governance framework with a clear and transparent assignment of responsibilities, adhering to the segregation of functions. The governance framework should include a clear approach to the regular internal review and validation of the ILAAP.
              ii.All of the key elements of the ILAAP should be approved by the Board of Directors or its delegated authority, and be consistent with the risk appetite set by the Board of Directors, and with the bank’s approach for measuring and managing liquidity and funding risks.
              iii.The Board of Directors or its delegated authority, Senior Management and relevant committees are required to discuss and challenge the ILAAP effectively.
              iv.Each year, the Board of Directors or its delegated authority is required to provide its assessment of the liquidity adequacy of the bank, supported by ILAAP outcomes and any other relevant information, by reviewing and approving the bank’s ILAAP.
            • 5.2 Strategic and Liquidity Planning

              i.The ILAAP should support strategic decision-making and, at the same time, be operationally aimed at ensuring that the bank maintains adequate liquidity on an ongoing basis, thereby promoting an appropriate relationship between risks and rewards. All methods and processes used by the bank to steer its liquidity as part of the strategic or operational liquidity management process are expected to be approved, thoroughly reviewed, and properly included in the ILAAP and its documentation. The quantitative and qualitative aspects of the ILAAP should be consistent with each other and with the bank’s business strategy and risk appetite.
              ii.The ILAAP should be aligned with the business, decision-making and risk management processes of the bank. It should also be consistent and coherent throughout the group.
            • 5.3 Documentation

              Banks are required to maintain sound and effective overall ILAAP architecture and documentation of the interplay between the ILAAP elements and the integration of the ILAAP into the bank’s overall governance and management framework.

            • 5.4 Comprehensive Risk Quantification

              The ILAAP should ensure that risks, that a bank is or may be exposed to, are adequately quantified. The bank is required to do the following: 
              i.Implement risk quantification methodologies that are tailored to its individual circumstances, i.e. they are expected to be in line with the bank’s risk appetite, market expectations, business model, risk profile, size and complexity.
              ii.Determine sufficiently conservative risk figures, taking into consideration all relevant information.
              iii.Ensure adequacy and consistency in its choice of risk quantification methodologies.
              iv.Ensure that key parameters and assumptions cover, among other things, confidence levels and scenario generation assumptions.
            • 5.5 Stress-Testing

              Banks should conduct a comprehensive, robust stress-testing that is consistent with SAMA Stress-testing Rules, taking into consideration the following: 
              i.The impact of a range of severe but plausible stress scenarios on the bank’s cash flows, liquidity resources, profitability, solvency, asset encumbrance and survival horizon.
              ii.Selecting stress scenarios that reveal the vulnerabilities of the bank’s funding. In addition to performing a tailored and in-depth review of the bank’s vulnerabilities, capturing all material risks on an institution-wide basis that result from the bank’s business model and operating environment in the context of stressed macroeconomic and financial conditions. The review should be conducted on a yearly basis and more frequently, when necessary, depending on individual circumstances. On the basis of this review, the bank is required to define an adequate stress-testing programme for both normative and economic perspectives. As part of the stress-testing programme, the bank is required to determine adverse scenarios to be used under both perspectives, taking into account other stress-tests it conducts.
              iii.Conducting reverse stress-testing in a proportionate manner.
              iv.Continuously monitoring and identifying new threats, vulnerabilities and changes in its environment to assess whether its stress-testing scenarios remain appropriate and, if not, adapt them to the new circumstances.
              v.Regularly updating the impact of the scenarios. In the case of material changes, the bank should assess its potential impact on its liquidity adequacy.
              The degree of conservatism of the stress-testing scenarios adopted and assumptions made by the bank should be discussed in the ILAAP document. 
            • 5.6 Review and Independent Validations

              The ILAAP shall be subject to a regular internal review, at least once a year, taking into consideration the following: 
              i.Both qualitative and quantitative aspects, including, for example the use of ILAAP outcomes, the stress-testing framework, risk capture, and the data aggregation process.
              ii.Establishing a defined process to ensure proactive adjustment of the ILAAP to any material changes that occur, such as entering new markets, providing new services, offering new products, or changes in the structure of the bank.
              iii.Adequately back-testing and measuring the performance of the ILAAP outcomes and assumptions, covering, for example, liquidity planning, scenarios, and risk quantification.
              iv.Conducting a regular independent validation of the ILAAP risk quantification methodologies, taking into account the materiality of the risks quantified and the complexity of the risk quantification methodology. The overall conclusions of the validation process should be reported to Senior Management and the Board of Directors, used in the regular review and adjustment of the quantification methodologies, and taken into account when assessing liquidity adequacy.
            • 5.7 ILAAP Reporting to SAMA

              i.The ILAAP shall be submitted to SAMA by 31st of August each year using 30th of June as a reference date.
              ii.Banks are required to provide, at minimum, details on all items mentioned in these guidelines or explain why any item is not relevant for their respective banks, taking into account the size, complexity and business model of the bank.
        • C. Reporting Format and Content

          The ILAAP document should include, at minimum, the following sections:

          • 1. Background

            This section is for introductory text describing the following: 

            i.Business model, Bank/Group structure, balance sheet risks, relevant financial data, the reach and systemic presence of the bank.
            ii.Internal and external changes since the last ILAAP.
            iii.Changes in the scope of the document since the last review by the Board of Directors.
            iv. Justifications of the comprehensiveness and proportionality of the bank’s process.
          • 2. Executive Summary

            This section should present an overview of the ILAAP methodology and results. This overview should include: 
            i.The purpose and coverage of the ILAAP.
            ii.The main findings of the ILAAP analysis:
             -How much and what composition of liquidity the bank considers it should hold as compared with the liquidity resource requirement ‘pillar 1’ calculation.
             -The adequacy of the bank’s liquidity risk management processes.
            iii.A summary of the financial projections, including the strategic position of the bank, its balance sheet strength, and future profitability.
            iv.Brief descriptions of liquidity plans; how the bank intends to manage liquidity going forward and for what purposes.
            v.Commentary on the most material liquidity risks, why the level of risk is acceptable or, if it is not, what mitigating actions are planned.
            vi.Commentary on major issues where further analysis and decisions are required.
            vii.Who has carried out the assessment, how it has been challenged, and who approved it.
          • 3. Objectives of an ILAAP

            This section should present a description of the bank's specific objectives relating to liquidity, such as shareholder returns, rating objectives for the bank as a whole or for certain securities being issued, avoidance of regulatory intervention, protection against uncertain events, depositor protection, working liquidity and liquidity held for strategic acquisitions etc., along with sufficient liquidity resources to cover the nature and level of the liquidity risk to which it is or might be exposed, the risk that the bank cannot meet its liabilities as they fall due, and the risk that its liquidity resources might in the future fall below the level, or differ from the quality and funding profile from those considered as appropriate by SAMA.

          • 4. Governance and Risk Management

            This section should describe the governance and management arrangements around the ILAAP including the involvement of the Board of Director, in addition to the risk management framework. At least the following areas should be covered: 
            i.Description of the process for the preparation and updating of the ILAAP.
            ii.Description of the process for reviewing the ILAAP.
            iii.Definition of the role and functions assigned to the Board of Directors and Senior Management for the purposes of the ILAAP.
            iv.Definition of the role and functions assigned to various corporate functions for the purposes of the ILAAP (for example, internal audit, compliance, finance, risk management, branches and other units).
            v.Indication of internal regulations relevant to the ILAAP.
            vi.The overall risk management framework and how it pertains to liquidity and funding risks.
            vii.Bank’s internal limits and control framework, including the limits and controls around liquid asset buffers, and the appropriateness of the limit structure to the risk appetite.
          • 5. Summary of Bank's Strategies

            This section would be a major component of a bank's strategic and operational plans. It should include the following: 
            i.The present financial position of the bank and expected changes to the current business profile, the environment in which it expects to operate, its projected business plans (by appropriate lines of business), projected financial position and cash flow positions, projected liquidity available and projected liquidity resource required based on future plans.
            ii.The starting balance sheet, cash flow statement and the date over which the assessment was carried out.
            iii.The projected balance sheet and cash flow statement (for at least one year horizon), which should clearly indicate the major lines of business which are going to be attested by the bank's strategic initiatives, environmental changes and assumption over the planning period and the impact on liquidity requirements by major lines of business.
          • 6. Liquidity Adequacy and ILAAP

            This section should, at minimum, cover the following:

            • 6.1 Liquidity Risk Appetite

              In this section, banks should describe their liquidity risk appetite, how it was devised, approved, monitored and reported, and how it is communicated throughout the bank. Banks should, at a minimum, cover the following key areas: 
              i.A full and clear articulation of the bank’s liquidity risk appetite and a discussion of why the risk appetite is appropriate.
              ii.A discussion on how the bank’s liquidity risk appetite is used to define and assess liquidity levels and limits, including, at minimum, the following:
               -An outline of all relevant liquidity risk management limits as derived from the risk appetite and a discussion of how the limits support the risk appetite.
               -Limits for each of the liquidity risk drivers the bank assesses. Given that not all limits will necessarily be quantitative; some may be qualitative and describe subjective risk metrics.
               -A brief outlining the bank’s risk appetite and liquidity risk limits, I.e. monitoring limits on periodic dates used for reporting of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and SAMA Liquidity Ratio and a demonstration of how the liquidity limits are reflected in SAMA’s returns.
               -A brief outlining the limits and positions against limits under “normal” and “stressed” liquidity environments, with a full and complete discussion of positions against limits.
            • 6.2 Disclosure of Liquidity Requirements

              This section should provide a distinction from the bank's perspective of the following liquidity measures indicating their purpose, minimum requirements and other attributes: 
              i.Regulatory Liquidity requirements under LCR, NSFR, LDR, and SAMA Liquidity Ratio.
              ii.Liquidity requirements internally specified by Treasurer based on limits.
            • 6.3 Funding Strategy

              This section should provide full details of a bank’s three-year funding strategy, with more detail on the first 12-18 months of the funding strategy. The following requirements should be met: 
              i.The strategy should be approved by the Board Directors or its delegated authority.
              ii.The strategy should demonstrate how it will support the projected business activities in both business as usual and stress, implementing any required improvements in the funding profile and evidencing that the risk appetite and key metrics will not be breached by the planned changes.
              iii.Risks to the plan should be discussed.
              iv.Where a funding strategy is new, implementation procedures should be detailed.
              v.The funding risk strategy and appetite, and the profile, both the sources and uses should be described.
              Banks should analyse the stability of the liabilities within the funding profile and the circumstances in which they could become unstable. This could include market shifts such as changes in collateral values, excessive maturity mismatch, inappropriate levels of asset encumbrance, concentrations (including single or connected counterparties, or currencies). 
              Banks are also required to analyse market access and current or future threats to this access, including the impact of any short-term liquidity stresses or negative news. 
            • 6.4 Risks Covered and Assessed in the ILAAP

              In this section, banks are required to identify, measure and provide mitigation strategies for the most significant liquidity risks they are exposed to. At a minimum, the ILAAP should describe, assess and analyse the following pillar 2 liquidity risk drivers: 
              i.Wholesale secured and unsecured funding risk
               a.Identification of risk, and behavior under normal and stress conditions
               b.Deposit concentration risk – exposures concentrated on a limited number of customers, industries, certain sectors or geographic area, etc. entailing vulnerability.
              ii.Retail funding risk
               a.Gross retail outflows under liquidity stresses.
               b.Higher than average likelihood of withdrawal.
              iii.Intra-day liquidity risk
               c.Net amount of collateral and cash requirement under stresses.
              iv.Intra-group liquidity risk
               d.Access to other groups, Central Bank funding, Parent Company and other commitments.
              v.Cross-currency liquidity risk
               e.Significant outflows and inflows with respect to maturities under stress.
               f.Foreign Exchange (FX) mismatch risks – banks typically assume that currencies are fungible given the depth of liquidity in the spot FX and FX swap markets, particularly in reserve currencies. However, a bank may not be able to access FX markets as normal in times of stress
              vi.Off-balance sheet liquidity risk.
               g.Impact on cash flows arising from derivatives, contingent liabilities, commitments and liquidity facilities.
              vii.Franchise-viability risk.
               h.Stresses where the bank does not have sufficient liquidity resources to maintain its core business and reputation.
              viii.Marketable assets risk (under normal and stressed forced sale conditions).
               a.High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) monetisation risk – a bank may not be able to monetise sufficient non-cash HQLA to cover cumulative net outflows under the LCR stress on a daily basis, because of limitations to the speed with which cash can be raised in the repo market or through outright sales.
              ix.Non-marketable assets risk (under normal and stressed forced sale conditions).
              x.Funding concentration risk e.g. Flexible funding strategy according to instrument type, currency, counterparty, liability term structure and market for their realization.
              xi.Other risks e.g.
               a.Liquidity correlation factors associated with other risks i.e. reputational risk, asset concentration risk, Profit Rate Risk in the Banking Book (PRRBB), strategic risks etc. which have a bearing on Bank’s overall liquidity position.
               b.Balance sheet mismatch risk - assess whether a bank would have sufficient cash from the monetisation of liquid assets and other inflows to cover outflows on a daily basis, under a defined stress scenario.
               c.Macroeconomic and Business cycle risks – risks relating to changes in macroeconomic country specific variables such as oil prices, government spending and GDP.
               d.Initial margin on derivatives contracts, where during a period of stress counterparties may, for a number of reasons, increase a bank’s initial margin requirements.
               e.Securities margin financing liquidity risks.
              The quantification of liquidity risk should fully incorporate the following: 
              i.Product pricing – it should include significant business activities and both on and off balance sheet products.
              ii.Performance measurement and pricing incentives.
              iii.Clear and transparent attribution to business lines.
              iv.Management of collateral – clearly distinguishing between pledged and unencumbered assets.
              v.Management of liquidity risks between intra-day, overnight keeping in view uncertainty or potential disruption.
              vi.Managing liquidity across legal entities, business lines and currencies.
              vii.Funding diversification and market access keeping in view:
               -Business planning process.
               -Correlations between market conditions and ability to access funds.
               -Adequate diversification keeping in view limits according to maturity, nature of depositor, level of secured and unsecured funding, instrument type, currency and geographic market.
              viii.Regular testing the capacity to raise funds quickly from choosing funding sources to provide short, medium and long term liquidity.
              ix.An explanation of how each of the above risks have been identified, assessed, measured and the methodology and models currently or to be employed in the future, and the quantitative results of that assessment.
              x.Where relevant, a comparison of that assessment with the results of the LCR and NSFR calculations.
              xi.A clear articulation of the bank's risk appetite by risk category.
              xii.Where relevant, an explanation of method used to mitigate these risks
            • 6.5 Intraday Liquidity Risk

              In this section, banks should describe the following: 
              i.How intraday risk is created within their business, whether part of the payments system or not, their appetite for and approach to managing intraday liquidity risk of both cash and securities accounts and in both business as usual and stress conditions.
              ii.Details of how the bank assesses the adequacy of the process of measuring intraday liquidity risks, especially that resulting from the participation in the payment, settlement and clearing systems.
              iii.Details of how the bank adequately monitors measures to control cash flows and liquid resources available to meet intraday requirements and forecasts when cash flows will occur during the day.
              iv.How the bank carries out adequate specific stress-testing for intraday operations.
          • 7. Approach and Methodology

            • 7.1 Current Methodology

              In this section, banks should describe the framework and IT systems for identifying, measuring, managing and monitoring and both internal and external reporting of liquidity and funding risks, including intraday risk. The assumptions and methodologies adopted should be described, key indicators should be evidenced, and the internal information flows described.

            • 7.2 Future Approach and Methodology

              Banks may provide a summary on the future models and methodologies being considered and developed including their strengths and weaknesses.

            • 7.3 Internal Models: Pillar 1 and ILAAP Comparisons

              Should the internal models vary from any regulatory methodologies approved for LCR and NSFR purposes, this section would provide a detailed comparison explaining both the methodological and parameterization differences between the internal models and the regulatory models and how those affect the liquidity measures for ILAAP purposes.

              Further, the explanation of the differences between results of the internal models for LCR, NSFR would be set out at the level at which the ILAAP is applied. SAMA would expect the explanation to be sufficiently granular to show the differences at the level of each of the Pillar 1 risks.

          • 8. Details on Models Employed

            In this section, banks should present the list of models utilized in the formulation of the ILAAP, giving relevant and appropriate details as given below: 
            i.The key assumptions and parameters within the liquidity modeling work and background information on the derivation of any key assumptions.
            ii.How parameters have been chosen including the historical period used and the calibration process.
            iii.The limitations of the model.
            iv.The sensitivity of the model to changes in the key assumptions or parameters chosen.
            v.The validation work undertaken to ensure the continuing adequacy of the model.
            vi.Whether the model is internally or externally developed. If externally acquired, its generic name and details on the model developer.
            vii.The extent of its acceptance by other regulatory bodies, users in the international treasurers’ community, overall reputation and market acceptance.
            viii.Specific details on the applications within the bank.
            ix.Major merits and demerits of the chosen models.
            x.Results of the model validation obtained through:
             -Back testing / Scenario testing.
             -Analysis of the internal logic.
            xi.Major methodologies or statistical technique used, i.e. Value at risk models, employing methods such as variance/co-variance, historical simulation and Monte Carlo method.
            xii.Confidence levels embedded for regulatory liquidity or economic liquidity purposes.
            xiii.Data definition, i.e. whether the source is external or internal and if any data, manipulation of external data has been done for it to conform to the internal data.
          • 9. Liquidity Specific Stress-Testing

            In this section, banks should undertake, at least, the following: 
            i.Analyse the internal liquidity risk stress-testing framework, including the process and governance of and challenge to scenario design, derivation of assumptions and design of sensitivity analysis, and the process of review and challenge and relevance to the risk appetite.
            ii.Scrutinise the process by which the stress results are produced, and incorporated into the risk framework and strategic planning, and the liquidity recovery process.
            iii.Analyse the results and conclusions, with breakdown by each relevant risk driver.
            Details of further stress-testing requirements are in Annexure (1)
          • 10. Liquidity Transferability Between Legal Entities

            In this section, banks should provide details of any restrictions on the management's ability to transfer liquidity during stressed conditions into or out of the businesses covered. These restrictions, for example, may include contractual, commercial, regulatory or statutory nature. A regulatory restriction could be the minimum liquidity ratio acceptable to SAMA.

          • 11. Aggregation and Diversification

            This section should describe how the results of the various risk assessments are brought together and an overall view taken on liquidity adequacy. At the general level, the overall reasonableness or the detailed quantification approaches might be compared with the results of an analysis of liquidity planning and a view taken by senior management as to the overall level of liquidity that is appropriate. 
            In aggregating the risks, the following aspects of the aggregation process should be described: 
            i.Any allowance made for diversification, including any assumed correlations within risks and between risks and how such correlations have been assessed including in stressed conditions.
            ii.The justification for diversification benefits between and within legal entities , and the justification for the free movement of liquidity between legal entities in times of financial stress.
          • 12. Challenge and Adoption of the ILAAP

            This section should describe the extent of challenge and testing of the ILAAP. Accordingly, it would include the testing and control processes applied to the ILAAP models or calculations, and the senior management and Board of Directors review and sign off procedures. 
            In making an overall assessment of a bank's liquidity needs, matters described below should be addressed: 
            i.The inherent uncertainty in any modeling approach.
            ii.Weaknesses in bank's risk management procedures, systems or controls.
            iii.The differences between regulatory liquidity and available liquidity.
            iv.The reliance placed on external consultants.
            v.An assessment made by an external reviewer or internal audit.
          • 13. Use of the ILAAP within the Bank

            In this section, banks should demonstrate the extent to which liquidity management is embedded within the bank's operational and strategic planning. This would include the extent and use of ILAAP results and recommendations in the ongoing reviews and assessment of liquidity, day to day decision making, Contingency Funding Plan (CFP) and overall strategic, operational and liquidity planning process.

            Important elements of ILAAP including growth and profitability targets, scenario analysis, and stress-testing may be used in setting of business plans, management policy and in pricing decisions. This could also include a statement of the actual operating philosophy and strategy on liquidity management and how this links to the ILAAP submitted.

          • 14. Future Refinements of ILAAP

            A bank should detail any anticipated future refinements within the ILAAP, highlighting those aspects which are work-in-progress, and provide any other information that will help SAMA review a bank's ILAAP.

        • Annexure (1): Stress-Testing and Contingency Funding Plan (CFP)

        • A. Stress-Testing

          Stress-testing is a generic term for the assessment of vulnerability of individual financial institutions and the financial system to internal and external shocks. Typically, it applies ‘What if’ scenarios and attempts to estimate expected losses from shocks, including capturing the impact of ‘large, but plausible events’. Stresstesting methods include scenario tests based on historical events and information on hypothetical future events. They may also include sensitivity tests. A good stress-test should have attributes of plausibility and consistency and ease of reporting for managerial decisions.

          • 1. Stress-Testing Under Pillar 1

            i.A Bank must conduct on a regular basis appropriate stress-tests so as to:
             a)Identify sources of potential liquidity strain:
              -Loss of confidence – justified/unjustified.
              -Contagion – financial sector weakness, corporate failures, etc.
              -External factors – market disruption, risk aversion, flight to quality, etc.
              -Uncorrelated events – operational disruptions, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc.
             b)Ensure that current liquidity exposures continue to conform to the liquidity risk tolerance established by that bank's governing body.
             c)Identify the effects on that bank's assumptions about pricing.
             d)Analyse the separate and combined impact of possible future liquidity stresses on its:
              -Cash flows.
              -Liquidity position.
            ii.A bank must consider the potential impact of institution-specific, market-wide and combined alternative scenarios.
            iii.In conducting its stress-testing, a bank should also, where relevant, consider the impact of its chosen stresses on the appropriateness of its assumptions relating to:
             -Correlations between funding markets.
             -The effectiveness of diversification across its chosen sources of funding.
             -Additional margin calls and collateral requirements.
             -Contingent claims, including potential draws on committed lines extended to third parties or to other entities in that bank's group.
             -Liquidity absorbed by off-balance sheet activities.
             -The transferability of liquidity resources.
             -Access to central bank market operations and liquidity facilities.
             -Estimates of future balance sheet growth.
             -The continued availability of market liquidity in a number of currently highly liquid markets.
             -Ability to access secured and unsecured funding (including retail deposits).
             -Currency convertibility.
             -Access to payment or settlement systems on which the bank relies.
            iv.A Bank should ensure that the results of its stress-tests are:
             -Reviewed by its senior management.
             -Reported to the bank's Board of Directors or its deleted authority, specifically highlighting any vulnerabilities identified and proposing appropriate remedial action.
             -Reflected in the processes, strategies and systems.
             -Used to develop effective contingency funding plans.
             -Integrated into that bank's business planning process and day-today risk management.
             -Taken into account when setting internal limits for the management of that bank's liquidity risk exposure.
            v.Among more qualitative criteria that banks would have to meet before they are permitted to use a models based approach are the followings:
             -Rigorous and comprehensive stress-testing program should be in place.
             -Cover a range of factors that can create extraordinary losses or gains in trading portfolios.
             -Major goals of stress-testing are to evaluate the capacity of the bank’s liquidity to absorb potential large losses and to identify steps the bank can take to reduce its risk and conserve liquidity.
             -Results of stress-testing should be routinely communicated to senior management and periodically, to the bank’s board of directors.
            vi.Results of stress-tests should be reflected in the policies and limits set by the management.
            vii.Scenarios to be employed:
             -Historical without simulation.
             -Historical with simulation – this means relating to specific profile and idiosyncratic nature of the bank. e.g. if deposits are highly concentrated with top three customers, if one customer goes for an early withdrawal or partial withdrawal, how this simulation would affect historical analysis?
             -Adverse events, based on individual portfolio characteristics of institutions.
          • 2. Stress-Testing Under Pillar 2

            Under the Supervisory Review Process, SAMA will initially review the Pillar 1 stress-testing requirement for LCR and NSFR. SAMA will also assess stress-testing under Pillar 2 with specific reference to detailed Contingency Funding Plan (CFP). Some of the scenarios which can be used are:

            • i. Example of First Liquidity Stress

              An unforeseen, name-specific, liquidity stress in which:

               -Financial market participants and retail depositors consider that in the short-term the bank will be or is likely to be unable to meet its liabilities as they fall due.
               -The bank's counterparties reduce the amount of intra-day credit which they are willing to extend to it.
               -The bank ceases to have access to foreign currency spot and swap markets.
               -Over the longer-term, the bank's obligations linked to its credit rating crystallize as a result of a reduction in that credit rating. For the purpose, a bank must assume that the initial, short-term, period of stress lasts for at least two weeks.
            • ii. Example of Second Liquidity Stress

              An unforeseen, market-wide liquidity stress of three months duration. A bank must assume that the second liquidity stress is characterised by:

               -Uncertainty as to the accuracy of the valuation attributed to that bank's assets and those of its counterparties.
               -Inability to realise, or ability to realise only at excessive cost, particular classes of assets, including those which represent claims on other participants in the financial markets or which were originated by them.
               -Uncertainty as to the ability of a significant number of banks to ensure that they can meet their liabilities as they fall due.
               -Risk aversion among participants in the markets on which the bank relies for funding.
          • 3. Other Aspects Related to Stress-Testing

            i.SAMA expects all banks to closely review the above recommendations on stress-testing and develop specific strategies and methodologies to implement those that are relevant and appropriate for their operations.
            ii.SAMA in its evaluation of banks method and systems under Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 will examine the implementation of these stress-test requirements. It will also review the stress-test methodologies and systems as part of its Supervisory Review Process.
            iii.As a minimum, a bank should carryout stress-tests at least on an annual basis.
        • B. Early Warning Indicators

          An important component of liquidity risk management and the contingency funding plan is the early warning indicators including:

           -Growing concentrations in assets or liabilities.
           -Increases in currency mismatches.
           -Repeated incidents of positions approaching or breaching internal or regulatory limits.
           -Decrease of weighted average maturity of liabilities.
           -Significant deterioration in the bank’s earnings, asset quality, and overall financial condition.
           -Credit rating downgrade.
           -Widening debt or credit-default-swap spreads.
           -Rising wholesale or retail funding costs compared to other banks.
           -Counterparties requesting or increasing request for collateral for credit exposures or resisting to enter into new transactions.
           -Increasing retail deposit outflows.
           -Difficulty accessing longer-term funding.
        • C. Contingency Funding Plan (CFP)

          i.Banks should detail the policies, procedures and action plans for responding to severe disruptions in the bank's ability to fund itself. The plan should be that which is contained within their Contingency Funding Plan (CFP) and it should be prepared as a standalone document and attached to the ILAAP document.
          ii.At a minimum, a bank should ensure that its Contingency Funding Plan (CFP) meets the followings:
           a)Outlines strategies, policies and plans to manage a range of stresses.
           b)Establishes a clear allocation of roles and clear lines of management responsibility.
           c)Formally documented.
           d)Includes clear invocation and escalation procedures.
           e)Regularly tested and updated to ensure that it remains operationally robust; this testing is mainly qualitative in nature which tests process, procedures, and appropriate governance to undertaken action on timely basis. This should test the following:
            -Composition of liquidity crisis management team (LCMT).
            -Roles and responsibilities of LCMT.
            -Early warning signals using benchmark indicators i.e. Availability of credit lines, collection efficiency, positive cumulative outflow. These signals should have triggers based on 30% or 50% decline in collections for continuous three months.
            -Liquidity stress-test consisting of four early warning signals.
            -Minimum logistics and contact information.
            -Communication strategy with SAMA.
            -Undertaking only two transactions in interbank market or with SAMA to demonstrate it is working effectively.
           f)Outlines how the bank will meet time-critical payments on an intraday basis in circumstances where intra-day liquidity resources become scarce.
           g)Outlines the bank's operational arrangements for managing a retail funding run-off.
           h)In relation to each of the sources of funding identified for use in emergency situations, is based on a sufficiently accurate assessment of the amount of funding that can be raised from that source; and the time needed to raise funding from that source.
           i)Sufficiently robust to withstand simultaneous disruptions in a range of payment and settlement systems.
           j)Outlines how the bank will manage both internal communications and those with its external stakeholders.
           k)Establishes mechanisms to ensure that the bank's Board of Directors and senior management receive information that is both relevant and timely.
           l)Clear escalation/prioritization procedures detailing when and how each of the actions can and should be activated.
           m)Lead time needed to tap additional funds from each of the contingency sources.
          iii.In designing a contingency funding plan, a bank should ensure that it takes into account:
           -The impact of stressed market conditions on its ability to sell or securities assets.
           -The impact of extensive or complete loss of typically available market funding options.
           -The financial, reputational and any other additional consequences for that bank arising from the execution of the contingency funding plan itself.
           -Its ability to transfer liquid assets having regard to any legal, regulatory or operational constraints.
           -Its ability to raise additional funding from central bank market operations and liquidity facilities.
    • IRRBB

      • Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB)

        No: 381000040243 Date(g): 10/1/2017 | Date(h): 12/4/1438Status: In-Force
        These standards revise the Basel Committee's 2004 Principles for the management and supervision of interest rate risk, which set out supervisory expectations for banks' identification, measurement, monitoring and control of IRRBB as well as guidance for its supervision. The key enhancements to the 2004 Principles include: 
         More extensive guidance on the expectations for a bank's IRRBB management process in areas such as the development of interest rate shock scenarios, as well as key behavioural and modelling assumptions;
         Enhanced disclosure requirements to promote greater consistency, transparency and comparability in the measurement and management of IRRBB. This includes quantitative disclosure requirements based on common interest rate shock scenarios,
         An updated standardised framework; and
         A stricter threshold for identifying outlier banks, which has been reduced from 20% of a bank's total capital to 15% of a bank's Tier 1 capital.
        The standard reflects changes in market and supervisory practices, which are particularly pertinent in light of the current exceptionally low interest rates in many jurisdictions. 
        SAMA has conducted a consultation process with the Saudi Banks in the development of this regulation and that has resulted in preparation of the following documents: 
         Annexure 1: Regulatory returns based on Table A and Table B of the Basel document.
         Annexure 2: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers including National Discretions.
        Implementation date 
        These rules are applicable from 1 January 2018 as specified in the Basel document. However, in 2018, the disclosures should be based on information as of 31 December 2017. The Banks should also send pro forma disclosures to SAMA based on 30 September 2017 data by 31 October 2017. 

        Basel paper is available at

        • Annexure 1: Regulatory Returns Based on Table A and Table B of the Basel Document

          This section has been updated by section 25 "Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book" under Pillar 3 Disclosure Requirements Framework, issued by SAMA circular No (44047144), dated 04/06/1444 H, Corresponding To 27/12/2022 G.
          No changes in Q17 template has been made.
          Table A and Table B in Basel document (as shown below) should be used as a regulatory return to be reported to SAMA on a half yearly basis
          Table A
          Purpose: To provide a description of the risk management objectives and policies concerning IRRBB.
          Scope of application: Mandatory for all banks within the scope of application set out in Section III.
          Content: Qualitative and quantitative information. Quantitative information is based on the daily or monthly average of the year or on the data as of the reporting date.
          Format: Flexible.
          Qualitative disclosure
          aA description of how the bank defines IRRBB for purposes of risk control and measurement.
          bA description of the bank's overall IRRBB management and mitigation strategies, Examples are: monitoring of EVE and NII in relation to established limits, hedging practices, conduct of stress testing, outcomes analysis, the role of independent audit, the role and practices of the ALCO, the bank's practices to ensure appropriate model validation, and timely updates in response to changing market conditions.
          cThe periodicity of the calculation of the bank's IRRBB measures, and a description of the specific measures that the bank uses to gauge its sensitivity to IRRBB.
          dA description of the interest rate shock and stress scenarios that the bank uses to estimate changes in the economic value and in earnings,
          eWhere significant modelling assumptions used in the bank's IMS (ie the EVE metric generated by the bank for purposes other than disclosure, eg for internal assessment of capital adequacy) are different from the modelling assumptions prescribed for the disclosure in Table B, the bank should provide a description of those assumptions and of their directional implications and explain its rationale for making those assumptions (eg historical data, published research, management judgment and analysis).
          fA high-level description of how the bank hedges its IRRBB, as well as the associated accounting treatment

          A high-level description of key modelling and parametric assumptions used in calculating △EVE and △NII in Table B, which includes:

          For △EVE, whether commercial margins and other spread components have been included in the cash flows used in the computation and discount rate used.

          How the average repricing maturity of non-maturity deposits in (1) has been determined (including any unique product characteristics that affect assessment of repricing behaviour).

          The methodology used to estimate the prepayment rates of customer loans, and/or the early withdrawal rates for time deposits, and other significant assumptions.

          Any other assumptions (including for instruments with behavioural optionalities that have been excluded) that have a material impact on the disclosed △EVE and △NII in Table B, including an explanation of why these are material.

          Any methods of aggregation across currencies and any significant interest rate correlations between different currencies.

          h(Optional) Any other information which the bank wishes to disclose regarding its interpretation of the significance and sensitivity of the IRRBB measures disclosed and/or an explanation of any significant variations in the level of the reported IRRBB since previous disclosures.
          Quantitative disclosures
          1Average repricing maturity assigned to NMDs,
          2Longest repricing maturity assigned to NMDs,
          Table B
          Scope of application: Mandatory for all banks within the scope of application set out in Section III.
          Content: Quantitative information.
          Format: Fixed.
          Accompanying narrative: Commentary on the significance of the reported values and an explanation of any material changes since the previous reporting period.
          In reporting currency△EVE△NII
          Parallel up    
          Parallel down    
          Short rate up    
          Short rate down    
          Tier 1 capital  


          For each of the supervisory prescribed interest rate shock scenarios, the bank must report for the current period and for the previous period:

           (i)the change in the economic value of equity based on its IMS, using a run-off balance sheet and an instantaneous shock or based on the result of the standardised framework as set out in Section IV if the bank has chosen to adopt the framework or has been mandated by its supervisor to follow the framework; and
           (ii)the change in projected NII over a forward-looking roiling 12-month period compared with the bank's own best estimate 12- month projections, using a constant balance sheet assumption and an instantaneous shock.

          For Pillar 3 purposes, annual disclosure should be made using Table A and Table B following Pillar 3 timelines in one consolidated Pillar 3 document.
        • Annexure 2: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Answers including National Discretions

          Log Ref #Challenges / IssuesSAMA's response

          Prepayment - page 30, paragraph 132

          Where the IRRBB documentation suggests setting a suitable cap for determining the materiality of “prepayment” and “early redemptions”, the Working group recommends using 5% of a bank's banking book assets or liabilities, as a conservative cap, to allow for comparability between Saudi Banks. In the absence of any materiality criteria for the aforementioned, this analogy has been carried forward from the Basel document, where it defines material currencies as, “those accounting for more than 5% of either banking book assets or liabilities”

          SAMA agrees with this proposal to use a cap of 5% of a bank's banking book assets or liabilities.

          Prepayment - It has been widely agreed within the Working Group that early-redemptions and prepayments are immaterial in the Saudi Retail Sector. This assertion is built on the Working Group's members’ knowledge of their customers’ behavior.

          Prepayment modeling of Corporate portfolio would be a challenge as these prepayments are more specific deal by deal in nature driven by specific customer business needs. Additionally, Banks will have greater ability to charge the replacement cost, which eliminates the prepayment risk. ARB is of the view that prepayment analysis of Corporate loans should not be mandatory.

          Banks should submit prepayment analysis for both retail and corporate sector to SAMA by 31 March 2017 to determine the next steps.


          3Capital Charges - Several banks have raised questions regarding ICAAP. The Working Group would like to clarify that the standardized framework, as described in section IV, is not mandatory for ICAAP purposes (i.e. the section IV framework specifically relates to public disclosures of IRRBB)Banks have to write to SAMA to indicate their preferred approach, which ideally should be consistent for both ICAAP and Pillar 3 disclosures. However, the banks have a choice to use internal models if they wish so. However, SAMA, based on bilateral ICAAP discussions in 2017/2018 could mandate few banks on a case-by-case basis to follow standardized framework. Please note that the treatment of equity in internal models is subject to discussion with SAMA on a case-by-case basis.

          Capital Charges - Principle 9, page 18, paragraph 72

          The Working Group understands that as the IRRBB capital charge remains under pillar 2, it remains subject to the bank's own assessment methodology and assumptions (as per ICAAP) and as such does not necessarily have to follow Section IV assumptions.

          This is correct. Same response as above.

          Capital Charges - Principle 9, page 18, paragraph 74 and Annex 1, S4.2.ii

          From the relevant documentation, the Working Group agrees that under the economic value approach, the ICAAP capital charge for IRRBB can be assessed based on the change in the economic value of the whole banking book including equity, thereby making an assessment based on a "going concern" basis.

          This is correct. However, in the Pillar 2 forecast, banks should consider sufficient buffers for IRRBB.

          Shock scenarios - page 30, paragraph 132

          Shock scenarios are to be applied to IRRBB exposures in each currency for which the bank has material positions. The Technical Working Group refers to the pertinent documentation, which sets anything above 5% of a bank's balance sheet assets or liabilities as the criteria for determining the materiality of currency exposures.

          SAMA agree with this threshold.
          7Shock scenarios - In relation to questions raised about shock scenarios in different currencies, the Working Group would like to highlight that the pertinent documentation clearly sets out different scenarios for each currency, which are to be used by all banks to allow for comparability of banks’ disclosures.This is correct.

          Shock scenarios - Annex 2, page 45

          In relation to shock scenarios, the pertinent documentation allows for the regulator to set a floor for interest rate shocks, provided it is less than or equal to zero. The Working Group suggests, given banks’ consumer pricing methods and the current economic environment in KSA, zero would be a suitable floor for SAMA to set for shock scenarios

          Based on current economic environment, SAMA would like zero as a suitable floor for shock scenarios. However, if circumstances change in future, this Will be adjusted accordingly.

          Conditional Prepayment rate - page 27, paragraph 121

          In the event that SAMA does not prescribe any CPRs, SAMA is requested to facilitate the calculation of a set of standardized CPRs based on KSA / bank-wide data, that is available to it through SIMAH and for these CPRs to be made available to all banks as a fallback position due to lack of available good quality data.

          SAMA will look into this and will communicate accordingly. In the meantime, all domestic banks should send weighted average CPRs to SAMA by 31 March 2017.

          Disclosures -

          Regarding the disclosure of the results from the standardized framework, the Working Group finds that this is sufficiently outlined within the IRRBB documentation, where any deviations from the standardized approach must be approved by SAMA.

          This is correct. All banks should send proforma disclosures to SAMA based on 30 September 2017 data by 31 October 2017. SAMA will review this information and if needed, form a smaller sub group (reporting to CFO Committee) to ensure minimum consistency across the banking sector.
          11Disclosures - The medium for disclosures should be in line with all other Basel disclosuresThe medium for disclosure should be Pillar 3 document. Also, banks should make sure that this is in line with other Basel disclosures.

          Outliers - page 21 paragraph 89

          Regarding "additional outlier/materiality tests", the Working Group recommends that no additional materiality tests be applied at this time so as to allow banks and SAMA to become familiar and confident with the mechanics and output of the standardized framework.

          SAMA agrees with the proposition during the transitional period next year and banks should communicate their potential charge by September 2017. During this time, SAMA will assess if additional outlier/materiality tests could be used based on Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital or the bank's IRRBB relative to earnings. However, this will not exceed Basel requirements of at least 15% of Tier 1 capital.


          Setting a timeline for implementation of the prescribed IRRBB documentation is an area implicitly requiring guidance from SAMA. Considering the culmination of the transitional implementation period on 30th September 2017, the Working Group recommends to make the first submission of IRRBB disclosures to SAMA within one month of this reporting date (i.e. first submission by 31st October 2017, based on 30th September 2017 positions)

          SAMA agrees with this proposal. All banks should send pro forma disclosures to SAMA based on 30 September 2017 data by 31 October 2017. However, in terms of final timelines, SAMA would stick to Basel timeline of using 31 December 2017 year-end for Pillar 3 disclosures in 2018.

          Executive Summary

          Page 2, Para 4 : Supervisor must publish their criteria for identifying outliers banks under Principle 12.

          The threshold for the identification of an “outlier bank” has been tightened, where the outlier/material tests applied by supervisors should at least include one which compares the bank's change EVE with 15% of its Tier Capital, under the prescribed interest rate shock

           • Unclear criteria for outliers bank. 
          • Unclear minimum to be required by SAMA and the deadline to comply with this regulatory minimum threshold. 
          • Unclear whether this will be compulsory requirements? 
          • Any regulatory punishment if the minimum requirement is not complied? 
          • The frequency for reporting the minimum compliance with SAMA?
          Same response as 12 above. During transitional period, SAMA will observe the impact and will give deadline to meet minimum threshold. Once announced by SAMA, this will become compulsory requirement for the banking sector. This will not be published each year. However, if circumstances change, this threshold will be revisited as and when needed.
          15The standard template for submission is proposed be finalized (Table A). Any changes of current Q17 Reports arising from this new requirement need to be communicated to banking industry as soon as possible so the necessary action plans could be initiated to comply with this new reporting requirements.A new template based on Table A and Table B will be used in Q17 reports.

          i. What is the frequency of reporting to SAMA?

          ii. What is templates for the reporting to SAMA/external party?

          i. Quarterly through Q17 returns

          ii. Annually in Pillar 3 table format as specified in the Basel document


          Page 6, Principle 3: The bank risk appetite for IRRBB should be articulated in terms of risk to both economic value and earnings. Bank must implement policy limits that target maintaining IRRBB exposures consistent with their risk appetite.

          Unclear regulatory requirement whether the risk appetite from earning perspective will be mandatory for the bank

          Banks should decide the risk appetite themselves suitable to their balance sheets keeping in view regulatory minimum thresholds.

          Interest Rate shock and Stress Scenarios

          Page 8, Para 35 - Banks's IMS for IRRBB should be able to accommodate the calculation of the impact on economic value and earnings of multiple scenarios based on the six prescribed interest rate shock scenarios set-up in Annex 2

          In the Annex 2, the standardized interest rate shock scenario, SAR Yield Curve is not included by the Basel Committee.

          Banks should use USD to get indication about SAR yield curve.
          18Page 9, Para 40 - Bank should determine by currency, a range of potential movements against which they will measure IRRBB exposure

          i. Unclear guidance on the minimum threshold for the currency to be measured and reported to regulator.

          ii. Unclear guidance on whether the requirement is to be monitored at the Bank or Group level.

          iii. Any threshold for the subsidiary to be excluded for the Group Level?

          i. Already elaborated in 6 above.

          ii. This will be applied at both Solo and Consolidated levels of all domestic banks

          iii. Not at this stage.


          Page 10, Para 43 - Qualitative of reverse stress testing

          In order to identify interest rate scenarios that could severely threaten a bank's capital and earnings.

          As IRRBB is a pillar 2 charge, target CAR should; be used as minimum capital threshold for each bank
           • How this scenario of interest rate to be implemented in practice? Are we assuming other factors are constant? Any increase of interest rate may affect the default rate of loan portfolio. 
          • Are we assuming the increase of interest rate until the RWCR is lower than minimum requirement of 8% or minimum capital ratio to be maintained by SAMA with the assumption the other factors are constant?
           The unclear guideline in the Basel's document 

          IV. Standard Framework

          Paragraph 4: Treatment of positions with behavior options other than NMDs

          Page 27, Para 118 - Under standardized framework, the optionality in these products is estimated using two step approach. Firstly, baseline estimates of loan pre-payment and early withdrawal of fixed term deposits are calculated given the prevailing term structure of interest rate.

          Note: These baseline parameters may be determined by bank subject to supervisor review and approval, or prescribed by supervisor.

          Banks should do the calculations themselves and this will be assessed by SAMA for each bank on a case- by-case basis.
           • What is the standard methodology being accepted by SAMA to estimate the loan pre-payment and early withdrawal of the fixed deposits given the prevailing term structure of interest rate. 
          • Is baseline may be estimated by bank and subject to the approval by the SAMA? 
          • What is the prescribed baseline for the bank in Saudi by SAMA in the case on the baseline parameters is not approved by SAMA or the bank is not able to calculate the baseline parameters due to lack of historical data? 
          • In the case of lacking of the historical data to perform the analysis by the bank 
          • Will SAMA prescribe the baseline parameters?

          Whilst the Basel principles state that Credit Spread Risk in the Banking Book must be addressed, the document has little detail as to how this should be approached, in contrast to the more specific requirements for IRRBB.

          Does SAMA anticipate issuing guidance in this regard or should all banks address individually?

          The working group members should provide recommendations to SAMA whether central approach would work for them.

          Some members suggested to include the full margin, which includes the customer's credit spread, but definitely exclude the Bank's own credit spread when discounting. However, each bank should consider this suggestion based on their internal needs and requirements.


          Para 115 Table 2 provides caps on core deposits and average maturity by category. In case 10 years data history identifies higher core deposits than the CAP provided in this table.

          As per treatment of Non-maturing deposits(NMDs), suggested in the standardized framework detailed in PRRBB circular dated April’16 (para 115), the cap on the core portion of corporate deposits is provided as 50%.

          ARB is of the view that the minimum core threshold should be increased for the deposits which have operational relationship with the bank

          Banks should determine an appropriate cash flow slotting procedure for each category of core deposits, up to the maximum average maturity per category and caps as specified in the Basel document.

          Section 3: Para 112

          Data availability is a big challenge, as NMD, Redemption Risk & Prepayment risk modeling require more than past 10 years of data which currently we don't have very matured data.

          The duration of data should be based from what is only available since the Bank's inception

          This requirement of 10 years will be waived on a case-by-case basis keeping in view newly incorporated banks not having sufficient history. However, the banks should specifically write to SAMA in this regard.
    • Stress Testing

      • Rules on Stress Testing

        No: 60697.BCS. 28747 Date(g): 23/11/2011 | Date(h): 27/12/1432Status: In-Force
        1) In terms of its Charter issued by **the Royal Decree No. 23 dated 23-5-1377 H (15 December 1957 G), Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency(SAMA) is empowered to regulate the commercial banks. In exercise of these powers, SAMA has been setting regulatory requirements for banks from time to time. With regard to stress testing, SAMA has earlier circulated to banks the “BCBS Principles for Sound Stress Testing Practices and Supervision” vide its Circular No. B.C.S/ 775 dated 02 August 2009. In addition, SAMA has provided some guidance on stress testing through its circulars on Basel-II implementation.
        2) In order to further strengthen and converge the stress testing practices in banks, SAMA has decided to issue the enclosed “Rules on Stress Testing”. The objective of these Rules is to require banks to adopt robust stress testing techniques and use stress tests as a tool of risk management. These Rules set out the minimum requirements on stress testing and banks can adopt more sophisticated techniques and scenarios beyond the minimum specified thresholds.
        3) These Rules have been finalized after taking into account the comments provided by banks. Some of the general queries/questions raised by banks in their comments have been responded in the enclosed Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) for their guidance.
        4) The enclosed Rules shall come into force with immediate effect and banks are required to fully realign their existing stress testing frameworks with these Rules by 30 June 2012. Furthermore, they are required to submit the information specified under the Rules to SAMA starting from the half-year ending 30 June 2012.

        *ICAAP Circular should be added

        **Should we replace this with SAMA new Law?

        • 1. General Requirements

          • 1.1. Introduction

            Stress testing has become a standard risk management tool for financial institutions. It is being increasingly used as a component of their risk identification and risk management processes. The recent global financial crisis and their impact on financial institutions in many jurisdictions have also highlighted the importance of rigorous stress testing .

            SAMA’s review of the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Plans(ICAAPs) of Saudi banks has indicated that they have started conducting stress tests but the choice of scenarios and their severity vary from bank to bank. SAMA expects banks to adopt robust techniques and scenarios in line with the best practices to further strengthen their stress testing programs. These Rules are being issued to guide banks in this direction.

          • 1.2. Concept of Stress Testing

            Stress tests are conducted by using a set of quantitative techniques to assess the vulnerability of individual financial institutions as well as the financial systems to exceptional but plausible events. The exceptional but plausible events can be defined either against a specific historical scenario or against a hypothetical scenario based on the analysis of past volatility and correlations or by use of other methods. The impact of such events on the profitability and capital adequacy of a financial institution is estimated to assess its capacity to absorb potential losses. The ultimate objective of stress testing is to enable a bank or financial institution to adopt countermeasures that reduce either the probability or the impact of a plausible event to preserve its solvency.

          • 1.3. Objective of the Rules

            The objective of these Rules is to require banks to adopt robust stress testing techniques and use stress tests as a tool of risk management. The results of stress tests should facilitate the management in making well-informed and timely decisions on strategic planning, risk management and capital planning.

          • 1.4. Scope of Application

            The Rules shall be applicable to all locally incorporated banks licensed and operating in Saudi Arabia. Banks may include their subsidiaries and associates in the scope of stress tests conducted by them if the risks faced by such subsidiaries/associates are material and have bearing on the solvency of the bank. Furthermore, the branches of foreign banks operating in Saudi Arabia are also required to adopt these Rules for conducting stress tests if the size of their total assets is more than 0.5% of total assets of the Saudi Banking System. However, such branches of foreign banks may apply these Rules with such modifications as may be considered expedient keeping in view the size and complexity of their business activities.

            SAMA may extend the application of these Rules to any other institution or category of institutions, which are under its supervisory jurisdiction, as may be deemed fit by it from time to time.

            These Rules sets out the minimum thresholds to be complied with by banks. However, banks can adopt more sophisticated techniques and scenarios beyond the minimum thresholds specified in these Rules. *In addition, banks would continue to take into account the guidance on stress testing provided by SAMA through its circulars on Basel-II implementation.


            *Suggest to provide the circulars on Basel-II implementation. We need to ensure if this is relevant?


          • 1.5. Effective Date

            These Rules shall come into force with immediate effect. Banks are expected to create appropriate organizational structure and deploy required resources for designing and developing their stress testing frameworks in line with these Rules. Banks are also required to put in place a robust stress testing framework, which fully meets the requirements of these Rules, by 30 June 2012. Furthermore, the information required under Section 10 of these Rules shall be submitted to SAMA starting from the half-year ending 30 June 2012 and for each calendar half- year thereafter, within three months of the end of each half-year.

          • 1.6. BCBS Stress Testing Principles

            The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has issued “Principles for Sound Stress Testing Practices and Supervision” in May 2009. SAMA has circulated these Principles to banks for compliance vide its Circular of 2nd August 2009. In addition to the requirements of these Rules, banks are also required to take into account the guidance provided in the aforesaid Principles and any other related documents of BCBS in designing, developing and implementing their stress testing programs. In case of any inconsistency in the requirements of these Rules and the BCBS Principles, they should approach SAMA for further guidance.

        • 2. Conducting Stress Tests

          • 2.1. Types of Stress Tests

            The nature of stress tests would depend on the objective(s) of conducting such tests. For the purposes of these Rules, the stress tests would either be conducted by the banks themselves or by SAMA, and would fall in any of the following categories: 
             i.Regular Stress Tests: Such stress tests would be conducted by the banks either at their own initiative as part of their risk management framework (in which case the nature and frequency of tests is determined by the banks themselves) or to meet the regulatory requirements of SAMA. Such Regular Stress Tests, to be conducted by banks on regular basis, are also called Bottom-up Stress Tests;
             ii.Ad-hoc Stress Tests: Such tests may be conducted by the banks at irregular intervals to assess the resilience of their overall portfolio or exposure to a specific business area in the backdrop of adverse market developments or abrupt changes in the external operating environment. SAMA may also require banks to conduct ad-hoc tests from time to time and report the results thereof to SAMA in the prescribed manner;
             iii.Reverse Stress Tests: Such tests may be conducted by the banks to identify the vulnerabilities and assess the resilience of their business plan. The nature of such tests is further elaborated under Section 5.4 of these Rules;
             iv.Macro Stress Tests: Such tests may be conducted by SAMA from time to time to assess the resilience of the Saudi Banking System to withstand adverse shocks. These tests are also called TopDown stress tests;
          • 2.2. Stress Testing a Mandatory Requirement

            Stress Testing would henceforth be a mandatory regulatory requirement for all locally incorporated banks and those branches of foreign banks having total assets of more than 0.5% of total assets of the Saudi Banking system.. In order to meet this requirement, banks are required to conduct stress tests on regular basis. For this purpose, they should design, develop and implement their own stress testing programs in line with the nature, size and complexity of their businesses and risk profiles. The stress testing framework to be developed for this purpose should, inter alia, provide for the following: 
             i.State objective(s) of the stress testing exercise;
             ii.Types of stress tests to be conducted;
             iii.Frequency of conducting stress tests;
             iv.Methodologies and techniques to be used including the defined scenarios and assumptions;
             v.Broad format for compiling the results of stress tests;
             vi.Strategy to deal with potential risks highlighted by the stress testing exercise;
             vii.Process for monitoring implementation of the remedial action plan.
          • 2.3. Stress Testing Parameters

            The banks shall observe the following parameters in the context of doing stress testing: 
             i.Stress tests should be designed in such a way that banks should be able to identify potential risks in their portfolios by application of exceptional but plausible shocks;
             ii.Stress tests should not be treated as substitutes of statistical models rather they complement them in identification and measurement of business risks. Thus the use of statistical models such as value-at-risk models may be continued to predict the maximum loss in normal business conditions;
             iii.The stress testing methodology should be comprehensive enough to cover all material risks faced by the bank. It should also provide flexibility to capture new risks emanating from diversification in business activities and changing operating environment;
             iv.The use of stress testing is also encouraged for assessing risks in portfolios that lack historical data. The lack of sufficient data may hinder the development of statistical models for such portfolios or the insufficient information / data may compromise the robustness of such models even if developed. Thus the stress testing of such portfolios may provide useful information to the management;
             v.Stress tests should enable the bank to better understand its risk profile, evaluate major risks (both internal and external) and take proactive measures to mitigate those risks. They should also enable the bank to assess the adequacy of its capital;
          • 2.4. Frequency of Stress Tests

            The frequency of stress testing would generally depend on the nature and composition of the bank’s portfolio and the risks associated therewith. It would also depend on the nature of stress tests being conducted. The frequency of Regular or Ad-hoc stress tests conducted by banks at their own initiative may be determined by them in line with their stress testing frameworks and the objective(s) of conducting such tests. However, banks should take into account the latest market developments and their risk profiles in determining the frequency of such stress tests. The market sensitive portfolios e.g. equity investments and other marketable securities, foreign exchange exposures, etc. should be stressed more frequently as against the non-trading portfolios e.g. credit exposures which may be stressed at relatively longer intervals. 
            The frequency of stress tests to be conducted by banks to meet the requirements of SAMA under these Rules would be as under: 
             i.Banks shall conduct stress testing of their portfolio on regular basis at the end of every calendar half-year and report the results thereof to SAMA in the specified manner as required under these Rules;
             ii.Banks shall conduct Ad-hoc stress tests for regulatory purposes on specific business areas or the overall portfolio on such frequency and within such timeline as may be specified by SAMA from time to time.
        • 3. Role of Board and Management

          The board of directors and the senior management of the bank are required to play an important role in putting in place a robust stress testing framework. Specifically, they are expected to do, inter alia, the following:

          • 3.1. Board of Directors

            i.The board shall have the overall responsibility for the stress testing framework. For this purpose, it will provide the necessary oversight to ensure that the bank has a sound and robust stress testing program in place;
            ii.The board (or a relevant committee of the board) shall approve the stress testing policy of the bank and any subsequent revision/updating thereof. Such a policy should broadly define the approach, structure and roles for conducting stress tests. It should also appropriately articulate the stress testing framework adopted by the bank which should be in line with its size, complexity of operations, nature of business activities and risk appetite, and also fully captures its risk profile;
            iii.The board shall ensure that the management has devoted adequate resources and created necessary infrastructure for conducting stress tests in an effective manner;
            iv.The board shall also ensure that the management has adopted appropriate processes and procedures for making effective use of stress testing as a risk management tool;
            v.The Board shall review the major findings of the stress tests and ensure that appropriate remedial actions are being taken by the management to mitigate the identified risks;
            vi.The board shall require the management to apprise it from time to time on the effectiveness of the bank’s stress testing framework. If deemed appropriate, the board may also require the management to get the stress testing program independently evaluated by the bank’s internal audit function or by a third-party consultant to be engaged for this purpose.
          • 3.2. Senior Management

            i.Senior management shall have the responsibility for designing, developing and implementing an effective stress testing framework. In this regard, it will establish an appropriate organizational structure, deploy qualified human resources, and adopt well-defined processes and procedures for conducting stress tests;
            ii.Senior management should put in place necessary infrastructure and IT systems to support the conduct of stress tests. The infrastructure so provided should be adequate to support compilation and processing of data required for conducting stress tests in an effective manner;
            iii.Senior management should provide oversight in defining the relevant stress scenarios, selection of methodologies and conduct of the stress tests;
            iv.Senior management shall ensure that the results of the stress tests are compiled in a clear and concise manner, and communicated to the board of directors, relevant board and management committees, senior management, relevant business areas and SAMA;
            v.Senior management shall prepare adequate action plans for dealing with the findings of the stress tests;
            vi.Senior management should periodically assess the effectiveness of the stress testing policy, procedures and framework, and make necessary adjustments there in line with the market developments and changing business environment, and where-ever required seek approval of the board to the proposed changes. ,The ultimate objective should be to ensure the robustness and effectiveness of the bank’s stress testing program;
        • 4. Stress Testing Framework

          Banks are required to design, develop and implement a sound and robust stress testing frameworks. They are expected to ensure compliance of the following minimum requirements in this regard:

          • 4.1. Approach to Stress Testing

            i.Banks must adopt a holistic approach to stress testing, which means that all material risks (whether internal or external) to which the bank is or can be exposed to, should be covered in the stress testing process;
            ii.The magnitude of the shock should be large enough to stress exposure of the bank to various risks;
            iii.Banks should aim to capture all exceptional but plausible events in the scenario selection process;
            iv.The stress tests should take into account the recent developments in domestic, regional and global financial markets as well as all other relevant developments;
            v.The time horizon for capturing historical events for stress testing should be long enough to cover a period relevant to the portfolio of the bank;
          • 4.2. Stress Testing Process

            Banks should document the entire process of stress testing for the guidance of the concerned staff. This may become part of the bank’s policy on stress testing or included in its standard operating procedures. The process to be laid down by the banks should, inter alia, cover the following points: 
             i.Assigning the responsibility for conducting stress tests. This responsibility may be assigned to the Chief Risk Officer who should be supported by a team (which may be an inter-departmental team or a dedicated unit created for this purpose);
             ii.Defining the responsibilities of the team members or individuals involved in stress testing;
             iii.Determining the frequency of regular stress tests in line with the regulatory requirements and also defining the parameters which should lead the bank to conduct ad-hoc stress tests;
             iv.Reviewing the composition and nature of the bank’s portfolio as well as the external factors affecting the quality of this portfolio in order to identify the major risks to which the bank is exposed to and which should be tested under its stress testing program;
             v.Reviewing the historical data to identify the past events relevant to the bank’s portfolio, which can be used in designing the appropriate stress tests. Banks are expected to compile a time series of relevant data covering at least one business cycle;
             vi.Determining the magnitude of shocks based on the identified historical events, future outlook and expert judgment;
             vii.Deciding on the type of stress tests to be conducted. This would involve a choice to either use a sensitivity analysis or a scenario analysis or a combination of both;
             viii.Listing the assumptions to be used in stress testing and articulating the basis of such assumptions;
             ix.Documenting the procedures for conducting stress tests and compiling the results thereof;
             x.Determining the procedure to be adopted for communicating results of stress tests to the board of directors, relevant board and management committees, senior management, relevant business areas and SAMA;
             xi.Determining the procedure to be adopted for taking remedial actions to mitigate the potential risks highlighted by the stress tests;
             xii.Laying down the criteria and factors which should lead the bank to review the effectiveness of its stress testing program. This may include, for instance, significant changes in bank’s activities or portfolio characteristics or operating environment.
          • 4.3. Designing Stress Tests

            Banks are expected to take into account the following factors in designing their stress testing programs: 
             i.The overall stress testing process should be managed/coordinated by the Chief Risk Officer of the bank;
             ii.Stress testing process should identify and stress all relevant risks faced by the bank. This should cover all risks prevalent in the entire portfolio of the bank including both on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet positions;
             iii.The frequency of stress tests should be determined in line with the requirements set out under Section 2.4;
             iv.The stress scenarios should be developed by using both quantitative and qualitative factors and can be based on historical events and/or expert judgment;
             v.The adequacy of IT system and availability of required data for conducting robust stress tests. The IT system should be capable of producing aggregate data at portfolio level as well as granular data at the level of business units;
             vi.The effectiveness of the bank’s stress testing framework. The stress testing program may be independently evaluated by the bank’s internal audit function or by a third-party consultant engaged for this purpose.
          • 4.4. Other Requirements

            As part of their stress testing frameworks, banks shall also specify the methodologies and techniques to be used, choice of scenarios, coverage of risks, procedures for compiling and communicating results, thresholds and options for taking remedial actions, and the process for compliance of regulatory reporting requirements. Detailed requirements in this regard are set out in the ensuing parts of these Rules.

        • 5. Methodologies and Techniques

          Banks should use appropriate methodologies and techniques for conducting stress tests keeping in view the nature of business activities, size and complexity of operations, and their risk profiles. They may adopt a combination of methodologies and techniques in line with their stress testing frameworks. The methodologies generally employed in this regard are described hereunder:

          • 5.1. Sensitivity Analysis

            Sensitivity Analysis measures the change in the value of portfolio for shocks of various degrees to a single risk factor or a small number of closely related risk factors while the underlying relationships among the risk factors are not evaluated For example, the shock might be a parallel shift in the yield curve. In sensitivity analysis, the impact of the shock on the dependent variable i.e. capital is generally estimated.

          • 5.2. Scenario Analysis

            Scenario Analysis measures the change in value of portfolio due to simultaneous moves in a number of risk factors. Scenarios can be designed to encompass both movements in a group of risk factors and the changes in the underlying relationships between these variables (for example correlations and volatilities). Banks may use either the historical scenarios (a backward looking approach) or the hypothetical scenarios (a forward-looking approach) as part of their stress testing frameworks. However, they should be aware of the limitations of each of these scenarios. For example, the historical scenario may become less relevant over time due to the rapid changes in market conditions and external operating environment. On the other hand, the hypothetical scenario may be more relevant and flexible but involves more judgment and may not be backed by empirical evidence.

          • 5.3. Financial Models

            Banks may also use financial models in analyzing the relationships between different risk factors. However, they should exercise due care in selection of the financial or statistical models. The choice of model should take into account, inter alia, the availability of data, nature and composition of the bank’s portfolio, and its risk profile.

          • 5.4. Reverse Stress Testing

            Reverse stress testing is used to identify and assess the stress scenarios most likely to cause a bank’s current business plan to become unviable. A reverse stress test starts with a specified outcome that challenges the viability of the bank. The analysis would then work backward (reverse engineered) to identify a scenario or combination of scenarios that could bring about such a specified outcome. The ultimate objective of reverse stress testing is to enable the banks to fully explore the vulnerabilities of their current business plan, take decisions that better integrate business and capital planning, and improve their contingency planning.

            Banks are required to reverse stress test their business plan to failure i.e. the point at which the bank becomes unable to carry out its business activities due to the lack of market confidence. While doing this, they must identify a range of adverse circumstances which would cause their business plan to become unviable and assess the likelihood that such events could crystallize. In case the reverse stress testing reveal a risk of business failure that is inconsistent with the bank’s risk appetite or tolerance, it must take effective remedial measures to prevent or mitigate that risk. Banks should also document the entire process of reverse stress testing as a part of their stress testing framework.

        • 6. Selection of Scenarios

          Banks should use a range of scenarios for stress testing. The level and severity of scenarios may be varied to identify potential risks and their interactions. The decision of scenarios selection should be taken carefully after taking into account all the relevant factors. In this regard, the following broad parameters are being laid down to ensure consistency in stress testing practices across the banking industry:

          • 6.1. Identification of Risk Factors

            As part of their stress testing process, banks should identify the potential risk factors that have implications for their business activities and can adversely affect the quality of their portfolios. After careful analysis and studying the inter-relationship of various risks to which their business is exposed to, banks are expected to draw a list of the major risk factors that need to be stressed. Few examples of the risk factors are listed below: 
             i.Macro-economic factors such as changes in oil price, GDP growth, inflation rate, etc. which may adversely affect the bank’s business and the quality of its portfolio;
             ii.Concentration risk which may be due to the concentration of a bank’s exposure to few borrowers or a few groups of borrowers or to a particular industrial sector or to a geographic region or country, etc;
             iii.Counterparty credit risk which may be reflected in the relatively high Probability of Default(PD) or high Loss Given Default(LGD) of individual counterparties or of group of counterparties or at the overall bank level;
             iv.Equity price risk arising from volatility in stock market index or major movements in prices of shares to which the bank has significant exposure;
             v.Operational risk which may be due to the internal events such as the IT systems failure, internal frauds, disruption of services, etc. or due to the external events such as disruption of communication network, external frauds, etc;
             vi.Liquidity risk arising from narrow depositors base, adverse cash flows, negative market perceptions or major rating downgrades, etc.
            The above examples are for illustration only and the banks are expected to develop their own list of risk factors taking into account the nature of their business activities, the characteristics of their portfolios and their overall risk profiles. 
          • 6.2. Levels of Shocks

            Banks may use the following levels of shocks to the individual risk factors taking into account the historical as well as hypothetical movement in the underlying risk factors: 
             i.Mild Level Shocks: These represent small shocks to the risk factors, which may vary for different risk factors;
             ii.Moderate Level Shocks: These represent medium level shocks, the level of which may be defined for each risk factor separately;
             iii.Severe Level Shocks: These represent severe shocks to all the risk factors and their level may also be defined separately for each risk factor. Such scenarios may reflect an extreme economic downturn or severe market conditions;
            Banks are required to invariably choose and apply the three levels of shocks listed at points (i) to (iii) above to each of the identified risk factors. Furthermore, they are also required to conduct Reverse Stress Testing in line with Para 5.4 of these Rules
          • 6.3. Magnitude of Shocks

            Banks are required to define the magnitude of the shock to be given to each of the identified risk factors separately for the above levels of shocks. They should take into account the following factors in defining the magnitude of the shock: 
             i.While determining the magnitude of shock, banks should review the historical pattern of worst events at portfolio level or at the level of specific business segment but this should not be the sole determinant of shock. Other qualitative factors and expert judgment should also guide this process;
             ii.The time horizon for analyzing historical events should cover at-least one business cycle relevant to the underlying portfolio;
             iii.The magnitude of the shock could be more than the worst historical movement in market value of the relevant portfolio but should not be so large or so small to render the stress testing exercise a hypothetical one;
             iv.The magnitude of the shock should also take into account the prevailing market conditions, current operating environment and future perspectives;
             v.The magnitude of the shock should be adequately varied for different levels of shock to assess the vulnerability of the bank under different scenarios;
             vi.The magnitude of the shocks to be applied to the stress scenarios should be determined with reference to the “baseline” scenario and the magnitude for each level of shock should reflect an increasing level of stress when compared with the “baseline” position.
          • 6.4. Scenario Assumptions

            The results of stress tests and their interpretation is influenced by the underlying assumptions of stress testing. Therefore, banks should clearly outline the assumption made in drawing-up the list of relevant risk factors, determining the magnitude of shocks and the development of scenarios.

          • 6.5. Development of Scenarios

            Banks should develop a set of stress scenarios reflecting increasing levels of severity in line with the levels defined in Para 6.2 above. While developing the stress scenarios, banks should pay due regard to the following factors: 
             i.The selected stress scenarios should fully reflect the business environment and risk profile of individual banks;
             ii.The scenarios may be based on historical events reflecting the actual experience of the bank or the banking industry in worst situations with appropriate adjustments, or non-historical/hypothetical ones based on a combination of factors including past experiences, prevailing market trends, future outlook and exercise of judgment;
             iii.All material and significant risk factors having the potential to adversely affect the assets quality and profitability of the bank should be taken into account in scenario development;
             iv.The scenarios should be comprehensive to cover the overall portfolio of the bank as well as its major business areas. Moreover, they should cover both on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet/contingent exposures;
             v.Stress tests should include scenario(s) that could threaten the viability of the institution (reverse stress testing). Further guidance on selection of such scenario(s) has been provided in Section 5.4.
        • 7. Risk Coverage and Scenarios

          Banks should cover all material and significant risks under their stress testing program. For this purpose , they should identify the major risk factors based on the assessment of their portfolios and its inherent vulnerabilities. The possible risk factors may include those related to credit, market, operational, liquidity and other risks. Banks should also capture the effect of reputational risk as well as integrate risks arising from off-balance sheet vehicles and other related entities in their stress testing program.

          Some possible stress scenarios for stressing various risk factors are described in the following paragraphs. The scenarios listed hereunder are only for the reference of banks and should not be construed as an exhaustive list. Banks are expected to develop their own risk factors taking into account the nature of their business activities and the risks associated therewith. They should also determine the methodologies and techniques to be used for stressing the identified risk factors in line with the requirements of these Rules and the prevailing best practices.

          • 7.1. Credit Risk

            Credit risk is historically the most significant risk faced by the banks. It is measured by estimating the actual or potential losses arising from the inability or unwillingness of the obligors to meet their credit obligations on time. Banks may choose to conduct stress tests either under Standardized Approach or Internal Rating Based (IRB) Approach of *Basel-II. Furthermore, they may use a combination of risk parameters including Exposure at Default (EAD), Probability of Default (PD), Loss Given Default (LGD) and Maturity (M) to measure the credit risk. 
            Banks should conduct the stress tests on credit risk to estimate the impact of defined scenarios on their asset quality, profitability and capital. For this purpose, both on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet credit exposures should be covered. Some possible scenarios for conducting stress tests on credit risk are listed below: 
             i.Decrease in Oil Prices: Significant decrease in oil prices in the international market may affect the economic indicators of the country and possibly the credit portfolio of banks. The impact of significant reduction in oil prices on the asset quality, profitability and capital adequacy may be assessed;
             ii.Economic Downturn: The adverse changes in major macro-economic variables may have implications for the quality of credit portfolio of banks. Banks may develop stress scenarios to assess the impact of adverse changes in economic variables like GDP, inflation, unemployment rate, etc. on their asset quality, profitability and capital adequacy. The unemployment rate and inflation may have direct impact on the quality of credit cards and personal loans.;
             iii.Changes in LGDs and other Risk Parameters: Significant changes in LGDs, PDs, EAD, credit ratings, etc. of the obligors may heighten the credit risk of the bank. Banks may develop scenarios based on adverse changes in these credit risk parameters and assess the impact on their profitability and capital adequacy;
             iv.Significant Increase in NPLs: Significant increase in non-performing loans (NPLs) due to multiple factors would adversely affect the asset quality and require additional provisioning. Such a scenario may involve increase in aggregate NPLs as well as downgrading all or part of the classified loans falling in various categories of classification by one notch. Banks may develop scenarios based on significant changes in the level of NPLs and their classification categories to assess the resultant impact on their provisioning requirements;
             v.Slowdown in Credit Growth: Significant reduction in credit growth may adversely affect the income level and profitability. Banks may assess impact of marginal or negative growth in lending on their profitability and capital adequacy;
             vi.Failure of Counterparties: Banks may have significant exposure to few counterparties or groups of related counterparties. Furthermore they might have significant exposure to few industrial sectors or geographic areas. Banks may develop scenarios to assess the impact of failure of their major counterparties or of increased default risk in a particular industry or geographic area on their profitability and capital adequacy.
            Banks would develop their own scenarios taking into account the nature, size and mix of their credit portfolio. Furthermore, they should take into account the following factors while conducting stress tests on credit risk: 
             i.Stress tests may be conducted to cover the entire credit portfolio or selected credit areas like corporate lending, retail lending, consumer lending, etc. or a combination of both;
             ii.Stress testing of corporate loans portfolio may involve the assessment of creditworthiness of individual borrowers and then aggregating the impact of risk factors on the portfolio level;
             iii.Banks may use financial models to calculate the revised PDs and LGDs based on the selected scenarios and assess the impact thereof on the profitability and capital adequacy of the bank;
             iv.Stress tests on consumer and retail loans may be conducted on portfolio level given the relatively large number and small value of such loans;
             v.Banks having established internal credit rating systems may develop scenarios involving downgrading of the credit ratings of borrowers to assess the impact of identified risk factors on the quality of credit portfolio;
             vi.The extreme but plausible events occurred over a business cycle may be taken into account in developing the relevant scenarios.
              * This should be replaced with Basel III, Based on SAMA Circular on Basel III Reforms.
          • 7.2. Market Risk

            Market risk arises when the value of on- and off-balance sheet positions of a bank is adversely affected by movements in market rates or prices such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices, credit spreads and/or commodity prices resulting m a loss to earnings and capital of the bank. Banks should conduct stress tests to test the resilience of their on- and off-balance sheet positions that are vulnerable to changes in market rates or prices in stressed situations. The stress tests for market risk may be conducted for the following risk factors:

            • 7.2.1. Interest Rate Risk

              Interest rate risk arises when there is a mismatch between positions, which are subject to interest rate adjustment within a specified period. The vulnerability of an towards the adverse movements of the interest rate can be gauged by using duration GAP analysis or similar other interest rate risk models, Interest rate risk may arise due to (i) differences between the timing of rate changes and the timing of cash flows (re-Pricing risk); (ii) changing rate relationships among different yield curves effecting bank’s activities (basis risk); (iii) changing rate relationships across the range of maturities (yield curve risk); and (iv) interest- related options embedded in bank products (options risk). Banks should conduct stress tests for interest rate risk keeping in view the nature and composition of their portfolios. Some plausible scenarios relating to interest rate risk may include the following: 
               i.Re-pricing Risk: Banks may develop stress scenarios to assess the impact on their profitability of the timing differences in interest rate changes and cash flows in respect of fixed and floating rate positions on both assets and liabilities side including off-balance sheet exposures;
               ii.Basis Risk: This scenario would involve assessing the impact on profitability due to unfavorable differential changes in key market rates;
               iii.Yield Curve Risk: This scenario may assess the impact on profitability due to parallel shifts in the yield curve (both up and down shifts) and non-parallel shifts in the yield curve (steeping or flattening of the yield curve);
               iv.Option Risk: Banks may develop this scenario if they have significant exposure to option instruments. This would involve assessing the impact on profitability due to changes in the value of both stand-alone option instruments (e.g. bond options) and embedded options (e.g. bonds with call or put provisions and loans providing the right of prepayment to the borrowers) due to adverse interest rate movements.
            • 7.2.2. Foreign Exchange Risk

              Foreign Exchange risk is the current or prospective risk to earnings and capital arising from adverse movements in foreign exchange rates. It refers to the impact of adverse movement in exchange rates on the value of open foreign exchange positions. The overall net open position is measured by aggregating the sum of net short positions or the sum of net long positions; whichever is greater regardless of sign. 
              The stress test for foreign exchange risk assesses the impact of change in exchange rates on the profitability. Such stress test may focus on the overall net open position of the bank including the on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet exposures. Some plausible scenarios relating to foreign exchange risk may include the following: 
               i.Appreciation in Exchange Rates: Banks may develop stress scenarios to assess the impact of certain assumed levels of appreciation in the relevant exchange rates in case they have significant cross currency exposures;
               ii.Depreciation in Exchange Rates: Banks may develop stress scenarios to assess the impact of certain assumed levels of depreciation in the relevant exchange rates on their open foreign exchange positions;
              Banks may develop such scenarios based on the significance and level of their open foreign exchange positions. 
            • 7.2.3. Equity Price Risk

              Equity price risk is the risk to the earnings or capital of the bank that results from adverse changes in the value of its equity related portfolios. The equity price risk may arise from changes in the value of a bank’s equity investment portfolio either due to the adverse movements in the overall level of equity prices/stock markets indices or as a result of the price volatility in shares forming part of the bank’s portfolio. Some plausible stress scenarios relating to equity price risk may include the following: 
               i.Fall in stock market Indices: Banks may develop stress scenarios to assess the impact of certain assumed levels of decline in the stock market indices on their earnings and capital;
               ii.Drop in value of portfolio: If the bank holds an equity portfolio highly concentrated in few sectors or few companies, it may conduct stress tests based on the assumed changes in the related sectoral stock indices or prices of shares forming major part of its portfolio;
               iii.Drop in Collateral Coverage: Banks active in margin lending may conduct stress tests to assess the impact of decline in stock prices/indices on the collateral coverage level of their margin loans and the resulting impact on their earnings and capital.
              While conducting stress tests for equity price risk, banks should cover both the on- balance sheet as well as off-balance sheet equity portfolios. 
            • 7.2.4. Commodity Price Risk

              Commodity price risk is the risk to the earnings or capital of the banks, particularly those engaged in Sharia’h compliant banking, that results from the current and future volatility of market values of specific commodities. If a bank is exposed to commodity price fluctuations, it should develop appropriate scenarios to conduct stress test for commodity price risk. The bank should assesses the impact of changes in commodity prices on its profitability and capital adequacy.

          • 7.3. Liquidity Risk

            Liquidity risk is the risk of potential loss to a bank due to either its inability to meet its obligations in a timely manner or its inability to fund increases in assets /conduct a transaction at the prevailing market prices. The liquidity risk may arise from various sources including the significant mismatches in maturity structure of assets and liabilities, changes in interest rates which may encourage depositors to withdraw their deposits to seek better returns elsewhere, downgrading of credit rating and adverse market reputation which may pose challenges in accessing fresh liquidity, etc. Furthermore, derivatives and other off-balance sheet exposures may also become a source of liquidity risk and, therefore, banks should take into account the impact of off-balance sheet items and commitments in undertaking stress testing. Banks should analyze their liquidity position to assess their resilience to cope with stress situations. Some plausible stress scenarios relating to liquidity risk may include the following: 
             i.Deposits Withdrawals: Banks may develop scenarios of significant deposits withdrawals or major shifts in different categories of deposits e.g. from current deposits to term deposits, and analyze their impact on their liquidity and funding costs. The banks may assume different levels of withdrawals for current, savings and term deposits, and for local and foreign currency deposits;
             ii.Tightening of Credit Lines: The banks which are heavily reliant on inter-bank borrowing should develop scenarios involving tightening or withdrawal of available inter-bank credit lines, identify alternate sources of funding and estimate the impact of such changes on the funding cost and profitability of the bank;
             iii.Significant Maturity Mismatches: Such scenarios may be involved assumed widening of gaps in the overall and individual maturity buckets of total assets and liabilities as well as in the rate sensitive assets and liabilities, and assessing their implications for the liquidity management;
             iv.Repayment Behavior of Borrowers: Banks may develop scenarios linking the level of projected cash flows with different assumed patterns of loan repayments. For instance, a stress scenario may assume delayed payment or prepayment of loans by some large borrowers and assess the impact thereof on liquidity position and earnings of the bank.
            Banks may assess the resilience of their liquidity position by calculating the ratio of liquid assets to liquid liabilities” before and after the application of shocks. For this purpose, the liquid assets are the assets that can be easily and cheaply turned into cash and includes cash, balances with other banks and SAMA, inter-bank lending/placements, lending under repo and investment in government securities. The liquid liabilities includes the short-term deposits and borrowings. The ratio of liquid assets to liquid liabilities may be recalculated under each scenario to analyze the changes in liquidity position. 
          • 7.4. Operational Risk

            Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from both internal and external operational events including e.g. technology failures, business disruption and system failures, breaches in internal controls, frauds, or other operational problems that may result in unexpected losses for the bank. The banks should systematically track and record frequency, severity and other information on operational loss events to provide a meaningful information for assessing the bank’s exposure to operational risk and developing a policy to mitigate / control that risk.

            Banks should develop stress scenarios for operational risk stress tests based on the data of their past operational loss events and using professional judgment. The assumptions for operational risk stress tests would be different from those used in credit and market risk stress tests, and should be based on historical and plausible hypothetical operational loss events. A plausible stress scenario may assume a major business disruption or system failure (e.g. due to hardware or software failure or telecommunication problems) and assesses the effects of such disruptions /failures on the earnings and capital of the bank. Any additional capital requirements emanating from the outcome of operational risk stress tests should be taken into account in the capital planning process.

          • 7.5. Other Risks

            The risks and scenarios mentioned above are for the guidance of banks and this list may not be exhaustive. Banks are encouraged to identify any other risks and vulnerabilities related to their business and develop appropriate scenarios to stress those risks. They should identify the sources of risks using the guidance provided in these Rules and their own experiences, and then narrow down the list to significant risks potentially having material impact on their business and financial condition. Focusing on the material risks would enable banks to conduct the stress testing exercise in a meaningful way.

        • 8. Compilation and Communication of Results

          Banks should compile and communicate the stress testing results in a clear and concise manner. The stress testing exercise should provide an estimate of the expected losses under defined scenarios by using the appropriate methodologies and techniques. The impact of the stress tests should be measured on the following indicators of the bank: 
           i.assets quality - increase/decrease in classified assets particularly loans and the infection ratio thereof (i.e. classified assets to total assets and classified loans to total loans);
           ii.profitability - increase/decrease in the accounting profit/loss;
  adequacy - measured in terms of the changes in total amount of capital and the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR);
           iv.liquidity position - measured in terms of changes in key liquidity indicators and any funding gaps.
          Banks should communicate the results of stress tests to both internal stakeholders and SAMA. The internal stakeholders for this purpose should include, inter alia, the board of directors, relevant board and management committees, senior management, and relevant business areas. The communication of results to SAMA will be made as part of the regulatory reporting on stress testing as specified under Section 10 of these Rules. 
          While communicating the results of stress tests to the above internal stakeholders and SAMA, banks should clearly specify the following: 
           i.The bank’s approach to stress testing;
           ii.Scenarios used;
           iii.Underlying assumptions;
           iv.Methodologies and techniques used;
           v.Any limitations of the stress testing process.
          Banks should also exercise due care in interpreting the results of stress tests. They should be fully aware of the limitations of the stress testing exercise. The stress testing involves a significant amount of judgment and its effectiveness would largely depend on the expertise of the conductors of stress tests, the quality of data, and choice of right scenarios. Therefore, the designing of remedial actions for redressing the issues highlighted by the stress tests should take into account these factors. 
          Banks would also suitably reflect the results of stress tests conducted under these Rules in their Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Plan (ICAAP) document to be submitted to SAMA on annual basis. This requirement would not be applicable to branches of foreign banks as they are not required to prepare ICAAP. 
        • 9. Remedial Actions

          Banks are required to take appropriate remedial action(s) to address potential risks and vulnerabilities identified by the stress testing results. They should lay down well-defined procedures to determine the nature and timing of the possible remedial actions. Furthermore, they should take into account the following factors in devising their remedial action plans: 
           i.The remedial actions identified to mitigate the adverse effects of stress tests should be realistic and implementable within the defined timeline. All relevant factors which may affect the usefulness of identified actions should be taken into account and, if needed, back-up plans are prepared to counter their adverse effects;
           ii.The adequacy of existing capital buffers and possible sources of raising capital, if needed, should be assessed. This should be compared with any additional capital requirements under stressed conditions;
           iii.The practicality of remedial actions under stressed conditions should be evaluated.This should be done carefully as some of the actions available in normal situations may not be workable in a period of stress;
           iv.The possible remedial actions to be taken may vary depending on the nature and significance of the identified risks/vulnerabilities. These may include, for example, tightening of credit policy to reduce credit risk, revisiting of business growth plans or growth plans in a particular business area, raising additional capital to absorb potential losses, identifying alternate funding sources to mitigate potential liquidity risk, etc.;
           v.The decision to take or not to take a remedial action should be duly justified and the mechanism adopted to arrive at such decision be properly documented;
           vi.Banks should estimate the impact of identified actions on their profitability and solvency as well as on the overall financial condition to understand the implications of such actions. In case of significant divergence from the planned results, they may resort to alternate options to achieve the desired results;
           vii.The results of stress tests should be reflected in the policies and risk tolerance limits set by the management;
           viii.Banks may also set out the minimum thresholds or triggers (e.g. the impact on profitability or capital) for initiating the identified remedial actions. The process to be adopted and the level of authority for taking such actions should also be clearly defined;
          All the identified risks and vulnerabilities may not necessarily require a remedial action particularly if the impact thereof on the bank is not significant. If the bank decides not to take an immediate action to address a potential risk, it should closely monitor the position and the post stress tests developments to ensure that the emerging position would not adversely affect its business. Furthermore, banks should have contingency plans in place to cope with any unexpected developments. 
        • 10. Regulatory Reporting

          All banks including branches of foreign banks covered under these Rules are required to submit the following information to SAMA: 
           i.Statement providing Data for conducting Top-Down stress tests by SAMA as per the prescribed format (the format to be separately communicated electronically);
           ii.Statement providing results of the Bottom-up stress tests conducted by banks on the format attached as Annexure-I to these Rules;
           iii.Half-yearly / yearly financial statements prepared by banks on their standard formats.
          The above information will be submitted to the Director, Banking Supervision Department on calendar half-yearly basis i.e. half-year ending 30th June /31st December, within three months of the end of every half-year. The first such return for the half year ending 30 June 2012 shall be submitted by 30 September 2012 
        • 11. Top-Down or Macro Stress Testing

          SAMA views stress testing as an important tool for not only strengthening the risk management frameworks in individual banks but also for assessing the resilience of the overall banking system under stressful conditions. Therefore, in addition to the bottom-up stress testing by banks, SAMA would also conduct Top-Down stress tests. For this purpose, it has adopted a holistic approach comprising of following three key components: 
           i.Use of Bottom-up Stress Testing Results: Banks are required to submit their bottom-up stress testing results to SAMA which will be used by it in identifying and analyzing the potential vulnerabilities in the banking system and their systemic implications;
           ii.Requiring Banks to Run Specified Scenarios: SAMA may require banks to run the specified scenarios on their portfolios to assess the plausibility of certain events. In this regard, SAMA may require banks from time to time to conduct specified sensitivity tests for individual businesses/portfolio segments or scenario tests on the overall portfolio. Banks are required to submit the results of such tests to SAMA in the prescribed manner. These results may be used by SAMA to assess vulnerabilities in the banking system;
           iii.System-wide Stress Testing: SAMA may conduct its own stress tests based on the macro-economic data available with it and the banking data collected from banks.
          Based on the findings of its Top-Down stress tests and supervisory reviews SAMA may provide additional guidance to banks on their stress testing programs during bilateral meetings on their ICAAPs or through separate communications. 
        • 12. Implementation and Monitoring

          SAMA will assess the effectiveness of the banks’ stress testing programs as part of its supervisory review process and during bilateral meetings on their ICAAP documents. SAMA may also review the stress testing frameworks of banks during their on-site examinations. In conducting such a review, SAMA shall assess the efforts made by banks in embedding the requirements of these Rules into their risk management frameworks. Furthermore, the review may also cover the following aspects of the banks’ stress testing programs: 
           i.The nature and complexity of business activities and the overall risk profile of the bank;
           ii.Evaluation of the organizational structure and resources deployed for conducting stress tests;
           iii.The adequacy of stress scenarios and methodologies adopted by the bank for its stress testing program;
           iv.The relevance and appropriateness of the assumptions made for stress testing;
           v.The adequacy of the frequency and timing of stress testing to support timely remedial actions;
           vi.The effectiveness of the policy, procedures and processes for conducting stress tests, compiling results and making use of the findings thereof;
           vii.The level of involvement of the board and the senior management in the stress testing program;
           viii.Assessment of the degree of compliance with these Rules;
           ix.Any other matters related to stress testing program and risk management framework of the bank.
          SAMA would determine the timing and frequency of conducting stress testing reviews for individual banks keeping in view the progress made in implementation of these Rules and the robustness of stress testing program of each bank. 
        • Annexure-I

          Name of the Bank: -------------------------
            Stress Testing Results: Half-yearly Reporting to SAMA As of 30 June / 31 December -----------
          • I. Stress testing Framework

            Salient features of the stress testing framework adopted by the bank should be described in this section. This would include, inter alia, a description of the organizational structure for conducting stress tests, composition of the stress testing team and their responsibilities, nature and frequency of stress tests, coverage of the portfolio, etc.

          • II. Stress Testing Methodologies

            A description of the methodologies and techniques used for conducting stress tests should be provided in this section. This should be done in the light of guidance provided under Section 5 of the Rules.

          • III. Scenarios and Assumptions

            A description of the stress testing scenarios and the underlying assumptions made by the bank for conducting stress tests should be provided in this section. This should be done, inter alia, in the light of guidance provided under Section 6 of the Rules.

          • IV. Risk Factors

            The major risk factors identified by the bank based on the assessment of its portfolio and the inherent vulnerabilities should be described in this section. It may also be elaborated as to why the identified risks are considered relevant for the bank and why the other significant risks generally faced by banks are not considered relevant by the bank. This should be done, inter alia, in the light of guidance provided under Section 6 & 7 of the Rules.

          • V. Stress Testing Results

            A summary of the results of stress tests should be provided in this section. This would include, inter alia, the following: 
             i.Listing of the levels of shocks used and the magnitude of shock applied for each level. This should be provided separately for each of the stressed risk factored;
             ii.The estimated impact of the stress testing results on asset quality, liquidity, profitability and capital of the bank. The impact may be estimated based on the financial statements of the relevant reporting date i.e. as of 30th June or 31st December, based on which the half- yearly report would be submitted to SAMA;
             iii.The results should contain both absolute amounts and key financial ratios e.g. NPLs to loans, liquid assets to liabilities, statutory liquidity ratio, return on assets, capital to risk weighted assets, etc. The results should provide both pre-stressed as well as stressed positions. They should also be in line with the regulatory requirements of SAMA;
             iv.Listing of any violation of the SAMA’s regulatory ratios or any other requirements based on the stressed positions;
             v.Any other information based on the stress testing results which the bank considers significant and would like to share with SAMA.
          • VI. Communication of Results

            A confirmation to the effect that the results of the stress tests have been communicated to the board of directors, relevant board and management committees, senior management, and relevant business areas of the bank should be provided.

          • VII. Remedial Actions

            Remedial action(s), if any, already taken by the bank to address potential risks and vulnerabilities identified by the stress testing results may be described in this section. Any planned remedial action(s) along with the expected timeline for their completion may also be described.

        • Rules on Stress Testing-Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

          While providing comments on the Draft Rules on Stress Testing, banks have sought certain clarifications on these Rules. In addition, they have asked certain interpretation questions. Many such queries/questions have been responded in the final Rules being issued to banks. However, in order to ensure a consistent implementation of these rules, few general questions are answered in the following FAQs.

          Q.1: Will SAMA provide standard risk factors and stress scenarios for ensuring consistency in stress testing by banks?

          Ans.: The composition and characteristics of portfolios vary from bank to bank and, therefore, every bank is expected to identify risk factors and develop stress scenarios based on the peculiarities of its portfolio. It is not the intention of SAMA Rules to provide standard scenarios to banks for conducting regular stress tests by them. However, as provided under Para 2.1(ii) of the Rules, SAMA may require banks to conduct ad-hoc stress tests from time to time and for this purpose, may specify standard scenarios for conducting such tests to ensure comparability across all banks. The results of such stress tests will also be used as an input for conducting macro stress tests by SAMA.

          Q.2: Can banks choose to stress only the main portfolio segments of credit risk (e.g. Corporate and Project Finance) and disregard smaller components (e.g. Retail)?

          Ans.: Banks are required to stress test their credit exposures taking into account the nature, size and mix of their portfolio. The ultimate objective is to identify all major risk factors relating to credit portfolio. However, the approach to be adopted for stress testing corporate portfolio may be different from that of consumer and retail portfolio. The stress testing of corporate loans portfolio may involve the assessment of creditworthiness of individual borrowers and then aggregating the impact of risk factors on the portfolio level. The stress tests on consumer and retail loans on the other hand may be conducted on portfolio level given the relatively large number and small value of such loans.

          Q.3: Will SAMA provide a covariance matrix of the risk factors and methodologies for multifactor stress testing for use as a common reference by all banks?

          Ans.: The methodologies and techniques provided under Para 5 of the Rules are for the guidance of banks and they can adopt any of these and other appropriate techniques in line with their stress testing frameworks. The said Para 5 states that “banks should use appropriate methodologies and techniques for conducting stress tests keeping in view the nature of business activities, size and complexity of operations, and their risk profiles. They may adopt a combination of methodologies and techniques in line with their stress testing frameworks.” The methodologies generally employed in this regard are described under the Rules which include, inter alia, the Scenario Analysis. It is up to the banks to choose appropriate methodologies and techniques in line with their risk profiles and stress testing frameworks. It is not the intention of SAMA Rules to identify relevant risk factors on behalf of the banks. However, SAMA may separately require banks to stress any identified risk factors based on the standard scenarios to be communicated to them as and when deemed appropriate.

          Q.4: Do banks need to consider the stress testing effects as at the reporting date, or should they also be applied to the projected figures (as presented in the ICAAP document)?

          Ans.: Banks should consider stress testing effects as at the reporting date. The stress scenarios will be applied to the financial statements as of the cut-off dates for reporting of results. However, banks will take into account, inter alia, historical events, prevailing market trends and future outlook in developing the stress scenarios.

          Q.5: Given the requirement that banks have to submit the results of their stress testing in the ICAAP, should the template provided in Appendix 1 be separately submitted for the stress test conducted as at 31 December (as the due dates for the ICAAP and this report are the same).

          Ans.: Under Para 8 of the Rules, banks are required to reflect the results of stress testing in their ICAAP document. Furthermore, under Para 10 (Regulatory Reporting), banks have to separately submit the results of their stress tests to SAMA on half-yearly basis as per the format attached with the Rules. The reporting under ICAAP is for capital planning purposes whereas the one under Stress Testing Rules is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of stressing testing frameworks developed by banks. Given the differing objectives and scope of both these regulatory reporting, banks are required to ensure compliance of the separate reporting requirements.

          Q.6: Is the format for the Statement providing Data for conducting Top- down stress tests the same as the template which is currently provided on a semi-annual basis, or will a new format be prescribed?

          Ans.: The format for providing data under Para 10(i) of the Rules will largely be in line with the existing template on which banks are currently providing data on half-yearly basis. However, certain additional data may be requested from time to time given the dynamic nature of the stress testing process. Any future revisions to the data collection template will be communicated by SAMA to banks well in advance.

          Q.7: Will SAMA provide banks with the results of any ad-hoc/top-down/macro stress tests conducted by it?

          Ans.: SAMA will not formally provide banks with the results of any stress tests conducted by it. However, it may share high level relevant findings with them during bilateral supervisory review meetings, as deemed appropriate.

          Q.8: Whether the reverse Stress Testing a mandatory requirement under the Rules or whether this form of test remains optional?

          Ans.: Reverse stress testing is a technique widely used to assess the robustness of business plan of a bank. The BCBS “Principles for Sound Stress Testing Practices and Supervision” also require that the stress testing program should include some extreme scenarios which would cause the bank to become insolvent. Thus, conducting reverse stress tests is a mandatory requirement for banks.

          Q.9: Can the branches of foreign banks rely on their Group's organizational structure and expertise where the required resources have already been deployed to carry out local stress testing?

          Ans.: The concerned branches of foreign banks can seek guidance from their Head Office and rely on their Group’s organizational structure and resources for conducting stress tests locally provided the confidentiality of data and records is duly ensured. Furthermore, they have to maintain proper records of the stress tests so conducted locally and produce them for verification by SAMA as and when required.

          Q.10: Can the branches of foreign banks use their Head Office/ Group's stress testing policies/ framework and procedures for conducting stress tests locally?

          Ans.: The branches of foreign banks may use their Head Office/ Group's stress testing policies/ framework and procedures for conducting stress tests locally provided such policies and procedures meets all the requirements of SAMA Rules. Furthermore, they should be prepared to provide copies of such policies and procedures to SAMA as and when required by it.