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  • B. Liabilities: Accrued Rates Payable.

    • 8. By Product Type

       8.1Demand Deposits:
        Represent non-special commission bearing customer deposits that have no maturity and can be withdrawn without prior notice. These deposits also include current accounts. If a bank does not pay any commission rate on the demand deposits, the balance should be calculated with 0% rate.
       8.2Saving Deposits:
        Represent non-checking special commission bearing customer deposits with no defined maturity.
       8.3Time Deposits:
        Represent special commissions bearing customer deposits with a defined maturity.
       8.4Other Deposits:
        Any other deposits not already classified in the above category such as Repos, Swaps transaction with SAMA and other.
    • 9. By Counterparties

       9.1 Deposits from Government and Quasi Government, 9.2 Deposits from SAMA, 9.3 Deposits from Financial Institutions (Excluding Banks), 9.4 Deposits from Corporates (excluding MSMEs), 9.5 Deposits from MSMEs and 9.6 Deposits from Retail customers:
        Total Deposits by Product Type (Total Balances and W.A rates) should equal to Total Deposits by Counterparties (Total Balances and W.A rates).
    • 10. Margin Deposits

       Including all deposits received in relation to transaction in exchanges.
    • 11. Bonds and Debt Securities:

      Issued by banks

    • 12. Deposits from Banks

       12.1Interbank deposits:
        Deposit received from other banks in the Money Market only.
       12.2Vostro and Nostro Accounts:
        NOSTRO and VOSTRO accounts with credit balances.
       12.3Other Deposits:
        Any other deposits between banks not already classified in the above category such as Repos.