I. Process of Constructing an ICAAP
1. Introduction and Overview
Basel II's structure is built upon three pillars. Under Pillar 1, minimum capital requirements are calculated based on explicit calculation rules in respect of credit, market and operational risks. However, in Pillar 2, other risks are to be identified and risk management processes and mitigation assessed from a wider perspective, to supplement the capital requirements calculated within the scope of Pillar 1. Pillar 2 involves a proactive assessment of unexpected losses and a methodology to set aside sufficient capital. Effectively, Pillar 2 is the creation of a wider, flexible and risk-sensitive system, and this imposes a major challenge on banks in meeting such requirements. In many respects it involves a new approach to risk assessment and risk management.
One of the cornerstones of the Basel II framework, which very specifically and tangibly affect banks, is the requirement that, within the scope of Pillar 2, they develop their own Internal Credit Adequacy Assessment Plan – ICAAP. This is a tool which ensures that the banks must possess risk capital which is commensurate with their selected risk profile and risk appetite, as well as appropriate governance and control functions, and business strategies. Essentially, an ICAAP is derived from a formal internal process whereby a bank estimates its capital requirements in relation to its risk profile, strategy, business plans, governance structures, internal risk management systems, dividend policies, etc. Consequently, the ICAAP process includes a strategic review of a bank's capital needs and as to how these capital requirements are to be funded, i.e. through internal profits, IPOS, Sukuks, right issues, other debt issues, etc.
It is essential that the ICAAP process involves an assessment of a bank capital needs beyond its minimum capital requirements. Accordingly, it assesses risk beyond the Pillar I risks and, therefore, addresses both additional Pillar I and Pillar II risks. Pillar 2 risks include financial and nonfinancial risks such as strategic, reputational, liquidity, concentrations, interest rate, etc. Consequently, ICAAP allows a bank to attribute and measure capital to cover the economic effects of all risk taking activities by aggregating Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 risks.
While SAMA has formulated these guidelines with which banks must comply within the scope of their internal capital adequacy assessment process, it is the banks themselves that are to select and design the manner in which these requirements are met. Consequently, SAMA will not prescribe any standard methodology but a set of minimum requirements with respect to the process and disclosure requirements.
2. Objective
The main purpose of the ICAAP is for the Bank's senior managers to proactively make a strategic assessment of its capital requirements considering its strategies, business plans, all risks, acquisitions, dividend policies. Further, the ICAAP also establishes the capital required for economic, regulatory and accounting purposes and helps identify planned sources of capital to meet these objectives. Also, an ICAAP benefits include greater corporate governance and improved risk assessment in banks, and thereby increases the stability of the financial system. It also help to maintain regulatory capital levels in accordance with its strategy, economic capital, risk profile, governance structures and internal risk management systems.
Another important purpose of the ICAAP document is for senior management to inform the Board of Directors and subsequently SAMA on the ongoing assessment of the bank's risk profile, risk appetite, strategic plan and capital adequacy. It also includes the documentation as to how the bank intends to manage these risks, and how much current and future capital is necessary for its future plan.
3. Major Building Blocs of the ICAAP
3.1 Bank's Role and Responsibility for the ICAAP
Banks have to convince SAMA that their ICAAP process is comprehensive, rigorous and includes capital commensurate with their risk profile as well as strategic and operational planning. The banks must compose and assemble the specific ICAAP process and methodology based on the objective and requirements imposed by SAMA and on the specific strategic and operational plans set by their Board of Directors. Consequently, banks must have a clear understanding on SAMA's expectations in terms of the definitions, concepts and benchmarks in order for an effective assessment and follow-up by it. An important and obvious example is the manner in which both the risks and the capital are defined.
3.2 SAMA's Role and Responsibility in the ICAAP Process
SAMA is responsible for establishing the frequency and nature of the review, while the Banks are to establish their actual implementation processes and methodology as per SAMA's guidelines.
Thus, while the two processes involved are closely integrated through the Supervisory Review Process, at the same time there is an express division of responsibilities. SAMA's role has the final word in this process as it makes its risk assessment of the banks and, where reason exists, imposes additional requirements on the banks or requires enhanced risk management systems, additional stress testing, etc.
One of the alternative courses of action available to SAMA is to establish a higher capital requirement than that calculated by the bank itself. The level of capital needed is based on the calculation of the capital requirement with respect to credit, market and operational risks based on the explicitly established calculation rules which are laid down within the scope of Pillar 1. However, a supplement could be required as additional capital which, in light of other types of risks (Pillar 2), which may arise within the scope of the internal capital adequacy assessment process. Consequently, this is not the only tool (to set a higher capital requirement) and it will not necessarily be the first choice, in that capital should not be a substitute for adequate risk management. On the other hand, a demand for more capital may be justified even for those banks with high, but well-managed risk exposures.
3.3 ICAAP as a Part of Pillar 2
The basic idea is that banks shall, within the framework of Pillar 2, identify all of the risks to which they are exposed. This involves a wider spectrum of risks than those that form the basis for the minimum capital adequacy calculation within Pillar 1, i.e. These include any additional Pillar 1 risks, i.e. credit risks, market risks and operational risks. It involves, among other things, at least the following*:
■ Strategic risk - arising from a bank's strategies and changes in fundamental market conditions which may occur;
■ Reputational risk - the risk of adverse perception of image in the market or the media, etc.
■ Liquidity risk - the risks of difficulties in raising liquidity or capital in certain situations;
■ Concentration risk - exposures concentrated on a limited number of customers, industries, certain sectors or geographic area, etc. entailing vulnerability; and
■ Macro Economic and Business cycle risk - through lending or otherwise a bank may be vulnerable to business cycle risks or environmental changes
■ Interest Rate risk - relevant to the banking book.
These risks, as well as the risks that are addressed within the scope of Pillar 1 are, of course, to a certain degree inter-dependent and to a certain extent, capture various aspects of the same risk classification. For example, a bank, which incurs major credit losses, is probably more exposed to the risk of damage to its reputation and, can be also more easily affected by problems in raising capital.
Consequently, there can be no doubt that Pillar 2 is one of the most important new features in Basel II, and within its scope, banks and SAMA must work together to achieve a comprehensive assessment of risks, risk management, and capital requirements.
Interest rate risk in the banking book:
The measurement process should include all material interest rate positions of the bank and consider all relevant repricing and maturity data. Such information will generally include current balance and contractual rate of interest associated with the instruments and portfolios, principal payments, interest reset dates, maturities, the rate index used for repricing, and contractual interest rate ceilings or floors for adjustable-rate items. The system should also have well-documented assumptions and techniques.
Regardless of the type and level of complexity of the measurement system used, bank management should ensure the adequacy and completeness of the system. Because the quality and reliability of the measurement system is largely dependent on the quality of the data and various assumptions used in the model, management should give particular attention to these items.
Liquidity risk: Liquidity is crucial to the ongoing viability of any banking organization. Banks’ capital positions can have an effect on their ability to obtain liquidity, especially in a crisis. Each bank must have adequate systems for measuring, monitoring and controlling liquidity risk. Banks should evaluate the adequacy of capital given their own liquidity profile and the liquidity of the markets in which they operate.
(Refer to Paragraph 741 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006)
* Other risks not specifically covered here are described in component 2 of the Document under item #4.3.
4. Major Challenges in Building an ICAAP
The major challenge in the internal capital adequacy assessment is to identify and accurately assess the significance of all of the risks faced by a bank and which may have consequences as regards to its financial situation. Subsequently, the risks identified, must be quantified by translating these into a capital requirement.
In all of these stages there are both conceptual difficulties and measurement problems. These include:
1. What constitutes a relevant risk?
2. What is the reasonable possibility that such a risk will actually happen?
3. If such a risk occurs, how large is the damage that it might lead to?
4. Do various risks arise independently or are they co-related with each other?
5. How is the assessed risk to be priced in terms of capital requirements?
While there have been developments for analyzing and measuring risks, assessment and risk management are not an exact science in which models and systems automatically provide quantified answers. Analysis, assumptions, methods and models are important tools in order to obtain reasonable answers. However, ultimately, a comprehensive and prudent assessment is required which includes experiences, expert judgment and views other than those that can be formulated in figures. Sound common sense can never be replaced by statistics and model calculations.
There is also a strong linkage between the degree of sophistication with respect to risk measurement and management and the scope and nature of the bank's operations. For example, an international banking group with a large number of business areas and thus a complex risk structure has a need and the resources for a more advanced risk measurement methodology. However, for a small bank this may not be the case. Also, from a systemic risk perspective, more stringent requirements are obviously imposed on a large financial group since deficient risk management in such a bank may have detrimental impact on the entire financial system.
Given that banks are different is an important reason why SAMA will not prescribe any standard arrangement as to how the internal capital adequacy assessment process is to be carried out. It is up to each bank, based on its own operations, its scope of business and risks to formulate an internal capital adequacy assessment process which is suitably adapted and which meets the requirements of SAMA. This means also that the size of the operations is not the sole criterion; rather, it is the complexity and risk level of the operations which should be the main driver.
5. The ICAAP Process
5.1 Board Responsibility in the ICAAP Process
It is important that an internal capital adequacy assessment process, as an activity, remains the responsibility of senior management and the Board.
In this regard, the board of directors and senior management must be clearly involved in its development, the process itself, and its integration into the ongoing operations and planning. The Board should ensure that the ICAAP is embedded in the bank's business and organizational processes. The Board's responsibility in the ICAAP process must be documented and clarified throughout the organisation.
5.2 Strategic and Capital Planning in the ICAAP Process
As a part of the ICAAP process, the board of directors and senior management must also establish clear goals with respect to the long-term level and composition of capital and integrate it as an element in the bank's strategic planning. There must also be a preparedness to handle unforeseen events that may detrimentally affect the capital adequacy situation.
Consequently, bank's senior management as a significant responsibility must have a process for assessing its capital adequacy relative to its risk profile. In this regard, the ICAAP’s design should be in congruence with a bank's capital policy and strategy. Further, it should be fully documented.
The initial point for a bank's capital requirement and strategic plans must be to identify all of the risks to which it is exposed and which may be of significance. Also, the object is that a well thought-out and a clear decision emerges as to how these risks are to be managed. This requires an approach which includes an assessment of the following:
■ The various markets in which the bank operates;
■ The products it offers;
■ The organizational structure;
■ Its financial position;
■ Its experience from various disruptions and problems previously experienced, and assessments of what might happen to the banks if risk materializes;
■ Strategies, plans and ideas about entering new markets or product areas must also be considered.
■ Reviews and analyses of data as well as qualitative assessments.
■ For the complex banks, this entails extensive reviews of the risks to which it is exposed on a continuing basis. Stress tests/sensitivity analyses are required in order to be able to measure the effects of a particular disruption. Regular analysis and assessments are required of the manner in which risks are managed, controlled and quantified and how they should be managed in the future. It is also important to identify the connections and links such as co-relations, which may exist between various types of risks. This should lead to a bank's capital requirements including any additional control measures.
■ For a bank with more straight forward operations, the analysis work is obviously simpler as there are fewer and less significant factors. On the other hand, this does not mean that a more limited operation with respect to breadth or range or the total turnover of the business is automatically less risky.
A complex operation with many branches of business may involve difficulties in achieving a comprehensive grasp of the total risk structure, as well as of all the factors that affect it. In a more limited operation, the negative aspect is the risks arise from being more dependent on one or a small number of products, perhaps on a limited number of customers and perhaps within a limited geographical area. For such operations, it may also be more difficult to raise capital rapidly at a reasonable cost.
5.3 Documentation and Corporate Governance in the ICAAP Process
The requirement regarding documentation is very significant. This is because in order to be able to evaluate the process it must be verifiable and it is possible for both the banks and SAMA to do a follow-up. Further, the manner in which the process is conducted as well as the decisions to which it leads to must be set forth in business plans, the board's rules of procedure, the minutes, as well as in various strategy and policy documents.
5.4 Frequency of ICAAP Review
The ICAAP should form an integral part of the management process and of a decision-making culture, and it should be reviewed regularly by a bank's board or the board's executive committee. SAMA requires that this must take place at least once a year. Additionally, the internal capital adequacy assessment process must be reviewed and a document submitted when significant changes have taken place, whether in relation to the bank's own decisions or external changes. The fist formal ICAAP should be for the year 31.12.2008 and should be submitted to SAMA by 31 January 2009.
Also, in this regard, for a bank which operates in a number of financial sectors and perhaps also in various national markets, it may require a review of the ICAAP more frequently than once a year. SAMA will inform these Banks where a submission other than the annual submission is required. Consequently, for banks that operate within a single and simpler market segments, and where no dramatic changes take place in the market structure, a yearly review may represent an acceptable frequency.
5.5 Risk Based and Comprehensive
The ICAAP should be risk based, comprehensive, forward-looking and take into consideration a bank's strategic plans and external changes. Further, it should also be based on an adequate measurement and assessment processes.
The basis of the internal capital adequacy assessment process lies in the measurement of a bank's minimum capital requirements which is the product of the calculated assessment of credit risks, market risks and operational risks which take place within the scope of Pillar 1 and all relevant Pillar 2 risks. Additional capital may also be required as a result of stress testing results, additional infrastructure expenditures and human resource, i.e. hiring of senior level executives. The internal capital adequacy assessment process challenges banks that they must take a broader approach and perspective of assessing other risks. Also, included are circumstances which affect the bank's total risk profile and which the management must analyze and form conclusions on their effects on the total capital requirements.
In this respect materiality is an aspect, i.e. large risk exposure - large risk management requirement - large capital requirement, and vice versa. However, it is important to understand that all banks - large as well as small, complex and non-complex - must comply with SAMA requirements.
5.6 Models and Stress Testing
Assessments of risks may be made both by using very sophisticated methods, models and also using perhaps simpler measures, and methods. What is appropriate and relevant is determined by the banks operations in question. In case of a large bank, it might be natural to use extensive stress tests which provide quantitative measurements of the impact due to a specified disruption. Generally, larger banks have external analyses with respect to economic and business cycles and financial market trends, including the use of economic capital models and measurements. This type of approach can constitute an important element of the internal capital adequacy assessment process. However, it is limited by the fact that generally it only deals with risks that are quantifiable.
It follows, therefore, it is not necessary for a bank with less complex operations to employ complicated model involving advanced analysis leading to economic capital requirements. However, for a small bank, the most important issue is to assess the effect of, for example, loosing its three largest customers, or an economic sector where the bank has considerable exposure having major problems, as well as consequence of the closure of a large customer.
Should a Bank utilize models relevant and appropriate disclosure of the model such as its generic name, application or use within the risk management process, validation results, internal logic, should be provided.
5.7 Reasonable Results
The ICAAP should produce a reasonable outcome vis-à-vis capital requirements. The process involves weighing together the importance of the risks which a bank encounters, the extent to which it exposes itself to these risks, and how it organizes itself and works in order to address them. This "bottom line" can crystallize into a minimum amount of capital after discussion with SAMA, as well as additional control systems necessary to cover the risks the bank is exposed to.
While capital requirements constitute a minimum requirement, banks in their interest operate above this minimum level as a consequence of their strategic objectives. The reason for this includes higher rating and thereby lower funding costs. It also provides a freedom of action in connection with corporate acquisitions, as well as in the event of losses which may arise due to a rapid and serious downturn in the economy. Consequently, banks, as well as SAMA, expect that bank capital stays above the minimum level.
Generally, if a bank's internal capital adequacy assessment process result in an assessed level of required capital which is the same, or below, the minimum as determined under the Pillar 1, this is an indication that the internal capital adequacy assessment process has not functioned in a satisfactory manner.