Enforcement and Financial Penalties
Instructions for Publishing Banking Penalties
No: 391000035993 Date(g): 17/12/2017 | Date(h): 29/3/1439 Status: In-Force Translated Document
Based on SAMA's supervisory and regulatory role over financial institutions under its supervision, and its commitment to applying the principles of fairness and transparency to enhance trust in the banking sector, enabling users of financial data and decision-makers, including shareholders, investors, lenders, and bank customers in general, to access the financial penalties imposed by SAMA on banks due to violations of the supervisory regulations, the following has been decided:
First: Banks must publish in their annual reports the banking violations that have been subjected to punitive decisions from SAMA under the section "SAMA Punitive Decisions". This should include violations from the current financial year and those from the previous financial year (excluding this year, publication is limited to the current year only). The publication must include the nature of the violation, the number of punitive decisions, and the total amount of fines in Saudi Riyals, according to the format provided in the table below:
Subject of Violation
Previous Financial Year
Current Financial Year
Number of Punitive Decisions
Total Amount of Financial Penalties (SAR)
Number of Punitive Decisions
Total Amount of Financial Penalties (SAR)
Violations of SAMA's Supervisory Instructions
Violation of SAMA's Customer Protection Instructions
Second: The subjects of violations shall be determined according to the accompanying guide for classifying subjects mentioned in these instructions only
According to the following subjects:
Violation of SAMA's Supervisory Instructions.
Violation of SAMA's Customer Protection Instructions.
Violation of SAMA's Due Diligence Instructions.
Violation of SAMA's Performance Level Instructions for ATMs and POS Devices.
Violation of SAMA's Due Diligence Instructions for Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing.
Please note that SAMA will publish the violations reported in the banks' annual reports on its website.
Annex: Instructions for Publishing Banking Penalties
Classification Guide for Banking Violations
Subject of Violation in the Punitive Decision Subject of Violation when Published Violation of Banking Procedures Instructions (Judicial) Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Banking Procedures Instructions (Civil) Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Banking Procedures Instructions (Security) Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Instructions on Disclosure and Seizure of Balances and Accounts Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Inspection Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Data Request Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Liquidity Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of SIBOR Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Interest Rate Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Requirements for Appointments in Leadership Positions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Instructions for Opening Branches and Installing ATMs Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Instructions for Outsourcing Tasks to Third Parties Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Banking Products and Services Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Clearing House Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of SARIE Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Electronic Service Level Instructions via the Saudi Payments Network Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Internal Bank Policies and Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Security Safety Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Saudization Program Instructions Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Operational Rules and Procedures for the Saudi Payments Network Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions Violation of Customer Protection Instructions Violation of Central Bank Customer Protection Instructions Violation of Automated Claims Processing Instructions (CPS) Violation of Central Bank Customer Protection Instructions Violation of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Instructions Violation of Central Bank Due Diligence Instructions for Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing. Violation of Bank Account Opening and Operation Instructions Violation of Central Bank Due Diligence Instructions Violations of Central Bank Performance Level Instructions for ATMs and POS Devices Violations of Central Bank Performance Level Instructions for ATMs and POS Devices Other Violation of Central Bank Supervisory Instructions