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  • Trade Repository Reporting and Risk Mitigation Requirements for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Derivatives Contracts

    No: 42056371 Date(g): 23/3/2021 | Date(h): 10/8/1442Status: In-Force

    Refer to the Trade Repository Reporting and Risk Mitigation Requirements for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Derivatives Contracts issued by SAMA under Circular No. 67/16278, dated 13/03/1441H.

    We inform you of the update to the Trade Repository Reporting and Risk Mitigation Requirements for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Derivatives Contracts. The updated requirements are attached, and SAMA emphasizes that all banks must comply with them starting from the 01/06/2021G.

    • 1. Introduction

      1.These Requirements are issued by Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) in exercise of the powers vested upon it under its Law issued by the Royal Decree No. (M/36) on 11-04-1442H, and the Banking Control Law issued by the Royal Decree No. (M/5) on 22-02-1386H, and the rules for Enforcing its Provisions issued by Ministerial Decision No. 3/2149 on 14-10-1406H.
      2.These requirements are divided into two Sections;
      3.Section A sets out the requirements for the reporting of over-the-counter (OTC) derivative transactions to the SAMA authorized Trade Repository (TR) Operator.
      4.Section B requires banks, which enter into non-centrally cleared OTC derivative transactions to implement specified risk mitigation requirements. These risk mitigation requirements will apply to a bank, which is a contracting party to OTC derivative transactions that are not centrally cleared, irrespective of the bank’s outstanding notional amount of non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives or whether or not the transaction is executed for hedging purposes. OTC derivatives, which are centrally cleared, either directly or indirectly, are not subject to the risk mitigation requirements. Indirect clearing is an arrangement whereby a bank provides client-clearing services by clearing a client’s OTC derivative transactions through another clearing intermediary.
      5.These updated requirements shall supersede SAMA circular No. 16278/67 dated 13-03-1441AH. The changes from the previous version are underlined. Reporting requirements for Equity, Credit and Commodity along with the updated requirements will take effect by June 1st 2021.
    • 2. Section A

      • 2.1 Trade Reporting Requirements for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Derivatives Contracts

        • 2.1.1 Application

          6.The reporting requirements are applicable to all banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) with OTC derivative transactions.
        • 2.1.2 Scope of Reporting

          7.OTC derivative transactions that fall within the scope of “reportable transactions” described in paragraph 8 to 12 below are required to be reported to the SAMA authorised Trade Repository Operator.
          8.Reportable transactions are derivative transactions that meet the following criteria:
           a.The transaction is traded over the counter cleared or non-cleared (i.e. exchange traded transactions are excluded) or is novated from an OTC transaction to a central counterparty (CCP);
           b.The transactions are an interest rate derivative, a foreign exchange (FX) derivative, an equity derivative, a credit derivative and a commodity derivative supported by the SAMA authorised Trade Repository;
           c.The transaction is conducted by a counterparty which is a licensed bank in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) (in the case of a locally incorporated bank) or a KSA branch (in the case of a foreign bank) or by its financial subsidiaries or branches (including SPVs).
           d.The other counterparty to the transaction is:
            i.A licensed bank in KSA (in the case of a locally incorporated bank) or a KSA branch (in the case of a foreign bank);
            ii.A foreign financial counterparty;
            iii.A KSA or a foreign non-financial counterparty; or
            iv.A CCP if the transaction is novated from an OTC transaction to a CCP.
          9.If a reportable transaction is, for example, entered into between a KSA branch bank X and the USA Head Office of bank Y, Bank X falls within paragraph 8(c) while Bank Y falls within paragraph 8(d). The transaction is reportable by Bank X but not by Bank Y. If however the transaction is booked in KSA branch of bank Y, reporting obligation rules must be applied to determine the reporting counterparty as per the single sided reporting obligation approach as mentioned in APPENDIX C.
          10.The transactions referred to in paragraph 8(c) above include those that are booked in KSA office/branch of a licensed bank as a result of transfer of booking (i.e. through novation) of contracts entered into with external parties by the head office or overseas branches of the bank. If such novated transactions are reportable (i.e. the criteria set out in paragraph 8 above are also met after novation), the reporting bank should report the external counterparty (another licensed bank) who has originally entered into contract with the bank, instead of the office/branch from which the contract is transferred, as its counterparty to the transaction.
          11.Reportable transactions do not include interbranch transactions (except those that fall within paragraph 9 above) and interbranch transactions (e.g. transactions between different desks of the treasury function). An interbranch transaction refers to a principal-to-principal transaction (or a back-to-back transaction) conducted between different branches of the same bank, including any transaction undertaken to transfer the risk of the transaction (or portfolio transactions) from one branch to another.
          12.For the avoidance of doubt, reportable transactions:
           A.Exclude “spot” FX transactions, which refer in this context to FX transactions that are settled via an actual delivery of the relevant currencies within two business days;
           B.Exclude, from the perspective of a reporting bank, those transactions booked in its local or overseas subsidiaries (unless those subsidiaries are licensed banks and reporting criteria set out in these requirements are met, where in such case, they need to report to KSA TR regardless of their location);
           C.Include, in the case of reportable transactions which are novated for central clearing, those new transactions entered into by reporting banks with CCPs ; and
           D.Exclude, transactions in which any of the following institutions participate as counterparty:
            i.The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (those risk weighted at zero under the capital adequacy rules).
            iii.The Saudi Stock Exchange
            iv.The Saudi Depository Center
            v.A Supranational Authority
            vi.Multilateral Development Banks
        • 2.1.3 Manner of Reporting

          13.All reporting banks are required to directly report to the SAMA authorised TR Operator. Banks are not allowed to report through agents or outsource their reporting requirements to third party service providers.
          14.All reporting banks are required to enter into a reporting service agreement with SAMA authorised TR Operator.
          15.The reporting service agreement signed by each reporting bank with SAMA authorised TR Operator must contain a clause providing consent for the bank for the reporting of trade data to the SAMA authorised TR Operator by its counterparties. This consent is essential to alleviate any potential concern on data confidentiality from bank counterparties, which may need to report trade data to the SAMA authorised TR Operator relating to other counterparties that do not themselves have any such reporting obligation under the reporting requirements.
          16.Since reporting has to be made to the SAMA authorised TR Operator by electronic means, reporting banks are required to set up systems linkages and conduct user tests with the SAMA authorised TR Operator. Reporting banks must complete the user tests to the satisfaction of the SAMA authorised TR Operator before they will be accepted for reporting.
          17.The SAMA authorised TR Operator has designed specific templates for reporting the details of the reportable transactions. A reporting bank is required to complete all the fields in the templates, which primarily relate to the economic terms of a transaction and information essential for administrative purposes. A list of fields on the templates for reporting transactional data is attached as APPENDIX A.
          18.Reporting to the SAMA authorised TR Operator is compulsory:
           A.When a reportable transaction is executed by a reporting bank for the first time; and
           B.Whenever there are subsequent reportable business events until the transaction is fully terminated (which includes termination due to novation). A list of reportable events is set out in APPENDIX B for reference.
          19.A reporting bank may report changes in the economic details of a reportable transaction by submitting amendments to update the transaction records of the SAMA authorised TR Operator. Alternatively, the bank may update the records of the SAMA authorised TR Operator by submitting specific templates designated for reporting individual business events (APPENDIX B).
          20.Reportable business events shall be reported by adopting a life cycle approach. Under the life cycle approach, each business event will be reported according to the T+1 reporting timeline referred to in paragraph 22 below.
          21.After an original trade is novated for central clearing, the reporting bank should report the open trade as an early termination business events and open a new one with the reference to the old trade identifier in the field “Linked UTI” (table 3 item 47) as specified in the APPENDIX B
        • 2.1.4 Timing of Reporting

          22.The reporting bank will have to ensure that it reports to the SAMA authorised TR Operator reportable transactions (including where appropriate any subsequent business events) before 23:59:59 of the next business day (T+1). For the purpose of these reporting requirements, Fridays and Saturdays and general KSA holidays do not count as business days.
          23.Reporting is not required if a reportable transaction that has yet to be reported to the SAMA authorized TR is cancelled or fully terminated within the T+1 reporting timeline. This, however, does not apply to the cancellation or full termination of a transaction for the sake of subjecting the transaction to central clearing. In such cases, the original reportable transaction pending central clearing (and the business events arising from the central clearing) should be reported according to the T+1 timeline, unless the transaction is cancelled or fully terminated before it is reported to the SAMA authorized TR Operator with T+1 timeline.
        • 2.1.5 Reporting Error Amendments

          24.Guidance on reporting error amendment can be found in APPENDIX B.
        • 2.1.6 Keeping of Records

          25.A reporting bank must keep records that enable the reporting bank to demonstrate it has complied with these requirements.
          26.A reporting bank must keep the records for a period of at least ten (10) years from the date the record is made or amended.
        • 2.1.7 Technical Support

          27.The SAMA authorised TR Operator will provide the reporting banks with technical reporting guidelines/manual for its systems/reporting tools. All enquiries relating to technical support should be directed to the SAMA authorised TR Operator.
    • 3. Section B

      • 3.1 Risk Mitigation Requirements for Non-Centrally Cleared Over-the-Counter (OTC) Derivative Contracts

        • 3.1.1 Trading Relationship Documentation

          1.The trading relationship documentation should:
           a)Provide legal certainty for non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives contracts;
           b)Include all material rights and obligations of counterparties concerning their trading relationship with regard to non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives contracts. Such rights and obligations of the counterparties may be incorporated by reference to other documents in which they are specified; and
           c)Be executed in writing or through other equivalent non-rewritable, nonerasable electronic means (without prejudice to subparagraph (b) above).
          2.The material rights and obligations referred to in paragraph 1(b), where relevant, may include:
           a)Payment obligation;
           b)Netting of payments;
           c)Events of default or other termination events (For instance, any rights to early termination)
           d)Calculation and any netting of obligations upon termination;
           e)Transfer of rights and obligations;
           f)Governing law;
           g)Processes for confirmations, valuation, portfolio reconciliation and dispute resolution; and
           h)Matters related to credit support arrangements (e.g. initial and variation margin requirements, types of assets that may be used for satisfying such margin requirements and any asset valuation haircuts, investment and rehypothecation terms for assets posted to satisfy such margin requirements, guarantees and custodial arrangements for margin assets such as whether margin assets are to be segregated with a third party custodian).
          3.The retention period for trading relationship documentation should be a minimum of ten (10) years after the termination, maturity or assignment of any non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives contracts.
        • 3.1.2 Trade Confirmation

          4.Banks are required to confirm the material terms of a non-centrally cleared over-the- counter derivatives transaction as soon as practicable after execution of the transaction, including a new transaction resulting from novation. Banks are also required to adopt policies and procedures to confirm material changes to the legal terms of, or rights and obligations under, the non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives contract, such as those relating to termination prior to scheduled maturity date, assignment, amendment or extinguishing of rights or obligations.
          5.The material terms confirmed should include terms necessary to promote legal certainty to the non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives transaction, including incorporating by reference, the trading relationship documentation or any other documents that govern or otherwise form part of the trading relationship documentation.
          6.The confirmation should be executed in writing through:
           A.Non-rewritable, non-erasable automated methods where it is reasonably practicable for the bank to do so;
           B.Manual means; or
           C.Other non-rewritable, non-erasable electronic means (such as email).
          7.Banks are required to implement appropriate policies and procedures to ensure a two-way confirmation is executed with a counterparty (financial and non-financial).
          8.For non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives transactions concluded after the bank’s dealing system cut off time, or with a counterparty located in a different time zone, banks are required to execute the confirmation as soon as practicable.
        • 3.1.3 Valuation

          9.Banks are required to agree with their counterparties the process for determining the values of the non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives transactions in a predictable and objective manner. The process should cover the entire duration of the non-centrally cleared over the-counter derivatives transaction, at any time from the execution of the contract to the termination, maturity, or expiration thereof. All agreements on valuation process should be documented in the trading relationship documentation or trade confirmation and may include matters such as the approach to valuation, the key parameters and the data sources for such parameters.
          10.The valuation determinations should be based on economically similar transactions or other objective criteria. Banks should be able to compute the valuation internally and be able to corroborate any valuations done by their counterparts or third parties. Where a bank uses a proprietary valuation model, it must use a model employing valuation methodologies with mainstream acceptance. If new methodologies are used, these should have a sound theoretical basis and the bank will need to justify their use, e.g. by showing that the new methodology addresses a limitation of an existing methodology or improves the reliability of the valuation.
          11.Banks are required to perform periodic review of the agreed upon valuation process to take into account any changes in market conditions. Where changes are made as a result of the review, the relevant documentation must be updated to reflect such changes.
          12.Banks are required to agree on and document:
           A.The alternative process or approach by which the bank and its counterparty will determine the value of a non-centrally cleared over-the counter derivatives transaction in the event of the unavailability, or other failure, of any inputs required to value the transaction;
           B.Any changes or procedures for modifying the valuation process at any time so long as the agreements remain consistent with the applicable law; and
           C.How a dispute on valuation, if it arises, should be resolved.
        • 3.1.4 Portfolio Reconciliation

          13.Banks are required to include in their policies and procedures –
           A.The process or method for portfolio reconciliation that it has agreed with its financial counterparties; and
           B.The process or method that reflects its efforts to conduct portfolio reconciliation with its non-financial counterparties, e.g. by providing, on a periodic basis, a non-financial counterparty with a statement on the material terms and valuations of the non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives contracts entered into with that non-financial counterparty.
          14.The process or method of portfolio reconciliation should be designed to ensure an accurate record of the material terms and valuations of the non-centrally cleared over- the-counter derivatives contracts, and identify and resolve discrepancies in the material terms and valuations in a timely manner with the counterparty.
          15.Banks are required to determine the scope and frequency of portfolio reconciliation with a counterparty, taking into account the risk exposure profile, size, volatility and number of non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives transactions which the bank has with that counterparty. Portfolio reconciliation should be carried out more frequently where the bank has a higher number of outstanding transactions with its counterparty.
          16.Banks are required to establish and implement policies and procedures to ensure that the material terms are exchanged and valuations (including variation margin) are reconciled with counterparties, at regular intervals. The frequency of portfolio reconciliation with each counterparty should be commensurate with the counterparty’s risk exposure profile and the number of outstanding transactions.
        • 3.1.5 Portfolio Compression

          17.Banks are required to consider factors such as the risk exposure profile, size, volatility and number of outstanding transactions in assessing whether to conduct a portfolio compression with one or more counterparties. Banks are required to establish and implement policies and procedures to regularly assess and engage in portfolio compression as appropriate in respect of non-centrally cleared OTC derivative portfolios. This should be proportionate to the level of exposure or activity of the bank.
        • 3.1.6 Dispute Resolution

          18.Banks are required to agree and document with their counterparties the mechanism or process for determining when discrepancies in material terms or valuations should be considered disputes and how such disputes should be resolved as soon as practicable.
          19.Material disputes should be escalated to senior management and the Board of the bank. There should be clear criteria used by the bank to determine when a dispute is considered material.
          20.Banks are required to promptly report to SAMA material disputes (as determined by the bank in 19 above) which remains unresolved beyond 15 business days.
        • 3.1.7 Governance

          21.The policies and procedures governing trading relationship documentation, trade confirmation, valuation, portfolio reconciliation, portfolio compression, and dispute resolution should be approved by the board of directors or its delegated authority, and be subject to periodic independent review.
    • Appendix A

      1)Counterparty data
      TableItemSectionFieldDetails to be reportedFormat


      Parties to the contract 
      Reporting Counterparty ID 
      Unique code identifying the reporting counterparty of the contract. 
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code. 


      Parties to the contract 
      ID of the other Counterparty 
      Unique code identifying the other counterparty of the contract.
      This field shall be filled from the perspective of the reporting counterparty. In case of a private individual a client code shall be used in a consistent manner. 
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code.
      CLC = Client code (up to 100 alphanumerical digits, spaces allowed):
      - For local natural persons (including foreigners residents in KSA): CLC- National Identification Number (NIN). Example: CLC-4046403927
      - For foreign natural persons: CLC- ISO 3166 - 2 character country code + Applicable national ID number. Example: CLC-ES53085141M
      -For Corporate Customer in KSA without LEI: “CLC-”+ country code as per ISO 3166 + Commercial registration number+ “CR”. Example: CLC-US123456789CR 


      Parties to the contract 
      Country of the other Counterparty 
      The code of country where the registered office of the other counterparty is located or country of residence in case that the other counterparty is a natural person. 
      ISO 3166 - 2 character country code. 


      Parties to the contract 
      Corporate sector of the reporting counterparty 
      Nature of the reporting counterparty's company activities.
      If the Reporting Counterparty is a Financial Counterparty, this field shall contain all necessary codes included in the Taxonomy for Financial Counterparties and applying to that Counterparty.
      Where more than one activity can be reported, only one code shall be populated using the one of the activity that weights most in relation to the company´s global turnover. 
      Taxonomy for Financial Counterparties :
      B = Banks
      K =Authorized person
      L = Legal Persons engaged in the business of extending credit (mortgage lending companies and Auto Lease companies)
      I = Insurance companies
      F = Finance companies
      A = Affiliate of any of the above 


      Parties to the contract 
      Nature of the reporting counterparty 
      Indicate if the reporting counterparty is a financial or a non-financial counterparty. 
      F = Financial Counterparty
      N = Non financial counterparty (this value is not valid until the reporting obligation is extended to non- financial counterparties) 


      Parties to the contract 
      Reporting counterparty broker ID 
      In the case a broker (as defined in article 32 of Royal Decree (M/30) Capital Market Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) acts as intermediary for the reporting counterparty without becoming a counterparty himself, the reporting counterparty shall identify this broker by a unique code. 
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code 


      Parties to the contract 
      Other counterparty broker ID 
      In the case a broker (as defined in article 32 of Royal Decree (M/30) Capital Market Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) acts as intermediary for the other counterparty without becoming a counterparty himself, the reporting counterparty shall identify this broker by a unique code. 
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code 


      Parties to the contract 
      Clearing member ID of the reporting counterparty 
      In the case where the derivative contract is cleared and the reporting counterparty is not a clearing member itself, the clearing member through which the derivative contract is cleared shall be identified in this field by a unique code. 
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code 


      Parties to the contract 
      Clearing member ID of the other counterparty 
      In the case where the derivative contract is cleared and the other counterparty is not a clearing member itself, the clearing member through which the derivative contract is cleared shall be identified in this field by a unique code. 
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code 

      Parties to the contract 
      Beneficiary ID 1 
      The party subject to the rights and obligations arising from the contract for counterparty 1.
      Where the transaction is executed via a structure, such as a trust or fund, representing a number of beneficiaries, the beneficiary should be identified as that structure.
      Where the beneficiary of the contract is not a counterparty to this contract, the reporting counterparty has to identify this beneficiary by an unique code or, in case of a private individuals, by a client code used in a consistent manner as assigned by the legal entity used by the private individual.
      In the case where the entity is acting as a principal, this field must be left blank. Otherwise, if it is acting as an agent, this field must be populated
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code.
      CLC = Client code (up to 100 alphanumerical digits, spaces allowed):
      - For local natural persons (including foreigners residents in KSA): CLC- National Identification Number (NIN). Example: CLC-4046403927
      - For foreign natural persons: CLC- ISO 3166 - 2 character country code + Applicable national ID number. Example: CLC-ES53085141M 

      Parties to the contract 
      Beneficiary ID 2 
      The party subject to the rights and obligations arising from the contract for counterparty 2.
      Where the transaction is executed via a structure, such as a trust or fund, representing a number of beneficiaries, the beneficiary should be identified as that structure.
      Where the beneficiary of the contract is not a counterparty to this contract, the reporting counterparty has to identify this beneficiary by an unique code or, in case of a private individuals, by a client code used in a consistent manner as assigned by the legal entity used by the private individual.
      In the case where the entity is acting as a principal, this field must be left blank. Otherwise, if it is acting as an agent, this field must be populated
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code.
      CLC = Client code (up to 100 alphanumerical digits, spaces allowed):
      - For local natural persons (including foreigners residents in KSA): CLC- National Identification Number (NIN). Example: CLC-4046403927
      - For foreign natural persons: CLC- ISO 3166 - 2 character country code + Applicable national ID number. Example: CLC-ES53085141M 

      Parties to the contract 
      Trading capacity of the reporting counterparty 
      Identifies whether the reporting counterparty has concluded the contract as principal on own account (on own behalf or behalf of a client) or as agent for the account of and on behalf of a client. 
      P = Principal
      A = Agent 

      Parties to the contract 
      Trading capacity of the other counterparty 
      Identifies whether the other counterparty has concluded the contract as principal on own account (on own behalf or behalf of a client) or as agent for the account of and on behalf of a client. 
      P = Principal
      A = Agent 

      Parties to the contract 
      Counterparty side 
      Identifies whether the reporting counterparty is a buyer or a seller. 
      B = Buyer
      S = Seller 

      Parties to the contract 
      Value of contract 
      Mark to market valuation of the contract, or mark to model valuation where applicable. 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.
      The negative symbol, if populated, is not counted as a numerical character. 

      Parties to the contract 
      Currency of the value 
      The currency used for the valuation of the contract

      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 

      Parties to the contract 
      Valuation timestamp 
      Date and time of the last valuation. For mark-to-market valuation the date and time of publishing of reference prices shall be reported. 
      ISO 8601 date in the UTC time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ 

      Parties to the contract 
      Valuation type 
      Indicate whether valuation was performed mark to market, mark to model. 
      M = Mark-to-market O = Mark-to-model 


      Common data
      TableItemSectionFieldDetails to be reportedFormat


      Section 2a - Contract type 
      Instrument type 
      Each reported contract shall be classified according to its type 
      CD = Financial contracts for difference
      FR = Forward rate agreements
      FU = Futures
      FW = Forwards
      OP = Option
      SB = Spreadbet
      SW = Swap
      ST = Swaption
      OT = Other 


      Section 2a - Contract type 
      Asset class 
      Each reported contract shall be classified according to the asset class it is based on 
      CO = Commodity and emission allowances
      CR = Credit
      CU = Currency
      EQ = Equity
      IR = Interest Rate 


      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Product classification type 
      The type of relevant product classification 
      C = CFI
      U = UPI (Once made available by the authorized UPI service provider)
      Until UPI is made available by the authorized UPI service provider this field shall only be populated with the value “C" (1 alphabetical character). 


      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Product classification 
      Applicable product classification code: CFI or UPI. Until UPI is made available by the authorized UPI service provider this field shall always be populated with CFI.
      When dealing with hybrid options, exotic products or any other OTC derivative with different components, the basic one (i.e. the component which weights more in the derivative) must be taken into account for CFI population purposes.
      In case of waad OTC derivatives, the CFI must be determined on the assumption that the buyer is binding to the contract and the contract will be settled. 
      ISO 10692 CFI, 6 characters alphabetical code
      UPI format will be as per the required format by the Authorized UPI service provider 


      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Product identification type 
      The type of relevant product identification 
      Specify the applicable identification:
      • I = For products for which an ISO 6166 ISIN code is available
      • U = UPI
      • N = Not available for products for which an ISIN is not available 


      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Product identification 
      The product shall be identified through ISIN or UPI when the OTC derivative is not identified by an ISIN 
      For product identifier type I: ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
      For product identifier type U: UPI code (format to be defined once UPI is made available by the authorized UPI service provider)
      For product identifier type N: Blank 


      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Underlying identification type 
      The type of relevant underlying identifier 
      I = ISIN
      C = CFI
      U = UPI
      B = Basket
      X = Index
      N = Not available 


      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Underlying identification 
      The direct underlying shall be identified by using a unique identification for this underlying based on its type.
      For derivatives which underlying is a currency (foreign exchange rate), in the absence of an endorsed UPI, the underlying currency must be indicated under the notional currency.
      In case of baskets composed, among others, of financial instruments traded in a trading venue, only financial instruments traded in a trading venue with a valid ISIN shall be specified. 
      For underlying identification type I: ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
      For underlying identification type C: ISO 10692 CFI 6 character alphanumerical code
      For underlying identification type U: UPI
      For underlying identification type B: all individual components identification through ISO 6166 ISIN Identifiers of individual components shall be separated with a dash “-“. In any other case, this field shall be populated NA.
      For underlying identification type X: ISO 6166 ISIN if available, otherwise full name of the index as assigned by the index provider.
      For underlying identification type N: Blank 


      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Country of the underlying 
      The code of country where the underlying is located 
      ISO 3166 - 2 character country code. 

      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Complex trade component ID 
      Identifier, internal to the reporting firm, to identify and link all the reports related to the same derivative structured product composed of a combination of derivative contracts. The code must be unique at the level of the counterparty to the group of transaction reports resulting from the derivative contract. Field applicable only where a firm executes a derivative contract composed of two or more derivative contracts and where this contract cannot be adequately reported in a single report. 
      An alphanumeric field up to 35 characters. 

      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Notional currency 1 
      The currency of the notional amount.
      In the case of an interest rate or currency derivative contract, this will be the notional currency of leg 1. 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 

      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Notional currency 2 
      The other currency of the notional amount. In the case of an interest rate or currency derivative contract, this will be the notional currency of leg 2. 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 

      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Deliverable currency 
      The currency to be delivered 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Internal unique trade ID 
      Until a global Unique transaction identifier (UTI) is available, an internal unique trade identifier code shall be generated. This means that only one trade identifier should be applicable to every single OTC derivative contract that is reported to SATR and that the same trade identifier is not used for any other derivative contract, even in transactions between local obliged entities and foreign (non-Saudi) counterparties. In this respect, certain rules must be defined in order to determine the entity responsible of generating this unique trade identifier (hereinafter, the generating entity).
      In general terms, the generating entity will be the reporting counterparty in accordance with the rules defined in section Business Rules of this document. 
      Up to 52 alphanumerical character code using exclusively upper-case alphabetical characters (A-Z) and digits (0-9), four special characters are allowed, the special characters not being allowed at the beginning or at the end of the code. No spaces allowed. There is no requirement to pad out Internal unique trade ID values to make them 52 characters long.
      This trade id will be a concatenation of the following:
      • The characters ‘E02’.
      • The (20 character) Legal Entity Identifier of the generating entity.
      • A unique code generated by the generating entity. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Unique trade ID 
      The UTI ID could be the same as the "Internal unique trade id" except in those trades in which the other counterparty is an international counterparty or counterparties agree that it shall be the other counterparty the UTI generating entity. In this respect, when such transactions are centrally cleared through a CCP (also under indirect clearing agreements reached with a clearing house member) or when they are electronically confirmed, counterparties can agree that the CCP (or when applicable the clearing member through which the transaction is cleared) or the electronic platform through which the trade is confirmed become the unique trade identifier generating entity.
      In these cases the international generating entity shall communicate the unique trade identifier to the reporting counterparty in a timely manner so that the latter is able to meet its reporting obligation.
      If the international generating entity informs the "Unique trade ID" before the reporting deadline, this field shall be populated with the ID informed by the international generating entity. On the contrary, if the international generating entity does not inform the "Unique trade ID" before the T+1 deadline, this field can be left blank until the "Unique trade ID is informed". In such cases, once the ID is informed, a Modification report must be submitted by the reporting counterparty in order to populate the "Unique trade id" informed by the international generating entity. 
      Up to 52 alphanumerical character code using exclusively upper-case alphabetical characters (A-Z) and digits (0-9). No spaces allowed. There is no requirement to pad out Internal unique trade ID values to make them 52 characters long. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Price / rate 
      The price per derivative excluding, where applicable, commission and accrued interest 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.
      The negative symbol, if populated, is not counted as a numerical character.
      In case the price is reported in percent values, it should be expressed as percentage where 100% is represented as “100” "999999999999999.99999" is accepted when the actual value is not available. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Price notation 
      The manner in which the price is expressed 
      U = Units/Monetary amount
      P = Percentage
      Y = Yield/Decimal
      X = Not applicable 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Currency of price 
      The currency in which the Price / rate is denominated 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetic characters 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      The reference amount from which contractual payments are determined. In case of partial terminations, amortizations and in case of contracts where the notional, due to the characteristics of the contract, varies over time, it shall reflect the remaining notional after the change took place. 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Price multiplier 
      The number of units of the financial instrument which are contained in a trading lot; for example, the number of derivatives represented by the contract 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Number of contracts included in the report. For spread bets, the quantity shall be the monetary value agreed per point movement in the direct underlying financial instrument. 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Up-front payment 
      Amount of any up-front payment the reporting counterparty made or received 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The negative symbol to be used to indicate that the payment was made, not received.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.
      The negative symbol, if populated, is not counted as a numerical character. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Delivery type 
      Indicates whether the contract is settled physically or in cash 
      C = Cash
      P = Physical
      O = Optional for counterparty or when determined by a third party 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Execution timestamp 
      Date and time when the contract was initially executed, resulting in the generation of a new trade id. 
      ISO 8601 date in the UTC time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Effective date 
      Unadjusted date when obligations under the contract come into effect. 
      ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY- MM-DD 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Expiration date 
      Original date of expiry of the reported contract.
      An early termination shall not be reported in this field. 
      ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY- MM-DD 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Early termination date 
      Termination date in the case of an early termination of the reported contract. 
      ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY- MM-DD 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Settlement date 
      Date of settlement of the underlying. Date, as per the contract, by which all transfer of cash or assets should take place and the counterparties should no longer have any outstanding obligations to each other under that contract
      If more than one, further fields may be used. 
      ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY- MM-DD
      This field is repeatable. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Master Agreement type 
      Reference to any master agreement, if existent (e.g. ISDA Master Agreement; Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement; International ForEx Master Agreement; European Master Agreement or any local Master Agreements). 
      Free Text, field of up to 50 characters, identifying the name of the Master Agreement used, if any. If no Master agreement exists, this field shall be left blank. 

      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Master Agreement version 
      Reference to the year of the master agreement version used for the reported trade, if applicable (e.g. 1992, 2002, etc.) 
      ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY 

      Section 2d - Risk mitigation / Reporting 
      Confirmation timestamp 
      Date and time of the confirmation. 
      ISO 8601 date in the UTC time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ 

      Section 2d - Risk mitigation / Reporting 
      Confirmation means 
      Whether the contract was electronically confirmed, non-electronically confirmed or remains unconfirmed 
      Y = Non-electronically confirmed
      N = Non-confirmed
      E = Electronically confirmed 

      Section 2e - Clearing 
      Indicates, whether the transaction has been cleared in a CCP or not. 
      Y = Yes
      N = No 

      Section 2e - Clearing 
      Clearing timestamp 
      Time and date when clearing took place 
      ISO 8601 date in the UTC time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ 

      Section 2e - Clearing 
      In the case of a contract that has been cleared, the unique code for the CCP that has cleared the contract. 
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
      20 alphanumerical character code. 

      Section 2e - Clearing 
      Indicates whether the counterparty to the contract is an intragroup entity. 
      Y = Yes
      N = No 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Fixed rate of leg 1 
      An indication of the fixed rate leg 1 used, if applicable+ 
      Up to 10 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals expressed as percentage where 100% is represented as “100”.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.
      The negative symbol, if populated, is not counted as a numerical character. 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Fixed rate of leg 2 
      An indication of the fixed rate leg 2 used, if applicable 
      Up to 10 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals expressed as percentage where 100% is represented as “100”.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.
      The negative symbol, if populated, is not counted as a numerical character. 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Fixed rate day count leg 1 
      For leg 1 of the transaction, where applicable: day count convention (often also referred to as day count fraction or day count basis or day count method) that determines how interest payments are calculated. It is used to compute the year fraction of the calculation period, and indicates the number of days in the calculation period divided by the number of days in the year. 
      ISO 20022 Interest Calculation/day Count Basis.
      The following values will be admitted: A001 to A020 and NARR. 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Fixed rate day count leg 2 
      For leg 2 of the transaction, where applicable: day count convention (often also referred to as day count fraction or day count basis or day count method) that determines how interest payments are calculated. It is used to compute the year fraction of the calculation period, and indicates the number of days in the calculation period divided by the number of days in the year. 
      ISO 20022 Interest Calculation/day Count Basis.
      The following values will be admitted: A001 to A020 and NARR. 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Fixed rate payment frequency leg 1 –time period 
      Time period describing frequency of payments for the fixed rate leg 1, if applicable 
      Time period describing how often the counterparties exchange payments, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarter
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day
      A = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
      T = payment at term 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Fixed rate payment frequency leg 2 – time period 
      Time period describing frequency of payments for the fixed rate leg 2, if applicable 
      Time period describing how often the counterparties exchange payments, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarterly
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day
      A = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
      T = payment at term 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate payment frequency leg 1 – time period 
      Time period describing frequency of payments for the floating rate leg 1, if applicable 
      Time period describing how often the counterparties exchange payments, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarter
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day
      A = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
      T = payment at term 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate payment frequency leg 2 – time period 
      Time period describing frequency of payments for the floating rate leg 2, if applicable 
      Time period describing how often the counterparties exchange payments, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarterly
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day
      A = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
      T = payment at term 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate reset frequency leg 1 – time period 
      Time period describing frequency of floating rate leg 1 resets, if applicable 
      Time period describing how often the leg 1 floating rate resets, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarter
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day
      A = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate reset frequency leg 2- time period 
      Time period of frequency of floating rate leg 2 resets, if applicable 
      Time period describing how often the leg 2 floating rate resets, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarterly
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day
      A = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate of leg 1 
      An indication of the interest rates used which are reset at predetermined intervals by reference to a market reference rate, if applicable 
      The name of the floating rate index
      ‘EONA’ - EONIA
      ‘EURI’ - EURIBOR
      ‘EUCH’ - EuroSwiss
      ‘GCFR’ - GCF REPO
      ‘ISDA’ - ISDAFIX
      ’LIBI’ - LIBID
      ‘LIBO’ - LIBOR
      ‘MAAA’ – Muni AAA
      ‘PFAN’ - Pfandbriefe
      ‘TIBO’ - TIBOR
      ‘STBO’ - STIBOR
      ‘BBSW’ - BBSW
      ‘JIBA’ - JIBAR
      ‘BUBO’ - BUBOR
      ‘CDOR’ - CDOR
      ‘CIBO’ - CIBOR
      ‘MOSP’ - MOSPRIM
      ‘NIBO’ - NIBOR
      ‘PRBO’ - PRIBOR
      ‘SAIB’ - SAIBOR
      ‘TLBO’ - TELBOR
      ‘WIBO’ – WIBOR
      ‘TREA’ – Treasury
      ‘SWAP’ – SWAP
      ‘FUSW’ – Future SWAP
      Or up to 25 alphanumerical characters if the reference rate is not included in the above list 

      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate of leg 2 
      An indication of the interest rates used which are reset at predetermined intervals by reference to a market reference rate, if applicable 
      The name of the floating rate index
      ‘EONA’ - EONIA
      ‘EURI’ - EURIBOR
      ‘EUCH’ - EuroSwiss
      ‘GCFR’ - GCF REPO
      ‘ISDA’ - ISDAFIX
      ’LIBI’ - LIBID
      ‘LIBO’ - LIBOR
      ‘MAAA’ – Muni AAA
      ‘PFAN’ - Pfandbriefe
      ‘TIBO’ - TIBOR
      ‘STBO’ - STIBOR
      ‘BBSW’ - BBSW
      ‘JIBA’ - JIBAR
      ‘BUBO’ - BUBOR
      ‘CDOR’ - CDOR
      ‘CIBO’ - CIBOR
      ‘MOSP’ - MOSPRIM
      ‘NIBO’ - NIBOR
      ‘PRBO’ - PRIBOR
      ‘SAIB’ - SAIBOR
      ‘TLBO’ - TELBOR
      ‘WIBO’ – WIBOR
      ‘TREA’ – Treasury
      ‘SWAP’ – SWAP
      ‘FUSW’ – Future SWAP
      Or up to 25 alphanumerical characters if the reference rate is not included in the above list 

      Section 2g – Foreign Exchange 
      Delivery currency 2 
      The cross currency, if different from the currency of delivery 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical character code 

      Section 2g – Foreign Exchange 
      Exchange rate 1 
      The exchange rate as of the date and time when the contract was concluded. It shall be expressed as a price of base currency in the quoted currency. In the example 0.9426 USD/EUR, USD is the unit currency and EUR is the quoted currency; USD 1 = EUR 0.9426. 
      Up to 10 numerical digits including decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.
      The negative symbol, if populated, is not counted as a numerical character. 

      Section 2g – Foreign Exchange 
      Forward exchange rate 
      Forward exchange rate as agreed between the counterparties in the contractual agreement It shall be expressed as a price of base currency in the quoted currency. In the example 0.9426 USD/EUR, USD is the unit currency and EUR is the quoted currency; USD 1 = EUR 0.9426. 
      Up to 10 numerical digits including decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.
      The negative symbol, if populated, is not counted as a numerical character. 

      Section 2g – Foreign Exchange 
      Exchange rate basis 
      Currency pair and order in which the exchange rate is denominated, expressed as unit currency/quoted currency. In the example 0.9426 USD/EUR, USD is the unit currency and EUR is the quoted currency, USD 1 = EUR 0.9426. 
      Two ISO 4217 currency codes separated by “/”. First currency code shall indicate the base currency, and the second currency code shall indicate the quote currency. 

      Section 2k - Modifications to the contract 
      Action type 
      Whether the report contains:
      — a derivative contract for the first time, in which case it will be identified as ‘new’;
      — a modification to the terms or details of a previously reported derivative contract, but not a correction of a report, in which case it will be identified as ‘modify’. This includes an update to a previous report that is showing a position in order to reflect new trades included in that position.;
      — a cancellation of a wrongly submitted entire report in case the contract never came into existence or it was reported to a Trade Repository by mistake, in which case, it will be identified as ‘error’;
      — an early termination of an existing contract, in which case it will be identified as ‘early termination’;
      — a previously submitted report contains erroneous data fields, in which case the report correcting the erroneous data fields of the previous report shall be identified as ‘correction’;
      — a compression of the reported contract, in which case it will be identified as ‘compression’;
      — an update of a contract valuation or collateral, in which case it will be identified as ‘valuation update’; 
      N = New
      M = Modify
      E = Error
      C = Early Termination
      R = Correction
      Z = Compression
      V = Valuation update 


      Evolutive Field - Common Data
      TableItemSectionFieldDetails to be reportedFormat
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Indicate whether a collateral agreement between the counterparties exists. 
      U = uncollateralised
      PC = partially collateralised
      OC = one way collateralised
      FC = fully collateralised 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Collateral portfolio 
      Whether the collateralisation was performed on a portfolio basis.
      Portfolio means the collateral calculated on the basis of net positions resulting from a set of contracts, rather than per trade. 
      Y = Yes
      N = No 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Collateral portfolio code 
      If collateral is reported on a portfolio basis, the portfolio should be identified by a unique code determined by the reporting counterparty 
      Up to 52 alphanumerical characters including four special characters : ". - _."
      Special characters are not allowed at the beginning and at the end of the code. No space allowed. 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Initial margin posted 
      Value of the initial margin posted by the reporting counterparty to the other counterparty.
      Where initial margin is posted on a portfolio basis, this field should include the overall value of initial margin posted for the portfolio. 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Currency of the initial margin posted 
      Specify the currency of the initial margin posted 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Variation margin posted 
      Value of the variation margin posted, including cash settled, by the reporting counterparty to the other counterparty. Where variation margin is posted on a portfolio basis, this field should include the overall value of variation margin posted for the portfolio. 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Currency of the variation margins posted 
      Specify the currency of variation margin posted 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Initial margin received 
      Value of the initial margin received by the reporting counterparty from the other counterparty.
      Where initial margin is received on a portfolio basis, this field should include the overall value of initial margin received for the portfolio. 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Currency of the initial margin received 
      Specify the currency of the initial margin received 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Variation margin received 
      Value of the variation margin received, including cash settled, by the reporting counterparty from the other counterparty. Where variation margin is received on a portfolio basis, this field should include the overall value of variation margin received for the portfolio. 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Currency of the variation margins received 
      Specify the currency of the variation margin received 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Excess collateral posted 
      Value of collateral posted in excess of the required collateral 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Currency of the excess collateral posted 
      Specify the currency of the excess collateral posted 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Excess collateral received 
      Value of collateral received in excess of the required collateral 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Parties to the contract - Collateral 
      Currency of the excess collateral received 
      Specify the currency of the excess collateral received 
      ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters 
      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Venue of execution 
      The venue of execution of the derivative contract shall be identified by a unique code for this venue.
      Where a contract was concluded OTC and the respective instrument is admitted to trading or traded on a trading venue, MIC code ‘ XOFF’ shall be used.
      Where a contract was concluded OTC and the respective instrument is not admitted to trading or traded on a trading venue, MIC code ‘XXXX’ shall be used. 
      ISO 10383 Market Identifier Code (MIC), 4 alphanumerical characters 
      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Identify whether the contract results from a compression operation as defined in Article 3.1.5 of the Trade Repository (TR) Reporting & Risk Mitigation Requirements for Over-The-Counter (OTC) Derivatives Contracts Rules
      Y = a new contract arising from compression
      N = contract does not result from compression
      T = contract results from a novation 
      Section 2c - Details on the transaction 
      Notional Unitary Notation 
      The unit in which the notional is expressed 
      U = Units amount
      H = Hundreds
      T = Thousands
      M = Millions 
      Parties to the contract 
      Valuation Unitary Notation 
      The unit in which the notional is expressed 
      U = Units amount
      H = Hundreds
      T = Thousands
      M = Millions 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate reference period leg 1 – time period 
      Time period describing the reference period for the floating rate of leg 1 
      Time period describing reference period of the floating rate of leg 1, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarterly
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate reference period leg 2 – time period 
      Time period describing the reference period for the floating rate of leg 2 
      Time period describing reference period of the floating rate of leg 2, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarterly
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day 
      Section 2i - Options 
      Option type 
      Indication as to whether the derivative contract is a call (right to purchase a specific underlying asset) or a put (right to sell a specific underlying asset) or whether it cannot be determined whether it is a call or a put at the time of execution of the derivative contract.
      In case of swaptions it shall be:
      - “Put”, in case of receiver swaption, in which the buyer has the right to enter into a swap as a fixed-rate receiver.
      -“Call”, in case of payer swaption, in which the buyer has the right to enter into a swap as a fixed-rate payer. In case of Caps and Floors it shall be:
      -“Put”, in case of a Floor.
      -“Call”, in case of a Cap.
      P = Put
      C = Call 
      Section 2i - Options 
      Option exercise style 
      Indicates whether the option may be exercised only at a fixed date (European, and Asian style), a series of pre-specified dates (Bermudan) or at any time during the life of the contract (American style) 
      A = American
      B = Bermudan
      E = European
      S = Asian
      More than one value is allowed 
      Section 2i - Options 
      Strike price (cap/floor rate) 
      The strike price of the option. 
      Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.
      The negative symbol, if populated, is not counted as a numerical character.
      Where the strike price is reported in percent values, it should be expressed as percentage where 100% is represented as “100” 
      Section 2i - Options 
      Strike price notation 
      The manner in which the strike price is expressed 
      U = Units/Monetary amount
      P = Percentage
      Y = Yield/Decimal
      X = Not applicable 
      Section 2i - Options 
      Maturity date of the underlying 
      In case of swaptions, maturity date of the underlying swap 
      ISO 8601 date in the format
      Section 2h - Commodities and emission allowances (General) 
      Commodity base 
      Indicates the type of commodity underlying the contract 
      AG = Agricultural
      EN = Energy
      FR = Freights
      ME = Metals
      IN = Index
      EV = Environmental
      EX = Exotic
      OT = Other 
      Section 2h - Commodities and emission allowances (General) 
      Commodity details 
      Details of the particular commodity beyond field 65 
      GO = Grains oilseeds
      DA = Dairy
      LI = Livestock
      FO = Forestry
      SO = Softs
      SF = Seafood
      OT = Other
      OI = Oil
      NG = Natural gas
      CO = Coal
      EL = Electricity
      IE = Inter-energy
      OT = Other
      DR = Dry
      WT = Wet
      OT = Other
      PR = Precious
      NP = Non-precious
      WE = Weather
      EM = Emissions
      OT = Other 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      Information on the seniority in case of contract on index or on a single name entity 
      SNDB = Senior, such as Senior Unsecured Debt
      (Corporate/Financial), Foreign Currency Sovereign Debt (Government),
      SBOD = Subordinated, such as Subordinated or Lower Tier 2 Debt (Banks), Junior Subordinated or Upper Tier 2 Debt (Banks),
      OTHR = Other, such as Preference Shares or Tier 1 Capital (Banks) or other credit derivatives 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      Reference entity 
      Identification of the underlying reference entity (issuer of the debt that uderlines a credit derivative) 
      ISO 3166 - 2 character country code or
      ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code
      For Corporate Customer in KSA without LEI: “CLC-”+ country code as per ISO 3166 + Commercial registration number+ “CR”.
      Example: CLC-SA123456789CR 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      Frequency of payment 
      The frequency of payment of the interest rate or coupon 
      Time period describing how often the interest rate or coupon is settle, whereby the following abbreviations apply:
      Y = Year
      S = Semester
      Q = Quarterly
      M = Month
      W = Week
      D = Day
      A = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      The calculation basis 
      The calculation basis of the interest rate 
      Numerator/Denominator where both, Numerator and Denominator are numerical characters or alphabetic expression ‘Actual’, e.g. 30/360 or Actual/365 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      The series number of the composition of the index if applicable 
      Integer field up to 5 characters 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      A new version of a series is issued if one of the constituents defaults and the index has to be re-weighted to account for the new number of total constituents within the index 
      Integer field up to 5 characters 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      Index factor 
      The factor to apply to the Notional (Field 20) to adjust it to all the previous credit events in that Index series.
      The figure varies between 0 and 100.
      Up to 10 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      Indication whether a derivative contract is tranched. 
      T= Tranched
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      Attachment point 
      The point at which losses in the pool will attach to a particular tranche 
      Up to 10 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals expressed as a decimal fraction between 0 and 1.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Section 2j – Credit derivatives 
      Detachment point 
      The point beyond which losses do not affect the particular tranche 
      Up to 10 numerical characters including up to 5 decimals expressed as a decimal fraction between 0 and 1.
      The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot. 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Fixed rate payment frequency leg 1 – multiplier 
      Multiplier of the time period describing frequency of payments for the fixed rate leg 1, if applicable 
      Integer multiplier of the time period describing how often the counterparties exchange payments. Up to 3 numerical characters. 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Fixed rate payment frequency leg 2 - multiplier 
      Multiplier of the time period describing frequency of payments for the fixed rate leg 2, if applicable 
      Integer multiplier of the time period describing how often the counterparties exchange payments. Up to 3 numerical characters. 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate payment frequency leg 1 – multiplier 
      Multiplier of the time period describing frequency of payments for the floating rate leg 1, if applicable 
      Integer multiplier of the time period describing how often the counterparties exchange payments. Up to 3 numerical characters. 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate payment frequency leg 2 – multiplier 
      Multiplier of the time period describing frequency of payments for the floating rate leg 2, if applicable 
      Integer multiplier of the time period describing how often the counterparties exchange payments. Up to 3 numerical characters. 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate reset frequency leg 1 - multiplier 
      Multiplier of the time period describing frequency of floating rate leg 1 resets, if applicable 
      Integer multiplier of the time period describing how often the counterparties reset the floating rate.
      Up to 3 numerical characters. 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate reset frequency leg 2 - multiplier 
      Multiplier of the time period describing frequency of floating rate leg 2 resets, if applicable 
      Integer multiplier of the time period describing how often the counterparties reset the floating rate.
      Up to 3 numerical characters. 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate reference period leg 1 – multiplier 
      Multiplier of the time period describing the reference period for the floating rate of leg 1 
      Integer multiplier of the time period describing the reference period.
      Up to 3 numerical characters. 
      Section 2f - Interest Rates 
      Floating rate reference period leg 2 – multiplier 
      Multiplier of the time period describing the reference period for the floating rate of leg 2 
      Integer multiplier of the time period describing the reference period.
      Up to 3 numerical characters. 
      Section 2b – Contract information 
      Linked UTI 
      Identifier to link the related UTI from a novation or a compression of the contract. 
      Up to 52 alphanumerical character code using exclusively alphabetical characters (A-z) and digits (0-9), including four special characters, the special characters not being allowed at the beginning or at the end of the code. No spaces allowed. There is no requirement to pad out Internal unique trade ID values to make them 52 characters long.
      This trade id will be a concatenation of the following:
      • The characters ‘E02’.
      • The (20 character) Legal Entity Identifier of the generating entity.
      • A unique code generated by the generating entity.
    • Appendix B

      List of reportable life cycle events for OTC derivative transactions
      Action type
      New (N)
      A derivative contract is entered into for the first time.
      Modify (M)
      A modification to the terms or details of a previously reported derivative contract, but not a correction of a report. Modifications can only affect new trades.
      Error (E)
      A cancellation of a wrongly submitted entire report in case, among others, the contract never came into existence or was submitted by mistake by a non-obliged counterparty.
      Early Termination (C)
      An early termination of an existing contract.
      Correction (R)
      A previously submitted report contains erroneous data fields, in which case the report correcting the erroneous data fields of the previous report.
      Valuation update (V)
      A daily update of a contract valuation.
      Compression (Z)
      A compression of the reported contract.

      Depending on the action type that is reported and populated in table 2: item 52 “Action type”, fields may have adopted any of the following status: 
       Mandatory (M): the field is strictly required and validations of format and content are applied.
       Conditionally mandatory (C): the field is required if the specific conditions set out in the validation rules are met. Format and content validations are applied as well.
       Potential (P): the field shall be populated if applicable depending on the transaction characteristics or to the reported life cycle event (for modifications and or corrections all fields, except those that are mandatory regardless the reported life cycle event, could potentially be modified or corrected and therefore populated). Only format and content validations are applied when the field is populated.
       Not relevant (-): the field shall be left blank.
      List of life cycle events reporting scenarios for OTC derivative transactions:
      1. Submission of a new trade with no available “Unique trade ID” generated by the international generating entity
      In cases of a transaction between a KSA Bank and a foreign counterparty, if at the regulatory deadline to submit a new trade (T+1), table 2 item 15 “Unique trade ID” is not informed by the international generating entity, the field can be provisionally left blank. In such cases, once the Trade ID is informed, a Modification report (table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with “M”) must be submitted by the reporting counterparty in order to populate the "Unique trade ID" informed by the international generating entity.
      2. Modifications to the terms of a contract
      When both counterparties agree to modify any of the terms of an OTC derivative contract, the reporting counterparty shall submit a modification report (table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “M”) in which, besides additional applicable validation rules described in this document, table 2 item 14 “Internal unique trade ID” shall be populated with a code that is fully coincident with a previously reported “Internal unique trade ID”. The “Internal unique trade ID” cannot be subject to modification.
      In cases where the aim of the modification is to turn blank a previously populated field, the field in question shall be populated with the value “null”.
      3. Novations
      For reporting purposes, in cases of novations to the original report relating to the existing derivative, the reporting counterparty should send a termination report (table 2 item 53“Action type” populated with the value “C”). The reporting counterparty should then send a new report with table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “N” relating to the new derivative contract arisen from the novation.
      This is applicable to trades that are novated for the purpose of clearing a certain trade in a CCP. In such case, the original trade (pre-novation) shall be reported in T+1 with table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “N” and once it is novated the reporting counterparty should send a termination report (table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “C”) and submit a new report with table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “N” relating to the new derivative contract arisen from the novation. In the case that the novation takes place before T+1, the reporting counterparty shall only submit a single report (post-novation) with table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “N” and table 1 item 2 “ID of the other Counterparty” populated with the LEI of the CCP.
      4. Detection of an error in an already submitted report
      If the reporting counterparty (or the other counterparty upon communication to the reporting counterparty) detects that a report (no matter its nature or “Action type”) was submitted by error, the reporting counterparty is required to submit an error report (table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “E”) in order to eliminate the erroneous report. besides mandatory fields described in the first bullet of this paragraph, table 2 item 14 “Internal unique trade ID” shall be populated with a code that is fully coincident with a previously reported “Internal unique trade ID”.
      5. Submission of an early termination report
      In the case that a trade ends before reaching its original maturity date, the reporting counterparty shall submit an early termination report (table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with value C”). Besides mandatory fields described in bullet 1 of this paragraph, table 2 item 27 “Early termination date” shall be populated. Furthermore, table 2 item 14 “Internal unique trade ID” shall be populated with a code that is fully coincident with a previously reported “Internal unique trade ID”. The “Internal unique trade ID” cannot be subject to correction.
      6. Notional increase or decrease
      For reporting purposes, in the event of an increase or decrease in the notional amount of an existing contract (partial termination but not fully close-out), the reporting counterparty shall submit a modification report (table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “M”) modifying the “Notional” (table 2 item 19).
      7. Correction of a previously submitted report
      If the reporting counterparty (or the other counterparty upon communication to the reporting counterparty) detects an incorrectly reported field, the reporting counterparty shall submit a correction report (table 2: item 53 “Action type” populated with the value “R”) in which, besides additional applicable validation rules described in this document, Table 2 item 14 “Internal unique trade ID” shall be populated with a code that is fully coincident with a previously reported “Internal unique trade ID”. Only mandatory and the corrected fields shall be populated.
      8. Valuation update
      Valuation update reports shall be submitted on a daily basis. Besides additional applicable validation rules described throughout this document, Table 2 item 14 “Internal unique trade ID” shall be populated with a code that is fully coincident with a previously reported “Internal unique trade ID”.
      9. FX Overnight trades
      FX spot (D+2) and FX overnight trades (D+1) are not considered OTC derivatives, so they are not required to be reported.
      10. Backloading requirement for reporting entities
      In order to meet regulatory needs and to reduce the substantial and costly adjustments that reporting entities need to make to comply with the backloading requirement, OTC derivatives transactions on Equity, Credit and Commodity asset classes that are still outstanding as of the effective date (June 1st 2021), will need to be submitted through new reports (table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with value “N”). For Backloading purposes, reporting Bank must also report transactions which matured between January 1st 2021 and May 31st 2021. Reporting must be completed by the effective date.
      After the submission of each new report, the updated valuation of the contract (table 2 item 53 “Action type” populated with value “V”) should start to be reported on a daily basis as well. See applicable rules described in the Scope of Reporting in this document in order to identify the counterparty of the transaction that is subject to the reporting-backloading obligation for each legacy trade.
      OTC derivatives transactions on Equity, Credit and Commodity asset classes whose maturity date had been reached before December 31st 2020, will not be subject to the backloading obligation.
      11. Reporting of Waad OTC derivatives
      "Arbun" derivatives should be identified and reported like a call/put option.
      Any Waad OTC derivative must be reported to SATR on the agreement date as a Forward, informing about the expected “effective date”, “settlement date” and “expiration date”. If the transaction is not to be settled an early termination (“C”) event must be reported as soon as the reporting counterparty is certain of it. If the transaction is finally settled but with a different “effective date”, ”settlement date” or “expiration date” or any other previously reported field, a modification (“M”) event must be reported.
    • Appendix C

      The following rules are required to be defined in order to identify the counterparty that is subject to the reporting obligation in the different types of transactions to be reported: 
       Local financial counterparty vs Local non-financial counterparty: Under the assumption that one of the counterparties is categorized as a non-financial counterparty, the financial counterparty of the transaction shall be responsible of submitting the transaction report.
       Local financial counterparty vs International financial counterparty / Qualified Non - financial counterparty: Under the assumption that the other counterparty is an international financial counterparty or international qualified non-financial counterparty, the local financial counterparty shall be subject to the local reporting obligation. The international counterparty will report to its competent authority depending on its home jurisdiction requirements.
       Local financial counterparty vs CCP: If a transaction is novated from an OTC transaction to a CCP, the local financial counterparty shall be subject to the local reporting obligation, provided that the original transaction was reportable.
       Local financial counterparty vs Local financial counterparty: Under the assumption that both counterparties are categorized as financial counterparties established in Saudi Arabia, both of them will be responsible of submitting its own report, in which it should properly be identified one counterparty as the seller and the other as the buyer in accordance to what is reflected in the OTC derivative contract agreed between both counterparties or otherwise in accordance to the agreement reached between counterparties at the moment of execution of the trade. In the event that both counterparties identify themselves as the seller of the transaction and assuming that both reports are submitted with the same Internal Unique Trade ID (Table 2 Item 14), the TR will not accept the second report received from one of the counterparties and will submit to this entity an error, in which it will be indicated that the report has already been submitted by another counterparty.
       In intragroup transactions the reporting entity will always be the obliged entity unless both intragroup counterparties are obliged in which case the aforementioned rules would be applicable.