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  • 3. Time Frame, Implementation Dates and Parallel Run

    SAMA expects all Banks in Saudi Arabia to be Basel II compliant by January 1, 2008 unless they have received special permission from the Agency.

    • 3.1 Standardized Approaches

      SAMA expects banks choosing the standardized approach and the simple operational risk approaches to implement the Basel II requirements by 1st January, 2008

      • 3.1.1 Internal Rating Based Approaches

        Banks planning to implement the IRB approaches may seek a longer time frame than 1st January 2008. This plans will be approved by SAMA on a case-by-case basis.

        [258] “The new Basel framework requires a Banks to produce a formal Bank rollout plan or proposals to implement Basel II for review and approval by the supervisor for the IRB approval. The rollout plan would set out a detailed proposal for implementation of the IRB approaches, specifying to what extent and when it intends to roll out IRB approaches across all significant asset classes and business units over time”.

        Banks will continue to use Basel 1 up to the time they are ready to implement Basel II.

        Banks using the IRB approach to credit risk and any of the permitted operational risk approaches would be expected to submit capital calculations that are compliant with the new Basel framework.

    • 3.2 Parallel Runs

      Banks planning to use the IRB approach together with any of the permitted operational risk approaches would be expected to conduct parallel runs.

      SAMA expects different data quality standards for the initial stage parallel run compared to the subsequent stage parallel run; Banks would provide information during the initial year of the parallel run on a best efforts basis. However, for the subsequent stage parallel run information should be of sufficient quality to represent a meaningful dress rehearsal of the Banks IRB approaches.

      For the initial year, Capital requirements for Banks using the Foundation Approaches would be 95% of Basel I, and 90% and 80% for each of the following year. For the AIRB credit risk or AMA operational risk would be subject to a floor set at 90 percent of Basel I. However, for the following year, capital requirements would be subject to a floor set at 80 percent of Basel 1;

      However, SAMA based on its bi-lateral discussions with the Banks may establish such floors on a bank to bank basis.

    • 3.3 Waivers for Exclusions from IRB

      SAMA recognizes that there may also be some limited circumstances where certain exclusions from IRB rollout continue to be warranted. For example, where it can be demonstrated that for asset classes and/or business units operating in jurisdictions where the reliability of the legal framework for collection of defaulted debts does not support the development of robust data for credit risk estimates, SAMA would consider these exemptions. Consequently, SAMA would create a “limited waiver mechanism” to permit Banks to come forward with proposed exceptions of this type, which would then be considered on a case-by-case basis, including an assessment of materiality, with SAMA retaining the right to approve or decline such waivers in its sole discretion.

    • Scope of Application and Other Issues

      Reference to Basel II DocumentAreas of National DiscretionSAMA's Postion

      Reference to paragraph 24, 26 & 27 - Choice of rule between consolidation and deduction. All relevant financial activities will be consolidated, but, if not consolidated, deducted from capital.

      However, where subsidiary holdings are acquired through debt previously contracted and held on a temporary basis, are subject to different regulation, SAMA would require that the same are deducted from the Tier 1 capital base and Tier 2 Capital capital base in equal proportion i.e. 50% and 50%.

      SAMA will ensure that the entity that is not consolidated and for which the capital Investment is deducted meets minimum regulatory capital requirements of the concerned regulatory authority.

      SAMA will monitor actions taken by the subsidiary to correct any capital shortfall and, if it is not corrected in a timely manner, the shortfall will also be deducted from the parent bank's capital.

      (Refer to Paragraph 26 and 27 of International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – June 2006)

      28Threshold for minority investments to be deemed significant and be either deducted or consolidated on a pro-rata basis.Yes
      30 – 34Scope of application: Treatment of significant investments in insurance subsidiaries.Yes
      43Excess provisions: Recognition of excess of total eligible provisions in Tier 2 capital upto 0.6% of RWA.Yes
      49Flexibility to develop bank-by-bank floors.Yes